Thursday, May 1, 2014

Death Sentence

Death Sentence


It is hard for anyone to imagine having a guaranteed death sentence placed upon their heads.  And it is almost impossible for us to understand our actions even warranting such a penalty, yet the majority of humanity has this bull’s eye on our lives in which we readily ignore.  Both our physical and spiritual lives have this target on our hearts with one being a guarantee and the other being a choice.  It seems ironic that one usually adheres to the other but I guess this is why the enemy works so diligently in maintaining our ignorance when it comes to this realization, in which knowledge of both sides is so important.

Not many people would argue the fact that when this country was in the initial stages of its creation and development it faced some very difficult choices.  The men and women who lived during this time frame came into contact with their governors on a daily basis.  Their lives were continually monitored and their movements, speeches and meetings carefully documented for the leaders to be to read.  For many people during that time almost every movement was noticed and then immediately reported to the enemy, just to ensure that all activity was noted and recorded for future purposes. 

During the American Revolution the leaders of our country actually met in several different locations in order to preserve their secrecy and general well being.  This required very little knowledge concerning their whereabouts simply because they had a price tag on their heads and if anyone of them would have been caught, deportation back to England, trial, and a guaranteed death sentence awaited them.  The actions by these men and women took a great deal of guts in order to maintain their wits enough to establish basic guidelines in order for a country to be born. 

Beginning in 1776 with the signing of the Declaration of Independence, our founding fathers were forced to continually move around due to the choice that they had made to break away from British rule.  Adjournments followed by reconvening sessions dotted the landscape from Lancaster, Pennsylvania to Trenton, New Jersey with a stop in New York City towards the end of 1785.  Yes, for almost 9 years the people involved in our country’s freedom were literally on the run, all the while trying their best to forge a new nation and to hold together a flimsy confederation of states that could fall apart at any moment.  What courage it took for these brave people to stand up for what they believed in and would even give their lives for nothing less than liberty.

In colonial America, many people who were living under this type of secretive societal conditions they were becoming distorted with and wanted to cease.  Animosity began to rise and steadily formed an opinion of subversion that took to the hearts of almost every citizen. Yet, the question of how to resolve these questions grew weary upon many and some even waned away after a few months had past. Others decided to stick with living under those limiting conditions and support the government that was at hand, but some still decided to stick it out with their convictions and adhere to the new way of thinking and believing.  It was not until the creation of the Continental Congress that the people of this land had a voice to those who wanted to maintain their complete control over them, which led to many people being detained and even imprisoned because they stood up for their independence.  A literal death sentence was placed upon these people due to the “rebellious” nature of their activities.  The future of this great nation was being drawn up by those who wished to serve life in such a manner like no other had ever before and were willing to give up everything to achieve this truth.

On the other side of the block we have the ruling party and they had a completely different view of how things would be run.  They saw these issues as rebellious and seditious and called for its immediate halting, and were not aghast when their subjects refused.  The ruling party took further steps to reign in these troublemakers by sending in the army and navy in order to “instill” peace back into the ranks of the colonists.  One step led to another step and it was not too much longer that violence erupted between the two sides which demanded further steps and more tensions across both lands.

The men that were in charge of the ruling party are not in question here since they define the established authority and set the stage for the events that occur on their home field.  It is the men and women who are doing their best to break away from this authority who are going to take center stage and be counted for, by the ruling authority, through their actions.  The King of England reveled in adversity towards the colonists for these actions and he saw them as a direct threat to his realm and image.  It is the people in this country’s colonial times that we compare ourselves, or should compare ourselves in order for us to understand who actually has the true dominion of our land and our lives and make the choice to serve the king of this world or the one who created us.   These people were determined to keep what they believed were theirs and had no intentions of abandoning their investments quite readily.  The battle lines were now drawn and war would be the final say.

After the colonists had made their intentions known to the King of England, the king in response issued his own proclamation to the rebellious people of the colonies.  His proclamation effectively guaranteed a conflict that could not and would not be settled until every rebel was destroyed.  The King of England believed that he had total control over every portion of the colonists’ lives and which guaranteed him absolute power over them which was not to be argued against.  It was through the acts of the newly formed Continental Congress and through this Proclamation of Rebellion by the King of England that set into motion the events of the next few years.  As did the physical king of England made this statement of war the king of this world has made the exact same proclamation against us.

It is through the statement that God makes in Genesis that initiates this rebellion against the king of the world, even though it was not in practice when God made it.  God was giving us dominion over this land that initiates this command and the choice so that His laws, through us would be magnified forever.  It is our presence on this earth and the authority we have that disturbs our true enemy and it is important that we understand how vital it is for us to recognize what this word dominion means to our lives.  In other words, each life represents an authority to do God’s will throughout the earth and from this authority drives our enemy to rid us of life by all means possible.
When the founding fathers of this country came over to start a new life they had a purpose and plan in mind.  It may not have been the perfect plan of all time and many of their planning proved naught but most stuck with their decision and made a life for them whatever storms came their way.  As time continued their single colony struggled but grew proportionally and with this painful stint in place welcomed new faces into the crowd so that life may continue.  Britain still had full control over these people yet they were an ocean apart and had more freedom to live out their lives.  After a while longer the colonists began to realize that more and more of their freedoms were being subjugated and threatened which made them stick out like a sore thumb to England; with anger soon to set in.

The biblical story of David comes to mind when illustrating the spiritual side of our existence.  This example is not about his reign but about the time before he took the throne, when another king sat on Israel’s throne.  Saul was in power and knew that he was basically in dire straits since he had continually disobeyed God’s wishes.  Yet while Saul was being told that his actions were no longer being blessed by God, he began a campaign against David instead of trying to make things right in God’s eyes.  Saul placed a death sentence on David’s head and through the death of David his guaranteed placement upon the throne would be secure.

For quite some time David lived on the run, living in horrendous conditions while people were out looking for him so that they could end his life.  David never had a physical moment of peace yet he understood that there was a calling upon his life and that God would ultimately protect him if death ever stared directly at him.  Both participants knew what the stakes were and what could become of the other and while one heart was pure and running the other was wrought with anger because of the embarrassment that had accompanied his reign.

Let us look at both of these examples and take some notes about how each story concluded.  Saul continued his rage against God and David and eventually it consumed him so completely that it was obvious that his decision making was not of sound mind.  Saul and his sons died in battle, with Saul taking his own life even when the enemy would not.  The American Revolution ended in similar fashion with a bunch of hand-picked soldiers taking down the world’s most powerful leader.  In both cases, God’s will was ordained and the human dignity and selfish desire was defeated.

It is through this same selfish desires and human dignity that we are blindly allowing our enemy to overtake our lives.  We have placed our selfish desires and our human rights first in our lives and have left the One who gave us these privileges to rot for Himself.  We have lost the decency to fight for what we have and to understand what it took to achieve our current status in life.  When we allow this type of behavior to rule our hearts we have no alternative but to follow a blind course of existence.  We intentionally wrap ourselves in our lusts and forge ahead in the name of love, all the while believing that we have justly managed our lives into a god-like status.  What we have failed to realize is that our enemy has encircled us through our own enticements and is ready to deal a fatal blow to our worldly perseverance.

We also cordially accept that we have all the answers for our lives and once again ignore the obvious fault lines that we are walking over.  We do not see that our enemy is just that, our enemy.  He does not care what our standards may be, for if they are high enough that only means that we will fall further and harder when the moment of truth becomes reality.  We do not see the bull’s-eye that is located on our hearts nor do we understand what this target means.  It represents a death sentence, just as our founding fathers had and as David had.  Our intentions have become so obscure that we do not even recognize the truth or the impending disasters that we are voluntarily motioning towards.

The way that we direct ourselves can only be attributed to one thing and that everything that we do and represent is made from a choice.  It is our choice to be led by the world and to ignore the warning signs that we passively look at as we whiz by them.  It is our choice not to understand human history and to grasp the concept that if we do not learn from our past we are doomed to repeat it sometime down the road.  The same laws hold true in our spiritual lives as well and the death sentence on this level is far greater than the physical for our physical will eventually give out but our spiritual life will live for eternity, but the question of where he / she shall live is strictly your choice.

It is through the principles of this divine law that drives our enemy to destroy our presence on this earth.  Through this law we have the authority to work the miracles of God each and every second of our life and it is the duty of our enemy to make sure that we doubt this ability or take it away from as many of our fellow men and women as possible.  Through this law the life that we know is a testament to God’s authority over His enemy so it is of the utmost priority that our enemy wipe out what has already been established as the truth; which means your specific life.

So, in reality we do have a death sentence on each one of our heads and it is important that we understand that our enemy does not care how he completes this task, he just needs to get it done.  The enemy uses the world to accomplish his deathly goal.  The British placed a death sentence on every one of the people that participated in the American Revolution and it was clear that they had no chance of a pardon if ever caught.  David found himself in the same predicament and even though the territory that he and Saul shared was small, Saul never accomplished his goal of destroying David.  In both examples God miraculously came through and His will was completed.  Just it is with your life for as Saul, David, everyone who participated in the American Revolution passed away so will you one day.  When that day comes, what will your choice have been for your future?


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