Original Composition
When we think of a composition we automatically veer
towards the music industry. And while this would be a safe
assumption we must take into consideration that most objects that we recognize
are made up of many elements with themselves form a composite. Our
bodies are one giant compound of organic material that needs many different types
of molecules all working together in order to complete the necessary tasks that
we require to live each day. It is fascinating to me to study the
human body and to try and understand all of its coordinated functions that
readily depend upon each other for survival. If only we could have
this same realization about our Creator, all of our problems would simply fade
Most of you know that I love history. Many of
my articles have dealt with history and how mankind has fumbled, kicked,
muddled and raced through history. While mankind tries to perfect
their individual lives we tend to prove that life sometimes represents a four
letter word and not the desired diamond that we so wish to create. Many
of us throw our wishes to the wind and give up on becoming something great
within society while we look at others with absolute jealousy and loathe their
every success. How as individuals does other people’s successes
define us, or should that process even be a part of our thinking? We
need to keep in our forethoughts that each person is created for a specific
purpose and each purpose has its own design which will provide the world with
another portion of the great solution of why we were created.
Ever since I was a little boy I have been involved in music. I
have played instruments all of my life and I have listened to almost every
genre of music that has been written. How music strikes my ears and
then infiltrates my soul and spirit I might never understand completely, but
all I can say is that there is no other greater physical feeling than I can
receive than when I hear some type of music that I enjoy being played. Classical
music is my favorite genre and I listen to it almost every day. If
you ask my parents, wife or children all of them will say that my entire
demeanor changes when I am listening to this style of music.
Has anyone ever asked you this question? If
you were able to complete the one thing that you have always desired to do in
your life, and you had every resource available to you, what would that one
thing be? The answers to this question would surely vary so widely
that it would be difficult to group them all together, but this point alone
demonstrates how individualistic we humans are and how great it is to be unique
in this manner. I too have an answer for this question and I have
always stuck to this answer and I really do not believe that my answer will
ever change, especially since I am kind of fulfilling what I have always wanted
to do.
My answer to this question would be to complete a four
movement symphony. As I stated above classical music has meant so
much to my life and its presence in my life has helped pull me through some
difficult times. I do not know what I would do if the availability
of music was taken from my world, but I trust that as much of it that I have
listened to over my four decades of life that I could recite some of these
works from memory if needed. While my love for music grows each day,
composing a musical work is still way beyond my comprehension. The
people who lead, direct and compose music utterly amaze me since it is those
people who truly lead and organize others together to produce a wonderful sound
I have no idea if I will ever have the time or ability to
complete my dream of a musical composition, but in another way God is allowing
me to fulfill my dream and that is through writing. While my
articles are not musical in the physical sorts, they are a composition that
fulfills a destiny that God had in store for my life. If someone
would have asked my five years ago if I would be continually producing articles
for others, I would have laughed in their face and then would have followed up
with my dream of writing music and how that dream would be more readily
acceptable in my head. Up until a few days ago I did not make any
connection to these examples and how they accurately fulfill my dream of
Writing a book, article, short story, manuscript, etc is
very similar to composing music. All of these examples have to
accurately coordinate so that the reader understands exactly what the composer
is trying to convey. While my writing is not considered to be of a
professional caliber, it does get its point across to someone out there and
that is exactly why I write. I so not ever know what will ever
become of my writings nor will I probably ever understand to what effect it may
have on an individual, but I do know that God shows me things to write, whether
it is on a personal level or a general one, and I complete what He shows me,
for I know He directs my words in such a manner that will appeal to someone
that needs them.
Writing has become my musical composition and it is an
instrument to which God uses through me to speak His words to others. I
have watched many performers use beat up and old instruments and when they are
played produce the most elegant sound to any ear that is around. I
trust that the words that I use in these writings produce that same sweet and
inspiring tune so that God can use them in a person’s life. While my
writings are not in musical notes they are my composition and a fulfillment of
my life long desire to compose and I just pray that by the time I reach the age
of 80 years old, that I will have completed the first chord of the first
movement of my four part symphony.
I do not believe that I would have ever understood what
God wanted me to do with my life if I had not been listening for the
truth. I look at many lives each day and I notice how much pain they
are in without even speaking a word to them. I have been witness to
so much heartache and death over my tenure in the medical field that if I had
the capability to remember every detail of these people’s lives I could write
continually nonstop until the day I take my last breath. I often
wonder if any of these people know God and what their life means to Him and to
the overall plan that He has for them. I also ponder the thought of
how everyone else’s life would be different if that one person who is feeling
miserable all of the time understood that he / she had a specific purpose for
the world, instead of being lied to an believing that they were just put here
to occupy space.
In such an unsettling time in our world, it is so vital
that every one of us understand that our lives have a specific meaning and it
is our duty to find this true meaning. The world cannot afford to
have wandering souls trolling up and down the streets gazing out at the thin
air and sucking in uninhabitable standards for themselves. How can
we face reality when we are accepting this type of activity in our lives? How
can we function if all we wish to do is to deter reality for a few hours or so;
then a few more hours, and so forth? What kind of composition is
this and what will be the end result of this work effort? I do not
believe that it is difficult to contemplate this outcome. This
destroys the very essence of our lives and annihilates the uniqueness that we
have within our lives.
I understand how easy it is to lose oneself in our
selfish wants instead of focusing upon the specifics of our
individuality. But these specifics are the items that define us and
serve as the foundation of our gifts to the world. With everything
that is occurring in the world today I can easily understand why it would be
less difficult to hide the truth and fill our rooms with the ambiance of peace,
tranquility and love. But this type of state does not fulfill our
true destiny and the reason why we were created; it only serves our feelings
and toots our own horns instead of fine tuning our instruments for the
conductor. I challenge you to stop polishing your bells and look up
to what the conductor has for you to play. It will take some
practice but I guarantee that the end result will be a true witness to a dying
I hated to practice my piano lessons. There
was nothing about my practice sessions that I enjoyed. It took time
away from me playing outside, playing in organized sports or spending time with
my friends. However, the only thing that it did keep me from doing
was my actual homework but I could not count this as too much joy for I did not
like the alternative too much. Not many people like to spend the
added time practicing what they already believe to know, yet when one does
practice they sharpen their skills and become a better student and player all
at the same time. This is exactly what we need to do with our lives
and the only way that we can effectively find out what our composition to the
world is, is to listen to our conductor. How many years do we waste
listening to our enemy and his goons in order to deter our true calling in
life, this is a huge issue that we need to recognize and then realize so that
we can begin to fulfill our own purposes.
I have been involved in the medical field for almost 30
years of my life and I have enjoyed each and every one of them. I
have been in Delta, Colorado for almost 22 years now and have been working the
laboratory for all of this time. I have served in many capacities
during my tenure including the evening shift, day shift, Oncology and even
serving as the Phlebotomy Supervisor for three years. I would not
trade anything for my experience at this facility and I am so proud to have
been associated with this organization for as long as I have been here.
During my time as Phlebotomy Supervisor I had many duties
that I was responsible for, and one of my specific responsibilities included
all of the creation, maintaining and updating of policies. When I
took over that position there were very few official policies in place and many
of the ones that were needed had to be written. I had no idea at
that time that this step in my life was actually a training mission that God
had for me. Up until this point I had no desire to write anything or
write about anything but in this position I was forced to write
things. These policies had to be factual, correct and specific yet at the
same time they required my workers to understand everything that was involved
with these policies. My workers had to understand each detail of the
policies in order for them to adequately and correctly complete their
job. I had no idea that a few years after I took another position
within the laboratory that God would use those writing skills that He no doubt
developed through my Phlebotomy Supervisor position.
The most funny and ironic portion of my time as
Phlebotomy Supervisor was that while I was creating and developing my writing
skills for my profession, God was instilling me principles about His future for
my life without me even knowing it. And to be honest during my
tenure in this post I was not really following God like I should have been, yet
He was taking care of me and guiding me all at the same time. I
cannot argue this point even though at the time I had no idea of what was being
developed within my life. I do thank God for the opportunity that I
had in that position and I now kind of understand the path that I took and not
the path that I wanted. For even though I was not following God in
all categories of my life, I was still following the ultimate dream of my life
and those separate entities within my life I clearly see now.
As our bodies need each element within to function in
coordination with the other similar elements so do our lives with God. We
can spend a lifetime searching for what we want to do with ourselves and not
even come close to an answer. We must keep our hearts open to God
and to His ways for our lives for it is the job of our enemy to make sure that
we keep our focus upon ourselves instead of the truth. All God asks
of you is for you to seek His ways with an honest heart. A person
cannot find God if he / she does not ask with an honest heart. Seeking
God through human ways is an anomaly and God will show you quickly that His
ways are not ours. But it is at this realization that brings God
closer to mankind and mankind closer to God. Just as God created you
as an individual person He will respond to you in an individual manner.
The only way that we will ever understand our true
purpose in life is if we turn our hearts back to God. In a world
where people are asking questions about their lives every second of each day,
it is astounding to think that the majority of them immediately reject God and
His ways. While it is hard for me to believe that people reject
God’s truths, it is not hard for me to understand why those same people ignore
God because of the idiotic standards and past crimes that people of God have
committed. I am appalled at the content of some churches today and
the messages that they portray towards the world. These actions only
flame up more questions and burn a hardening ash within their spirits, further
separating them from the One who has the capability to change their lives.
Each one of us was created as an individual and uniquely
made in order to fulfill a divine purpose. Our enemy will go as far
as using God’s house and His name in order to destroy this purpose. God
and His Word are the only answer that can ensure that our purpose be
fulfilled. It is not the man or woman that stands behind the pulpit,
nor is it a leader of a country. God is that only person and it is
He who has created the entire universe as we know it and it is He that has
created you. God will allow you to search in every corner of the
world for your truth but guarantees you will not find your fulfillment until
you turn back to Him. God is the person who originally composed you
and therefore is the only one who can show you to your perfect four part
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