Friday, December 28, 2012

God Is Constant

God Is Constant


Human nature calls us to move around at times even if our movement is just next door to visit the neighbor.  Human nature also allows us to change our minds if we need to about certain or all types of conditions that we encounter and as humans we make choices on a minute by minute basis and most of the time we do not even bat an eyelash when we accomplish this measure.  It is difficult for us to understand a being that is constant and does not have the need for change, especially since this person has already figured out every circumstance that a human can encounter.  So, why do we struggle so much with God and His ability to stay constant, shouldn’t that be a positive for our daily lives?  I guess giving up the “self” portions of our lives do not come as natural as one may wish.

Growing up in a minister’s home brings many opportunities for plans and personal activities to be altered at any given moment.  That is part of the territory and it should not be questioned at all.  Some pastor’s kids resent this activity and others have no problems with it and readily accept the challenge of constant change within their walls.  But with all of the changes we are still human and we have to adapt to a new person in our home at 10 pm or we have to one day leave our friends and move across the state or maybe even across the country.  This type of activity can take a toll on our lives but for the most part humans have the capability of being mobile in our desires and it is no big deal.

When you look at society today one will notice that the living conditions are very similar to a pastor’s family, there are not many people these days that actually have the opportunity to stay in one town or area for their entire lives.  The communication options and easy travel methods have changed our sedentary lifestyle and made it a global one and as stated above this is really not a bad thing for our lives.  However, when we have been at work for a long time or have been on a long trip out of the country it is always nice to return back home or see familiar sights within our houses.

This type of change can happen within an individual as well and it very common as we get older and so called “wiser”  I have to admit that I fall into this category and in fact it was not too many days ago that my wife actually told me this when a certain moment occurred at the house.  I had no reason to disagree with her for she was right and if that circumstance had happened a few years back, I would have reacted totally different.  Wiser?  I do not know, but I would like to believe that this action of mine that I had a few days ago was a whole lot better than my actions would have been a while back.

If we stop and think about things for a bit we have to admit that everything that humans do will change in some shape, form or color at some time.  We color our hair or our hair changes color by itself.  Our food tastes change over time and so does what society considers to be “hip”.  The buildings that we build shift with time and their foundations are subject to cracking, yes the concrete on our roads even cracks at some point and has to be repaired.  Limbs on trees break off and birds migrate to another part of the land.  We are totally subject to changes around us and we could not leave out the changes in the environment including the seasons.  So if we can withstand all of these constant changes in our lives why is it so difficult for us to believe in a God that is constant, kind of ironic and puzzling don’t you think?

God cannot change and He has no reason to change since He has already provided humanity with all of the answers.  Our only problem is that we ignore or refuse to accept the liability of our vulnerability to our enemy.  We do not like to believe that there are unseen forces that control our decisions, motions, thoughts and actions but these forces are real and they influence us on a constant basis.  Now, if God was not constant and all knowing then the enemy would automatically have the advantage in the area of choices.  Think about this for a moment, if God did not have all things and situations covered beforehand then our enemy could actually block us from having any contact with God and then influence us to ignore God since He had not provided a direct connection to Him.  The choice to accept Him and to have a relationship with Him would be shut down and cut off from us and would force God to change His ways and if this would ever to happen our enemy would automatically say that God is fallible and made a mistake.

A while back I wrote a little bit about our minds and the capability that they have.  Our minds are fascinating structures and the abilities that it has are still being discovered.  But we are limited in how many things that we can comprehend even if we try and cram all of the information into the world our minds still cannot compose any logical meaning to some of these things, but we have the opportunity to learn more and more and as science, medicine, and other areas of study come into light our potential for learning continues to grow.  But with God this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to His knowledge and it is impossible for us to understand or comprehend this type of knowledge capacity.  And this type of knowledge explains why His path is one of he straight and narrow and not broad in stature.

A steady and consistent course is provided for those of us who accept that God is all knowing and in control of all things.  There is no need for the major changes that the world has to offer which we all know would lead to destruction since our enemy has control of this domain.  We cannot change the fact that we are in this world and that we have to walk on our paths while living in this world.  But we do not have to accept everything that the world has to offer especially if it separates us and demoralizes us from God. 

Many human laws have changed over the years but God’s laws have remained constant, why is this?  Well, it is because has already made His laws based upon the fact that He knows everything including the past, present and the future so why would He make an irrelevant law?  Our only problem is that we as humans try and interpret His laws in the human form and apply these laws to our own standards, which totally negates the reasoning for God’s laws in the first place.

We do not have the authority to override God’s laws and believe me humans in the past have tried their best to accomplish this feat and everyone who has tried has failed miserably.  So why is it so hard for us to accept this fact that God is constant for a reason and that if we look towards Him for our guidance that everything will be ok in the end?  Things may not always be easy and we must admit that while we are going through our messes that we have created for ourselves that we should learn from them and understand that we do not have to make the same mistake again if we choose not to.  This is a principle that God established a long time ago and it is called restoration and through this process we do not have to recreate the failures of our past all we have to do is to accept His laws and we will know in the future what is acceptable and what is not in our lives.  Is there a real problem with having this type of concept in our lives?

God’s plan for our redemption and restoration does not fall within the change category either.  From the fall of man it has been God’s desire and plan for humanity to be restored back unto Him.  It was OUR decision to break the perfect state of our lives way back when and it was OUR decision to play into the hands of our enemy and it OUR choice to accept that we have made these past mistakes and to accept the restoration process that God has provided for us.  All of us live within this world and the laws of the land and all of us have the choice to obey the laws that man has made or to break them, the same goes with God’s laws as well.  Man’s laws have up to a lifetime of consequences but God’s laws are eternal in nature and in stature. 

It is not God’s desire for us not to have the ability to change our minds or our philosophies concerning our lives and our world.  Changes are a part of nature but it is important for us to remember that God is the one that allows us to complete these changes to our lives d it is His desire that the changes that we decide upon would bring us back to Him and not further separate us from our true Father.  His ways are only present to protect us from all harm and against the enemy that wishes to destroy us.

God loves us very much and it His desire for us to be restored to our rightful place within is Kingdom but in order for this to occur we must accept the fact that nothing God has created cannot change and this inability of change is actually the initial means that provide for our restoration.  We will never understand or comprehend everything that God does or has done or even will do but if we accept that He is in control of everything, restoration is present within our lives and our ways will automatically begin to fall away.  This act is the definition of true freedom and it is a freedom from within first and then outward which is exactly the way God intended for us to live.


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