Monday, October 15, 2012

God's Take on Things

God’s Take on Things


One area that humans have no problem in agreeing with God is that man has dominion over what humanity decides.  This is a given in the eyes of man but still does not rule out the concept that God is in control of what happens to humanity overall.  Man decides what man will do or not do, who will rule over the physical man and even where man can live, yet man still has not the capability of changing the will of man.  It has baffled so many people over the years when things just do not go the way that humans believed that they should go.  There is only one answer for this and that is God.

Every human on the face of the earth has the desire to be right and to believe that everyone should agree with our respective opinions at all times.  This belief has been demonstrated throughout the course of human history and no doubt will continue until time ends.  Humans have the knack of knowing that they are right and that everyone should listen to them.  I know I have had those tendencies in my thoughts and to be honest I have said those words before, just as all of us have at some point in our lives.  But even though we might be right on some occasions everyone still does not listen to us and chooses to make their opinions about circumstances. 

We have witnessed many people demonstrate this concept while talking with others who might not agree with their opinions and then get upset when they do not “convert” to their side.  It is built into our nature to be right or to believe that we are right no matter what the evidence may show.  We argue that our beliefs or the beliefs of the party or organization that we believe in is accurate and the truth.  It is common now-a-days to have a group argument concerning who won a debate, which is laughable in my opinion.  When we do this exercise in correctness it further isolates us into confined blocks of slavery in which we then cannot interact with others when in time of need.

Certain groups of people that have won a victory of some sort have a tendency to rub the others’ noses into the ground over their defeat.  Now, do not get me wrong when the time comes for some sporting events to celebrate a victory I am all for that but in this instance I am talking about a victory when everyday life choices are being made and the overall emotional stakes are the greatest.  And from the beginning of this message I must say that Christians have proved themselves to be the worst offenders of this cause and it has now come full circle but this time it is towards Christians during this present time.

Christians have been led to believe, from and by them, that when they have enough faith in a process that God will allow this process to be completed in the manner for which they see it.  In many cases this is a true statement but we must look at the fact that non believers have the same concepts and ideas that have the exact same results.  So, does God take precedence over another or does He favor one over another?  It is true that God loves a pure and honest heart if we believe this then we must conceive that both sides of the aisle have done a pure and honest deed.  In other words, neither group is in control of the overall plan but only God has that authority to make those decisions which affect our lives in the long run.  Whether we like it or not he above is a perfect example of God’s timing and His Will and not the human’s.

Whatever occurs within the world is according to the appropriate and divine will of God and nothing else.  When we humans believe that we won something in this world we must consider the bigger objective and that God actually had a plan for that moment and we just fell into that plan accordingly.  Our existence is according to His plan for things and humanity revolves around that plan and there really nothing that we can do to change that plan.  So we all must realize that the plans and beliefs that we all make have a purpose, a greater purpose in a huge plan that we cannot or do not have any control over; pretty big concept huh, but that is why God is in control and not us since we humans cannot even tell the truth about our governmental budgets.

I have no idea who all reads my messages nor do I know your beliefs towards God and His divine plan for our lives and the world, but I am now going to address the Christian readers of this message.  You might not like what I am about to say and you might not agree with what I am going to say but you do owe it to yourself to understand that this message comes from God and He wants you to know what He is saying.  These words might be coming to you from my computer but they are words from God and they need to be understood and known by you so that you may know how to correctly and righteously respond when the time is needed.  Also, the non believers feel free to read the remaining portion of this message as well, it will allow you to understand some things that will be occurring down the road.

When you read the Bible and really read it you will know that there are times that God allows things to happen to His people.  Most of read these words and stop for a second and say something like “wow, they really must have made God mad” or “how can God allow that to happen to those people?”  These statements and questions are legitimate ones but we are seriously overlooking a major issue here and that is how long did God give the people to change their ways and how many warnings did the people ignore before God had to pass judgment upon them.  There is a process that occurs before God performs this act upon His people, remember He is not up there with a big eraser.  How many decisions did the people make to provoke this type of decision by God and why didn’t God listen to the people that prayed to Him for passing judgment?  But there comes a time when God’s people cannot find one righteous soul amongst the inhabitants of the land and we will not talk about the leadership of the people.

Our prayers are heard by God and every tear that we shed will be remembered by God.  God does not ignore the people that call out to Him for help and guidance during times of need.  God also hears the prayers from those who cry out to Him in good and decent times as well.  But we still have to remember that God’s plan is not our plan and that sometimes His ways do not seem right in our eyes.  It is not that He has abandoned us or has ignored our words and concerns but it is because that His will and plan cannot change and certain things must play out in order for His will to be completed.  So, Christians be prepared to witness things that you might totally agree with and that go along with your beliefs, but on the other hand you must also be prepared to witness events that seem like God has totally disregarded your prayers and has allowed the enemy to win during the important times in history.  Many believe that the Church will be spared hard and difficult times, why don’t you ask the people who attended the churches during Emperor Nero’s tenure or during the Emperor Diocletian reign, since you cannot ask these people questions why don’t you read about them and then you will understand that things do not always go according to your beliefs and the way that you think they should go.

We know that the election of 2000 did not go in favor of some people, but it served a purpose in God’s perfect plan.  We also understand that World War II was a horrific experience that the world had to endure for decades but it too served a purpose in God’s perfect plan.  And to bring it home a little bit, your weeding also served a purpose in God’s perfect plan.  Our actions have a great significance to others and the majority of the time we have no clue what it is achieving, but God does and He understands humanity perfectly and He must complete His plan for us, no matter what we believe, do or say about it.  This also states that God is in control of everything that occurs on this earth, yes we have freedom of thought and we can make our own choice to accept or deny God but in the end and we stand to account for our actions we will then see God’s plan for us and for humanity.

Do not be disheartened by the rhetoric that the world tries to display to your eyes, but be aware of the real issues that are at hand in which serves as a danger to the world’s current existence.  Listen to those who bring up the real concerns that are facing the people of the world and not the platform slogans which tickle the ear instead of addressing the real conditions of the people.  Rest assured that God will show you the truth of these false things if you honestly and openly trust Him in the answers that He provides.  Discard the emotional status of the day and use your heart to weed through the irrelevant trash that has the majority confused.  God wants and desires you to see what has become of this world and He also will guide those who dare to heed His advice.

So remember over the next few months or years that God has listened to His people and know that God is always in control no matter what humans try and do to each other.  The world can be cruel and unusual in its dealings but even the world is still subject to God and shall be for eternity.  It is imperative that we understand and remember what is right and what is wrong and never compromise that sharp line, for when we do cross that line the consequences can be devastating.  Trust God always and keep His guidance close to your heart at all times and never forget that He loves you and that He is in control.


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