Wednesday, February 26, 2020

A Good Steward

A Good Steward


How would you define yourself in the stewardship category?  Let’s be honest with each other here and not try to pass off some half based truth about this practice that all of us should be attentive toward.  Do we even know how to be a good steward or what the entire definition of being a good steward is?  How much of the blessings that God gives us do we use for His Kingdom, taking not only in to account money but also heart issues and what we present to others on a daily basis.  See, God knows our hearts and He has given us a purpose in life and He expects us to use that purpose for the advancement of His Kingdom to those who are lost.  In that light, do you have to stop and reevaluate such a definition of stewardship?  God wants us to be complete stewards with our hearts in all areas of His Word and we cannot become such Kingdom seekers if we do not properly live-out those gifts that He has given us.

A long time ago, I heard a song from Keith Green that dealt with a one-word title “Go”.  One of the monologs of his during this song said that God can’t cash out of state checks in Heaven, He needs you to go.  Most of the time we think that this job of going someplace belongs to the missionaries that God sends across the globe and a ministry that we have not been “called” to do.  So, we do the next best thing, send a check, or cash, or some other financial transaction in order to appease our minds from the guilt that overrides us.  While sending money or other financial means is a good thing, we are not completely doing what God tells us to be, nor are we following what His Word teaches us about being and living as a complete steward.  I argue with some folks about how they feel all good about themselves for working at a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter, yet as they leave their time from those worthy and great causes hardly anyone of them witnesses once to the people they are around.  This means that you have a warm bellied sinner and sheltered sinner, period.

God is not saying that we should be maniacs towards other people when it comes to witnessing to them nor does He expect us to be fanatics about saving the earth and the so-called “planet” either.  God understands that not all times of our day provides an opportune moment to share the gospel, but when we stop and take a thought or two about all the times we have been in those ministerial positions most likely we have had plenty of opportunities to verbally witness to them.  There is no question that we who know Christ as our Savior has the fullness of His Love and Light within our lives and even if we do not have the immediate opportunity to witness to those around us our inner spirit should give off enough light to trigger their minds and hearts enough to initiate the question of our happiness.  People need to know about the fullness of God and how much He wants us to all know and have what Christ gives us but until we have the burden for the lost our fullness is selfishly hidden and shamefully withheld from those who need it most.  This, my friends is not a complete steward for God and we are not in line with His Word but only lined up with the world.  There are many passages that could be used to enhance what God wants us to hear today, but He has chosen a single verse to complete His message and it is Psalms 24:1.

Psalms 24:1

“The Earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.”


“A Psalm of David. The earth [is] the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof, the world and all who dwell therein.”

While stewardship is not strictly limited to money or any other type of physical financial dealing, it does include many aspects of the physical and spiritual components of our lives.  We cannot deny that the first command of work given to us in the Garden of Eden was to dress and to keep the Garden of Eden up with its pure and true growth pattern.  God also does not mean for this article to be strictly an environmental issue either for God would rather have humans hug each other in unity than spend a great deal of time hugging trees, grass, rocks, or anything else that would take time away from increasing our relationship with Him.  Being good stewards with our own personal grooming is part of this topic as well and must be kept in order to provide a pure example of completeness in our presence.  Our responsibility with the world did not end with the Garden of Eden but was enhanced through our departure, a detail that Satan has used against the true calling and mission of our purpose.  Many of us believe or act like we believe, that when mankind sinned that God’s purpose for our lives left and died as well, it did not.  Nothing about God can die neither can the Laws of God everything God establishes lives for eternity.

David reiterates this truth about the earth right up front in this verse.  The earth does belong to God since the earth was created by God and God alone.  Ever since mankind was created, it has been our responsibility to keep it up and in proper order through a specific order established by God and not mankind.  This is where we fall into trouble many times is that we through our sinful pride decide to place our ambitions and ways into the mold so that we can define what is correct and what is necessary to make the world complete.  Over and over, God states in His Word that He is the author and eternal Creator of the earth and that everything about the earth is His from the beginning.  It is when we try to rearrange this order of God’s that we fail and as long as we have this rearrangement concern our offerings shall fail miserably and end up making things worse than before.  It actually has a compounding effect that adds to the pile of rubbish instead of making issues better.  This is not just true for the earth issues either if we try to place our own conditions and order first in anything, those projects shall fail.  Ever since the fall of humanity, we have had to work the ground in order to produce and to sustain the needs of humans; lest we forget that as we work up the land beneath our feet so do we need to properly work up the soil of our hearts in the same correct and pure methods.

Now let us take the word fullness that is used here in this small verse.  This word comes from the Hebrew word “umelowah” which means that which fills, handful, mass, multitude, entire contents, full length, full line.  How much more explanation can one need in order to form a truth about what and how we are to contend with the Word of God?  We have another perfect example of the completeness of God and how He expects us to live in return.  We need to understand that not only does the earth belong to God but the completeness of the entire world belongs to God as well; John 3:16 tells us this fact.  This means the weather patterns, growth patterns of the vegetation and animals, the ozone and atmospheric conditions, airflow and wind, birds and sea life, and everything else that makes up the world belongs to God.  God is a complete God on all areas of existence and until we admit to all nations that He alone is the eternal Creator of all things our belief and eyewitness accounts of life itself shall be skewed.  God does not intend nor has He ever contended on us understanding only a partial presence of our existence or His existence.  God shall continue to show us that He is a complete God and that His fullness Creates His fullness in the world, nothing more and nothing less.  Remember, being complete also means being continual.

The last portion of the fullness of God has to with humanity and everything that God wants from His prized Creations.  How do we present ourselves to God in the capacity of this verse is the question at hand?  A quite striking comparison can be looked at by our actions and words concerning God and His Ways versus how we conduct our daily lives according to how we actually complete our journey.  In order to maintain a godly pattern of completeness we must include all portion of our lives, this includes our bodies both inside and outside.  God is not telling us to continually try and mold our lives into a worldly pattern but to ensure that our actions speak just as loud as our words for this is the example of a good steward.  We must do all we can to make sure that while we are helping the people around us that we are preparing them for God’s Kingdom as well.  Remember, we were created from the earth and that means that we should respect the earth according to our order of Creation because if we do not then we fall into the death trap of sinful livelihood which has no place with God.

More importantly, we need to understand that everything that this verse previously mentioned falls into God’s Order according to its creation status and therefore obeys His commands each and every second.  It is also obvious that the most important Creation that God has made should convey this same eternal Order yet we choose to obey our own ambitions and wishes thus placing the entire versed objects into jeopardy because of this stubbornness.  Adam and Eve did serve God to their fullest for a while and their blessings were given to them on a daily basis, but when they entertained sin and finally gave into temptation, those free-flowing blessings became difficult to obtain.  Their order of Creation did not change, only the options of their state of being changed, God had created within them a connection to Him which still continues and connects today.  Satan used the fruit of a tree to trip up and allow sin into our lives, but it was our choice to say yes to sin, not anyone else’s.  Obedience is the only key in regards to living our lives as a good steward.

When we do not continue the set standard of stewardship that God has set before us, there can only be one result, destruction.  Adam and Eve were given the task to keep the entire Garden of Eden and Jesus gave us the task to go into all the world, Adam and Eve fell when they narrowed their keeping just to themselves and we are currently repeating the exact same pattern with the Word that Jesus gave us to do.  In the case of Adam and Eve, they lost their incredible stature due to narrow sightedness and as stated above, we are following in the same pattern as they.  We have an opportunity to change this status before our world that we know it is taken away from us due to our own narrow sightedness; do we really want this?  The time is at hand Church to change the way the world looks at us, we are not the friends of the world’s spirit but ones that should do our best to show it the eternal light of Salvation.  Adam and Eve set an example that we need to study over and over and do our best to change that pattern; we are closer than one wishes to think about losing our Eden.  God never leaves His children out of His picture, for if His children were not present then how could He prove to the darkness that His plan of life is the Way to live and to experience it?

So, what say you Church?  How is your record on witnessing to those who do not know God and telling them about how their lives would be made complete by honoring God and His Ways?  We know how good we have been about the environmental issues and all of the other social contact items that we have joined with the world in promoting, but what about the most single issue concerning God’s heart; the eternal position of human hearts and spirits?  What is our standing as being good stewards in this area?  As Keith Green sang so many years ago, God cannot cash out of state checks in Heaven, He needs us.  We are the only ones with the ability to witness t others and it is this keeping and dressing that God desires that we continually hold sacred.  God does not need the world, He needs humans, all humans.  If we decide to choose to talk about the environment, that is a good thing but it shall never save anyone from hell.  Church, let us start preaching the Truth to this dying world, and not only can we clean up the inner world of countless people, but we will be cleaning up the physical as well.  It is all of this verse placed together that contributes as being a good steward, and I pray that my house shall be this complete steward.


Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Recipe To Be A Complete Being

The Recipe To Be A Complete Being


There can be no question that it would be everyone’s goal and desire to be a complete person in all aspects of our lives.  We hold the key to this mystery close to our lives, closer than many believe yet at the same time it seems like the answer is a million miles from our heartbeat.  The ingredients to this recipe are quite simple and when followed in the proper order form a masterpiece of completion that everyone will admire.  It does not take too much time to line up the ingredients and when we do it will quickly be noticed as we grow from nothing to a completed form.  God is the author of life; He formed our beginnings and gave us the breath of life so that we can become a complete being.  All we have to do is acknowledge this order and God guarantees us an answer to every problem the world throws at us and an eternity of growing and learning about Him without end.  God beckons us to follow Him and to live for Him and when we do He promises us that our lives shall know completion.

The past three articles that have been shared by God have all been directed from one simple and short verse in Genesis.  I continue to be amazed at how much information God has given to us through the first three chapters of this book, and I have a feeling that His Word on these three chapters is not even close to being finished, so we look forward to this article topic and further lessons about our existence and God’s eternal and perfect handiwork in them.  In a world that is filled with roads and crossroads that are presented to our hearts and eyes each day, it can seem overwhelming at times especially when these types of scenarios demand quick or even immediate results from us.  If we stand back and notice others around us and how they are reacting to such trials and competitive settings, we can get a general idea of who is in charge of their life, therefore, giving us an inroad about how to address them when the time becomes ripe.  What?  Why would we address them?  Well, we are commanded to because when you study the first three chapters of Genesis its content is all about advancing God’s Kingdom through the Ways of God, that is why.

It does not take too long each day to figure out that the world presents countless opportunities of division by the time we get out of the shower, and since this sect of dangerous presentations can cost us great numbers, don’t you think you should be on the up and up of how to overcome such obstacles?  Many ideas of how to combat and to win such encounters may run through our heads on a second by second basis but do these ideas come with complete results or do they come out of a confused and divided person?  See, if our lives are not lined up in the correct order first, there is no way possible that we can expect our ideas and presentations to life’s situations to work and to solve these issues completely.  Luckily, we have that solution to a complete being and a complete life at our fingertips and the source of this truth and completeness is the Bible.  And you know what, we do not have to turn very far into this wonderful book to find the answer of how to live a complete life and to be everything that we want to be.

Sham after sham shall only be produced by the world, it is our job to push back those shams and to end their presence before they hurt others.  How many of you like to put puzzles together?  I know that most of my family would rather sit down for a spell and work on a puzzle for a set amount of time each day just to clear their mind of the events that transpired.  However, with all of these events occurring on a constant basis, it is very seldom that we get the time to complete such a relaxing feat.  But, at the same time isn’t it a shame and a disappointment when we get to the end of the puzzle and find out that we have lost a single piece or a few pieces?  We have looked in many places but cannot seem to find a few pieces to make things complete.  The picture has not changed but without all of the pieces in place and in their correct order, the end cannot be reached.  Yes, this is a sham and a process of work that shall not be fulfilled and that is all that the world shall give you if you place your trust in it instead of your Creator.

In the job that I do, I have to give laboratory results to the nurses and doctors so that adequate treatment can be given to the patients who come into our infusion clinic.  On the chemistry side of things, my instrument takes a portion of the sample that has been placed in the instrument rack and then delivers it to the prepared slides that have been programmed for completion.  The serum must be placed on the slide first before any other process of identification can be done.  If the slide is placed inside the incubator before the patient’s serum arrives on it, no true result will be present, yes a result will come out but as soon as it appears the person operating the instrument will know that some step was out of order and deem the result invalid.  This delivery system on my instrument completes this simple task fifteen times during a routine and normal chemistry panel, following the exact same programmed pathway each time on each sample presented.  There are no exceptions to this rule, it is followed correctly each time to receive a completed chemistry panel.  If there are any issues with this pattern, the process stops and a loud beeping noise will proceed to grab my attention and I better find out what is going on before another specimen can be run.

God has given us three previous article topics on a single verse in Genesis, and now we come to the completion of these articles with the final touch in the plan that God has for each one of you.  As we have read previously, God has used this verse to tie together the question that so many people are begging to be answered and that is who is my father and where did I come from.  God is our Father, He always has been, He is now, and He shall be.  It is a simple answer that will clarify so much within your heart if we just believe this simple verse.  Genesis 2:7 will again be the single reference verse for this article and it reads as follows:

Genesis 2:7

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”


“Then the Lord God formed man [from] the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils and the man became a living being.”

As mentioned in the previous articles, this verse has a specific order that must be completed in order, this is especially true if we are going to understand and then live in the last portion of this verse.  There is no way possible that we can have the desired content of this verse if we do not believe in the first three portions of this verse.  Of course, it all starts with God and the belief that He is the Author of Life, then we cannot forget He was the one that formed us from the ground, breathed the breath of life into our nostrils and then and only then did we become a living being.  Since God operates in a specific order in all things and since He cannot break such order or form it in any other pattern we cannot be complete until we fully grasp this entire verse in the order that it was written, for once God wrote it, the pattern shall not change for completion.  In the above example, it is proven that if this continued process is not accurately done each time results will be affected and will not produce the desired content needed to perform specific tasks, so why do we believe that our lives – the ones who invented this instrumental pathway in the first place – believe that our lives should be run in another manner?

Yes, I could report out flawed answers to those who need them for drug release, but when the results would be seen on the computer screen I guarantee you that someone would open my door to my lab and start asking questions about those compromised results.  Those results might have been noticed by the computer as completed but they are not in the correct order by their created process and while there is a number there in the correct box, it is totally false.  Being complete and whole is everyone’s desire, but if our pattern of existence is not correctly proven our results to those around us will be just as skewed as the faulty results on my chemistry analyzer when the appropriate pattern is not fulfilled.  The end portion of this verse cannot be truly finished until the first three portions are intact on both the physical and spiritual aspects of our lives and if they are not, then the doors for our questioning will be opened wide.  Consequently, this verse also serves as a promise verse, in that God wants a specific order in our lives so that we may skip and miss the ugliness of the world.  The world can only bring destruction and death to our lives and we cannot forget that if we do not believe in this true order of our creation destruction and death will be the only things we see.  Also, since it is a promise verse, it is a guarantee that this concept of ours, in either manner, shall come to pass.

Sadly, when we continually live in a way that the world deems necessary, the results we produce will follow in the incorrect pathway.  At first, this way of result reporting will bother us and seem uncomfortable for a while but eventually if left alone these types of actions will become normal to us and allowed to continue unabated for as long as we use our results as a way of life.  This deviant lifestyle cannot function properly for an extended amount of time for the toll that it brings to our heart, whether considered normal or not, shall bring pain and devastation sooner than later.  The way God makes us complete starts with Him and if we do not follow this first part of Genesis 2:7 there is no way that the other three portions of this verse can line up correctly.  According to the definition of the word deviant, any variation from the original or usual mannered way is considered to be a deviant and since God set into motion the definition of life itself in this verse ANY alteration to this verse is considered to be a deviant.  I alone am not singled out in this presence of being deviant, there are many more like me across this globe, in fact, all of us are in this deviant category when we do not follow God’s Way and Order of life and it means that nation upon nation are not complete according to the Way of God and here lies the problem that faces us today.

Many may believe that a 90% belief system in God and in His Ways is adequate enough to make it as a Christian or would be able to strongly stand up against the enemy of our lives.  But what if that 10% non-belief is the portion that doubts we have an enemy in the first place, what then?  If this is the case then we cannot say that we are 100% complete in our Order of Creation for doubt has no place in God or His Ways and cannot be said it is from God.  When God placed His breath inside our nostrils it represents a huge meaning not only to our lives but to those around us.  This process was not a onetime deal; it is a continual deal that plays over and over with each breath you take.  With each breath cycle you take, your results are given to others and if we do not understand that we breathe God with every breath, our results are flawed and hated as a false completion.  Since God is love in all areas and created us in such a manner, this pure love of creation from Him must be in a specific order for it to be true.  This order is spoken to us in Genesis 2:7 and cannot change for God’s completeness finds a true solution that is alive and not ordained through division; this my friends, is the eternal and true hope we have in God, His Son, and in life itself.

The last word of this verse is used as “soul” in the King James Version and as “being” in the original Hebrew translation.  The word “being” here is beautifully defined here as soul, self, creature, person, appetite, mind, living being, desire, emotion, and passion.  All of these ingredients God formed as one body from dust and then breathed each one of those ingredients into life with His breath.  Up until this that moment, we were just a bunch of dust particles that still needed molding and shaping which did not mean much until the breath of God entered, then and only then were we a complete being a living being that served as the masterpiece of God’s Creation and creative heart.  What kind of recipe will you be handing out to others?  You might look completed in all sense of the word, but what lies within you is actually what others will feed on and then give to others as well.  It is my desire not to produce any deviant way to show to others and that every word and action that I present will come strictly from Genesis 2:7.  A small yet important detail here in this verse and one that needs to be known, God creates life here and mentions nothing about death which means as long as we line up with this verse’ truth we will produce no death whatsoever.  Do you also realize that the entire Word of God follows such pattern of God’s Order and what occurs to people who do and do not follow its meaning?

Where do you stand on this issue Church?  I know that this article’s topic is mainly addressed to those who question their presence on this earth and who have been dealt a nasty hand from the world concerning their origins.  But this verse alone gives every human being an eternal and true hope of knowing and experiencing the truth about their existence, from the moment of thinking about us, through the Divine creation of our lives and the life expectancy afterward.  But, God asks us again Church, where do we stand on this issue of life and its origins?  He knows that a good amount of His people do not believe this verse to be an ordained order from Him thus wavering in the sanctity of life.  It is this wavering that concerns God’s heart for He sees the darkened patterns of sin overcoming our hearts in a steady manner that at some point He must stand up for His own definition.  We can stop this standing up from God and not have to face His hand in action but only experience His heart.  What type of answer are we going to give God concerning this question?  Will we line up our lives under this eternal and pure pattern of Genesis 2:7 or will we continue to promote a deviant pattern of lies?  It is strictly up to us to make this decision and then tell it to the lost.


Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Author Of Life

The Author Of Life


Sadly, in some cases, the lives of people become involved in the politics of reproduction, in that they do not know who their father is.  If a person does not know God and who He represents to them it becomes more difficult to explain the origin of their lives, both earthly and eternally.  If we understand that we have a single person responsible for our existence we can then accept that we have a purpose and a goal to reach from that purpose.  Make no mistake, our enemy wants to confuse us when it comes to our origin that we lose all faith in our existence enough to stop seeking the truth about our lives thus delaying or even ending the purpose our Father has given us.  God does not want confusion or anger residing within our hearts concerning this matter or any other matter and until we return to His fold and to His Ways our lives are going to continue to spiral out of control for that is what chaos thrives on and it is the way of the world.

The other day, I was scrolling through a social media site and I came across a post that said something to the effect that I always laugh when I see couples together that I know both have cheated on each other but still fake the idea that they are still in love.  While some may find this post funny others might find it repulsive and even more may find it the truth.  Whatever the case may be, it is a statement that many people harbor within their lives which carry over into the relationships that they deem secure and safe.  But what does this type of union produce?  It may produce a variety at times, it may produce a thrill or a scare at times but mainly it produces a rip into two peoples’ lives that should be joined together as one.  Not only this, but it could produce a child that will be haunted in the future for countless amounts of reasons.

As many of you know by now, I was adopted when I was a baby.  I have known only one set of parents my entire life, but biologically I have another set of parents that actually created me.  That creation was through a union of lies and deceit and after I was born some decisions had to be made in order for my mother to save face within her community.  So, this decision of hers had to be done in secret along with further sets of lies to not only to some of her friends but to my adoptive parents as well.  This may seem like a horror flick or mystery novel in real life but to me, I find it very informative because it explains many aspects of my life that I could not explain as my years on this earth added up.  My parents never kept any of this information from me and told me as much as they knew as I became older.  However, this was not the case with my biological family for I was kept a secret from them for over forty years.  I know this part of my life has been spoken about previously, but here we have a direct setting in a part of my family’s life that still burns bitter without seemingly any hope of reconciliation or restoration possible.  While my life has had its ups and downs throughout the decades the situations that my biological family has endured have grown by leaps and bounds and continues this course today. 

I am not going to go into detail here about many things but as the reunion of my biological family came to be, many unknown and unrecognized questions were answered through the putting together of points of knowledge from different conditions.  When my parents told my brother who my biological father was it sent shock waves through his body for it became known that both he and I shared the same father.  While the process of getting to know you have another family running around is tough enough, it was a complete revelation to my brother who had no clue about my existence.  It is this difference in understanding and knowledge that God wants to share with us today for there are numerous people around the world that have no idea who their biological father may be and they have no idea who their eternal Father is either.  It is this disastrous lack of truth in people’s lives that we see unfolding on every level in today’s societies.  God is still alive and it is possible that we can know Him and give back meaning to our lives that our enemy has stolen.

Genesis 2:7

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”


“Then the Lord God formed man [from] the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.”

Once again God gives us another familiar verse, or portion of a verse, to say a vital detail to our lives, one that needs to be placed within the forefront portions of our hearts and minds.  There can be no argument that many people will argue the point and fact that God is the Father of our existence, but at the same time and ironically those same people will contend for alternative solutions about who they believe is the first and creative source of humanity.  They shall spend countless hours trying their best to seek out answers from far outsources in order to substantiate their beliefs that someone else or something else began our existence.  They would rather believe that we evolved from ooze coming out of a miry swamp than believe that we had a Divine Creation with a specific purpose.  Their scientific claims of ooze coming out and spontaneously forming into a complete form somehow are more believable than a single Being making us from the ground. 

To some, it makes more sense to think that the origins of life must be so complex that it is impossible for us to understand the exact manner in which the ooze created us.  But when all is told, we understand why many do not consider God to be the Creator of our lives, for it would prove that the Bible and all of its content is correct and that someday all of us will stand in front of God and give account to Him for the way we lived and believed.  This is the ultimate concept that our enemy wants us to have, and as long as we ignore or do not totally believe in Genesis 2:7 we shall not have to encounter such a standing atmosphere, that our own ways of thinking are good enough to secure any type of afterlife, if there is any, to begin with.  Whether you believe in God’s Word and its authority or not, whether you believe in God or not, whether you believe that you will stand before God or not, each one of us shall be held accountable for our lives in front of God someday in our future.  It would be so much easier for us to believe this verse to be true and seek the Truth about our lives and everything about us through the words and wisdom of God than seek any fallacy from a limited and flawed source.

“And the Lord God” is the opening statement of the verse for this article and it gives a clear direction of who is going to be completing the action within this verse.  There is no other pointed to figure that can be associated with the verse, and there is no other being mentioned at this time – or any other time – that has the ability to create in such a manner from unformed particles.  As we have been shown in the two previous articles concerning this verse, God had a specific plan of action when He made us and through this unique formation put into motion the essence of life that we know as our lives today.  If God did not begin this process of life then there would be no way that any of us would be around to witness anything, for there is absolutely no cohesion that we could have been made without any supernatural guidance, ooze just does not form into humans with complete functioning categories within; the intricacies of the circulatory system alone would be too complicated to form in such short notice and would die before getting started if it took its time.

Furthermore, the original Hebrew words of this first portion of this verse states “Then the Lord God formed”.  Of course, the original Hebrew verbiage is supported completely by the Bible translation that is used here as well; but let us look at the Hebrew words for “Lord God” here.  First off, the Hebrew word for “Lord” is “Yahweh” which means the one true existing God.  The second word here “God” is “elohim” means divine one, one true God, rulers.  This description means that there is only one being that is present when mankind was made, but it also means that all of the Trinity was present at this time which explains why God uses the word “us” when referring to how to make mankind in Genesis 1:26.  A perfect beginning with holy and perfect intentions to be a representative for all life were we created to be.  This type of creation and future existence could only have come from such an eternal and Holy Being, one who is willing to call us His children.  What more of a definition and starting place can anyone ask for?

Plus, how would God be eligible to say that He is everlasting, holy, true, and our Father through these descriptions if He alone did not Create us in the first place?  The world would love to convince us that God is dead by saying He is a liar and that we do not have any need for Him in our lives.  Similarly, that is exactly what the world says to us by quoting objections for the need of physical fathers as well.  Satan did an excellent job of separating the family from God in the Garden of Eden and he is continuing that feat today when he exemplifies this plan through another divorce.  Satan does not care if you are German, Irish, Hungarian, Russian, Chinese, Sri Lankan or ANY other race, all he cares about is to divorce you and separate you from God and the Truth about our origins and who Created you.  It is easy for us to contemplate such sly activity from the world but how should we deal with it when this type of activity comes from the Church?  Do we even understand that this type of belief lies within the Church?  Both questions have been directed by Satan long enough that we must contend that this belief and teaching does exist within our hearts deep enough to make it a policy of life in those who consider themselves members of the Church.

Anytime someone says to themselves or to another that God is not the Father of the human race, doors are opened for Satan to rush in and take over the heart.  Our heart is a fertile soil and ripe for planting, the only problem is that many times we open our fields up to the wrong planter and the seeds that are sown into our hearts produce nothing but spiritual concrete.  When someone has such a lie as their standard, unity can never be in line for your inheritance or inhabitance.  It does not matter how hard one tries to unify yourself and others it shall not happen simply because of the source of your origin is divided from the Truth.  The Church is supposed to be the leader of such truth when it comes to God and who created us.  Unfortunately, we cannot say that this is 100% the case, for there are those ministers, leaders, and congregants who protest this fact and proclaim their own submission to their truth and not the Word of God.

It is a no brainer to think that the people of the world will challenge such wisdom and origins of humanity, but it is this aspect of our hearts that we must overcome well enough to minister to these wonderful people.  In no way should we ever degrade them or bring them down in any way, for the world has done a fabulous job at completing that task and if we continue to do this horrific act then all we are doing is helping Satan with his goal.  It is our job to listen to their complaints, their arguments, their anger, and their hurts so that we understand why they refuse to know God and His authorship of our lives.  Yes, it is frustrating to hear such lies being repeated but we can guarantee that they have heard those lies for a lot longer than you and I have been talking to them.  It is not the desire of God that anyone should perish and leave His presence, but if we are to stop this eternal death separation from God we must be out and about talking with those people that need Him.  I can also guarantee that if we open our hearts to the people who are willing to listen to our voices that we will see that their lives have been thoroughly ripped apart by the world and are naturally lashing out by the only way they know.

It often amazes me of how confusion and misdirection have become a “normal” part of our lives, so much that it seems like we cannot accept a short and straight path as one that represents the truth.  It is this verse that proclaims this truth about who holds our origins intact and in place, thus giving anyone who accepts this truth a solid foundation of who they are and what their mission and purpose in life is.  Ever since Adam and Eve were created God has had His representative present on this earth ones who are unique and separate from what the world offers, the true presentation of God and how we really should live.  Many leaders of the physical world have done their best to permanently silence God’s people but every one of them has failed, for God is eternal and He finds a way to provide the truth to all.  This is where the Church should be leading the charge in spreading this truth about the author of life to those who do not know Him.  Yet, for some reason, we have selfishly divided ourselves over worldly matters that we have faddishly accepted as our truth.  When we allowed such lies to penetrate our hearts it gave Satan the authority to split the truth about who is our origin and thus create an ineffective desire to speak the eternal Truth.  It was this same invasion of Adam and Eve’s hearts that won the day for sin and Satan and then made things more complicated for those who wish to follow in his pathways.  See, God is a clear, precise and simple God, One who likes to ensure that no misunderstanding is present at any time.  It was God who had one simple rule for mankind to obey, it was God who created mankind and it was God who put Adam in one place.

If humanity would stay focused on the Truth concerning our origins, our lives would be so much easier to live simply because God likes to keep things as easy as possible for His children.  When we begin to listen to our enemy it is at this time when our troubles begin to emerge.  Adam and Eve had no problems in their lives at all before they disobeyed God nor did they have to move out from their perfect living space because of such disobedience.  Their entertainment with the enemy led to the eventual downfall of their existence and placed them, and all of the future generations, into a category that is filled with lies and temptations.  Complications and adjustments were not in the plan of God when He made humanity, yet we tend to thrive on these terrorizing settings each day of our lives.  Why do we do such mannerisms, for they only bring us problems and issues that many of us steer toward to rid instead of fix?

Our origins are of a simple and complete nature formed by One eternal Being that continues to love us today.  He is not a father that will run away when times become difficult nor will He abandon us during times of joy and happiness either.  We do not have to deflect the truth about who Created us because our friends say it is foolish to believe in God nor do we have to completely admonish ourselves from what God has given us as well.  In all things, God began our existence and in all things God gives us freedom to glorify His name.  God is the author of our lives and of all life and when we live in this eternal Truth there can be no better way to take each breath.  We can cut out all of the ignorant and ridiculous mountains of options and follow the one True God as our foundation and mentor.  Church, let us return to this teaching of Truth and eternal Hope for those who need guidance in their lives.  The world shall always lead people astray and we need to be the messengers of eternal light to those who walk in the confusion of darkness because as long as we walk in this confusion there will be no True author of Life and no completeness either.