Saturday, November 7, 2015

Being Ready

Being Ready


With all of the commotion occurring around the world, this topic cannot be placed on a higher priority list.  The world and its occupants shall continue to try and destroy themselves with humanly planned séances and when you combine these instigations with the increased amounts of natural disasters, calamity will rule at the end of the day.  This is why it is ever so important to be ready, both for our survival and most importantly being ready with God.  As of this moment, it is not too late to prepare for both settings, but time is running short on all issues.

No one can deny that things around the world are changing by each passing day.  It is now sideline news to hear of deadly shootings that occur in our country and unless they are horrific in nature or support an idea of a certain portion of the country, these reports become page 18 news.  The idea of true reporting and accurate coverage is a thing of the past and this truth is such a tragedy since the world itself has sped up in all of its current turmoil, all accountable in the name of the almighty dollar.

How many of you can remember when the last news story broke out about flooding occurring in the Middle East country of Oman?  I have to admit that when I read this story the other day I was taken back a bit and it was hard to believe until I saw the accompanying photos of the flood waters in a city in Oman.  We typically think that the Middle East is dry and hot and if a person has this conceptual image they would not be incorrect.  Yet it is still mind boggling to think of this type of weather situation occurring in this area.  What about the cyclone that hit the coastline of Yemen, did anyone hear about that huge event the other day?  All of us know about the civil war that is ongoing, which is terrible enough but what about this natural event that took place?

Over the past few months, the regions of the world have been rocked by numerous large earthquakes.  The country of Chile is still experiencing aftershocks from its large earthquake.  Not to mention the destructive earthquake that struck Nepal in April of this year or the one that hit Afghanistan just a few weeks ago.  No one can forget the devastation in Haiti a while back nor will we forget the Indonesian and Japan earthquakes which produced terrible tsunamis that destroyed thousands of lives.  My USGS monitoring system app goes off every day, sometimes every couple of hours, and if this does not say trouble, then I have no idea what is considered trouble.

How many more circumstances should be included in order for us to stop and take a hard look at things?  Do we have to have a major earthquake to split this country into pieces before we realize what has transpired?  Are we ready for a devastating medical pandemic in which our clinics and hospitals will have only the words, I am sorry as to what can be done?  What if our land is so decimated that our crops and breadbaskets are dead and no longer have the ability or capacity to produce goods?  Whether we wish to claim it or not, God has a great deal to do with this type of activity, or lack of it as well.  One can scoff at this statement and believe me, many have before and currently are, but if one looks into the Word of God they will see that these things have occurred before and have been thoroughly documented as to why they occurred.

It is evident that many countries in the world today are systematically throwing God out of their equations and are proud to say so and to proclaim it as it is being executed.  This type of belief did not happen overnight for many of these countries for it has progressed in such a manner that their actions should really not come as a surprise.  Yet, it has begun a popular trend around the world due to both the physical and spiritual traits that we have adopted for our lives.

If you want an example of what it means to know God and then purposely fall away from God, we don’t have to look too far Adam and Eve serve as the perfect example of this situation.  God will shed more light on this topic shortly, but take a look at what occurred when Adam and Eve fell from their perfect state.  They are the only ones to know and understand the complete purity of being a human being and they chose to throw that away by the choices that they made.  They were kicked out of the Garden of Eden and most importantly were permanently separated from God through the initiation of the internal death penalty. What more damaging testimony and convincing argument can there be for these types of wrongdoing?  Yet, we continue our course.

With all of these calamities taking place around the world on a daily basis, one would believe that we would be turning more towards God than away from Him.  Humans and their choices have made this specific option not viable to our communities, thus placing it on the same ridicule level as schools teaching that abstinence is an option before marriage.  Things are weird people and things are continuing this path more and more each day.  We have become so cynical towards God that we are now refusing to teach our children how to be prepared if some large disaster occurs in our country or another part of the world.  Stop and think for a moment about what would happen if God administered a devastating natural disaster on this country.  How would we respond to it and what would it do to the world?  There is an escape plan but it requires us to turn from our ways and return to God and if we do not figure this out pretty quickly, things shall change like never before.

Adam and Eve played with God and tempted God while they were in the Garden of Eden.  Nothing was hidden from God concerning their actions, He saw exactly what was going on at all times.  Yet they chose to mess up their lives and at a certain point in time their actions caused a major rift to develop between them and God; that rift is still in effect today.  Their lives totally changed and the world has never been the same since they made that specific choice.  Why do we have to be so hard-headed and continue to do sinful deeds when we know what the outcome will be?  If our hearts are right with God and we wish and choose to serve Him as we ought, our world could dramatically change for the better almost immediately.

Our course has been voluntarily plotted and if continue to push the gas button for this course, we will not land in good places.  It is strictly up to us to get caught and face the consequences or to turn away and stop our sinful desecration of our lives and return to God’s healthy ways.  If we survive a natural disaster and are not prepared, others will be around to help out after the dust settles, but the question will continue to haunt us: why didn’t we figure things out sooner?  But the more important question will be is this: will your life be ready to meet God if you do not survive these things that could come tomorrow?  Would your family members be ready to meet God if they are unlucky in this manner?

It has been mentioned in many methods of communication that something big is coming.  None of us know exactly when that specific moment will arrive, but I agree something is coming.  God cannot allow our flippant and blatant sins go on forever, God at some point will say, enough.  He has said this time and time again in throughout human history and we have continued to ignore His voice of reconciliation.  The time is ripe for us to return to His ways and I pray that you search your heart and look for any type of sin that may hinder you from having a personal relationship with God.  Because even if you survive any type of personal disaster, the ultimate goal is to get back what has been lost and according to God, the something that is lost, is you!

The most devastating event in human history has not occurred yet, but it will at some point in our future.  We have witnessed many disasters over our lifetimes, watched many nations fall, money come and go.  We have been witness to heinous crimes against humanity and even had the honor of participating in special moments which mark happiness in our lives.  But the real tragedy is about to occur in our lives and while we know this event is coming we have no idea of when it shall present itself. The greatest tragedy of all time is our personal death and not knowing God on an intimate level.  This is the greatest of all disasters, especially when we have had countless opportunities to change our lives by turning to Him.  To everyone reading this article that epic moment has not arrived yet, but it can within the next few minutes.  Be ready!  Search your heart and ask God to change it so you can skip this terrible and devastating tragedy.


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