Monday, May 30, 2022

No Pardon

No Pardon


There have been some heinous crimes committed during my lifetime, with so many more before I discovered America, all of them not deserving any type of pardon from prison officials.  Even though these people have been convicted of these acts, God is still willing to forgive them of their sins and receive them into His presence their lives are over.  This process of God's forgiveness is sometimes hard to believe but when we look at our own lives and see the sinful acts that we commit, we become thankful real quick.  However, there are a few instances where God demonstrates no forgiveness and enters into a no pardon zone.  This condition does not develop overnight but is willingly accrued over time and it totally involves the heart and what humans do to innocent children.  God loves little children and it is one of His top priorities to protect them, but we like to destroy them in so many ways today.  We can change this horrific pattern and we really should since our time of no pardon is about to occur.

One of the most grotesque procedures that humans have developed is the idea and concept of ripping a baby from the womb of its mother.  This topic is one that shall always stir up controversy and will cause tempers to flare even amongst the closest of friends and family members.  There are many things in my past that still haunt me to this day, things that have been done for selfish reasons only trying to satisfy my egotistical standing within my own world.  While my guilt stands before me and that I did not indulge myself in such a dead ritual for any life, I cannot forget that for so many years previous I denied God the authority in my life as He should have had.  This burden of mine I did my best to bear alone, saying to myself that I am well capable of holding on to its presence, totally going against what God has shown us we should do.

The weight of sin comes naturally for every human, for we are born into sin and it is in our lineage to be such, but there are some things that if we allow continuing to be carried, their weight shall completely destroy us without compromise or salvation.  The entire Bible states that there is no sin great enough that God will not forgive, nor is there a problem too small in our lives that He does not care about.  So how come there are conditions that will not be forgiven and such situations allowed to be utterly destroyed both eternally and physically?  All of these conditions that fit into this category lie within the heart and are not taken away by God because we fail to lay them at His feet.  When we do not complete this action, there will be scenes of destruction that come upon us in the fiercest manner, and what makes things worse is that we shall never understand why.

God also provides us with the Way to release such devastation and curses from our lives, even when we have committed the most heinous crime that mankind can do; yes, even the ones that this article shall talk about, you know the one that will bring total destruction.  How can this be?  Is God a double standard being that He would play favorites?  Is He a God that will look past certain deeds because of who the person is or that they grew up in church?  No, God looks squarely upon the heart and sees how the heart functions and how it beats toward His Ways.  Most folks do not know that when people carry around their sins they are living in disobedience and will continue to support that sin until they either die or give it to God.  Sin might be on the physical aspect insight but its root is 100% spiritual for it is the spirit that you have that determines your eternal destination.

Just as I did for many years, people would rather defend their past than try to properly correct it.  This is such an irrational belief and process but once we defend it we think we must stay the course so we do not look foolish.  Well, folks, being a Christian and serving God whole-heartedly shall make you foolish but when we do we shall be able to escape the results of our passage of Scripture and the passage is as follows:

2 Kings 24:1-4

"In his days Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up, and Jehoiakim became his servant three years: then he turned and rebelled against him.  And the Lord sent against him bands of the Chaldees, and bands of the Syrians, and bands of the Moabites, and bands of the children of Ammon, and sent them against Judah to destroy it, according to the word of the Lord, which he spake by his servants the prophets.  Surely at the commandment of the Lord came this upon Judah, to remove them out of his sight, for the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he did.  And also for the innocent blood that he shed: for he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood; which the Lord would not pardon."

There are a few items here that correspond with the words that are spoken about the passage for this article, but in no way did God ever intend to have no pardon on His people, God has always wanted holy communion with us and this relationship is possible as long as we give up the world and follow His Ways for even when we do not give up the slightest amount of the world from our lives there shall always be a chance of us holding on enough to place us in this category of no pardon.  It is clear that God is showing us the topic of adults killing innocent children, this was a common practice among many nations of that time period and if we admit it, the same practice occurs today but with a more sinister detailed procedural death process.

I have heard many arguments over the years that since abortion is not mentioned directly and specifically in the Bible that God has no problem with it and that it is in His will for us to do such things.  This is an apple versus orange comparison issue for we all know that the abortion process was not possible back in the days of the Bible or at least the abortion process as we know it today.  Systematic medical tools and medicines were not even thought about back then nor could they be produced due to the lack of resources and technology.  So, when people use this tactic it cannot be a legitimate argument for its foundation is not secure rendering it indefensible and useless.  But most of us allow it to be said and used against us without fully understanding the Truth about the killing of children, innocent children and for this, we must return to Genesis 4 where God shows us exactly where this concept of killing babies and the innocent arises.

Genesis 4 does not open quietly, for it depicts another killing from the beginning and once again Adam and Eve are part of the story.  No, they did not kill anyone but one of their boys killed his brother which makes this story directly related to Adam and Eve.  The mindset of killing had grown exponentially enough that it was no big deal to Cain for he refused to accept any responsibility for what he had done to his brother.  His heart had become so cold that he wanted nothing to do with the truth even when God asked him specifically about his brother.  It is not known exactly how long Abel was dead before God spoke to Cain but it could not have been too long afterward, God usually does not allow too much time to pass before He arrives, He does like patterns and order.

Our true passage for this article comes from 2 Kings and serves the same purpose as Genesis 4 did, the heart of people has grown cold toward sin and more specifically their sin that they saw nothing wrong with the way they lived their lives.  There have been numerous debates about whether or not God would use the elements and/or people to bring upon a judgment against another people or land.  I do not understand why people argue whether or not God would do something against people, especially those folks who have been raised in the church or have familiarized themselves with the Bible's contents.  Whether God would do something catastrophic against people is not the question, the relationship between the people and God is the question and if such a relationship is not in His order then all things are possible with God.  The heart of the people and nation is the relevant question and status, only.

God speaks about the processions and procedures concerning Moloch in many passages throughout the Bible, but in this passage we find specifics of the deeds done.  We know God cannot blame anyone who is innocent, if He did then this passage could not be a part of His Word nor could it be a part of His definition.  Remember, God is a complete God on all levels and in all Ways and He cannot change this status for any reason.  The heart of Judah had become cold to the truth about life and what its sanctity meant to God.  Their acceptance of a continued line of evil kings proved this passion for sin and it also made a statement to God that they had no intentions of changing this pattern, and specifically, not to a return to God.

The king of Judah referred to in this passage is documented as having done just as his father had done in the sin department including the filling of Jerusalem with innocent blood.  It is this added step and acceptance procedure that God could not have any pardon for; we see God pardon many things in the past histories of Judah and Israel but not this one.  This statement by God ties the people's actions and accepted policies to themselves, not anyone or anything else.  God does not even blame Moloch or the procedures "he" commanded from the people, at least God was smart enough to have the decency to know that Moloch was an invention and not real at all, only the sin that it portrayed was real.  God did not mess around with the blame game in Genesis 4 when Cain killed his brother, God did not mess around either when it came time for the truth to be told in the 2 Kings passage.  It is obvious that the people had become just as cold and hard as King Jehoiakim was; therefore setting up a situation and condition that God could not allow to continue.

When God created humans He did not expect us to sit around and not do things without the capability and the know-how how to improve our lives.  Look at all of the accomplishments humanity has done just over the past two hundred years or so, not to mention six thousand or so years before this current age.  Humans have done many things that some say are good while others say are bad and in many cases, it is in all how you look at things.  God placed within our lives to survive and to do this in many unusual ways and this is a good thing, but for some people ridding themselves of unwanted issues permanently with no count toward the "riddance" does not fit into the concordance of God.

Just as in the days of the Old Testament, today's societies have accepted a grotesque procedure and at the same time manufactured laws to defend such ugliness and murder.  Sacrificing children to Moloch in the days of the Bible was done as a choice, a procedural event with false promises of life, food, prosperity, and ironically fertility.  If one reads the Bible and believes in its content, there can be no misunderstanding when it comes to the belief that God loves life and shall defend it for eternity.  Yes, God gave us the free will of choice and He understands that sometimes we make choices that do not line up with His Word but when it comes to life itself, God has placed in all of us a survival mode that grows from day 1 of conception in us and it is our responsibility to reciprocate this defense of life at all cost.  Do not become fooled into believing that God loves us too much not to pardon us for heinous crimes against His definition, for He had no choice with His own people so surely He will have no issues with allowing such devastation upon us.  God allowed total brutality to be heaped upon Judah for their contempt for innocent blood, and folks, we are performing the identical mind games today with abortion.

Sadly, Judah and Israel did not learn their lesson from the Old Testament for even though it took millennia for them to be recognized as a nation once again, there are countless Jewish people that continue to live under the belief that killing babies is proper and should be protected today.  There are many Jewish leaders around the world who are in high-up positions that make laws to kill babies on demand and without hesitation.  As God did not look past this indignation against life in the passage of 2 Kings 24 He shall not look past it again when He brings this nation down.  God shall not have any pardonable passions on this day and when this day arrives we should not be surprised by its arrival by any means.  Mankind deems the physical as sincerity, but it only represents the superficial and sinful aspects of humans, the heart determines the spiritual aspect of our lives and it serves as the house where life exists, this is where God looks and where He must clean when it is the appropriate time.

I thank God every day that I was born in 1967, a few years before the abhorrent laws were set into motion concerning the new Moloch procedures.  I know people who have had abortions in their past and in some of these folks have no regrets about their actions to this day.  On the other hand, I know people who have had abortions in their past and continue to grieve about what they allowed to happen.  However, the ones who regret this act of their all have the comfort of knowing that they shall see their child one day and will have the opportunity to spend eternity with them.  I pray for both groups, for they all need prayer and I shall never stop in these sessions.

I grieve for what is about to occur to our nation, for God shall have no pardons on this land that dreadful day.  It shall not be a kind day whatsoever for it will be the beginning of something our eyes and lives have never experienced before.  I am not talking about just this land, I am talking about the entire world, and there have been some pretty nasty things to occur around the world too.  I only can gather a few examples of what God might do when He has had enough.  I look at these and ponder about the total shock of how Judah and Israel must have felt when their lives ended.  Every aspect of their identity was taken away and not one item of importance was left in their sight.  There is no doubt that God blessed them throughout all of their rebellious years, just as He has blessed us.

Church, you are not exempt in this process of God either.  I suggest you take a good study course on Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Nahum, Jonah, etc., and get an idea of what is to come for God did not spare the Temple nor did He spare the people who supposedly were its leaders.  In fact, it was the leaders that took a good brunt of what God allowed to occur which should in itself show us the importance of what type of example we should be and what we should not be.  God help us in the time to come, for we all shall fall and fall hard.  We have ignored God for too long and His Glory shall reign over this land and over our hearts in one way or another.  Repent, and God guarantees mercy.  Repent not, and no pardons shall be granted.  Oh, and remember that every person in Hell was not pardoned by God.


Thursday, May 5, 2022

Playing Adam and Eve

Playing Adam and Eve


This is another interesting title name but one that many of us have played for quite some time and yet have no clue that this game is unfolding within our lives.  Most of us tend to take relationships seriously but are leary to commit to them because of all the disadvantages to such levels we ultimately shy away from the relationship part and accept the pleasure aspects only.  These types of beliefs are play-acting, involving you and others in a game that has eternal overtones and a garage full of spiritual ties and baggage that we have no idea about how to tend to.  God never intended for us to take relationships on a whim, for He knows that since sin is a part of our lives this relationship goal between humans would also affect the relationship between Him and humans.  We do not have to play such games, we can have a pure, holy, peaceful, and long-lasting relationship with one another if we put God first and allow Him to work His heart and spirit into our lives.

Did anyone out there play the "playing house" game when they were young?  I know it was a popular game back when I was a kid and it could last for weeks or months at a time and provide many different options for all to enjoy.  It really did not matter how many other kids joined in for they were given a name and then given a role to play, just like meeting new family members in real life.  This game was done in innocence and kept in play each responsibility of parents or adults as children saw them.  Nothing special was done, just a game played amongst friends on how things were at home.  I must admit that as I ponder some of these game times, the actors did some things that I was not aware of at my house, some displayed a few anger issues towards others, nothing real of course but all went along with these displays and considered them nothing more than that.

The question that is raised here is this: how much of our adult life's circumstances did we learn about while playing this simple child's game?  Some might say that nothing really came out of these settings while others say that many people's lives were shaped due to the fact that they were or were not included in such games.  In either case, whether or not we believe that our development came from such settings those days did place into our hearts a remembrance that unfortunately continues to play out in our lives today.  Look at what society is trying to do with our children these days.  Kids are being bombarded with worldly messes that will harm them one day in the future, you think our suicide rate is high now, just wait a decade or two.  What other damages will be done can only be imagined by the world, but according to the Bible we have a good picture painted by a famous couple who played Adam and Eve and their names were, Adam and Eve.

All of us like to dream or imagine a different life with different people or times but when does this type of thinking become a worrisome adventure that leads to detailed problems?  And who falls into this category of falsehoods deep enough to contemplate ending all that one knows because of the built-up circumstances and dug-in problems?  Do you get the fact that when any of us vary from the originally designed plan of God on any level, and at any time, we become subject to total destruction?  I am not saying that we should not play and goof off when we are kids or that we should not allow our children to play with dolls or other kinds of toys, God IS saying that it is our responsibility to listen to our children play and hear what they are saying so that we can protect them when need be.

Genesis 3:6-9

"And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat.  And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.  And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lod God amongst the trees of the garden.  And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?"

As each article is written about the first three chapters of Genesis, I cannot help but think that for many years my beliefs that I knew these verses have fallen apart for God continues to show me more and more wisdom in these passages that my mind has not ever thought about before.  Therefore, I must conclude that my simple beliefs were not all accurate and that I was just living a lie concerning my capability of reasoning these passages.  In essence, I was playing Adam and Eve for believing I knew it all and that everything was okay, and that I was strong enough to defend my thinking alone.  On many levels, I have been proven incorrect in this pattern and until I went back to the Bible I was headed in a downward spiral without any hindrance.  With each new Word from God, I learn more about what it means to live in reality, His reality, and not the world's and it scares me to think that so many people are playing Adam and Eve and not realizing it.

What does God mean by "playing Adam and Eve" anyway?  When one reads Genesis 2 they can see that the relationship between Adam and Eve all centered around God and that everything in their lives was on an outstanding level.  Adam and Eve stood before God naked and were not ashamed of their appearance, they had no reason to either.  Their relationship with each other originated from God and had no flaws within the relationship either.  This was the perfect structure of existence and God made it clear to them that as long as they lived in such unity with Him all would be fine and obedience would abound.

We do not know exactly how much time passed between the end of Genesis 2 and the beginning of Genesis 3, but some sort of huge change has occurred between the two relationship statuses' in this period of time.  Most importantly, the relationship between God and Adam along with his wife had changed, it is evident in the status of the relationship between Adam and his wife.  Before Genesis 3 came along everyone involved in this setting was on a talkative basis with each other with no issues pending.  It is here that we find evidence that Adam and his wife had changed and that things were not the same in their world, this change was significant enough to warrant them looking around for shelter and wanting to clothe themselves because they were naked.  They had been warned of the consequences if they ate from that tree and immediately they knew God was correct and that they had been lied to then fall for the lie.

When Adam and his wife ate from that tree, it solidified what had been brewing for some time, a condition that had some type of serious influence on them enough to even come to the place where they would entertain a disobedient option.  The new fashion statement also confirmed that their lives would never be the same and that their place inside the Garden of Eden was up and that they would have to move along elsewhere.  Not only did their clothing issues change but their relationship with God changed and He was not in this picture at that very moment either.  A new set of life rules became present and the place of true living was replaced with a permanent playhouse.  But this playhouse as we find out could not be constructed in the Garden of Eden, it had to be done, by mankind, outside of their known dwellings.

This single action of Adam and his wife ushered in an entirely new house one that even though may look great on the outside, its contents were always under scrutiny and threats of being taken, a product full of sin and disobedience.  When you continue to read the story about Adam and Eve, one cannot help but feel sorrow for them for it was going to be a hard life without God's surroundings in their eyesight.  Their presence in the world was not to be the desire of God's plan for them but because they played games in the House of God, God had no choice but to pass judgment over them.  This new home of Adam and Eve is what can be referred to as playing Adam and Eve for all of us have taken heed to modify our house to make it look like the world, to make due to what we build or create.

One cannot help but think about how to improve such a disastrous setting, how to make things foolproof when it comes to attacks from our enemy.  I can guarantee that Adam and Eve would have done things differently if they had another opportunity way back when, but while we automatically inherit sin when we are conceived things are a tad different, yet at the same time, we have the same opportunity to stop playing Adam and Eve and do our best to live a godly and holy life under the blood of Christ.  There is a great opportunity to save many marriages if we understand that when we do not place God first in our relationship with our spouse the chances of a forever love life is basically null and at some point will be void.  Truth be known, when this setting arises all we are doing is hiding from the truth for we have approached these vital decisions without knowing God correctly.

We do not have to play this tiresome game of trying to be perfect, for when we try to live according to the world our relationship with our spouse shall fall.  This simple game has been sitting in front of our faces ever since we first read the passage in Genesis 3 but we have failed to recognize the truth about how to correct things or be able to prevent them from occurring in the first place.  I wish more church denominations would get their eyes off the world when it comes to marriage and relationships for what they accept and promote today is eternally damning and goes totally against God's Word.  We shall continue to see lives wrecked while this worldly pattern of disobedience is first in line with people.  Just think about how many problems and issues we could avoid if we just kept God first in our lives before, during, and after the marriage ceremony.  To all those who are trying their best to find the one person for their lives to spend with, read and study Genesis chapters 2-3 and take careful notes about what to do and what not to do.  God established a perfect equal union between Him and mankind before Satan came in and tricked our perfection.  However, we can still strive for that perfection each day when this intimate relationship is correctly followed, and that correct pattern is with God and His Ways first in our lives.

Church, we need to study these chapters in Genesis again and really place their content into our hearts again.  This world is only going to become worse and throw nasty things our way.  Satan would love nothing else to see even more relationships go by the wayside during these times and when things become dire, for he knows that if you are not in close standing and communion with God there will be no way that your physical shall stand either.  It is our responsibility to teach this truth about God and relationship order, and so far, many of us have demonstrated or taught them on a lousy scale.  Also, when or if physical relationships go south people who know God shall be able to survive and will be able to do their best to correct the situation before it comes to an end.  God's Word is the key, not only to end the game of playing Adam and Eve but for any other condition, setting, condition, relationship, or conduct that humans encounter.  Jesus wants us to stop playing Adam and Eve and start living under the Covenant that God the Father began in Genesis 2.  Living in the Bible is the only way possible for this status to be changed and when it is changed God guarantees that your cup shall overflow with joy both vertically and horizontally.