Monday, September 30, 2013

The Eternal Gardens

The Eternal Gardens


Being an integral part of an overall plan takes quite a bit of planning on the one who is drawing the set in which the results are going to play out.  A great planner will have contingency plans or another way in which the overall goal is reached if something goes wrong after the project has been started.  The topic of this article is not going to be about the author of the two scenes but the decisions that were made in both settings, decisions which humans were directly involved and choices had been made.  It is the choice of relationship that is determined when we make the decision to do something.

The two main garden scenes in the Bible many of us would know right off hand if someone would ask.  The two scenes are the Garden of Eden and the Garden of Gethsemane.  These two settings tell an enormous amount of information concerning the gift of human choice and the power and finality that each of our choices have after we have made them.  We know that humans were present in both of these settings but what we tend to not remember is that our enemy was present in both of these settings as well.  It is the final decisions of these instances that forego a relationship change between man and God and it explains just how important a relationship is between the same two parties.

I used to say that all of us know the story about the events in the Garden of Eden but I honestly have to admit that I cannot accurately make that statement any longer.  We as a society have intentionally blinded ourselves to what actually took place in the beginning and have dismissed the details of the acts that took place during that period of time.  We have also deliberately dropped the Bible on the ground beside us and we have allowed it to become a part of our dust instead of a light unto our feet.  We have also missed a great portion of the second important garden scene and that is what connection that the second garden scene had with the first garden scene.

The first garden scene had humans making a choice according to how they felt and what they believed to be right.  The gift of choice had been given to them and the Creator allowed this gift to be fulfilled, all part of the overall plan.  They did not come by this decision alone they had help from another created being that had already experienced this selfish decision making process and the price that it entails.  They believed a beautiful lie and swept themselves into another spiritual level with the intent to be something greater.  This decision was purely selfish in that the people involved had established a relationship with their Creator and also established another relationship with the creatures that looked pleasing to their eyes.  This scene is another example of how on cannot serve two masters, the choice must be made for one or the other.

The choice to be personally great began the process of separation from God and the consequences were immediate as soon as God addressed the problem.  Everyone involved had to face some consequences that included immediate, long lasting and eternal results.  With the option that man made to go our own way brought into play the end result and it presented another choice and that it is the eternal one.  Once again the concept of one cannot serve two masters comes into play in that a choice must be made for our personal life even though the relationship with God had been distanced and the relationship with trust of our liar strengthened.

Adam and Eve mad a personal choice based upon another created being’s word and not the one who created them.  With this door opened we have voluntarily allowed our enemy to have control over everything that this world accepts as life.  Humans giving a spiritual enemy the opportunity to rule over them and to dominate our dominion that we were instructed to have.  Now, given this setting something else had to be done to break this cycle yet man was still in control of their life and to inherit this life with the lies that we accepted and the truth of a separation between us and our Creator that cannot be bridged by ourselves.

The process of relationship had to then begin and God had no option in allowing man to understand that He still was in control of our lives and that only He could provide a safe and healthy life through His ways.  We have a long history of people in the Old Testament of how they tried their best to make their own laws and do their best to abide by limited rules and regulations, another prime example of mankind trying to do things on their own by choosing to live by their own selfish choices.  This process only continued the process of separation between God and man and did not close this gap by any measure.  Yet it continued the defiled nature of man and their trust in self and the enemy that gave them this option.

The gap became so intense that God even contemplated totally destroying man but knew that if He did He would Himself demonstrate to His creations to be a liar so life continued, but a new lineage had to be forged.  The pattern of selfishness in choices can lead in only one direction and that direction is the way that the creator of this idea of selfish choice can lead.  It is still fascinating that even though there were people that knew the history of the world and its watery destruction still continued to make decisions that continued the gap that existed between God and man.  But it is believable because even today we continue the same trend.  Most people in this time of human history became comfortable with this gap and followed in the ways of selfish desires and were rewarded with very destructive lives.  It was still their choice and everyone had to live with the consequences of their decisions.

It is evident that humans love to continue the legacy of the Garden of Eden even though we know that there is an alternative route that we can choose.  It is so easy to go opposite to what this garden legacy has to offer yet we embrace it with open arms and continue the personal gap of sin that clouds our view and relationship with our Creator.

The second example of a garden in the Bible is one that occurred thousands of years later.  The setting was in a modern city of that time frame and everything that an empire could offer its citizens was continually demonstrated on a regular basis.  Society had blossomed further across the globe and many more nations had been established and served as a foundation for conquering heroes to be crowned.  The world had gone way beyond the technology that past societies had to offer and the progress of the human mind had continued its pursuit of greatness amongst itself. 

Enter another garden scene that represents another decision that would mean everything to mankind.  Once again the created being that had so brilliantly deceived the first creations was present to make sure that he did everything that he could to ensure his kingdom would be advanced by the option of non death of the Son of God.  It is mentioned by Jesus during this setting for His disciples to stay awake and to resist temptation at this moment; with this statement it automatically places Satan and his forces in that area trying to work their activities against what was transpiring.

The second garden setting had just as much effect on our lives as did the first garden setting and all spiritual parties present understood this concept.  We cannot argue the fact that Jesus was a human and He recognized the weaknesses of humans hence all of the prodding that He gave the three disciples with Him to stay awake.  At this point it looks like Satan and his selfish kingdom had the advantage, or at least that was what he thought.  At NO time did Jesus ever doubt His mission to the world and at NO time would He ever go against what His Father deemed necessary.

Jesus understood the implications of His death to mankind and He also understood that there was no other way that this restoration could possibly be bridged.  Jesus also understand the other side of the story that if He followed the same pattern of choices that man had made that the total destruction of man would ultimately occur.  Jesus also understood that the legacy of this garden setting had to play out according to mankind in order for them to fully understand the implications and meaning of what His death means.  The only problem with this setting is that we have once again lost this example’s meaning and have allowed it to drop beside our feet and to become more dust behind us.

I had never really thought about the presence of Satan in the Garden of Gethsemane until the movie “The Passion of the Christ” was released.  I cannot deny this fact of mine and I know that many of us have done the same.  It makes sense that he would be present since his sole purpose is to destroy the human command from God to have dominion over the earth.  This means that the only way that this goal of his could be achieved would be for us to be out of our earthly settings and he included Jesus’ human figure in this goal.  It is also clear that Jesus’ human nature was on trial due to the fact that Jesus was aware of what His chosen men were not completing.

We have focused so much on what Jesus was praying and what the disciples were not doing, which there is nothing wrong with these thoughts, that we have forgotten that a huge spiritual battle was taking place in that garden for the eternal existence of all humanity.  If one places this concept into our forethoughts then we would truly understand why Jesus began to sweat blood.  The eternal legacy of mankind was once again at stake and a decision had to be made by another human being.

Satan was doing his best to persuade Jesus to practice what He had been preaching and that was to choose life.  See it does not matter how our enemy gets across his agenda or the plans that the world has for us as long as our dominion abilities are silenced and destroyed.  Jesus knew the demands of obedience and of selflessness towards His desires.  The legacy of the Garden of Gethsemane is one of hope, love and truth about what God intended for our lives to be.  The acts of Christ in this garden were one of absolute truth about why God created us in the first place and the epitome of how our lives should reflect towards others.  Jesus’ actions began the spiritual forces that would soon rip the veil that separated us from God and would restore direct access to God our Creator.  The participants are present in both gardens, the leaders of both kingdoms were represented and choices were made in both gardens.  The scenes were set and they played out as they were intended and now it is intended for you to choose your garden.

The legacy of both gardens is still present today and neither result can be hidden from the other.  It is still our choice which legacy we wish to pursue and to which result we wish to imbibe.  The world’s legacy is temporary and its legacy short yet it is the quickest to obtain but the hardest to maintain.  For the Garden of Eden’s legacy requires so much from us and gives back so little in return.  The Gethsemane legacy requires a simple truth concept and asks for an honest heart to pursue this truth and rewards eternally not physically.  The Garden of Eden provides heartache, pain and suffering with no feeling of success yet Gethsemane provides rest and the presence of true peace.  Eden provides lush promises that are backed up with further lies and Gethsemane provides restoration with our eternal Creator and a wealth of unfathomable knowledge about life itself.  It is clear that both eternal garden legacies are available, which one will you follow?


Thursday, September 26, 2013

An Unlimited Love

An Unlimited Love


Ever wonder how hard it is to be a true father?  It is easy to contribute to the process of life but it is more difficult to be a part of that life in which guides and protects at all times yet allowing the creations to make their own choices.  We as humans see things on a limited basis whereas our heavenly father sees the complete picture of not only our present but our future as well.  How many times have we placed these facts into our hindbrains and allowed selfish ways to determine our children’s paths.  We trod upon this earthly rock in order to see fit for our own existence but how do we compare to the love that God has for His children in comparison.

Being a human I am automatically limited to what I can say or do in this life.  AS I have studied the human body for almost three decades now I have come to the conclusion that our physical forms were uniquely created in such a manner to which they should last forever, yet some inhibiting quality prevents us from obtaining this function.  My decisions and actions are based upon this limiting fact as well yet I try to understand the decisions that other humans make in order to provide a long as possible life.  The examples I am going to use in this article are very limiting but they are the only human ones that I can use that bring into light about how much more God loves us and wishes to guide our lives for a long and complete life.  But as my examples are given one will find that they fall way short in comparison to what God has provided for us.

I am almost forty six years old now and I have to admit that I have had a pretty good life.  My parents provided me with a good place to live, taught me to respect life and to be honest with everyone that I come in contact with, be decent with the planet and know that God loves me with every ounce of His heart.  There is nothing wrong with these concepts and in truth they are the core foundation that not only I enjoy but what the founding fathers of this country instilled into our lives through their hard work, sweat and blood while writing the beginnings of this great nation.  However, being in my forties that would mean that I had to be a teenager some time in my past and if one does the math they will quickly come to realize that this is a fact.

The personal example I am going to give occurred while my family and I were living in Hobbs, New Mexico.  There are many details about this specific incident that I am not going to go into but be aware that while this scene was unfolding a contract had been taken out for my life which I did not know about at the time, but my parents did however.  It was nothing special, just a voluntary gesture on my part to go to the store for mom to get a few items that she wanted.  There are not many parents in the USA that would say no to a teenager who actually wanted to do a small errand for them without having a huge argument beforehand.  I had volunteered to go and gladly waited for the few items to be mentioned and as soon as they were received I was out the door and headed for the car.  All was great and as I pulled out from the curb I headed in the direction of the store.

Now, being a normal teenager I just had to take the scenic route to the store and see who was wandering around the town so it actually took a few minutes for me to arrive as my destination.  As I stated above there had been a contract out for my life and it was quite well known that if anyone had the opportunity that they should complete the task and since my parents knew this they became suspicious about things fairly quickly and decided to tail me just to make sure I was not in any danger.  Of course I had no idea about the contract nor did I have a clue that mom and dad were following me either so it would be an awkward setting when our eyes met.

After a few trips around the drag of the town, I finally decided that I should complete my errand and go to the store as my mother wished.  I took the shortest route that I knew, from the place that I really had no business being in, to get to the store.  I pulled into the parking lot and parked as close to the store entrance as possible.  I got out and ritualistically locked the car door and began to walk towards the entrance.  Being a typical teenager my eyes were focused on the cars within the parking lot and I was trying to see if there was anyone there that I knew, in other words I really was not paying too much attention to my immediate surroundings on a security level.

As I continued my stroll towards the store I noticed a car that was coming up from behind so I moved out of the center of its path and allowed it to pass on my left.  As the car passed I noticed one of my parents in the passenger seat looking at me as they slowly passed by.  The car suddenly stopped and the window rolled down and I was asked if I was ok and of course my mad and embarrassed self curtly responded with a “yes.”  The window rolled back up and the car continued its path towards the entrance of the store and then made a turn towards the exit of the parking lot.  I momentarily stopped my course towards the store and watched as my parent’s car made its way out of the parking lot and headed back towards my house.

At this time I was hopping mad and had no idea why my parents were following me but all I could care about at that moment was that they had no trust in me to complete a simple task that they had given me, plus the fact that I had even volunteered to do this for them.  I felt violated, cheated and controlled but what I did not know was the real reason why they were concerned for my safety.  I was fuming in the moment and as soon as the tail lights had disappeared I went inside the store and completed the task and beat-fleeted it back to the house to release my anger at them and then to ignore their reasons why they were “spying” on me.

At this time my parents had no choice but to tell me a little bit about what they had been warned concerning my life.  They wanted to protect me from this information as long as possible and with any luck it never has to be made known to my ears.  But the perfect scenario had just burst and some disturbing information had to be detailed.  I really did not fully comprehend the severity of the situation for my eyes only had their focus upon living and having fun with as many people as I possibly could yet I did understand what was spoken to me but I still fought the truth and was a bit angry for them following me; a typical response to an stubborn and ignorant teenager.

My limited knowledge of my surroundings and the reality of these surroundings had a direct effect on my entire family until the day that we left that town.  But it was not until I fully comprehended what was occurring around me that I figured out that my parents were only trying to keep me safe and for me to have a long life.  And it was not until I stopped being so focused upon my wants that I realized the entire story about that time and just how close I came to my life ending that year.  The word had been written out for my life and my parents sensed something about this specific time in my life and at the time I did not like them for that but now that I understand about the responsibilities of being a parent I totally agree with their decision to follow me that night even though I was doing a good deed for them at that moment.

The roles are reversed in my second example of a limited nature as this example played out a couple of nights ago.  It was a typical Monday evening in Delta, Colorado in which my wife was working at her dispatch job and I was doing my best to relax for a while.  I read a bit and then surfed the net some but really did not have too many things planned in other words.  The girls had left at different times earlier that evening and were to meet at the local Monday evening youth service at around 7 pm.  Both girls were with friends and given the age differences between the two that meant one was walking and the other one was riding with a friend.

All was going great until about 7:15 pm when I had a thought to text my sixteen year old and ask her if she had made it to the meeting.  I got no response at that time which really did not mean too much to me since there have been numerous times that her mother and I have texted and received no immediate response.  So I waited for a few minutes and then gave her another text but the word I used in the second text was meant to grab her attention and when she would read the message she would understand the context.  I waited once again with no reply and after a few more moments I began to become a little miffed with what seemed like a no response of ignoring me.

The third text from my phone was sent and the same “no response” was received in return.  Now my anger turned into a sudden shock of fear so the next logical step was for me to call her phone in which I promptly did.  Her phone rang and then went to her voice mail and my fear then turned to sheer fright and the thought of something amiss entered into my mind.  I went upstairs to speak to my wife and to ask her if she had heard anything from our sixteen year old and when she replied with “no” my heart decided to jump a little bit higher in my throat.

My wife then said she would try and call her and it too provided with a session to the voice mail message.  I then said that I was headed to the place where the youth meeting was located and for my wife to call the friend that our sixteen year old was with when she left our house.  I shut the door behind me and mixed emotions swelled up within me one of anger and one of fright.  At that moment I had no idea which one was in first place inside me but the only thing that mattered to me was finding her safe and hopefully where she was supposed to be at.

As I got into the car and stared the engine I said a quick prayer for my daughter’s safety.  If her life was in danger I had not much confidence with those simple words but it was all I had at that moment; that is on the praying side of the issue.  If my daughter was not where she said she would be there would be prayers sent up to heaven but it would have been from a different nature and tone; one of mercy coming from an irate father.  As I pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the place where the youth meeting was being held my phone rang and it was my wife with some information concerning my daughter’s whereabouts.  The information was not specific but it the girl stated that my daughter was at the youth meeting and that our other daughter was there as well.  So I had my wife text the girl that provided us with the information and told her to inform my daughter to meet me outside of the meeting house. 

As I approached the meeting place I received another phone call stating that the girl with the information had left the youth meeting due to a personal reason and that she had left my daughter there and was not with her.  This raised my parental suspicions higher and I was more determined to find out what was going on when I pulled up in front of the youth house.  I parked the car by the mailbox and began to look for any signs of my two daughters.  The kids were all headed inside to begin the service so my view of everyone was limited, but I saw no daughter of mine there.

As the music began to protrude from the garage area of the house I began to calm down a bit since a few minutes had passed without any cars passing by.  For I knew that if my daughter had a brain and was not there at the house she would eventually arrive there with some type of story but this never occurred because both of my daughters were actually inside and listening to the service as they said they were.  This was confirmed when my sixteen year old called me as she was walking out of the front door after the short service was completed.  I felt kind of stupid about the entire situation and I did not mention to them about my worries and concerns with them not responding to the texts and calls.  I was just relieved to see their faces walking towards the car.

The purpose of God’s love for us is directly related to these two examples that I have provided above, with one specific detail that separates them at the same time.  Where the two examples prove that the timing and actions of humans are of a current manner and the future cannot be revealed until the future becomes the present.  However, God has a different view and a relevant in all areas of our life since He is eternal, everlasting and all knowing.  While this concept is hard for us to comprehend God has left us with an excellent example of His knowledge concerning our lives.

God understands and has created within us the ability to choose, and this gift of choice can either make or break us depending upon which choice we make at that time.  That is why God has given us the Bible in order that we may understand the situations that we humans place ourselves in and how and why things occur within our lives after those choices have been made.  Where we cannot accurately predict every movement that we will make we can have knowledge of what might come our way if we decide one way or the other.  This pathway of choice can be kept on a personal level or it can be on the level of a community or even a nation.  Since we are all created equal and have the same opportunities in life all levels of choices are within our grasp and thus are subject for our taking.  Therefore, this means that all consequences are just and acceptable because everything has to be balanced on all sides of the equation.

God gave us examples in the Bible on every level.  God would be labeled as punitive if the Bible only contained stories and examples of bad results of human actions.  On the other hand God would be labeled as a sugar daddy if only stories with happy endings would be present within the contents of the Bible.  Since both sides of the coin is laid out for us to read about this means that the Bible and the people that are represented within these stories represent the situations of everyday life of a human being, which automatically makes the case for the Bible being relevant for us today.

God could not have made it any easier for us to follow these examples but as humans we have distorted these examples and have made them out to be fairy tales and watered them down enough to warrant them irrelevant. God can leave this type of human history book because He created us and He understands what the human mind and heart are capable of completing.  The Bible would have so many inconsistencies about human life if God was not the creator of all things.  The Bible would be labeled as a fraud if all sides of the issues of life were not addressed or if it did not have a central idea with a final outcome, all wrapped up into one end choice of the center pieces of creation.

The Bible would also be deemed as manipulative to humans if it included every detail about the people that were being portrayed in the stories within its contents.   The freedom of choice about life and everything that it has to offer would be skewed and forced upon our hearts in order to make the appropriate decision all the time.  God knew what He was doing by giving us certain details and leaving out others so that we can use the gifts of thought to make the choices for our lives.  Only a God who is eternal and all knowing could make such a work even while it was being written by the created centerpieces themselves.  This method of providing examples is brilliant above all other methods of examples; a pure example of a creator who has made a covenant of life with us as part of His unlimited love.

God would not write the perfect example and then leave out the final detail about the results of the choices that humans have made.  God understands the progressive mind and heart that He has placed within us and He fully comprehends what the choices that we make have upon our lives.  It would b a travesty if and a lie if He did not include the final results.  But it is good to know that we have not made it to those final results yet however, if we continue the course that we are presently accepting another step will be taken in bringing those final results into play.

It is our responsibility to study God’s Word and to think about what occurred in those people’s lives.  From the insane laws that some of the people passed to the killing of their own children must be thought about with a pure and objective heart so that the truth about those choices can be made without prejudice.  It is a fact that God will honor His creative gift of choice but let it be known that whatever comes our way is not God’s fault but a result of the choices that we humans have made.  We must always keep in mind to what is at stake and if we try to protect our children by following them in a car then why would an all knowing God provide any less for His children?

A common factor is that the world will offer every side of the issues which include the best and worst of these sides.  We still have the opportunity to go through life with some help and guidance.  Yet the world has commanded us to abandon this guidance and to forego with its plans for our lives.  The world cries for the Bible to become irrelevant and useless but God says that His Word is more relevant today than it ever has been.  While it is true that humans cannot understand the future we do have the ability to understand human behavior by the choices that we as mankind have made in the past.  The world will eventually shut this option down and declare it obsolete and threaten its usage as a traitor to the present.  That is why it is so vital to understand this concept because the choices of man will play out according to God’s knowledge of humanity.  It is time for us to repent and to allow God to restore in us the true knowledge and ways of His Word.  This is the only way that we can delay our complete downfall and to provide a true and reasonable way out of our convoluted ways.  The world has a contract out for your life and the information provided in the Word of God can overturn this contract.  The Bible is a book of guidance and not of a punitive or controlling nature.  I challenge you to open the Bible and to read it with these eyes and not the condemning ones of our past.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Coming To A Town Near You

Coming to a Town Near You


I have struggled with this article for some time now and God has laid it upon my heart to make public.  Yet I have hesitated and argued with God about its contents but God showed me the words to write and I cannot deny them.  I watch the world in flames yet I give them no water and that is not right in the eyes of God.  God is the water and the water needs to be ingested into our hearts so that we may understand what is transpiring within our world.  Our passing does not deal with surface or superficial means or methods, but from our empty hearts longing for the return of its embassy.  This is the truth and this is the message that God wants us to hear.

The United States and the practice of their ideas of democracy have been exemplified throughout the world for a couple of centuries now.  We have been thrust into a special limelight due to our effectiveness of our communication skills that have been divinely given to us as a nation to shine within this capacity.  Many of the countries in the world setting have looked up to us for guidance since during this time the world has acknowledged our stance within the world stage.  This example that we have set has been one of purity and hope throughout the world and even though we have had some bumps in the road, we have always sought the true identity of our knowledge in order to come to a congruent conclusion with those in need. 

For many decades now we have also been looked upon as the one who has had answers for those who have fallen upon hard times but for some reason we have allowed this stance and belief to leave our hearts and for it to enter into our heads.  Many of the people within the leadership of our land fail to see this action and refuse to even consider that it has moved from its true foundation.  We as a society continue to blindly follow these ideas of promotion within our heads like it was planted there originally, which automatically leads us down a broken path to peace.  The battle actually rages on within our own land yet we ignore our deterioration and continue to try to fix the world’s problems and promote ourselves as the true and one leader of the world.

This inner battle that we had created by the allowance of the movement of our gifts will eventually lead to our own destruction if we do not wake up and realize that we need to place our gifts back within the confines of our heart instead of its current location.  If one doubts this concept take a good and hard look at our land’s daily operations and break down the motives that drive us to wake up every day.  Our focus is not on helping others from the genuine depths of our hearts but of what leverage we can gain from the transaction and how the results will make us look; no matter what setting one cares to explore.

We are all subject to this mannerism no matter what capacity one serves within the community.  I too am subject to this area and struggle with its concepts within my inner being.  None of us are exempt from the movement of our inner good and to place it within our minds instead of our hearts, but when this step is chosen disastrous results can only follow all the while the road seems smooth as the Silk Routes of old.  Remember that the events and activities of the historical Silk Roads were made famous by all of the cloths, spices, materials and money that exchanged hands during its popularity, but when the truth is told one has to come to grips that the most profitable commodity traded on the Silk Roads were human lives which brought far more prosperity to every participant of said route.  When one’s goal is turned from the purity of community and established within the mind, disaster can only ensue.

The current view of prosperity, tidings and power reminds us of what it was like during the Roman times to have our bodies lying amongst friends and enjoying grapes being fed to us by different people.  The portrayal of knowledge and intellect within the community serves only one purpose and that is self.  Self does not come from the heart but of the mind which physically rules the heart and overshadows it if allowed.  That is why it is so easy for a person to become enthralled with pleasure instead of hard work and it is the primary purpose that God looks upon our hearts instead of our minds.

There is only one way that we can effectively defeat this concept and that is first we must recognize that our motives are being generated from the wrong kingdom.  Then we must turn from our selfish ways and understand that we must return our methods and desires back to the heart of the matter and to abandon the current false embassy.  We have been placed upon this earth to be leaders within the world community and it is our responsibility to fulfill this chosen task.  It does not matter if we are alone in this battle or if we have millions of fellow believers by our sides; the task of changing our embassy is of the most importance for if we do not then we are going to quickly face the wrath of the world.

What is coming to a town near you?  Utter chaos and destruction if we do not change the placement of our embassy.  Look around you and witness what is ongoing in the world on an hourly basis.  The terrible events of the world are happening so fast that the news refuses to cover most of them simply because they are focused on our images rather than what is eating up our lives.  The truth cannot go forth with our eyes turned towards a mirror nor can it be really evaluated if we are focused upon being right.  This stage that we have been set upon is a mighty one and it deserves truth to be told at very moment.  It is important for our society and its survival to admit mistakes and to take responsibility for them, not to hide behind cameras and make excuses for the dead.

The world now views our actions as laughable and irritable to the world community.  It is easy for them to see the arrogance that we have portrayed in the handling of our duties. Both domestic and foreign interactions have been scrutinized and picked through with a laser knife and have turned up only insidious results that violate every truth that the world is seeking.  Our spokespeople have been turned into political clowns yet the world still laughs because they know that I am not referring to politicians.  What fools we have become on the world stage that when tragedies occur within our borders the world ignores our pain and only gives us a pat on the shoulder as we scoop up our wounded.

Our attitudes of “these types of events will never happen within our shores” has been totally blown out of the water and will only continue to increase unless we stop and change our inner embassy.  If we do not change our embassy then the title of this article shall come to pass and we will not understand what is actually going on and what occurred.  We will find someone else to blame and target their activities and once again fire off surface rhetoric that relieves no one of their true pain but stimulates another good portrayal of imagery to the constituents.  The warnings have been set and it is now up to us to recognize how we should respond to these warnings.  For if we do not then the warnings will become reality and they will play out through the hands of humans upon other humans.  It does not matter which weapon is used in this manner the bottom line is that humans use devices to destroy other humans.  We are the only species that has the capability to kill from a distance and that should tell you about the underlying root of our problem.

The future of our way of life is very bleak if we do not heed these words of repentance and change our embassy immediately.  Stop and think about something for a moment.  The example I am going to use is not a slap in the face but it is of a real nature and the example is divorce.  Once again I fit into this category since I have been divorced so I am not leaving myself out of any example here.  When I was young and living back in the 1980s it was said that approximately 50% of all marriages ended in divorce in western society.  Those numbers were very hard to accept but in reality they were probably a tad conservative.  In other words, the numbers did not lie.

What about now?  What are the numbers of divorces per marriage? And do these numbers and percentages have any effect on our lives?  Take the responsibility aspect of this example and put into play within the communities of the world.  What type of legal response can we offer if we reality accept a personal division within our lives, no matter what that reason for the division might be.  The truth might be known that now-a-days the majority of those people who are trying to bring the world together are bound by the foundations of division on a personal level.  And if we live on a personal destructive foundation how can we expect our lives to gather up enough gumption to plant a world of unity?  If you continue to doubt then look at any human pattern in history and notice what happens to every society that has spurned God and His ways.

We have allowed our embassy to be moved and placed into a faulty area.  The area that we have placed our embassy into is not the capital of our lives, it is only located in the surface area to which it can and is a target of our enemy.  It is vital that we return our embassy back to God and allow Him to restore our embassy to our hearts, for if we do not and continue the course that we are accepting, devastating conditions shall be inflicted upon our individual lives as well as our states, our country and even the ways that we live.  It is not an “if” it is only a matter of time that this occurs.  The progression of the human shall never cease and one must remember that if our embassy is not in the right place, then every word spoken from our mouths will reap nothing but destruction upon us and others.  I cannot stress enough of the importance that we understand what is going to occur.  I also cannot say it loud enough that bad things will happen to good people and to the innocent as well.  It is coming if we do not change our lives and turn our hearts back to God.

God is the only answer and He is the only way for us to be successful.  We have been placed upon this earth to have dominion over it but if we continue to live within our false embassy mission, the earth shall reign over us and our entire motivation for life itself will be flushed from our existence and we will die with blame on our lips without the truth being known.  So, I challenge you to allow God to move your embassy back to your hearts and to allow Him to restore your land.  Let our lives once again represent a dance unto God and enjoy having the inner freedom to use the earth as a massive dance floor to His Kingdom.


Monday, September 9, 2013

God's Embassy

God’s Embassy


In the first article on embassies I stated that it was important that countries had official representatives located in other parts of the world in order to effectively communicate with other countries.  I also stated that if one looked at the number of embassies around the world that person would see that most countries have these installations present in many of the recognized countries.  Powerful and meaningful representatives are also present within the walls of these compounds which convey all information to the host countries via the leaders of the guest nation.  This is a remarkable set of communication skills that have proven to be effective in deterring many differences throughout the world.

Mankind is filled with history and each portion of our history sheds light upon how we humans deal with others.  It is a common fact that we tend to form opinions concerning people, cultures, states and other types of organizations with the knowledge that we read about and hear about.  We also tend to form opinions concerning God as well by the things that we humans do in His name.  In this light we also tend to ignore the concept that God does have an embassy on this earth as well and in like manner humans have given it a very bad name with a horrific reputation.  God’s embassy on the earth is the Church, His Church and not the one that mankind has it portrayed.

It is a known fact that a country cannot have its own embassy within its own country for it would serve no direct purpose.  An embassy is a compound or representatives from another part of the world in which they are allowed to build and establish a relationship with the host country by way of official channels.  This is the exact reason why God allowed the establishment of the Church on this planet; it was to be an embassy to His people.  After God allowed the bridge to be forged between Him and mankind once again He could legally place His Church within the confines of humanity.  Even though Christ came and completed His mission on the earth, the earth itself did not change.  The earth was still under the rule of God’s enemy and since the rule of law continues in like manner the spiritual authority of the Church remains as an embassy to God’s people.

The birth, life, death and resurrection of God’s son Jesus was the single act in time that began the structures within our lives that would restore our relationship with God and through the Church we can have the foundation that brings us the understanding about God and of God’s ways.  Through the wiles of man’s thinking, the Church has been made out to be a legalistic tool of malice that has dictated and threatened mankind for centuries.  It has also been recently seen as a place of discourse when it comes to personal and Church standards, and this type of activity is nothing new either.  This type of reputation was not the intention of God’s embassy to the world but by the manipulation of our enemy’s hands humans have completely gutted the authority of the Church and in all honesty the meaning for His Church as well. 

Debates have raged throughout the centuries of the direct need for the Church and its establishments.  Many societies have taken to wars to try and end this disagreement which have produced nothing but more hatred and discontent for this concept.  Some have even projected that the vision of God would eventually die out among the world and then no one would have to worry about its presence ever again.  But as time has passed, it has become obvious that God’s establishments may be damaged, refuted, or even destroyed but His plan and presence within the world shall continue until He deems it is time to leave the scene, no matter what mankind tries to accomplish concerning this idea.  God has a plan for the Church and He has placed the Church in our midst for a specific reason.

One can read about the philosophies of why God’s people have performed in the manners in which they are famous and how they have used God’s name as the sole purpose of completing these horrific tasks upon other people.  Historians and others who have studied Church history have concluded that these people who have committed these acts knew that God’s house was different and should be preserved as a holy site for all to uphold, yet their acts desecrate the foundation of truth behind the meaning of God’s Church.

God’s plan for Christ as an ambassador to His people was clear and precise and His presence on the earth established the connecting link that man voluntarily ripped apart some thousands of years ago in the Garden.  God had all of the plans set into place and had waited as humanity came to grips with the idea that God wanted to end the division between His coveted creation and Himself.  It was never God’s desire to lose the connection of personal relationship nor was it His goal to watch mankind kill each other and die a lonely death without ever knowing the love that God has for them.  God went as far as establishing the legal authority of His embassy on earth, yet once again man has used this embassy for his own doings, which is exactly what our enemy desires.

A little on the background for the establishment and the legitimacy of God having an embassy on earth and to elaborate I will use two prime examples that are given to us which one is mentioned early in the Bible and the other occurs while Jesus was alive on the earth and this scene interestingly transpired when He was being tempted.  As God is a just Creator He must have complete justification before He will only operate through the confines of His eternal laws that He has established, therefore, as I have explained earlier, a country that has an embassy must be considered foreign to the host country which means that the representative of the embassy must not be a part of the host country.

The first example actually occurs in the Garden of Eden when God was continually making His presence known to the inhabitants of the Garden by walking and talking with them on a daily basis.  God physically manifested Himself to these people and had established a relationship with them.  A horrific event occurred and mankind chose to make their own decisions concerning their lives.  Now, while the opportunity to choose is a great law that is present within us we know that sometimes those choices are not the best and the result of the choices that were made in the Garden.  One thing that is imperative that humans remember about choices is that they are twofold in that the choices are relevant for the present and for the eternal; there are no exceptions to this law.  God had no choice in following the results of mankind’s choice and allowing a holy place being turned into an unholy realm.  This meant that He could no longer walk amongst the people of the Garden or present Himself in a natural form on the earth for that matter since the earth was no longer holy.  This establishes that the earth went from one holy condition to another unholy condition and proves that it was not vice versa as many people wish to proclaim. 

The second example that I am going to use occurs when Jesus was alive on the earth and was being tempted on the mountain top.  Many have read this passage and it is quite popular when we are trying to include Jesus as one of “us.”  But I know that I have missed this aspect of the scene up until a few months ago which explains once again that the earth belongs to our enemy and not God.  When Jesus was taken to the top of a mountain and shown all of the kingdoms of the world, they were presented to Him by Satan and at the same time he proclaimed that he would give them to Jesus if He just bow down and worship him.  This seems like a nice opportunity for Jesus to lay into Satan about this lie about the earth and its kingdoms, yet Jesus does not argue with him about this statement. 

This means that Jesus has to agree with Satan about the authority and reign he has over the kingdoms of the world.  Why would Jesus allow such a statement to proceed from His enemy’s mouth, doesn’t this seem like a huge blasphemous proclamation?  It is because the statement that Satan made was a correct one and Jesus could not challenge the truth.  Now, the temptation part of the scene is in itself very bold move of Satan but it was a necessary portion in which God wanted us to realize that through this scene He had legitimate grounds for establishing His embassy on earth.  Once again Satan demonstrates that he does not have the power to see into the future because if he did then he would have never used this angle during the temptation period.  Satan had no idea that he was fulfilling the destiny of Christ by completing this pointed gesture and that by playing out the part of asking Jesus to accept the world’s kingdoms in exchange for worshiping him, created the spiritual and legal grounds for God to place His embassies here on earth in order to be one of the necessary means by which mankind can be in direct contact with God.

The life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus was the bridge that was constructed by God in order to establish the His Embassy on earth in order to continue the communication lines through the blood of Christ.  However, when man is involved in something, it is only a matter of time before things become mixed up and the human aspects of humanity rear its ugly head.  God’s embassy was NEVER intended to bring division amongst the people of any land yet it brings the most destruction to mankind due to the misrepresentation that we have incorporated into its structure.  We have used the entire life and ministry of Jesus for our own intentions and have totally ignored the real reason of why He chose to come to the world.  We have secularized Jesus’ ministry in order to promote our own agendas according to the gospel of self, which has in turn yielded our prostitution of God’s Embassy to the world.

God’s Embassy is pure and an intact institution to which a Holy Creator communicates His ways and means to His people, establishes the most important of functions in birthing and growing a relationship with His people and to proclaim His love for a dying world.  God does not and has never created anything that is impure or incomplete, it is man that perverts His creations and it is our responsibility to understand this truth.  God will always make a way out of the destructive process and through His Embassy all things are possible as long as we turn towards His Embassy for guidance.  His Embassy is the Church and the foundation of God’s Embassy is you that inhabit the walls of its buildings.  But it is not God’s intentions that we continually sit in the walls of these buildings and misrepresent His relational desires for the world.

This is also represented in the ministry of Jesus and that He went out to the public and contrary to popular belief, spoke to people about the Kingdom and that God wanted us to understand this Kingdom and every detail that it has to offer, but NOT to live in a social manner to persuade people in any direction or in any manner by any means.  Jesus has no earthly political agenda His present was for one function only and that was to advance the Kingdom of God and to push back the enemy of life itself.

God established His Embassy through a very tough process and I can guarantee that if God thought there was an easier way to complete this establishment He would have found another way of establishing His Embassy instead of sacrificing His only Son in order to accomplish this act of love.  The act of conceiving His Embassy on this earth should bring to mind of just how important our lives are to Him and how much He values our existence on this huge rock.  It must be know that the Church is the Embassy that God uses to get out His message to people that do not know Him.  That Embassy is the Church, the true Church and not one that is hidden behind denominational walls but it is one who has the courage to go forth and to tell the world that there is an answer to all of the problems that face us today.  In other words, God’s Embassy is you and it is time that we realize this concept and to purify His Embassy once again.


Friday, September 6, 2013

The Relationship of an Embassy

The Relationship of an Embassy


Embassies are important establishments because they are instruments that are used to keep relationships open between countries.  Their presence within another country allows everyone from the average citizen to the leader of that country know that the level of communication between those said countries is still intact.  It is also important to understand that the policy of these embassies does not change in order to keep the peace and stabilization between these countries.  However, as we have witnessed over the past decades it is a popular trend to attack these embassies from those who do not agree with the stance that the represented countries have taken, this is also a picture that has been painted on an individual level as well and we must understand that even though we are not overseas, all of us represent God in our lives and we have become targets in this same manner.

Anyone who has studied a course in government will have the basic concepts of an embassy and the importance of having this establishment present within other countries.  The embassy of a country is actually a physical state within a country, the property is actually of the represented country and acts as the official messenger of the represented country to the country that it built within.  This is a fantastic example of a country trying to establish relations with another country.  It also gives the people of both countries an opportunity to understand each other and what each represents and provides to the world. 

An embassy begins with a selected piece of property that is usually located within the capital of the country.  This means that the host country actually gives up a part of their sovereign land in order to have another country build a complex in which to communicate with the host country.  The land actually is a part of the country who is establishing a relationship with the host country.  Now if you think about it countries really do not like to give up any part of their established territory, in fact many wars have begun over arguments concerning land.  So, why do people believe that it is important enough to voluntarily give up a portion of their land in order to understand and establish a relationship with another group of people?  It is because the current leaders of the host country believe that it is important that some type of formal communication be instilled between the two countries, at least on the surface.

After the piece of property has been purchased, the invited country begins to build the building or buildings that will house the staff members that will conduct the daily business.  The formal embassy staff is represented by the invited country but many of the other workers within the embassy complex are actually people who have been born and raised in the host country.  This practice has been found to be very helpful in learning about the host country and how it operates even down to an individual level.  It is the desire of the embassy and invited country to gain as much trust with the host country as possible in order to provide the necessary building blocks to secure the foundation of a solid relationship between the countries and a great way to forge this process is to include as many people from the host country as possible.

The building of the embassy complex takes time and it can sometimes seem like forever before the project is complete.  The actual building of the embassy complex is done with the materials that the host country has available including much of the manpower needed to complete the large task.  Many details are placed within the complex for security, relaxation, formal business meetings, along with other contingencies that make up the complex.  All of which is designed to proclaim the cultures of the invited country and to give an example of how people are tied together even though they believe differently.  The building of relationships between countries also takes time and once these relationships are assembled they can provide an accurate account of said country’s actions towards the host country.  The same is true of the host country towards the invited country as well in which the invited country is learning as much about their hosts as possible as well; the two form a circle in which constant monitoring is of the norm.

Once the embassy has been established an announcement is made between the two countries in which formal ties and recognition of each country is proclaimed.  I have always found this statement funny since it has to be declared to the world’s ears that two countries actually recognize each other before it becomes official.  Can’t one see that a country exists before it has to make a public statement about its existence?  In truth, this proclamation actually occurs more often than one thinks since humans have both a physical and spiritual side our existence yet many of us do not formally recognize the spiritual aspects of our lives or deem them not important enough to acknowledge.  Yet the procedure is followed and the two countries officially declare relations with each other and the process of building that relationship begins.

As with any relationship the two counties involved in this relationship will go through tough times.  These tough times may be one sided or they may actually be between each other but it is guaranteed that something will occur.  Even though the tough times may present themselves the embassy and its personnel are supposed to be committed in the relationship and under no presentable circumstances be obligated to feel the need to close the embassy for any reason.  Once again we see and know that this perfect situation can and usually will be tarnished by the human and their actions towards others.  We have just recently witnessed such tragedies within some of our embassies around the world and these examples of killings and closures are strictly the opposite of what these relationship tools were meant to represent.

Humans have also turned the tables within this embassy accord in that the host countries have used the invited embassy as a mechanism to direct opposition towards the governments that the invited embassies typify.  We all understand that countries will have some sort of leadership change within a certain amount of time and one must include philosophical ideologies in this category as well.  Humans like to go with the flow of others and do not like to be different from others when it comes to worldly acceptance.  The policies of each embassy reflect these changes within the invited embassy’s administration and when these changes occur, they are sometimes met with violent opposition.  It does not take too much research for this scene to be refreshed in our memories either, but for the younger audience please remember that these events do happen and they have recently occurred and unless something drastically happens, this type of scene will continue to unfold across the globe.

Since an embassy is usually centrally located within the capital of the host country the accessibility of the embassy is exclusively known to the majority of the country’s inhabitants.  The embassy usually serves as a main attraction to the locals and if a person sits by and watches the comings and goings of people, they would soon realize that the traffic around the embassy is quite heavy.  This is not surprising and is considered to be normal in most circumstances it is also a time when those that do not believe in the existence of the embassy to try to cause damage as possible.  Even though an embassy is considered to be in friendly territory the embassy staff should never let down their guard for any reason and should keep their eyes and ears tuned into their surroundings, for it is only a moment’s notice away that disaster could strike.

I find that the relationship foundations of an embassy have basically the same groundwork as a marriage.  It is two entities coming together and trying to blend in together on one level.  Both examples are of great importance and the ideas that two people trying to work together to achieve one goal is a noble gesture.  But as in any relationship if it is built upon a faulty foundation then there is no way possible that the relationship can be sustained.  This maintenance of the relationship must be continually monitored from the foundation upwards and it must be based upon the mutual respect of each party not to become wary of the other party’s examination.  For if one party does resent the inspection then the trust issues between the two parties involved becomes torn and the breakdown begins.

Each embassy has a foundation both physical and symbolic and it is important for each foundation to be maintained and examined on a regular basis.  Both countries have territory to claim and even though one is a host and the other is invited, both countries share the same responsibility of pursuing the process of honesty and trust, even if governmental or regime changes occur.  These changes pose challenges to each side of the equation and as we all know that sometimes these changes are too great and the relationship between these two countries become strained or even break apart.  The important thing to remember is that the relationship between these two countries is to be maintained at any cost for the benefit of not only both countries but for worldwide stabilization as well.

If one takes a guided look at each country around the world one will find that the majority of these countries have embassies planted within most of the defined countries in the world.  It is the true desire to have relations with one another even though the possibility of differences does exist.  The planting of embassies around the world is not just for so called civilized or developed countries but each country throughout the world has the opportunity to organize an embassy in as many countries as they wish in order to continue the dialogue with other cultures.  We have witnessed over the decades that when certain events arise that closing of such embassies is needed because some of the people, or in a number of instances the majority of the people, do not wish to have ties with a particular country.  For the most part it is the differences with the ideologies with other countries that this situation is drafted and then executed, but it has always been man’s choice to elect governments and ideas.

It has been proven over and over that it is in the best interests of every government to have direct communication links with other countries, however it has also been proven that sometimes the building of these communication avenues represent only heartache and failure.  Still, the presentation of an embassy in a foreign land is the best opportunity to bring the physical realm of governments together even when the cultural backgrounds of each country differ.  Many people would question this ideology and even go as far to say that every embassy should be closed so that all of the differences between people would return to their own structured orders.  The human mind cannot function in that manner and should be willing to learn everything it can about other cultures, for if we do not learn things then one day we might never know how to adequately defend ourselves.

In short, an embassy is a permanent structure that is built by a foreign yet invited guest on the given land of a host country.  The complex is built by host country materials and then decorated by the inhabitants of the embassy.  The embassy is a place where the people of the host country can get direct information about the invited guests and vice versa.  The embassy is the official meeting place of the leader of the invited guest and the chosen representatives of the host country.  The embassy complex itself does not belong to the host country but to the guest country which represents a person or group that is on site but not actually a part of the surrounding area.  The embassy serves as the most direct and important tool in getting the message out to the host country of its true intentions towards the host country, which is the ultimate function of such a method of relationship.

As this series of articles continues, I hope to convey the importance of understanding why embassies are important and the missions that they represent to our world.  These missions not only are on a physical level but on a spiritual level as well and it is this spiritual level that needs to be explained in order to accomplish the true mission that we humans have.  This article has laid the foundation of the governmental embassy that most of us are familiar with but we also need to understand that God has an embassy here on earth as well and this will be the topic of the next article.