Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Human Government

Human Government


It has been said that humans possess an inner being that makes up the essence of a person.  I find it fitting that this portion of our lives we try to hide as much as possible from the world but somehow end up exhibiting our inner beings to anyone who is passing by at the moment.  We sometimes forget that what we say and how we act to the current situation around us informs others of what exactly is housed within our lives and this expression of ourselves can also portray the characteristics of the human government that controls our mechanical and functional belief systems within.  We are a temple and no matter what or how you believe with this fact, it does dictate how you live your life.

Everyone who reads the Bible knows that it will affect their lives in some manner.  For those of us who believe that it is the true and just Word of God understand that it is a guidebook for our lives.  For those who do not believe in the Bible and all of its content, will pick it apart to justify their physical whims concerning passages that are not human friendly and then ask posted questions with a closed heart as their reference point and then reject all possible answers that the person who was asked the question could possibly give in return.  This is not an uncommon situation that people find themselves in and while the animosity towards the Bible and its standards are ever increasing throughout the world, the Bible’s contents are still talked about on a regular basis.

I fully understand how God would use His Word to direct our lives and to teach us a thing or two about our said lives, but I have been totally blown away of how He had used a secular history book to show me things to write about.  However, when I stop and remember some of the things that I have been shown to write about it should not surprise me at all concerning this method because God uses humans and their experiences within the contents of the Bible so why should He use anything differently today.  I guess I am still learning this process of restoration and direct communication with God and as far as I can tell He has no plans to stop showing me things to write about so I should suppose that I will continue to learn new ways of His gifts for our lives.

I was reading once again in the book entitled “Black Sea” by Neal Ascherson and God showed me a couple of things concerning the Church or more specifically the Church that is inside all of us.  Now some of these concepts are known to many people but there might be a few that others might not have noticed before so hang with me for a while please.  I am honestly not trying to promote this book in any way but to be fair, it is an excellent book about the Black Sea region and a good portion of its history.  I recommend the book if anyone is interested in that area of the world.  Anyway, the couple of paragraphs that I am going to refer to deal with a small town and the church that is located within the town and the condition and uses for the building during the recent past history of the town.

The small town is named Nedvigovka and it is located in the Black Sea region of the Crimea.  The Crimea region has been a highly contested area of the world due to the fact of the usage of the Black Sea.  Many counties and nations have fought over control of this region since its location links Asia and Europe via the Bosporus which eventually leads to the Mediterranean Sea and the rest of the world. This area was part of the Silk Road route and has allowed many different cultures to be represented while the trade industry has flourished.  We also know that when the Soviets were in power this area was a resort area but still under the influence and control of Communism and everything that went along with that concept.

Most of us understand the different types of government that a country can follow and it is not even uncommon that one such government type falls and a totally different style of government takes its place.  When reading about this area and its entire political outcomes one would know that after the fall of Soviet Communism many areas in this part of the world had a lot of reconstruction and restoration processes to endure.  Many villages, towns, areas, and regions had been decimated by the Communist regime which left hundreds of thousands of people in shambles and some of these people are still in the process of recovery today. 

The majority of the population of this area was deeply rooted in the Christian faith with the Orthodox belief very strong in each person’s life.  Orthodoxy had been introduced into these regions centuries before and had remained as the central point of their lives up until the Communists came in and demanded changes take place among the area.  Communism does not advocate any form of Christianity, frowns upon those who stick to their faith and harshly deals with those who refuse to assimilate to the total communistic lifestyle and belief.  I do not have any figures to support this claim but I can almost guarantee that after the Communists moved in with their new philosophies that many Christians who refused to give up their faith simply disappeared and were never heard from again.  This is a sad portion of human history but one that we have witnessed over and over before and if we humans would figure out that this type of national government actually does exist within our personal lives, we might think differently about certain demands we make on others; just a suggestion. J

The Communists closed all of the churches that they did not deem as necessary or as a threat to their way of belief.  It is estimated that thousands of small community churches were boarded-up or razed to the ground in order to make sure that other types of information could be presented to their population.  This act is not unusual for rogue governments to do when they take over a territory or group of people and many articles and books could be written about this process, but what about on the personal level and how this concept of governmental takeover infiltrates our lives and eventually becomes the rule of law.  I am using this national governmental example initially to make my point but this process is completed every day in our own personal lives and we need to understand that what we allow into our belief system I would argue is more deadly than a governmental takeover.

As with a governmental regime so does a personal governance present itself within our lives.  Even though it may be on different levels per population the individual personal government holds just as much power as the national or world governments.  And it is this point that I want to focus on where it concerns the personal church and how things are operated.  Our personal beliefs rule our choices and often make decisions without us even stopping to think about those choices before we have the opportunity to view the entire scope of the argument.  All of us make these types of decisions and choices but do we really understand what these choices are actually doing to us on the inside?

The Bible says that we are a temple and that we should keep this in mind while we are routinely going about our business each day.  Do we blindly read this passage and dismiss what it is actually saying about our lives?  Sure we love to sing about the holy inner place of our lives and we will be the first one to condemn those who display worldly baggage but in my experiences, it is those people who need to examine what is being stored within in their temples as well because to a dying world there is not much difference other than the hypocrite factor.

One can see quite quickly what a person carries within their life and even though this is not a form of judgment our reactions and openness towards that person is affected.  We have a tendency to store stuff that we have received from the world in our hearts and we carry these things by our choice and not because we are forced.  It is these things, whether it is of a good or bad nature that the people of the world see and react to accordingly.  And if we continue to accept the trash of the world into our lives then what we will provide to others will be reflective of what we are housing.  We are a human storage shelter and we need to correctly choose what we place into our lives, for whatever we do allow inside will be manifested at some point down the road.

For those of you who have boarded up your temple because life has dealt you a hard hand, that is your own choice to allow so legally and correctly you have no authority to blame God.  You can question God about your circumstances and ask Him to show you how to make amends or restoration but it was your own personal inner government who made those choices after the act.  I know that some of these issues could be tough and one might be placed into a very difficult situation when dealing with the consequences but we must remember that it is what we have been allowing into our personal government that will predict and dictate the responses that we have towards others. In other words, it is your personal government who chooses to have abortion, after abortion after abortion as a means of freedom of choice and it is also your own personal government who chooses to take in a lady who is suffering from the effects of having an abortion.  The question then begs, which personal government example is more progressive? 

God works on an individual level, one-on-one if you choose to view it that way.  This is exactly the type of atmosphere that God desires because He understands that each of us are different and only He can help us if we allow His presence in our lives, and He also knows that if one person opens up to Him then it is very possible that another person will do the same and the pattern will continue until the national governments can change.  Don’t believe me?  Take a good look at how our national, state and local governments are being controlled and manipulated.  Forget about who is right and wrong for a moment and look at what is being pushed upon our society.  Take notes on what you find and then at some point in the near future, compile them and then read over them.  And when you complete this survey, do the same with your personal government and see exactly what your personal government has done to your temple.

Have you bashed the correct way of doing things with correctness?  Have you pushed aside the good of humanity for minding your own business?  Have you closed your blinds on your inner windows so that you can hide from what the world is offering to its inhabitants?  Are your personal temple doors nailed shut because it is cheaper to keep your interior hidden rather than clean it?  All of these issues and thousands more like them are present within each one of us and as long as we display these conditions our temples are voluntarily defiled and are no better than the boarded-up church in Nedvigovka.

It is your personal government that shuts down your temple’s potential to a dying world.  This is when your personal government becomes more powerful than a national government because while national governments have people who oppose it, a personal government has 100% support of its inhabitant all the time, there are no split decisions or divided votes.

To continue the story about the little boarded-up church in Nedvigovka; after the Communist government was overtaken the people of the small town began to clean the old church building again and to begin a restoration process.  It was their change of government which initiated this restoration process and according to the paragraphs inside this book, the church now is one of the more popular and beautiful buildings within the town itself.  The author of the book writes that there are still some more renovations to be completed, but the restoration process is almost complete.

What a beautiful site that old church must be to behold.  One can only imagine the memories and hope that it brings to the people of that town.  I am glad that the old regime did not tear the church down but even if they did the new building would be as strong as ever after its rebuilding.  Our lives are the exact same way in that our own personal governments control so much of how we operate on a daily basis. This is why the Bible talks about our bodies as being a temple and how important it is for us to maintain our temples as holy as possible. Our temples are permanent and cannot be removed until we leave this earth, but what we place into our temples can be replaced, upgraded and restored.

We cannot do this restoration process alone, only the One who created us has the capability to complete this restoration process.  The Creator will not overthrow our personal government it is our choice to change our personal government so that His ways can once again flow through our lives.  It is strictly up to us to allow this process to occur, not God’s.  Our temples are precious in every way known to man and in even more ways that man cannot comprehend.  Change your human government and when you do your personal government will be free to open its doors and windows and offer to the world true life once again.


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