Tuesday, July 8, 2014

God's Continuous Firsts

God’s Continuous Firsts


A being that is totally self sufficient, all knowing, continually present in all places and all powerful is one who our minds cannot really comprehend.  Yet such a being does exist and He is the one being that began all of the things that we know including our past, our present and our future.  It is also difficult for some of us to understand that God does actually perform firsts even while keeping the continuous in motion without any breaks in the chain.  How does He complete this?  This is a question that will keep our finite minds busy for the remainder of our lives if we choose to do so.

When I was in High School and living in Hobbs, New Mexico there were a couple of settings there that would blow your mind if I described them to you.  The event that I am going to use here deals with me personally and how God speaks to one person or group of people in order to complete a task for someone else who may not understand why things are occurring or what is actually going on or moving about their surroundings.  This is a specific event in time but it was an event that had dire consequences if the message was not heard or ignored; namely my life.

As some of you know my family had a short stint in Hobbs, New Mexico.  My father preached nothing but repentance for six solid months, even in the Wednesday night services.  As one would guess there was a huge reason for this single message and of course once the enemy has a foothold he really does not like it when someone tries to expose his foothold.  The complacency within this church concerning these sinful conditions was magnificent and at one point my parents were shocked at the openness to which the congregation accepted these conditions in their lives.  Many concerns hit my parents every day and some of these concerns dealt with my life.

While they were focused upon my spiritual concerns there was another detail that none of us were thinking about and that was about my health.  Many, many people understood the attacks that our family was enduring and these people were constantly praying for our safety. You don’t think that prayer works??  When I look back and think about everything that our family experienced during those six months, I thoroughly believe prayer works.  At some point towards the end of our stint in Hobbs my body decided to react to something and then respond accordingly.  It was this response that became the major issue within my life and I had no idea about what was going on or about to occur.

Dad came back from a meeting in another part of the country and was in the Midland airport when God verbally told him to take his son and flee the city.  Dad has never claimed to literally hear the voice of God on a continual basis but to this day dad still describes this voice as if it were right next to him as he was walking down the corridor of that building.  This was a first for dad but I guarantee that this process was not the first for God.  We have many examples of His voice speaking to humans in order for them to understand what their surroundings are.  While mom and dad knew there were things going on that were not great, God’s timing of His message was a confirmation that it was time to prepare for our departure from Hobbs, what dad did not know was about the condition of my body but God had this covered as well.

A little while later, in the middle of the night God used His voice once again to wake a family hundreds of miles away.  His voice said to these people that they should go and get me for my life was in danger.  They agreed with God to do what He wished of them and that they would leave first thing in the morning.  God said “no” leave now.  If one is familiar with God, you know the one being who has been in existence forever, says to you leave now, then one must understand that human time is of the essence and things are going downhill fast.  It also sends chills down my spine to have the understanding of the spiritual surroundings enough to know when time is important for the physical; a concept that is difficult for us to understand yet possible if we allow God to work through our lives.  This family knows this concept and followed God’s wishes to the letter and left immediately to come get me.

I know that within a few short hours my life was in the back of a nice van and was headed back to southeast Texas.  The family did not allow me to do anything, I was a couch potato in the back of the van and I basically laid down for the entire trip.  When we arrived at their house I was again sent to the room where I was staying and told to rest as much as possible.  I did not understand why I was being treated this way but I did know two distinct things, one was that I did not feel the greatest and two that God had told these people to come get me for some specific reason.  The doctor’s appointment was made and it was the next morning when I arrived at his office.

After all of the poking and prodding was over it was determined that I had an enlarged spleen.  Being in the medical field and now understanding the severity of an enlarged spleen and what it can lead to, I understand a little bit more about the gravity of that condition in my life during that period in time.  The physician stated that my spleen was so enlarged that if I had tried to lift anything over 15 pounds or so that it probably would have ruptured.  With the knowledge that an enlarged spleen can hold over half of the circulating blood cells within your body and even up to 2/3rds of your blood at any time during an enlarged stage, and according to the physicians, given the size of my spleen that I probably would not have survived any type of splenic rupture.

Well, this setting was a first in my life but I can guarantee that this was not a first for God.  I understand now that even though this event directly affected my life, it was carried out by other people who had the means to do something about the need at hand.  A mute god would not have the capability to perform this action, nor would a dead god either.  A God that is alive does have the notion to protect His people even when those people do not understand what is going on or about to transpire.  This event is only one of the many that God has performed that I may never hear about but it is a true and personal story that was a first for my life but a continual and ongoing function of God.

There are countless things that I have encountered over my life that I consider firsts and whether these events could be classified as good or bad, they are firsts yet they are an example of a continuous God for it is my choice to serve Him as they pass through my life.  It does not matter what your first experiences might be, but understand that our enemy is out to destroy you and that there are forces that are lined up against you, just to see that their mission is completed.  God also has a first for you and in order for that first to come to pass we must be willing to hear His voice in our lives.  I remember writing my first article and how simple its content was.  While I have now written over two hundred of them I can still tell that I have a ways to go before my writing style and techniques would be considered perfect in the literary society but God did not call me to write perfectly only to write in the style that He gave me and made in me.  My grammar may not always be perfect and my “syntax” may differ from the norm, but that is ok because God gave me that first article about two years ago now and has continuously given many to share with you.

How many burning bushes do you think Moses heard before God appeared to him that day?  Have you heard or watched a bush burn without it being consumed by the heat and the flames?  I can say that I have watched many bushes and trees succumb to flames but I have never had the privilege of watching one continually be engulfed in flames yet not burn up.  To be honest, I have no idea how I would respond to such a sight but I would know that some type of spiritual event was ongoing at that time all the while shaking in my boots.  It took guts for Moses to stand there and to listen to what God had to say, many of us would have took off running back down the mountain.  That situation was a first for Moses yet God had shown His glory to others before, it is guaranteed.  This might have been a first but it was a continual process that God used in order for His people to understand Him.

The main question that concerns many people throughout the world is why would God allow Jesus to die for potential salvation for people He did not personally know?  Another popular question that is asked is why would God allow this type of event to even occur?  I could step on some toes here but that is ok, for this article contains a message that God wishes for us to think about and just as that family obeyed His message to them so many years ago, I shall do the same now.  When a person understands that God can do anything He wishes and that person also knows that there are two kingdoms present that are at constant war with each other than that person can comprehend why God does things in the manner that He does them.  We may not fully see all of the implications of that act but we can rest assured that something important was going on at that moment.

Jesus’ life represented everything that God required of man throughout the scriptures.  His life, death and resurrection totally upended every sacrificial procedure that scriptures had recorded and placed them into a personal perspective for each and every one of us to understand.  Some of us can fathom this concept but there are some groups out in the world today that still reject this first yet continuous act of God’s handiwork.  This genius stroke completed the redemption story after the fall in the Garden of Eden and it allowed direct access to God once again.  If one will open their hearts enough to allow God to show them that this act of Jesus’ life was ordained by God long before Lucifer even made the choice to go on his own, their lives will be totally transformed and their spiritual eyes opened to the truth that surrounds their existence.  This one event in history sums up the entire Constitution of God and the reason why He created us in the first place.

God does not need to create another Jesus for His plan was perfect the first time around even though His process may seem a bit confusing to some, it fits all perfectly within His continuous life plan for each one of us.  It is a necessity that we remember that God does perform firsts in our lives even though I am sure that He has spoke to someone else to go and get another person in the middle of the night. God understands us well enough to know how to grab our attention and then to use what He has given to us as a means of delivering His message to others.  This is the perfect example of an all knowing, all powerful and all loving Creator that wants our lives to be an example of His Kingdom to the world.

Does God need to give another bush His presence within its life?  Who knows but if God wishes it to be done then He can do it.  When God does something unusual it will not go against His Constitution, for if it does then it is not from God.  Then it is our responsibility to understand God’s Constitution well enough to know the truth.  If we do not then we could fall into a deadly trap that will only bring harm and shame to others and cause more division among God’s people.  The extraordinary way that God sent Jesus to earth was a first yet that process was consistent with the continuous ways of God.  Jesus’ creation was both spiritual and physical just as the burning bush was and the actions of Laura Lou and Henry Jasper were some 30 years ago.

I also find it very intriguing that it is us who first doubted God. And through this first of ours we continuously increase our doubts about God and who He is and about specific doubts concerning His life.  It has been noted that God has been very displeased with our actions and has had to make some drastic alterations to our personal worlds, but His Constitution clearly states that He has never reached the point of doubting our potential.  If He had, then He would have totally wiped us off the earth and ended things a very long time ago.

Let me present this concept in another manner.  When you go to the physician you would expect that doctor to have completed their training at an accredited school, correct?  Do you ever think about when the first time that doctor actually chose to become a doctor? What was their first idea or process that gave them the desire to become a physician of the sick?  Was it them looking at a cell under the microscope or was it them as a teenage sitting in a classroom learning about all of the options available to her / him within the medical field?  What about engineers that build power plants or buildings for public use?  What about ministers or teachers?  What was their first that brought them to continuously learn about a specific field of study?

I know that there are some of you out in the world that read these articles that I write but could you automatically read the words that I have written down or did you first have to learn the alphabet?  After you learned the letters of the alphabet then you learned how to connect those letters in order to form words, correct?  Those letters together represented a continuous line of letters to form that word, and then you learned how to speak those words.  Those words then form a continuous chain to form a sentence and then can form a paragraph which can then be placed into an article or book.  So if this is a trait of our lives and we were created by God, then why would it be any different from God Himself?

God is a God of firsts but He always shall keep His actions in line with His Constitution.  Each one of your lives is a part of that Constitution yet it always has amazed me that He allows us to choose His ways if we wish.  This concept of choice is a continuous act of God as well and most of us do not even realize this fact.  God is good, all the time and all the time, God is good for it is He alone who gave us a created and purposeful life, so why would anyone else’s life be anything different, including Jesus’.  It is through these firsts that God creates that should be the proof that God is a continuous God and that no matter what occurs in our life, He first loved us.


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