Monday, September 9, 2013

God's Embassy

God’s Embassy


In the first article on embassies I stated that it was important that countries had official representatives located in other parts of the world in order to effectively communicate with other countries.  I also stated that if one looked at the number of embassies around the world that person would see that most countries have these installations present in many of the recognized countries.  Powerful and meaningful representatives are also present within the walls of these compounds which convey all information to the host countries via the leaders of the guest nation.  This is a remarkable set of communication skills that have proven to be effective in deterring many differences throughout the world.

Mankind is filled with history and each portion of our history sheds light upon how we humans deal with others.  It is a common fact that we tend to form opinions concerning people, cultures, states and other types of organizations with the knowledge that we read about and hear about.  We also tend to form opinions concerning God as well by the things that we humans do in His name.  In this light we also tend to ignore the concept that God does have an embassy on this earth as well and in like manner humans have given it a very bad name with a horrific reputation.  God’s embassy on the earth is the Church, His Church and not the one that mankind has it portrayed.

It is a known fact that a country cannot have its own embassy within its own country for it would serve no direct purpose.  An embassy is a compound or representatives from another part of the world in which they are allowed to build and establish a relationship with the host country by way of official channels.  This is the exact reason why God allowed the establishment of the Church on this planet; it was to be an embassy to His people.  After God allowed the bridge to be forged between Him and mankind once again He could legally place His Church within the confines of humanity.  Even though Christ came and completed His mission on the earth, the earth itself did not change.  The earth was still under the rule of God’s enemy and since the rule of law continues in like manner the spiritual authority of the Church remains as an embassy to God’s people.

The birth, life, death and resurrection of God’s son Jesus was the single act in time that began the structures within our lives that would restore our relationship with God and through the Church we can have the foundation that brings us the understanding about God and of God’s ways.  Through the wiles of man’s thinking, the Church has been made out to be a legalistic tool of malice that has dictated and threatened mankind for centuries.  It has also been recently seen as a place of discourse when it comes to personal and Church standards, and this type of activity is nothing new either.  This type of reputation was not the intention of God’s embassy to the world but by the manipulation of our enemy’s hands humans have completely gutted the authority of the Church and in all honesty the meaning for His Church as well. 

Debates have raged throughout the centuries of the direct need for the Church and its establishments.  Many societies have taken to wars to try and end this disagreement which have produced nothing but more hatred and discontent for this concept.  Some have even projected that the vision of God would eventually die out among the world and then no one would have to worry about its presence ever again.  But as time has passed, it has become obvious that God’s establishments may be damaged, refuted, or even destroyed but His plan and presence within the world shall continue until He deems it is time to leave the scene, no matter what mankind tries to accomplish concerning this idea.  God has a plan for the Church and He has placed the Church in our midst for a specific reason.

One can read about the philosophies of why God’s people have performed in the manners in which they are famous and how they have used God’s name as the sole purpose of completing these horrific tasks upon other people.  Historians and others who have studied Church history have concluded that these people who have committed these acts knew that God’s house was different and should be preserved as a holy site for all to uphold, yet their acts desecrate the foundation of truth behind the meaning of God’s Church.

God’s plan for Christ as an ambassador to His people was clear and precise and His presence on the earth established the connecting link that man voluntarily ripped apart some thousands of years ago in the Garden.  God had all of the plans set into place and had waited as humanity came to grips with the idea that God wanted to end the division between His coveted creation and Himself.  It was never God’s desire to lose the connection of personal relationship nor was it His goal to watch mankind kill each other and die a lonely death without ever knowing the love that God has for them.  God went as far as establishing the legal authority of His embassy on earth, yet once again man has used this embassy for his own doings, which is exactly what our enemy desires.

A little on the background for the establishment and the legitimacy of God having an embassy on earth and to elaborate I will use two prime examples that are given to us which one is mentioned early in the Bible and the other occurs while Jesus was alive on the earth and this scene interestingly transpired when He was being tempted.  As God is a just Creator He must have complete justification before He will only operate through the confines of His eternal laws that He has established, therefore, as I have explained earlier, a country that has an embassy must be considered foreign to the host country which means that the representative of the embassy must not be a part of the host country.

The first example actually occurs in the Garden of Eden when God was continually making His presence known to the inhabitants of the Garden by walking and talking with them on a daily basis.  God physically manifested Himself to these people and had established a relationship with them.  A horrific event occurred and mankind chose to make their own decisions concerning their lives.  Now, while the opportunity to choose is a great law that is present within us we know that sometimes those choices are not the best and the result of the choices that were made in the Garden.  One thing that is imperative that humans remember about choices is that they are twofold in that the choices are relevant for the present and for the eternal; there are no exceptions to this law.  God had no choice in following the results of mankind’s choice and allowing a holy place being turned into an unholy realm.  This meant that He could no longer walk amongst the people of the Garden or present Himself in a natural form on the earth for that matter since the earth was no longer holy.  This establishes that the earth went from one holy condition to another unholy condition and proves that it was not vice versa as many people wish to proclaim. 

The second example that I am going to use occurs when Jesus was alive on the earth and was being tempted on the mountain top.  Many have read this passage and it is quite popular when we are trying to include Jesus as one of “us.”  But I know that I have missed this aspect of the scene up until a few months ago which explains once again that the earth belongs to our enemy and not God.  When Jesus was taken to the top of a mountain and shown all of the kingdoms of the world, they were presented to Him by Satan and at the same time he proclaimed that he would give them to Jesus if He just bow down and worship him.  This seems like a nice opportunity for Jesus to lay into Satan about this lie about the earth and its kingdoms, yet Jesus does not argue with him about this statement. 

This means that Jesus has to agree with Satan about the authority and reign he has over the kingdoms of the world.  Why would Jesus allow such a statement to proceed from His enemy’s mouth, doesn’t this seem like a huge blasphemous proclamation?  It is because the statement that Satan made was a correct one and Jesus could not challenge the truth.  Now, the temptation part of the scene is in itself very bold move of Satan but it was a necessary portion in which God wanted us to realize that through this scene He had legitimate grounds for establishing His embassy on earth.  Once again Satan demonstrates that he does not have the power to see into the future because if he did then he would have never used this angle during the temptation period.  Satan had no idea that he was fulfilling the destiny of Christ by completing this pointed gesture and that by playing out the part of asking Jesus to accept the world’s kingdoms in exchange for worshiping him, created the spiritual and legal grounds for God to place His embassies here on earth in order to be one of the necessary means by which mankind can be in direct contact with God.

The life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus was the bridge that was constructed by God in order to establish the His Embassy on earth in order to continue the communication lines through the blood of Christ.  However, when man is involved in something, it is only a matter of time before things become mixed up and the human aspects of humanity rear its ugly head.  God’s embassy was NEVER intended to bring division amongst the people of any land yet it brings the most destruction to mankind due to the misrepresentation that we have incorporated into its structure.  We have used the entire life and ministry of Jesus for our own intentions and have totally ignored the real reason of why He chose to come to the world.  We have secularized Jesus’ ministry in order to promote our own agendas according to the gospel of self, which has in turn yielded our prostitution of God’s Embassy to the world.

God’s Embassy is pure and an intact institution to which a Holy Creator communicates His ways and means to His people, establishes the most important of functions in birthing and growing a relationship with His people and to proclaim His love for a dying world.  God does not and has never created anything that is impure or incomplete, it is man that perverts His creations and it is our responsibility to understand this truth.  God will always make a way out of the destructive process and through His Embassy all things are possible as long as we turn towards His Embassy for guidance.  His Embassy is the Church and the foundation of God’s Embassy is you that inhabit the walls of its buildings.  But it is not God’s intentions that we continually sit in the walls of these buildings and misrepresent His relational desires for the world.

This is also represented in the ministry of Jesus and that He went out to the public and contrary to popular belief, spoke to people about the Kingdom and that God wanted us to understand this Kingdom and every detail that it has to offer, but NOT to live in a social manner to persuade people in any direction or in any manner by any means.  Jesus has no earthly political agenda His present was for one function only and that was to advance the Kingdom of God and to push back the enemy of life itself.

God established His Embassy through a very tough process and I can guarantee that if God thought there was an easier way to complete this establishment He would have found another way of establishing His Embassy instead of sacrificing His only Son in order to accomplish this act of love.  The act of conceiving His Embassy on this earth should bring to mind of just how important our lives are to Him and how much He values our existence on this huge rock.  It must be know that the Church is the Embassy that God uses to get out His message to people that do not know Him.  That Embassy is the Church, the true Church and not one that is hidden behind denominational walls but it is one who has the courage to go forth and to tell the world that there is an answer to all of the problems that face us today.  In other words, God’s Embassy is you and it is time that we realize this concept and to purify His Embassy once again.


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