Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Nothing Like You

Nothing Like You


Do we believe that there is nothing like God that has ever been created?  How do we view ourselves in this equation, or do we even recognize the equation at all?  If we doubt God’s existence then we have to doubt all of the other things that are present within the universe, including your own existence.  Sadly, there are millions of people that fall into this category some of which may be right next door to you, or within your own family.  God is real, so is His Son, our enemy and yes, even you.  We need to get back to the concept of what our lives really mean, there is only one God, one Son, one enemy and only one you!  All of us have a purpose in this life and if we do not grasp the concept of God’s true existence, then we have no opportunity to realize exactly what God wants from our lives.

Back in 1993, a song came out from an unknown worship leader from Australia named Darlene Zschech called “Shout to the Lord”.  It is a very familiar song back in the 90s and it is still sung in many church worship services today.  There is no wonder that the song and its lyrics and measures have resounded through countless congregations, for its entire written words proclaim a truth that many people have never believed or have forgotten about over the years.  I could recite the entire song lyrics for you but only one line actually needs to be re-iterated and it goes as follows:  “My Jesus, My Savior Lord, there is none like you”.  This seems like a simple line of words, and it is but it carries in it the entire passion for our lives and it gives a foundation as to what our lives were created for.

It is hard for our minds to comprehend that God has always been in existence, He has no beginning for His Word says He is the beginning and the end which means that He is and has been always present.  Would it be fair for our lives to be in the palm of someone’s hand when we have no inkling of who our creator was and what His existence means?  God’s existence for the advancement of His Kingdom is adequately displayed in Genesis 1:3 when He created light as the first sign of this advancement.  All of us know that when darkness forms around anything the object in question is placed at a disadvantage and will be limited in all movements.  It is this process that God deems as important because when He reaches to the creation of humans there must be in places everything that humans need in order to function properly.

We all know that over time, Satan entered into the lives of Adam and Eve and the fall of mankind arrived.  But this did not stop God and His will for mankind, He forged a proper way to be restored and to be able to return to our perfect state of life in order to continue the advancement of His Kingdom.  We cannot say we know God and do not believe that He has everything covered in order for us to regain this status and we cannot say we know God if we do not comprehend that God is the Creator of everything and thus everything having a purpose for their existence.  It is clear that God has a purpose so, why would He create a being that would not have a purpose as well?  Our only issue is that God gave us the ability to choose, just as He did for all of His creations that have a spirit, and it is through this gift that we either fully understand our purpose or selfishly deny our existence with the truth.  The light that God first created in Genesis represents the guidance that He provides each one of us with, yet we try our best to see the light but not reach for its truth that it shines upon.

Stop and take a while to comprehend some of the aspects of God.  What our finite minds can comprehend is limited and while some of the truths that we can understand about God only represent a minuscule fraction of what we cannot understand and if God is this type of being He must have created you in the same manner since we are all created in His image.  What image is more controversial to the finite mind than God’s own Son Jesus?  This portion of God also lines up with a divine purpose and function in our existence but as with God, it is easy to reject a concept so powerful and truthful as we do.  Though God’s own words in the book of Genesis He has created us in His image and thus establishes a direct lineage to His existence and this is the first link to our purpose for if God has a purpose, so does His children.

In order to believe that Jesus represents our Savior, we must believe in a few concepts that might be looked upon as a bit shaky to the human mind.  First of all, we must believe that Jesus had a physical mother.  This is not too difficult because we all have a birth mother, the one person who bore you from her belly and gave you life as you know it.  This process stayed intact after the conception of Jesus, through the Holy Spirit and it is this portion of Jesus’ life that many have problems with; however, it is the cornerstone that connects our lives with God and if we do not understand and believe this detail about God then our lives cannot proceed with our true purpose for the enemy has gained enough advantage of doubt to place us on the same level as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

If God would have allowed Jesus to be born of a human father and mother, His life would be on the same level as the likes of Mohammad, the leader of the Muslim religion.  The bloodline of salvation would be strictly on a human plane and rendered flawed and volatile which could not adequately acquire the necessary redemption that is needed for our covering in the eyes of God.  We must stop and consider that once sin entered into our human lives the entire process of redemption and restoration had to be changed, the covering that God established in the Garden of Eden could no longer be adequate to place us under His protection.  A sacrificial replacement had to be freely given as the only process that would mark the true process of restoration.  When it was time for the sacrifices to begin, a perfect lamb was chosen, not some ordinary and flawed lamb and even though the children of Israel understood these conditions, they totally missed the complete truth of what the ultimate sacrifice was going to be.

All throughout Old Testament Scriptures, God commanded His people to do just that, a process of sacrificing that represented the restoration process that was needed for mankind.  The only problem with this process is that Israel failed to recognize the true identity and reasoning for this process and it eventually became a part of their religion instead of a symbolic process of restoration; it became a process of going to church, sitting in the pews, listening to the message, and then walking out of the building and doing absolutely nothing to live the message that was just given to them.  When a person or nation follows this type of pattern long enough it becomes ingrained into their thought process and ten gains control of their lifestyles, which automatically pushes God out and replaces Him with self.

The act of sacrifice in the Old Testament should have awakened the people’s hearts to the point that there was a certain process that needed to be followed for a reason, not for an act to “satisfy” their god; yes that is with a little “g”.  This was the issue that God wanted His people to understand and to identify themselves with, but instead, they made it a ritual and a timely show of their emotions instead of their hearts.  God honored this process for many centuries but eventually came to the point where He recognized that their hearts did no longer understand what the true meaning was of this sacrificial process so, God had to correct them. 

All of the times that God asked the people of Israel to sacrifice was in a course of their true repentance, restoration, and redemption unto God.  They failed to see this aspect of their sins and they failed to understand that one day their true savior would come into their lives according to what God had promised.  Oh, yes they read the passages that mentioned this event coming to them, but just as they made a ritual of the sacrificial address, they too secularized the coming of their Messiah.  Thus, losing the true link that connects God to mankind and the foundation of our purpose in our existence.  But do not be hearty concerning these truths of our past, for we ourselves have followed in the nation of Israel and Adam and Eve’s footsteps perfectly.

This is where you and I fit into this picture and to begin this portion of what God wants us to hear I must share with you that God is very concerned with our status as a people, a nation and most importantly a bride.  It is not of unique status that the world preaches equality for everyone.  It is also not unique that the world understands that this status is totally impossible to gain through worldly measures but will portray lies to you in order for you to try and keep that futile hope.  God did not install force or a dictatorship within the spirit realm, Lucifer chose to leave his position and to fall away in the exact same manner that we have choices, and when those choices are spiritually made a high level of covenant is then portrayed and thus exhibited from that point onwards.

So far we have learned that God is a unique being for He represents the beginning and the end to which there is no such thing because His existence has always been.  No human or created being can claim this measure, for God’s measure cannot in effect be measured.  God perfectly established His perfect sacrifice through His perfect conception through His Son and allowed Him to fulfill His mission while existing on this earth.  The other specific and miraculous creation that God established was that of humanity and through this establishment, all of God’s purposes line up in accordance to His perfect plan.  Mankind was created to be unique and a perfect representation of what God intended His creations to exist.  God did not fail or make a mistake when He created mankind, He placed into our lives the gift of choice, the perfect mechanism to honestly choose the Creator over all other issues that may present themselves.

I believe that we can all agree on the fact that each one of us is a unique being and each one of us differ from everyone else in many ways.  Some of us have brilliant mathematical minds, others choose to fall in love with the medical field while some choose to be miners and laborers that provide special services for our daily lives.  All of us desire to be loved and wish to be accepted by someone who satisfies our needs in this manner, but unless God is at the center of all our concerns and provinces our lives shall be devoid of the complete truth.  In all aspects of our existence we have a purpose and it is the job of our enemy to do his best to hide this from our lives; he does this through worldly practices and situations which glorify turmoil and express pain and suffering disguised as equality.

God created our lives for a specific purpose, to fulfill a portion of God’s Kingdom.  Each one of our lives represents a portion of God’s Kingdom that completes the creation that God intended for life itself.  It is through our creation that God’s Kingdom is advanced, we represent His Kingdom and the potential of completion on a God level, not a worldly.  It is this truth that Satan does not wish to see executed for if we unite in God and each one of us complete our given portions of God’s Kingdom then there is nothing that will stop God and His will for our existence, on ALL levels.  This is where atheists come into the picture because they fail to see that God has a purpose for each one of us and that they have allowed doubt linger and grow enough within their hearts that they believe that God is a myth.  For those of us who believe in Jesus yet do not believe that Jesus was the perfectly and divinely conceived sacrificial Lamb of God create our own atheism and then begs the question as to why we cheapen the bounds of grace and prostitute its eternal meaning; Satan of course!

Without our existence and perseverance through God, Satan has won the battle for kingdom rights and it will be his worldly kingdom that advances and not God’s.  Satan does not care one bit about your life, all he is interested in is to deceive you well enough to secure your position in the world instead of God’s Kingdom.  The moment you leave this world we will spiritually understand the importance of our existence, but that is a place where Satan can no longer influence you for your choice has already been marked.  Satan’s number one goal is to make sure that you do not realize that you have dominion, to recognize that your dominion is divinely given and that your dominion is broken and shredded enough to no longer be effective for God.

God is all about Kingdom and the advancement of His will through the choices of His children.  This concept could not be possible unless God created us in a unique and special manner and God has shown us this creation in His Word and He stated this so that we may fully understand why we are here and what our mission is for life itself.  God’s Kingdom represents eternal existence and life to the fullest based through God and His ways.  Having the gift of choice enhances this truth beyond our recognition and it is the key to what our enemy wishes to destroy.  Our presence on this earth is a constant reminder to God that He has succeeded and on the other hand our presence on this earth to our enemy represents nothing but hate and discontent on an eternal foundation.  So, see our existence and present has a purpose, a divine purpose that we can only realize if we live under God and His Ways, it frees us from the muck and mire of the world and allows us to choose to live in divine freedom and it is through your own personal choice that this occurs.

God has shown us that He is a unique being and He has also shown us that His Son came to this earth and completed His mission in a unique way.  God has also written down as to why we are special and unique in our existence as well.  For God is God and He created us in His image and this means that humans share the same lineage and purpose as God, which cannot represent anything else but life.  God sent His Son to die for our sins and to be the perfect sacrifice in order that we can obtain the eternal pardon that all of us need.  God also created us in such a way that we exist as a living sacrifice from this world and to represent a separation from the world that automatically advances God’s Kingdom.  As of this moment we are not fulfilling our existence as God sees it, but living according to the world’s standards.  We have been lied to so much that we actually believe that the world has all the answers that will allow for human stability, this is a grave mistake and error on the spiritual plane.

God is gently reminding us that the world has no eternal answers and that it can only fulfill death because that is all it has to offer.  God’s Word was written for us so that we may understand this truth in such detail that we know exactly what is at stake.  God has demonstrated a direct linkage to His existence which means each one of our lives comes from Him and that means that we are as unique as He is, for a purpose.  Each one of us is alive for a reason and we are special to God for each one of us represents another portion of God’s will for life that has the potential to fulfill God’s eternal divine plan for creation.  There is no one like God and there is no one like Jesus and there is definitely no one like you, so the next time someone brings up the fact that we are nothing and that we should be like everyone else, point them to this truth from God and proudly stand up and proclaim that you are an individual that has their own purpose from God and that you represent the Kingdom of God and not society.


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