Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Day My War Began

The Day My War Began


Many of us pose a question to God that goes something like this, God, why are these things happening to me or another question is will this trial ever end?  Any of those questions ring a bell to anyone?  Well, all of us know that being human brings adverse conditions at times and on a daily basis we are reminded that life is not always a bed of roses.  There is a reason for this type of activity that surrounds us and these conditions have their origin in history, ancient history to be exact.  But what many of these same people fail to realize that there is a reason for these trials and stressful conditions that we experience and each of us play a part in the role of Kingdom advancement and it does not matter if you believe in God or not, your potential is enough to war this war against you.

When you read history about war one will begin to understand that at some point in that period of time a certain event or chain of events actually point to the start of the conflict.  When you look at World War I and its time frame, it is generally recognized that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria as one of the main catalysts that began this conflict.  Many also see Hitler’s invasion of the Sudetenland as one of the main focal points of the beginning of World War II.  Those are two examples of two major catastrophes of world history that had profound effects upon millions of people both then and now.  None of us are exempt from war whether it is in a personal struggle against a fellow human being or in a spiritual setting in which eternal life is at stake.  Both are situations are real and both are devastating when the battles are fought, and it does not matter who wins the fight either.

We always question God and the things that He allows us to face in life.  Sometimes we do not ever understand the exact meaning of the things we have to go through and other times we figure it out after the fight is over.  Whichever way God chooses to walk through these battles with us, we must be relatively certain that for some reason we are worth His time and guidance through these fights and as the song states “sometimes He calms the storm and sometimes He calms His child.”  But do we understand why we are subjected to these battles and what is it about us that our enemy desires most about us?  Our fight with the enemy goes back to the beginning of human history and it shall never change until the earth and our lives end as we know it.

Many people believe that our fight with the enemy begins when we are born.  This is a valid argument in the fact that when we leave the mother’s womb we are “then” considered to be alive and deemed worthy of life itself, so this could be a defining point of the war that we wage but why would our enemy pick on innocent life forms if the key was already not coded within us in some manner?  Being born into a cruel environment does not give enough definition either since here lies the inheritance of life is already set into motion, nor does being placed into a wonderful family gives justice for this motion either.

Other people will say that when you become a Christian is when the battle begins between you and your enemy.  I do not believe this to be the defining point either since if that were the case all the nonbelievers would be living normal, happy, peaceful, successful, healthy, and any other adjective that you could think about that would describe their life.  I remember when I gave my life to Christ back in 1982 in Cleveland, Texas but that evening was not the defining point or the beginning of my war with my enemy.

There are those that believe that their struggles against the enemy began when they got baptized, or married, or began teaching Sunday School, or being chosen to become an altar boy but the fact is none of these special moments in our life represent the beginning of our war.  And nothing that you can do in church or any position that you hold in the church can be the beginning of your war.  Now, receiving those positions and holding titles within your church can intensify your battles of course but it is not the reason why the enemy began his war with you.

See, the defining point of our war actually began long before you were even born, long before your parents and any portion of your family was present on this earth.  Your war with the enemy began at the same time my war with the enemy began and it was with the creation of the first human beings on earth.  It was at this time that the war began between Satan and humanity and it does not matter if you believe in the story or not, it is real and it is happening every moment of your life.  It does not matter what you do on earth but as long as you are on this earth and breathing the gift of life you have the potential to push back the enemy’s kingdom and prove to him that God was right all along.  It is for this purpose and this purpose only that your enemy, my enemy hates us so dearly that he will do anything in his might and power to keep you from the will of God and the plan that He has for your life.

Our enemy knows that God controls the playing field and says what can happen and cannot happen.  Our enemy knows the potential that you have in this playing field and it is his job to keep us from advancing in life.  See, God wants us to succeed in life, be healthy, have a sound mind, be productive in life, live life to the fullest at all times and understanding that God has given us this life in freedom, real freedom, but allowing us to realize this would be devastating to is cause, why do you think he tempted the first humans, why not start with the 10,000th human or even the 1 millionth human?  The opportunity for his deception had to be at the beginning of humanity so that his access to future human natural laws would be intact for his manipulation.

These laws are still in effect within our lives today.  If you want examples then look at your children or in your siblings or find someone in your family and then watch them for a while.  Eventually, you will notice a similarity, and not in looks, that will remind you of someone in your family.  Listen to stories that your grandparents tell about their parents or grandparents, there will be a pattern that will show up at some point.  All of us have some similar pattern within our family that points back to a common thread and this is a result of our war and the things that we have to battle on a daily basis.  These reference points are the ones that open doors in our lives that we cannot understand why things happen but we sure do like to blame god when they arrive.  But it is not God who is responsible for these, the choice was made for us a very long time ago and we are made to clean up the mess, so to speak.

But here is the good news. J  There is a way around this scenario.  The battles cannot be avoided, they will come our way and we will have to stand our ground and fight them.  But when the choice was made for our lives a long time ago God did provide a way for us to be protected, which is another reason why your potential to humanity torments our enemy.  The protection is God and the blood of His Son Jesus.  God actually spoke of His plan while He was with the participants in the garden and from that moment on the war has been on for our lives. 

There are many things in our lives that are presented to us that we do not perceive as a hindrance or actually a part of our war that we are fighting.  But stop and think about it for a minute and really try and understand what some of the things that are in your life actually represent to you.  Are they a hindrance and an object that enables our enemy to gain access to us during our battles?  Do the things that we read, watch, say portray to others a sword of defeat in their lives?  How far have we allowed the enemy to penetrate into our beings that we do not even realize that he is maneuvering our actions in a detrimental way, to everyone and not just ourselves?

All of these things that we encounter have a certain meaning and plan for our life.  The things of the world only confound our problems with our enemy, we never truly benefit from them at all.  It is all part of our war that was waged against us many millennia ago and we are running to grab a hold of it as fast as we can all the while being blindly destroyed with each step we take.

This war will not end until you draw your last breath, and then our enemy does not care any longer you are physically off the planet and can no longer do any more damage, or have the potential to destroy his kingdom.  Your life is valuable and so important that God chose you over the angels as His messenger to the world and it is just as important for our enemy to shut you up and to hinder you from accomplishing your mission in life.  Each one of us has a purpose for our life and our enemy knows this and each purpose that has been given to us has the potential of pushing forward God’s Kingdom and pushing back Satan’s.  Our enemy has the home field advantage but we have the eternal manager that knows every detail about life and is willing to teach us everything that we can ever know the true meaning of life.  Our battles are tough, bloody and vicious in nature but the stakes are high and all sides involved know the end results.  You are worth fighting for and we all should know this by the battles that we constantly face each day.  So hold your head up high and watch out for those battle rocks and know that you are a child of the King.


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