Thursday, June 23, 2016

Proof and Status of the Church

Proof and Status of the Church


There are those in the world's societies that say the Church is on the correct path and that nothing is wrong with the stances she is taking.  On the other hand, there are those who say the complete opposite is true and that she is not following God’s Word at all.  The true answer lies within the heart of the Church and what she is doing to push back the kingdom of Satan, period.  A legitimate question is if the Church now even recognizes what the kingdom of Satan is at all and where it originates.  The truth is a telling one and should break our hearts when we find out this answer, for the Church, unfortunately, is not separating herself from the world but joining it more each day.  God wants her to repent and to return to His Word entirely so that we may fall under His grace once again.

It is a common theme that music tells the overall attitude of a society.  This concept has been in place for centuries and has crossed every musical boundary as it continues to develop and grow.  For decades Russian composers were banned from writing music that the leaders of that country would deem unnecessary or that went contrary to the feelings that they desired from its people.  Many of these composers were imprisoned, beaten, starved and left for dead in order to prove to the country, and the world, that their thoughts and patterns were incorrect and deserved the punishment that they received.

Germany faced similar musical construction habits and throughout the roaring 20s in this country music began to define a way of life for the younger generations of that time.  Elvis appeared on the “Ed Sullivan Show” and the cameras were not allowed to pan down past his chest due to the “provocative” motions and gestures that they believed were unfit for broadcasting.  There are numerous other examples that can be presented here and some of these examples seem a bit far-fetched and outrageous to many people but to a world whose job it is to isolate the human from their Creator, it is a process that has developed over time and has continued unabated.

How can God make this comparison and still be considered “hip and up with the times” of this world?  Easy, He created the world and He is the only one worthy enough to offer the entire truth about our lives and how the Church is supposed to respond accordingly to these examples.  These musical examples can also be used for the Christian music scene when describing the condition of the Church and the direction in which she is traveling and to be honest it was not until a few nights ago that God wrapped my heart around this truth and it has grieved me ever since.

As I have mentioned in past articles my love for music has always been a centerpiece of my life.  Over the span of my existence on earth I have indulged my ears and heart with numerous genre of music labels and as I have listened to these musical talents I have made quick assessments whether of not I would continue to listen to that style or not.  Over the decades of my life, I have continually returned to two of these classes of music, classical and Christian and it is the Christian side of things that God wants us to understand a few more truths when it comes to the Church.

I honestly believe that Christian artists have a love for God and even though some of these people fall away from God and become disillusioned with the truth their intentions, in the beginning, were based on God’s foundations.  This makes a statement to the fact that not all of the artists truly believe in what they are writing and singing and it gives a portrayal of the Church at the same time.  We are now seeing many pastors falling into cultish behaviors and beliefs, church denominations openly accepting the worldly standards within their constitutions and by-laws, and blatantly defying God on many levels by questioning or revising His Word to fit their earthly whims.  It is through one Christian artist that God showed me this setting and how the Church has mired herself in the worldly mud, and in truth has no desire to walk out of this mud either.

I must admit that some of the Christian music that I listened to had a profound effect on my life and then there were other Christian artists that had an opposite effect a well.  Back in the early 1980s, Christian music was in its infancy with many local tours present and only a handful of national or worldwide tours available.  One of the music artists that was considered to be popular during this period of time was Steve Taylor, a band who I went to see when I lived in Cleveland, Texas.  His music was considered to be on the punk rock side of things – including the new wave influences - which had its own individual style which many, including my parents, did not really care for.  The local Christian radio station played his songs on a slow but regular basis mainly sticking to playing them on Saturday night during the “contemporary” time; intended for the youth of the day.

This past weekend as I was listening to some classical music on the internet, one of Steve Taylor’s songs popped up on the choices on the side.  I could not believe it, most of the time all of the music choices that are over there are classical options since that is what I listen to for the majority of the time.  As soon as my selection was over and saved, I clicked on the title and within a few seconds, my mind was taken back to when I was a teenager back in the early 80s.  My mind instantly remembered the beat and rhythm of his music.  Ah, nostalgia I thought to myself.  But as the song continued God spoke to my heart and told me to focus on the lyrics of the song.  I was much obliged because that meant that I would have to start the song over again.

The song that showed up on my choices and the one that I listened to first was “Sin for a Season” which was on the “Meltdown” album that came out in 1984.  As I sat there and listened to the words, I could not believe my ears of what the words were saying.  The entire song was dealing with concepts that concerned human rights, church and pastor sins, worldly gluttony in the church, divorce defining the church’s dominion, sinful life from those who go to church, and the reaping of what a person sows all wrapped up into one simple song that came out in the early 1980s.  As the song ended, I vigorously looked at the song choices on the side and this time, there were many other choices from the same artist to which I chose from again.

The next two songs that I picked to listen to explained the exact same types of sinful examples that were present in the 1980s.  It did not take me long to remember certain newspaper stories and news broadcasts to think about those circumstances being present back then.  But God was not finished with my heart for He then began to bring back to me that those issues that were present in the 80s were still present within the heart of His Church today and that it had become worse because she had now accepted these sins as normal and wished that nothing would come of them.  The names of the songs I can give if someone wishes to know the lyrics, but I trust that you will first listen to the specific song mentioned above to serve as a reference, then when the other songs are known one will understand further the status of the church.

The truth of these examples is that it proves that the Church is asleep and just sitting around on her comfortable pews believing that all they have to do now is just sit and wait for Jesus to return.  It is this condition that the Church has operated in for centuries and while we are sitting around doing nothing the enemy’s kingdom has been gaining strength through our own pride and sinful attitudes in the name of God.  This is the proof that this type of setting is ongoing in the Church which the Church herself has converted herself from The Church to the church, which means that the church has voluntarily castrated Jesus as her Groom, a camouflaged church is a castrated church AND the status of the church has grown into another “popular” stage called beheading.

How can this claim be mentioned and warranted?  I am glad you asked because God has the direct answer for us.  With the examples of the 1980s songs from Steve Taylor, it is clear that God gave him these words way back over 30 years ago.  This means that God saw the heart of the church back then and even earlier than that for we know that God gives humans time before He gives us a Word and if we do not change God has to take things a bit further.  Let us take a look at things today and let us do a comparison to see if the Church has functioned in her mission or if she has remained as the church.

In the 1980s it was very popular and well accepted to attend church and to call yourself a Christian.  Many people wanted to be a Christian and it was the item to be label with at that time; WHAT A SHAME AND A SHAM!!!  Christianity is NOT a label, it is a relationship!!  If the Church cannot proclaim the truth concerning a few issues that the WORLD is deeming to be correct, then there can be no other conclusion but that the Church is asleep and is not functioning in the livelihood that she is supposed to be.  Therefore, since we are the ones who are representing Christ and God to the world it can honestly be stated that we have castrated Jesus’ life and meaning of the Church.

What brings us to the conclusion that the church is now voluntarily beheading herself?  Given the facts that we are no longer bringing true, holy and separated life from the world we are justifying our worldly inclusions through personal and denominational Scripture interpretations through inadequate knowledge and study of God’s Word.  Preaching and teaching that God really did not mean to destroy the cities of Sodom, Gomorrah and Admah and that He has since changed His mind on this sinful and abominable lifestyle is a lie from the pit of hell.  Furthermore, if God has changed His mind about this stance then where is His apology to the people of that region?  What is He waiting for?

It is obvious that this issue and others like it have infiltrated the walls of the church and the walls of the heart of the Church well enough to make such ludicrous assumptions that God made a mistake.  You actually believe and defend that God had made an error?  Do you know what you are saying?  What proof do I have that the church has this philosophy?  The Bible states that Satan is the father of all lies.  The Bible states that Satan hates God and everything that God is associated with, which is life itself in all capacities.  This belief of inclusion of sin AND doing nothing about it into the church walls and heart deems that the church believes what the world is saying and proclaiming is true.  Therefore, by this proclamation the church is giving Satan his position back in heaven and re-elevating him back to his original name of Lucifer.

How dare I say such things???  Well, the church is allowing the world to infiltrate and then dictate what she can say and do according to worldly guidelines and laws.  The Bible clearly states that God’s ways are not the ways of mankind.  The Church is plugging the line of division within its congregations on these issues and numerous more like them that excuse the sins of the world and to bring a false sense of transfiguration of Jesus and God so that their justifications of these sins can be dismissed in the “eyes of God”.  This is a mockery of God, it is a mockery of the entire life, death and resurrection of Christ, and it waters down the Grace that covers all sins through the name of earthly equality and passiveness.  One of the verse lines in the song “Sin for a Season” states this:

                        Wealthy lips say “keep us from the Evil One”
                        While the praying hands prey with deliberate cunning
                        on the carcass of the cold
                        gonna get the Good Lord to forgive a little sin
                        get the slate cleaned so he can dirty it again
                        and no one else will ever know
                        but he reaps his harvest as his heart grows cold
                        no man’s gonna make a mockery of God

It is this passage alone that God wants His people to understand that it is this kind of portrayal to the world that He sees coming from our lives.  This song was written over 30 years ago and we are now asking sin into our hearts instead of asking Jesus into our hearts and it is through this point that God sees us voluntarily allowing the world – and us – beheading ourselves.  Because what is left is the vitality has been taken from our existence?  God is an eternal God and so is His Son.  If we through worldly means cut out the holy and true existence of Christ which is the bridegroom and the head of the Church then there is no reason why the Church should stay intact and be functioning, but it is dead.  Has this content been hard enough for you?  This is from God, not me and if you have ANY arguments concerning the Church and her status, I beg you to talk to God about it.

God loves His Church more than anyone can ever imagine with our limited and finite minds.  It is His only desire to bring every single person under His protective covering but this measure is strictly up to us.  God shall never force us to choose Him, it is strictly and completely by our own choice.  God’s laws are meant for our protection and separate us from the world, not to be included with the world.  God does represent love but in order to really understand and to keep love, obedience must be the first fact in our lives.  It is clear that our priorities have been switched from God to the world and it is through this misconception that we have allowed our enemy’s defeated kingdom to replace God’s holy and all mighty Kingdom.  God is not a legalist by any means, He is a freedomist through relationship and there is nothing more that He desires than to have a personal relationship with you.  And each and every one of you represents His children and the Church.


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