Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Chosen Disease

A Chosen Disease


Being human, all of us understand that at some point in our lives we are going to encounter some type of illness.  The majority of the time our bodies effectively fight off these conditions and in a few days or so we return back to our normal way of life.  However, there are certain conditions that we may inherit that we do not get rid of and eventually our lives succumb to the devastating results.  But there is a third kind of disease that is currently eating at not only our lives but our way of living as well and this disease is rapidly spreading throughout our entire functioning capabilities as a society.  Unlike the physical conditions where no cure is present, this type of disease is curable but we would rather ignore the treatment and continue our current path; the destruction of the spiritual lives of countless people are being viewed each day and the ones who can show them the truth violently remain silent.

For approximately five years now I have had the privilege of working in our hospital’s Oncology and Infusion Center.  I work with a great bunch of doctors, nurses, clinic managers, administrative personnel, and secretaries.  Together we all chip in and make our center a great place to provide care for people who have been diagnosed with a horrible disease.  I love my position and I love the people that come into our center each day for treatment and as I have stated before I have learned more about courage from these people than I ever did in my entire life.  Through my experiences over these past few years at this center, I have learned so much about life and just how precious it really is, all coming from those who have been inflicted with this death sentence.

None of the patients that come into our clinic for treatment asked to be here nor did any of them say that they wished to spend the remaining years of their life tied to a cancer treatment center in hopes of making it another year or two.  The positions that these people have been placed into is a constant reminder that life can be cruel sometimes and that these conditions are given to us not by choice but by some encounter that occurred inside our bodies.  Life is not worth hearing of continual bad news when all of us know that we should be with the grandkids or camping in some place in a National Park.  Yet these people live each day and each day that they are given rejoice that they have been able to see another sunrise or sunset.  And it is these people who inspire me as I see their faces when they arrive once again to experiment with a treatment of chemicals that hopefully will extend their life for a bit longer.

I shall always treasure each patient that I serve in the position that I currently occupy and I have no doubt that my learning about life shall continue each day when I turn on the lights in my little laboratory.  I understand that many of the precious lives that I see almost every week will not physically recover from this terrible disease that they harbor but even though the government of my country tries to silence my beliefs I pray that my actions in my patients’ eyes reflect the One who drives me to give them my best at all times.

The disease that I am going to focus on in this article is similar to what my cancer patients go through.  It is a disease that functions and presents itself as cancer does.  It spreads to other parts of the body at a slow yet steady pace and it has no desire or reason to stop its spreading.  It is a painful disease that causes turmoil within the body and it has no intentions of letting up either.  But this disease is different in the fact that it is a voluntary disease that we have chosen to be in our lives and it is this specific reason that needs to be addressed so that we may fully understand that this disease that we have is killing us and even though we are in a dying state there is a cure and it is through a process called restoration.

For many of the cancer patients, the diagnosis of the specific type of cancer comes after some sort of pain occurs or a palpable lump is found when a personal or professional examination is taking place.  Most of us do not like to go to doctors even though we know we should and it is this reason that we humans tend to shy away from our routine checkups.  Cancer is not a word that we usually hear in young and healthy people yet it is becoming more commonplace to hear of this age group leaving their families due to this disease.  There is nothing good about cancer and just the thought of the word alone is enough to send some people’s blood pressure through the roof.  Yet it is a reality that is also becoming more and more common in many people’s lives and it does not look like any major cure is presenting itself anytime soon.

After the diagnosis of cancer is given to the patient and their family it takes some time for the knowledge of things to sink into the minds of the ones involved.  It is hard to understand that a diagnosis of this type can even be possible since most of the people are strong and “healthy” when the news arrives.  A plan of action is then discussed and the treatment options are included in these discussions as well.  Usually, patients have some options that they can choose from and usually takes some kind of additional time for them to make the decision on treatment.  When the treatment options are given it is then up to the patient to decide o the specific course of action and in some cases it is painful when they decide to not choose any treatment and to go on their way.

It is vividly clear that the process of spiritual cancer and destruction follows the exact same course when it comes to this type of destination.  What makes this type of disease painful to accept is that there are billions of people in this world who completely ignore the simple process of curing and then restoring that is available.  What makes things even worse is that the ones who have been in the spiritual healing world for most of their lives do not even understand what is ongoing and what is in play according to the foundational Word that they proclaim to others.  We have laid out our lives for a Word that we do not even understand, what kind of sense does that make to those who are actually begging to be healed?

The story of restoration begins in the Bible and it is found in the book of Genesis.  There are countless numbers of people who have read the first few chapters of Genesis and even more who are familiar with the stories of these chapters, yet have no real intentions of understanding what is actually transpiring here.  So many principles about both kingdoms that are vying for our lives are described in these first few chapters of Genesis and if we would take the time to understand these words it would make our existence come to life again, both on the physical aspect and the spiritual aspect.

For a while now, I have repeatedly stated that I cannot get out of the book of Genesis.  God has shared with me so many concepts and principles about humanity in these few chapters that I still have numerous articles to share with everyone.  It completely boggles my mind when I read over what God has shown me and I hope that those who read these words of our Creator will study them further to receive every ounce of benefit that God wishes for us to understand.  It has always been said that knowledge is a good thing, and that is a true statement especially when one finds out about what exactly is ongoing around us, what is for us and what is against us.

It is through these words of other people’s actions that one can find the true answers for the problems that all of us face today.  The actions that took place on that dreadful day of choosing by Adam and Eve actually set the foundation for God to issue His holy and Eternal Covenant that now encompasses our lives if we choose it.  The basics of forgiveness and restoration ooze from this setting and while this forgiveness and restoration process unfolds it sets the stage for how God’s laws work and operate for our lives, not against them.

It is through the process of Lucifer’s eternal fall and separation from God that defines God’s work in our lives and sets forth the Kingdom principles for the eternal place of our creation.  It is through this act of our creation that sets into play what it means to give life and to protect the very dominion that has been given to us; it also demonstrates what occurs in our lives when we voluntarily give up our dominion to our eternal enemy.  These first portions of Scripture give specific details of what occurs when we fight back against our enemy and on the other hand what happens to our world when we give in to his beguilement.  These verses provide a foundation of relationship that each one of us encounter on a daily basis, with the world, and with our Creator.  And most importantly it describes the actually individual world that each one of us has control over and how we should respond to events when they appear before our eyes.

The Bible is not some worn out fairy-tailed book that has no meaning to your life.  On the contrary, it is the only source of divine information that has the resources to show you the way to a complete and whole you!  The world will stop at nothing to entice you into its lair, for that is the goal of its leader.  He shall never indulge you of his purpose but only show you what your eyes wish to see all wrapped up in an eternal separation package from your Creator.  He shall never show you his principles only laugh at you when your life finds itself in ruins.  Being separated from God is no easy task nor is it a place that anyone ever wishes to be.

God shall never force you to choose His ways, and that alone is the one truth about God that many Christians fail to recognize.  It was not God who forced Lucifer from his position in heaven it was his choice to separate from God.  Choice was defined in an eternal being, given by an eternal being and then pressed on our lives in the same manner.  I have no idea how many topics and articles that God has in store for our lives concerning these few chapters in Genesis but as you read these words that God is sharing with our lives I ask that you continue to study the Word of God in its entirety for we need the entire Bible in our lives at all times.  There will come a time that the Word of God may not be as readily available to our eyes so that means we need to study its words and to hide them in our hearts for eternal keeping.  Our country is about to face a set of crises that we have never known before.  We need to be prepared on every front, including our spiritual front.  We need to be restored well enough spiritually that we have the ability to fend off the eternal diseases that we have allowed into our dominions.

The only way for this healing and restoration to be complete is if we confess our sins to God and allow Him back into our dominions.  He shall set light upon our lives so that we may see what all has been allowed to invade and then through His mighty hand of healing, heal our dominions.  God loves each and every one of you and it is a tough love that provided His Son in our place.  Allow God to shine through your life so that all may see what a healthy, spiritual life can produce.  Through this process, we can rid ourselves of the chosen spiritual disease that we have allowed into our dominion and live abundantly in the protection of what God has ordained for our lives.  Let it be known that this coming year shall be a battle year, one that will define your life and place into direction our country's.


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