Sunday, August 28, 2016

Young Christians

Young Christians


A person who has just accepted Christ as their savior is placed into unfamiliar territory, both physically and spiritually.  Many times this changed state has caused hurt, heartache and pain along with some settings of pure and holy joy all wrapped up into the body.  The major role of a young Christian is to gain as much knowledge about Christ and the mission He wishes for us while we are “young” for it is this knowledge that serves as the foundation of our Christianity for the future.  Many responsibilities lie ahead and training and prayer is a must but the leadership of the Church must be present to do her job as well.  Woe to those who know the truth but hide it from the young and influential for it these hearts that represent the future of the Church and the voice of Christ to the nations.  And if the Church does not stand up and do her part, we then allow the enemy to kill these developing cells and they will fade into the night down some drain that the world provides.

This topic was given to me about a week ago and God has been continually adding to its content ever since.  It is a topic that is going to be a representative one in which one certain issue about being young is going to represent two conditions that have similar voices.  It is not going to be an easy topic to write and I do not know how long it will take me to complete but I know that it is a message that God wants to deliver to His people and to His Church.  The title seems a simple one but in truth, it is not because it puts on display the responsibility of the Church in two areas concerning life, not only our physical life but our eternal life as well.  Ask God to clear your heart’s thoughts and have an open spiritual ear as you study this article from God.  It is this topic that requires the mature church to be ready at all times to teach the true and holy Word of God and to have the knowledge of such True Word in order to correctly apply this Word to the young Christian’s life; for it is these young cells that represent the true growth of an individual into a mature and spirit filled Christian or one that shall be tainted enough with the world that the cell dies by the hands of a wicked mankind.

It is stated that all of Heaven rejoices when a person chooses to accept Christ as their Savior, this claim is absolutely 100% correct and accurate because heaven understands that a life has been eternally snatched from hell and of its separation orders from God.  God rejoices for He knows that He has successfully penetrated a life that was searching for the truth about their creation and now has the potential to fulfill the purpose in which God intended, to have eternal life with Him.  It is also understood that when a person chooses God it is at this point in their life when the enemy does much damage to the new convert and it is also at this point that the Church must step up to bat and give adequate support and protection for the new convert.  It is at this new birth that the new Christian is vulnerable for they really do not understand the fullness of what has transpired nor do they know that our eternal enemy is a “tad” upset that his kingdom just got pushed backward.  A third point here is that the new Christian is a new birth which means their life is new as well and it is natural for their new life to grow.  If one wishes to place it into a conception status, they have been conceived through Christ and will grow through the power of God under the blood.  God does not expect His people to ever stay stagnant in any area of their lives including the eternally spiritual aspects.

I wish I could state that every person who decides to accept Christ as their Savior stays the course and continually matures spiritually.  We all know that this is not the case and the reasons for such devastations are many but no matter what the issue might be the Church should NOT play a part in ANY circumstance in which the new Christian’s growth is slowed or even aborted.  Yes, I used this word intentionally because the situations are identical and since God is a complete God in ALL areas of life, this diabolical word encompasses the church level as well.  One might have issues placing this word in the confines of the Church but in order to understand why the Church is in the situation that she is in today, we have no choice but to accept the fact that the word abortion of young Christians is ironically alive and well.

When people who consider themselves to be Christians have the philosophy that a group of young dividing cells do not have any rights to life, it states that the person or groups who have these institutions as their fan base do not understand God and what His life represents to our individual creation; thus their status as Christians as well.  The comparisons are identical and are easily viewed but most refuse to acknowledge the connection, or simply have not reconciled the truth about the two sides, to begin with.  When a baby is conceived in the womb of the woman it is defenseless and needs all of the mother’s abilities for it to survive.  As soon as the point of conception occurs, the cells begin to take shape and begin the process of forming a human being.  It is true that when the conception period is completed and the dividing cells are then present the baby does not look like what it is going to nine months from that moment, but even at that moment of their lives they are alive and the cells are dividing according how they are supposed to; a step on their way to the finalized life.

We cannot expect the newly born again Christian to know everything about the Bible and what God has for their life, it would be absurd for anyone to expect a full knowledge of God right after they accept Christ.  Then if this is the case then they must fall into the category of being a young Christian which means that they have been newly conceived in Christ and are now dividing through His growth process of eternal life.  These people are scared and nervous because they know that they no longer fit into the world but have not been totally accepted by their new church as well; they have no direction per say and need total guidance from the Church, hence they are just like the young group of cells inside the mom’s uterus.  It is the same concept and the identical truth for both of our physical life and for spiritual life.

This is why it is so important that the Church understands what is going on here and how vulnerable new Christians are to the world around them.  Today, the Church is more concerned about her cosmetic appearance instead of the spiritual surgery that is needed in order for our foundations to be biblically restored.  What the Church does not get is the fact that if they do not 100% and accurately teach the new converts the entire Word of God and what it says about their existence they are automatically placing the young group of dividing cells’ existence in jeopardy by crippling them with ½ truths.  It is this ignorance of the truth and the forbearance of worldly lusts that have infiltrated the hearts of God’s people to a subject that should never have been considered in the first place.  The Church does not get the fact that when she commits this type of act of false teaching she is providing doors that will allow the enemy to eventually take enough control over the new convert to make them doubt their decision to choose Christ.

It is the ultimate goal of our enemy to end our life with Christ and God.  He wants nothing more than to terminate any vital signs that a new Christian and mature Christian portrays because as long as there is life beating and growing God has the potential of covering more people for His Kingdom.  So, we can now understand just how the individual cells growth patterns inside the mother directly correspond with the growing and dividing cells of the new Christian.  My Christian friends who have the concept that dividing cells could never have any choice concerning life are directly influencing our enemy to provide his commitment to perform the exact same acts of abortion to the growing and dividing cells of the new Christian as the world allows for the physical choice of abortion.

The next point of truth that needs to be addressed is the extent of the aftermath of such a procedure.  It is here that the physical aspect of abortion is brutal for the choice to terminate the pregnancy has been made and has been completed.  The child is now dead and can no longer live, for its life has been snuffed out by the one person who that new baby depended on for its survival.  The world has no problem with this concept and will do everything it can to empower more people to continue to promote that choice; what else would you expect from a kingdom that can only produce the result of death.  If one studies the New Testament they will begin to understand what the authors of the Epistles were writing about when it comes to this young Christian concept of spiritual termination through the conditions they were addressing.  It does not matter what the situations might be, if someone or some group wishes to take control of young Christians and mold them in THEIR own way, they are committing spiritual abortion and effectively killing that person or group spiritually along with their own selves as well.

If the physical baby is dead and can no longer be a “problem” to the mother, so goes the aborted spiritual growth of the terminated new Christian.  When the spiritual growth is destroyed the enemy has effectively killed the new convert and has returned them to their worldly enslaved conditions.  If the Church acts in ANY way to abort the spiritual growth and development of a young Christian then the Church is an abortionist as well.  Therefore, in truth, those who believe that abortion is ok automatically promotes it and participates in that process when it comes to the Church, and in truth has ended their own lives on the spiritual level as well.  THINK ABOUT THIS FOR A MOMENT!!  God is a complete God in ALL areas and His Word represents truth on all levels of our existence.  Remember, it is not the church building that is most influential to the new Christian, it is the Church herself; sadly, however sometimes the church building itself has more life than the Church herself.

In no way possible can God have any double standard present around Him, in Him, through Him, under Him, above Him, etc.  God represents life itself and nothing less.  His Word addresses nothing but life and therefore His Church cannot promote and live anything else.  It is the Church’s responsibility to protect and to nurture new Christians in their development in Christ.  In NO way should any young Christian be told that their lives would become easier after they accept Christ!  When a person makes the choice to accept Christ it places them into a whole other category, one that our enemy takes heed towards for now these people have been exposed to the truth about their lives and they must eternally pay for their “rebellion” against the home team.  How many times can we say that we have let new Christians down by not encouraging them to study God’s Word and by teaching them what His Word says about their lives?

The previous article that God shared with us talked about an insignificant growth Church and this is the prime example of what occurs when an insignificant growth church is allowed to flourish, IT DOESN’T!!  Young Christians are the most dangerous people to Satan’s kingdom for they will grow to their fullest purpose if the Church extends God’s Word into their lives on a continual basis.  Where is this Church?  When do they meet and how do they teach?  Sadly, that answer has drawn its own conclusion by its non-existent language.  As the focus about the choices of abortion by the mother have come into practice, so has the spiritual abortionists that call themselves Christians have come into church leadership.  When a church leader perverts God’s Word enough to allow sin to proudly and boldly sit in the pews thumbing its eternality in the face of God that is the answer.  Ever wonder why the Bible says that many people on the day of judgment will have to depart God’s presence for eternity because God never knew them?  Well, this is one huge factor Church!!

We can no longer contend that God has a double standard when it comes to life, in God’s eyes and heart He must remain consistent to life both spiritually and physically with no exceptions.  If you believe that the Church is justified in the fact that she can produce such death doctrines then you must be told that you do not believe in Christianity at all and have already aborted yourself from spiritual life.  There are no “grades or levels” of sin, sin is sin plain and simple and if the Church believes that the young group of dividing cells has no options or choices, then why are you considering yourself to be in a position of life when you know the truth?  Church, wake up and get back into the Word of God and study its contents without human bias. 

The Word of God is our eternal protection as we grow in Christ.  It serves as the one true Foundation that we can find every answer to the questions concerning life, including the pains and struggles when we are young Christians.  God shall never abandon you in times of need and heartache, nor shall He abort you at ANY point in your life.  On the other hand, God shall allow you to make the choices you wish but always remember that there is an eternal side to every breath we take which makes our young group of dividing cells more attractive to nurture and to protect into a beautiful mature Christian.  God’s protective force around our lives is fierce and it is this way for a reason and it is called eternity.

It pains God to know that His Church is reluctantly nurturing young Christians through His complete Word and at the same time encouraging these precious spirits to look at the Church through worldly eyes.  The Church needs to refocus her heart on what is truly important and that is the exact Word of God and I can guarantee that when this occurs the Church’s vision for the mission of Christ shall no longer be taken into question.  Seeking out and telling people that Jesus died for their sins, is the key element in understanding the mission of the Church.  We have become ashamed of the Gospel, a Gospel we do not even understand, to begin with. 

So how can we honestly be providing a pure and holy protection and nurturing environment to the young Christians?  Oh, Woe to us Church!!  It is our duty and mission to know the Word of God so well that we can teach anyone who wishes to know what is really going on around them, from God’s eyes and heart and not the human’s.  It is this point that God wants us to understand in this article and that is when people come to Christ they are new creations and are young in the faith and it is the Church’s responsibility to teach them and to give them the knowledge of God’s Word in all areas.  We first must repent for not studying God’s Word well enough and deep enough without any worldly beliefs involved.  We must then live through God’s Word according to each letter of what God has given us and it is through these Words from Him under His Son’s blood that we may nurture and grow the young Christian instead of being stripped away from their new lives in Christ.


Saturday, August 20, 2016

Insignificant Growth

Insignificant Growth


This is a phrase that many of us can easily figure out its meaning but can we understand what it really means for our lives and what impact it has on others?  While it represents inexperience in general, it also refers to the development and the processes in which things or objects grow.  This growth process is the key to finding out what is causing pain in our bodies and it also can provide a list of questions without answers.  Our spiritual lives can be represented with the exact same amount of non-information when it comes to sharing the Gospel, a condition that is threatening to both the Christian and to the unbeliever.  It is God’s instructions to us that represent a complete and total life, separate from the world and if we are not properly equipped to give such information to the dying, how can God treat the person accordingly?

Many of you know that I have been in the medical field for approximately three decades now, and during my tenure, I have witnessed some pretty “hairy” ordeals concerning the human body.  Working in the lab can be quite stressful sometimes but I can never say that my experiences have been dull and boring.  It is amazing what the human body can do to heal itself when called upon, but on the other hand, when the body’s defenses run into walls and needs help, the situations can become pretty gross and stinky.  Nothing more gruesome can be realized when in the early days of medicine the knowledge of the immune system and its mechanisms were primitive at best and when the body responded with a growth or infection many times certain death was right around the corner.

With modern techniques and medications, it is much easier to ascertain the answers that physicians need in order to treat their patient’s complaints.  However, in some circumstances infections require a little more in-depth information in order to provide the correct treatment so the physician will order a culture of the concerned area in order to find out exactly what is occurring.  If the body is producing invasive organisms the culture will result in tiny colonies of bacteria that can be differentiated with reagents and antibiotics.  However, as easy as this may seem the process of identification and bacterial growth can run into conditions that do not line up with the simplicities of science.

What is interesting about this insignificant growth pattern is that when the specimen is provided the laboratory personnel put the specimen on culture plates that are inoculated with the exact nutrients that those bacteria need to grow and reproduce.  While we initially do not know what the specific organism might be we can place them on a variety of plates that can narrow the gap in their identification.  Then the culture plates are placed inside an incubator with the correct humidity and temperature conditions.  All of these conditions provide the bacteria excellent conditions to grow and in most cases, these settings are far better than what the bacteria originally came from.  So, why would these perfect conditions yield such poor results?

It is this type of small or insignificant growth that leads to delays in treatment or ineffective treatment at best.  Most of the time the infectious bacteria that these issues produce result in a large amount of colonies which will allow the microbiologist to determine the final result that is needed for treatment.  However, this is not always the case and for a number of reasons the sample given to culture renders little or no growth even though it is evident that an infectious process is raging.  It is at this point that the physician cannot complete their task for the patient and further investigational contact must be initiated for therapy to work.  This is a frustrating process for both the clinician and the patient for it requires additional time needed to fix the needs of the patient. 

Of course, the patient will always ask what happened to the sample or why isn’t the medication not working with countless more other relative questions that have various explanations but all fall on deaf ears because the pain is still present.  It is difficult to diagnose the problem when the information given, requested, provided and spoken does not match up with what the patient is presenting.  The true patient that is in need of healing will seek out the best possible care in order to obtain their healthy status once again.  This poses a real concern for those individuals who fervently seek to provide the truth about what ails people.

While the physical healthcare system has its own advantages and disadvantages, one cannot receive the proper treatment unless the provisions for that patient are up-to-date and accurate.  Yes, sometimes the information given or specimen presented is not up to the perfect standards, but with the technology of today it should be easy to produce some type of result to guide the physician in their duties; however, there are sometimes that the information provided is not good enough and after the frustration levels reach a certain level, the patient goes elsewhere.  Do you realize that this type of frustration and lack of answers is also present in our spiritual lives as well?  So when people ask questions concerning their spiritual and eternal lives, the Church MUST have the most possible and CORRECT biblical information to give to these people.

A good example of this is when atheists approach Christians and “demand” answers from those who are supposed to be the doers of the Word.  Many times over I have watched bantering back and forth with no results towards the truth at all.  Once again frustration wins and the person who does not believe in God is strengthened in their stance because the church person cannot defend God’s Kingdom correctly.  It is this type of insignificant growth that is on display and until we change the settings, no major movement from God shall occur until He has to move His hand against His people.  In all truth, Christians have had centuries to pull it together, but it is obvious that we have not witnessed the light.

A bit of clarification here before we proceed and that is the difference between young growth and insignificant growth.  Young growth is a state where some type of bacteria has just begun to produce its reproductive colonies whereas insignificant growth means that the colonies that are present cannot be adequately defined due to its lack of full growth.  Young growth has potential and if provided with the correct nutrients can develop into the perfect state for identification.  Insignificant growth cannot be tested due to the lack of quality bacteria produced.  God understands the difference here and He is not talking about the young growth Christians, He is referring to the insignificant growth Christians who have been present in His house for decades and have refused to take to heart His Word.  We will be dealing with young growth in the next article, but a word of warning it will not be as it looks for God has a special word that He wishes to give to those who accept abortion at no cost.

The Church who represents insignificant growth has become a commonplace within our societies and one does not have to take a hard look in order to see this potential destructive condition.  The insignificant growth church reduces herself to the mercies of the world because she rejects the truth of her foundation, the Word of God.  An insignificant growth bacteria does not feed on the provided nutrients that make it grow, even though those nutrients are the best possible food source for bacteria.  The same occurs in the Church as well for it is the Word of God which serves as the perfect source of life and provisions that she needs to survive and thrive.  God cannot change His ways in any shape or form and through this truth, His Word cannot change either.  It is perfect, holy and pure from cover to cover and does not waiver one bit.  It is the Word of God that serves as the “culture plate” for the Church and for anyone who wishes to accept and know God.  The church itself can have a congregation of 10,000 strong but be spiritually dead; this is a perfect picture of an insignificant growth church.

If anyone accepts God as their Savior and seeks to live through His Covenant they shall receive all of the necessary ingredients from His Word in order to live a successful and gospel-filled life.  When the Church is at her peak she is able to be the true light to the world and represent God to His utmost through our spreading and teaching of His Word.  In order for the Church to complete this mission, she must first understand that she cannot have anything to do with the world and its deadly standards. God’s Word brings nothing but life if followed as much as our hearts can understand but it is the will to accept this godly wisdom and live it that makes the difference from an insignificant growth church and a full and living Church.

As long as the Church accepts the world and its standards there is absolutely NO WAY POSSIBLE that she can be anything other than an insignificant growth church.  God cannot accept any part of the world and as long as His children do the same He will eventually back off and allow their choice to be expanded through the kingdom that she chooses.  As stated above, it does not take too much looking to figure out that the Church of today is living in the insignificant growth lifestyle and it looks like she is not going to accept the pure nutrients of her “plated” foundation.  This is a very sad claim but God wants us to know that He sees our hearts and He understands the condition of our hearts and while He does not like our position He will continue to beckon her back to His fold for as long as possible.

An insignificant growth colony type will not look “healthy” per say.  The colonies will be small and weak in appearance.  While some bacteria will be present on the specific plates, there is a specific look that these bacteria will not have and their appearance will be totally different from a healthy group of bacterial colonies.  It is this appearance that a trained eye will immediately notice and while the microscope will still be used to look at the details of the bacteria, it is easily ascertained that the colony is not producing great quality.  Man, does this sound like the modern church or what?

An insignificant growth church is the perfect picture of a lukewarm church they are identical in their presentations.  They are useless to God and have no bearing or serve no meaning for His Kingdom.  When church denominations begin to accept the worldly devices don’t you have any suspicions concerning this activity?  It should raise a red flag immediately since Jesus, and God in the Old Testament, called us to be separate from the world.  How can one be separate if they are joined with another? The only way that the Church has allowed herself to be caught up in this lie is to not believe that the Word of God is not the absolute and true Word of God which automatically places us in the category of insignificant.  They have lost their way to the world and would rather understand its acceptance for publicity rather for their eternity.

If this is not bad enough, when we are insignificant in God’s eyes, that means all we can teach to others is the same type of quality, insignificant.  It also means that when combined with a pure foundation and then mix it with our own ideologies the output and product that we share is insignificant and useless to God.  Why?  Because we do not understand the true basics of His Word and we are making things up as we go; kind of reminds me of Eve when Satan asked her about the tree of good and evil. She had become comfortable enough with a lie that she was able to recite her own beliefs instead of God’s truth when questioned and thus our eternal and pure status became insignificant to our creation.

The ultimate grotesqueness of being classified as insignificant growth has two issues.  The first issue is that while given the specific details of how we are to respond to the world including every aspect that we need to incorporate the information into our lives so that we may complete this mission, we ignore the pure and holy source on the deepest human level while being dumbfounded as to why the Church is in controversy.  It is through this portion of the incomplete equation that the second issue comes into light.  While the first portion of this status is bad enough in the eyes of God but it is the second part that totally breaks the heart of God because if we would understand the first issue the second issue would not have to occur because the second part is reflective of the first part, just as God has His perfect order He must follow it.

The second issue contends that we should know that God’s Word is exact in its content and it is pure and holy in ALL areas.  While it is difficult to understand and then comprehend some of the actions and events that take place in His Word, God has given us the ability to trust Him for wisdom when it comes to these issues.  However, if we choose not to seek His Word and God for our knowledge concerning these difficult issues then there is no way possible for us to accurately hear and understand what God’s Word is saying. Therefore, if we do not continually study and seek God we cannot, by default, understand what will occur to our lives when things go wrong and we surely cannot understand why things go right in our lives either.

Over the past three decades or so there have been some events that have occurred in the world that our minds had a hard time understanding.  Some of these events were human derived and others were “natural” events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and tsunamis.  We are quick to pass off these incidents as circumstantial with no meaning behind their deeds but in reality what we are doing is trying to justify our opinions instead of understanding what really has occurred through our creation status.  If one believes that God is in control of everything – and He is – this means that He has allowed these events to occur. Instead of sitting around and trying to figure out why the person or group has committed a mass shooting how come we are not on our knees praying and seeking God and asking Him to show us what areas of our lives that we are not following Him?  It is through our inactions our insignificant growth that we are succumbing to the world’s antics and until we stop and listen to God’s voice again, we are going to see nothing but escalation of these events.

These events shall include natural disasters and if you do not believe that God will strike this nation down with a supernatural act through His creation the earth, you better study the Old Testament again because He has already performed such acts before; due to the choices of mankind.  It was through the insignificant growth acts of Adam and Eve that began this process and up until the moment that you read this article those insignificant growth acts are still in place.  This can only mean one thing, we continue to believe our enemy and his lies rather than following God’s Word as it was written for us.  Remember, God is a complete God on all sides of existence and for no reason can He change this status.

If and this is a BIG if, we would willingly lose our selfish ways and turn our hearts back to God we would not have to be under the rule of our enemy.  However, our problem is that due to our lack of understanding we are turning our hearts against God and actually labeling Him as the enemy.  Not knowing that what we are doing is not only proving God’s Word correct but also lining us up for a great catastrophe that is unimaginable.  Plus, when this great event occurs, whoever is left standing in a paralyzed state with their jaws gaped open and then have the audacity to ask God “why?”  “God would never allow something like this to occur to this nation”, oh yes He would because if He allowed it to occur to Israel you bet He would this place.

As an insignificant growth church progresses it can no longer call itself a separated church from the world for God’s Word is the source of all life and through this pure life there would be no reason for real growth to occur.  It is scary to believe that the church does not even recognize this aspect of her existence but if one has experience in the microbiology field this question could be raised as soon as the microbiology tech lays eyes on the stunted growth.  The Church does not even recognize the fact that it is through her complacency and lack of desire for God that has diminished her ability to push forward the Kingdom of God, and I would venture to say that her growth has been stunted so much that she no longer can even know what the Kingdom of God actually represents.

The Church has become so comfortable with the purity of spiritual growth conditions that God has supplied that she has become lazy in her entire presence.  She does not believe in the Word of God because if she did she would not be accepting of her condition.  God’s wish for His Church is for her to get her act together and get out of the nail salons and to dirty up her hands and feet again, just as the Bride is supposed to be.  God has shared with us a while back that His perfect Bride does not have fancy nails and “poofed” up hair with makeup on, it is a dirty and messy Bride who has been working in the fields of the world telling them about His love for them and that He is the only way to salvation.  No insignificant growth church would look dirty and messy she would be incomplete and too weak to complete this task. 

Do not misunderstand God here, for He still loves His Church and He wants nothing more than to see her live up to her potential once again.  But in order for her to return to the “C” again she must renounce her ties to the world and to completely shut the doors that she has opened with the world.  God’s heart aches for the lost and right at this moment it is evident that many in His Church are simply lost.  Turn back to God church and allow Him to restore us to the complete Church that He desires for us to be.  It is only through this pure and holy restoration process that we can be effective as we were originally created to live.  It may seem that God is being a little tough, but He knows that time is very short before He must change things and He desperately does not wish to act upon His completeness in that capacity.  Think about what God is sharing with us today.  God represents total life and He only can give total life and if we are not giving what we have received from Him then the problem lies within our hearts and not with God.  Wake up church for it is time for you to return to your Church status again.


Sunday, August 14, 2016

The First Fence

The First Fence


In a time where a single word or simple phrase can ignite a firestorm of discussion and anger one might shy away from such a topic, but God is not in a habit of shying away from losing His children.  Having a protective boundary in place serves many purposes and through these purposes, security and safety usually follow as long as those borders are intact and kept up to date.  It is when we allow those protective boundaries to crumble or disintegrate that we become subject to anyone who wishes us harm. These types of protective surroundings are even mentioned in God’s Word and how important they are to our existence. However, as we see in the Bible what occurs when we do not maintain these boundaries our lives shall soon follow if we do not begin the process of mending those fences before the enemy comes washing through.

Oh boy, isn’t this topic becoming a heated discussion item?  It has sparked much debate, anger, hostilities and violence on a personal level as well as a public level.  As each day passes, we have the opportunity to watch some type of heated process unfold with some type of incident that concerns a fence, boundary, or some other border issue being discussed.  What I find so hilarious about this issue is that all of these people are taking sides of this issue, or they are on one side or the other which really describes a border or fence.  This means that they are actually lining up and separating themselves on one side of the fence which is what a fence does, but aren’t they arguing to have fences removed??

Anyway, whether these people realize it or not this issue is not a new one and when one looks down history’s way it is easy to find some type of border issue.  Many European countries have long histories that have had their borders written, changed, re-written and then changed again due to various causes and reasons.  In every case, these borders have served as a boundary or marker that symbolizes that one is leaving or entering a specific property or land.  Some of these boundaries have been placed into effect by the use of fences and with modern technology today those fences do not have to be physical but can be nothing more than lasers.  Whatever the case may be, the fence remains intact to outsiders and serves as a notice of impending confrontation without permission.  In every case, when a boundary or fence is unwillingly penetrated wars have began but it is another issue when those protective borders are voluntarily taken down or allowed to become obsolete, for all defensive mechanisms are then compromised and it is up to the enemy at this point to dictate who is protected and who is not.

One of the more famous fences of the modern era comes from the remnants of World War II in the city of Berlin.  The Berlin Wall was notoriously famous fo?r keeping hundreds of thousands of people isolated from the “free” outside world.  And while some of this famous wall was laden with steel and concrete a good portion of the wall was actually just a fence.  There is no doubt that fences are erected for a purpose and as a marker but do we really understand and grasp the concept that both sides are defined by these fences?  How can there be any true definition if no boundary is set up to mark property or land?  What constitutes a fence in the first place?  Does it have to be physically noticed in order to be effective and enforced?  All of these questions and much more like them do have answers and in some cases answers that are hard to handle but necessary.  Fences are not just a current political nightmare for this country for this type of concept of separation has been present since the dawn of civilization.  Another human funny before I proceed: I find it funny that people are screaming at some of the politicians concerning the fencing issue and how there should be no fences present, but on another side of things these same people scream and cry about separation of church and state.  The same arguments can be understood in this situation as a fence propaganda but has a heightened stance.

If this separation of church and state concept is to be totally accurate according to their screams then ALL who are involved in the state who have any type of religious stance must exclude themselves from the government activities.  Therefore, in this state those who are crying for separation of church and state are defeating their “no fence” proposals by their own double standards, a future topic to be written about.  Which brings me to what God says about having fences about us in His Word, and yes He does address the situation very clearly. 

A quick note before proceeding with this passage of Scripture and how important God believes this topic is to our lives.  Have you ever wondered why certain topics appear in our world and hang around for such a long time?  We must keep in mind and in our heart at all times when a passage from the Bible is specifically mentioned, and then that topic or subject is presented to us and then that verse being fulfilled almost verbatim during our lifetime.  In other words, everything that God’s Word should be taken as the dire and 100% truth because there is a reason God gives us information to protect ourselves against our enemy. This means that this topic is a Kingdom issue and when it comes to Kingdom principles we are dealing with our eternal future.  This also means that unless we look to His Word for the correct answer it shall not come.

Ok, Genesis Chapter 2: 7-9 addresses this issue with complete clarity and we will begin there.  This is an incredible set of verses that explain many things about our lives and Kingdom and is just plain exciting too.  Verse 7 sets the stage for the main verse 8 with verse 9 ending the charge of the Kingdom principle here.  It is this verse (8) that sets the stage of the first fence being built as a protective separation from the outside.  The question that is asked here is this: why would God have to create a separate space and then put mankind into it in the first place?  The answer to that question is that God understood that there was an enemy who would wish harm on His prized creation and if God did not establish a safe haven with His protective covering first, man would automatically be subject to the enemy without any sort of protection through God.  See, God is a supplier, not an opportunist like our enemy which means that God must begin the process with full details before the objects are allowed to take shape.  There is a reason verse 8 states that the Garden was established and then the man was placed into it, we must remember that God is a complete God on ALL levels of existence.

The message here is that God had every intention of making the life of mankind easy, simple, pure and holy and that our lives would remain in that status forever.  But God also understood that through His love for us He could not control or dominate our lives and that in the manner to which He created us we would have a choice in following His ways or not.  Therefore, all protective devices had to be established first before God could place the man into His perfect conditions.  God states that He planted a Garden eastward in Eden.  This means that the Garden that God planted had definitive borders – a holy fence – because it would have not been feasible for Adam to be responsible for the entire planet.  This also means that God would not leave Adam and Eve unknowing of their responsibilities either; now it becomes a choice matter.

The next portion that is so very important occurs in the same chapter of Genesis and includes the verses 15 – 17, for it addresses the duties that Adam and Eve were to have over their dominion.  It is through these verses that God tells Adam how he is supposed to work and to keep the dominion that God has given him and to make sure that all is secure at all times.  Where does it say that in these verses?  Logically, one can conform to the fact that God showed Adam and Eve the entire Garden of Eden for they walked and talked with each other each day.  Remember, God is a complete God at ALL times on ALL levels, so it is also logical that Adam understood this all-encompassing command from God; and so should we. 

It is through these verses, especially verse 15 that gives us the boundary issues that God had set into place.  The dominion of Adam encompassed the entire Garden of Eden which means that while there may not have been a physical fence in place around the Garden of Eden Adam understood that it was his responsibility to protect everything that was inside this garden or area. This alone sets into motion a placement of a fence or boundary in which someone is responsible for and through this responsibility comes the overseeing of what or who enters and leaves it.  We also must understand that God did not seal off this Garden access it was a “free flowing” system if you wish to look at it that way, for it was Satan who was in the Garden of Eden establishing a relationship with Adam and Eve before the fall occurred; another witness to freedom of choice.  This example puts into place our part in maintaining the protective fences around us and it should bring into light the purpose of such a fence, it also defines our responsibility of keeping this fence up to date and current as time passes.  It is easy for us to think about performing general gardening duties when we talk about "keeping up" the Garden of Eden but maintaining the integrity of the fence around such a "ranch" or "farm" is essential for the stability of such area.

Can you now see why it is important that we have fences around our lives?  If one follows the story that unfolds in Genesis Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 it is easy to figure out that Adam and Eve did not keep the fence around the Garden of Eden maintained very well.  In fact, it is easily recognized that they ignored it long enough that our eternal enemy passed through this fence of God many times over a long period of time.  God understood this dilemma yet He kept His loving heart true to His command and allowed Adam and Eve to choose to disobey His first command or to abide by it and even though God knew one day that mankind would choose their own selfish ways instead of keeping His law, He did not waiver from this stance He took.  It was mankind who fell down on the job and not God.

What I find amazing here is that even though humans were created holy and pure their ability to choose how to handle situations still rival today’s activities.  It must have been a snap for Adam and Eve to think that since everything was in perfect order that when God spoke His law and command to them that it would be a breeze of a task.  So, why would God really need a tended and mended fence in the first place?  This is logical because Adam and Eve were human and we are human today as well, so the same thought processes were in place especially when our eternal enemy was allowed to pass in and out of the fence freely. Think about this for a moment and one can see this identical pattern being executed in our world today.  Over time, Adam and Eve came to the conclusion that they did not need God as much as He had said they did, yet used the gift of choice that He gave them to choose their own way instead.

It is not clear of just how much time passed from Genesis Chapter 2 until the completion of Chapter 3.  It is also not clear of the details of how Satan and the humans established their relationship – even though it is ascertainable of how it came to be - but it is known that a relationship did occur and it was strong enough that Eve succumbed to the temptation when the time arose, which means that the security of the fence around the Garden of Eden had enough “holes” in it that it was a comfortable fit for the enemy to take a hold without any difficulty.  It was through these holes that our enemy gained his access to Adam and Eve and eventually turned the tide of our existence for eternity.  One really has to consider what must have gone through Adam and Eve’s heads when the truth of their choices came about.  With all of the evidence that is laid out for us in this Garden of Eden setting, you know they must have had the thought that God was not THAT serious when He said we would surely die, I mean, nothing had ever died before, right?  Nope and it is this point that we will be extending upon shortly but we must recognize that Satan had already experienced death and he knew exactly what he was doing at that point in time with Eve.

This brings us to Genesis Chapter 3:22 – 24 and the end results of what had occurred between the participants in the Garden of Eden and we are going to focus on verse 24.  This verse states: “So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.”  It is this verse that confirms that there was a boundary to the Garden of Eden and this verse also tells us that while there was no real physical fence present a boundary was in place and with the judgment of the participants in the garden, that boundary had been voluntarily taken down by the residents and the enemy had stolen from God.  And the world that Adam and Eve had known physically, spiritually and violently changed.

It is easy to read this passage and to dismiss the notion that any other piece of land, property, state, nation or continent could ever represent what the Garden of Eden did so long ago.  But the Bible gives us another account of a blessed land with a boundary and that land was recorded as the Land of Israel.  Yet, Israel decided to follow the ways of Adam and Eve and allow their selfish wants and whims dictate their existence.  So, God had to once again demonstrate to His people that He built a fence for a purpose and when humanity allows His fence to become dormant or unnecessary in the minds of those who live within that confine He must remind those involved who He really is.  It is evident that Israel not just once but countless times ignored God and His ways and chose their own path and their ultimate time came when God allowed an enemy to totally wipe their physical boundary off the map and enslaved them for centuries.  Not until 1948 did Israel be recognized as a nation again and considering it was in the BC era that Israel lost her true physical identity, there was a long time that had passed.

Why is this important to us today?  As it has been pointed out a few times over the course of the articles that God has shared with us, our nation was created for the exact same reason as Israel.  I am NOT saying that we have replaced Israel; in NO WAY EVER AM I SAYING THAT.  However, God saw the need and heard the cry coming from His people – Jews and those people who wished to truly worship Him – and He established this nation accordingly.  God chose the right people to complete this task long before the “Founding Fathers” came into being, but it was the work of our enemy that stole that calling and mission, and we fell back into the columns of adversity and have remained there ever since.  Just as God allowed Adam and Eve time to make things right and as He did the same for Israel in the Old Testament He has done the exact same thing for our nation’s existence.  But as the previous two examples played out so will ours and it looks like the same destructive reasoning on our part will follow history.

Any reasonable non-God fearing person would have to marvel at how this nation has been blessed.  Even with the mistakes we have made over the centuries, our lives have been blessed through God’s mighty fortitude.  Our nation has lived out just as the Garden of Eden and the nation of Israel did and it looks like through these blessings from God that we are also going to suffer the consequences of our selfish and wicked choices.  We have forgotten that when one small hole is left unplugged that our enemy will see this hole as an invitation and when that invitation has been fulfilled he is then allowed to bring his friends in as well.  Our eternal enemy is an opportunistic beast and he will take his opportunity every time we give it to him, and look at all the opportunities we are giving him.

God has not asked to live for Him without giving us a chance to defend ourselves.  It is not His choice that we should suffer and die because of our physical enemies or because of our eternal enemy.  It was clear that Adam and Eve did not speak with God with an earnest and faithful heart.  It is also understood that Israel did not have a fervent prayer life with God and it remains absolutely clear and evident that this blessed and holy fenced nation wants nothing to do with praying to its Creator either.  So, there is nothing left to do but pray that we turn things around before God says “enough”.  Our future looks bleak since the Church has herself created so many gaping holes in our protective hedge over us.  Just as Adam and Eve had warnings, along with Israel as well, so too have we had our warnings; so the question remains, how long oh Lord will you hold us in contempt without showing us your eternal existence?


Wednesday, August 10, 2016




When this word becomes a part of our vocabulary one cannot help but have hope, fear and trust rolled up together.  The mere definition of this word should bring into light the seriousness of why the word will be used, for when this word is actually applied a new life is the entrusted result.  We have for as long as I can remember thought about this word when we have grasped the concept of inviting Christ into our hearts or have we?  This spiritual and physical transplanting scenario for Christ represents the exact definition that this word entails, not a smidge less, for if we do not first realize our need for a transplant, then accept this transplant, our lives are doomed for eternal death and separated from our eternal Creator.

When we look at our bodies and our physical contemplations, it would seem like that we would be invincible for a good portion of our lives are spent moving about like we have no limitations.  Very few of us have known the chronic pain and even fewer of us know what it is like to be debilitated for a majority of our lives; however, for some of my readers, a devastating and debilitating condition does exist.  No matter how I word this type of setting someone will be included in a horrible condition state because while we like to think our bodies are indestructible, we are far from it.  This last weekend our community was rocked with a tragic accident that occurred with one of our young people.  While I never knew him or his family, my nineteen-year-old has his mother for her professor for her pharmacy tech school.  This young man was riding in his jeep when it rolled he was ejected and by the time he reached the hospital was basically declared to be brain dead.  A young life who was physically fit, who loved life, and had the world ahead of him was suddenly cut short and entered into a permanently lifeless state according to all medical purposes.

He was automatically placed o a ventilator because his named popped up in the donor registry, a list which he volunteered to be on; a process which we hope to never be called upon to be accepted, but one that provides a foundational resource for another person.  As my daughter received the bad news as she arrived to class, she could not help but stop for a moment and reflect on her own life and her toils in life then immediately begin to pray for her professor.  What a horrible position for any parent to be placed in, but on the other hand a position that has run through every parent’s head at one point in time.  Being so young and also a fighter, the medical personnel are waiting for this brave young man’s body to finally shut down, a cruel waiting period that cannot produce anything but hurt, pain, and millions of questions.  Yet, why these precious parents wait for their son to pass from this life, another group of anxious parents wait for this single impending death so that their children can receive a new lease on life, a tragic end to a precious life yet one that can provide an escape from the clutches of death for others. 

Being a recipient of a major organ is no picnic and the process of keeping that donated organ does not come easy.  While our bodies are equipped to generously repair itself there are some issues that our systems cannot accept without a great deal of help from outside sources.  Sadly, not every recipient of a new organ is successful and when the dust settles sometimes those lucky donor receivers do not pull through.  Most of the time these types of transplants are hugely successful and allow the recipient to go on with life and live a fulfilled and long life and it this type of result that we all wish to read about in the news and medical journals, but as stated before unless the body accepts this new organ the end result is the same as if the donation had never been given; death.

It is this portion of the article that God wishes for us to understand because it is this process of transplantation that describes the foundation of how His Son Jesus comes into our hearts and changes our lives forever.  See, we are born into sin a process which only leads to one end result and that is eternal death.  Every aspect of our existence represents an abomination to God, a status which He did not create but one that we invited into our lives voluntarily.  Genesis Chapter 2 sets the stage for our holy, perfect and complete lives that God intended for us to have but Genesis Chapter 3 shows us the results and consequences of what occurs when we choose to do things our own way instead of God’s.  The remaining portion of Scripture brings into detail the daily struggles of each one of our lives and reveals the results of our choice to live for God or not to.  I understand that this is a huge gathering of information for a few sentences but it is our responsibility to study the entire Bible and get to know the details of God’s Word (anti-rejection medicine) so that we may live effectively in a dying world.

To enhance this truth God brings into motion a process called Covenant, a practice that can never be broken only violated and it is through this process which we live or die, literally.  Covenant was established through God and originated by Him for His children.  It is a call for us to live separate from the world and to have physical and spiritual signs that mark our existence with God and not the world.  It is through this process that God brought forth His Son to live, die and be resurrected to exemplify this Covenant to all mankind and it is through this process by which Jesus comes into our hearts, changes our hearts through a covenant transplant covered by holy and eternal blood. 

There is no question that as soon as we hit the 5th cell of our reproductive process our cells and bodies begins to die.  This is not a process in which God created us to exist, but I am so glad that He provided this escape route in His overall plan for our lives because if God was short of being the everlasting and eternal Creator, we would not be here today.  Yes, our physical lives are important for it is through our physical lives that we are witnesses for God’s Kingdom but more importantly, it is our eternal position that God desires the most, it is also the portion of our lives that Satan desires the most as well.  While Jesus stands at our door waiting for a personal invitation to be accepted into our hearts, our enemy also is present offering his take on life.  It is safe to say that many people take the easy road and choose the world because they do not have to put forth much effort when accomplishing this task, but eternal life cannot be awarded when humans choose this path, only through a heart transplant from Jesus can guarantee this eternal gift of life.

The unique portion of a physical transplant is that our bodies are not designed to receive other people’s organs, for we are sufficiently supplied to live out our days on our own.  As medical technology has grown over the centuries it has become common practice for humans to receive organs so that they may have a fresh start once again.  This fresh start has a price which entails having to take certain drugs in order for our immune systems to be masked enough so that we do not reject this new part of our body, even though the new organ can be considered to a perfect fit.  It is this aspect of a transplant that must be adhered to at all times for if the regime is not fully complied with the chances of a rejection state drastically increase as each hour passes.

It is the anti-rejection drugs that are taken that provide the transplant recipient with a barrier of protection so that our bodies recognize the organ that has now been inserted.  If transplant recipients do not take these drugs then our immune systems will do what God designed them to do, inform us that something is present that is not supposed to be there and the rejection process will begin.  It is that important that transplant recipients take these medications because if not, their lives will be over quite soon. Here is an interesting tidbit about organ rejection processes they are ugly and very painful.  There is nothing good about a graft vs host disease process on any level; the same when we reject Jesus after He has been transplanted into our lives.

As the patient who has received their new organ, it is drilled into their heads and their family’s heads that their medications cannot be missed or altered in any way.  It is these medications that will give the new organ its functioning capacity in its new host and if even one dose is missed, tragedy can strike almost immediately.  This concept is identical when we are talking about the transplant that Jesus gives us when we allow Him to enter into our lives.  Jesus lives through His Father’s Word and it is this single anti-rejection drug that shall give us our new heart and continued covering that we need to sustain the fight against the world around us.  NO OTHER MEANS can we obtain this eternal covering and eternal live than from Jesus and His Father’s Word.  It is the choosing of Jesus into our hearts that gives us this hope and it is the trust in God’s Word that provides the eternal medication that we need.  This means we need a continual and constant dose of the Word in our lives so that we may live fully and keep out the foreign invaders that would seek harm to our new heart.

For the last few months, God has been dealing with us about the state of the human heart and how important it is that we understand the complete picture of what is at stake.  As this past weekend’s local tragedy occurred, God placed this article in my heart and used the example of what this young man has done for others by being on the organ donor list.  At the same time God also placed in my heart the remaining portions of this article and what it means when we invite Jesus into our hearts and how important it is that we totally separate ourselves from the world, because it is our nature to be in the world and when we accept Jesus into our hearts He comes in and transplants our spiritual heart with His and it is this process that we need to understand to the fullest.

All of us have heard sermons and sang songs about inviting Jesus into our heart.  While this is a simple process it has a complex result that many of us take for granted or taken lightly because we do not understand what is actually taking place.  When we ask Jesus into our heart, He gladly comes in and begins the transplant process.  If He does not complete this process there would be no way for Him to live in our hearts because we must remember that we are representatives of death and God cannot live where death exists.  Jesus has the miraculous ability to change our lives and if we allow Him access to our hearts He will automatically complete this transplant.  How important is it to know this entire process?  As God has shared with us many times, knowing only 50% of His Word is deadly and in physical terms, it is an “F” on any grading system.

If we only understand a portion of this process we are allowing our enemy to infiltrate our hearts and begin his process of rejection.  Over and over in God’s Word, it states that we must be fully grounded in His Word for it is the only thing that brings us complete protection, and this example is the exact reason as to why the Bible repeats this phrase many times and in many ways.  We must remember that it is the Bible that supplies us with the anti-rejection drugs that are needed in order for our hearts not to reject Jesus.  God has to remain separate from the world in ALL ways and when His Son enters into our hearts that total separation once again begins in our lives.  When was the first separation?  In the Garden of Eden when God established the Garden itself, it served as a boundary – border if you wish – from the other parts of the world; we will be talking about that subject shortly.

It is through this protective barrier that Jesus is allowed to re-establish our perfect hearts according to His presence and when this occurs His blood is then poured over our lives as a cleansing presence so that God cannot see what really lies within our existence.  However, if we do not completely listen to what the anti-rejection drugs tell us, it is a 100% guarantee that at some point in time we will listen to the rejection drugs that our enemy will provide.  It is not our responsibility to read the words of the Bible and then immediately forget them.  It is our responsibility to study each word given in God’s Word and to live by those words each and every second of our lives.  Many of us have claimed to have “read” the Bible and while this may be true what fruits of God’s Word is being portrayed through your heart?  Is it really good fruit or is it just physical works of mammon that will have no bearing or meaning to the lost world?  If the actions of our hearts are focused on worldly objects, then we have already accepted the rejection drugs from our enemy.

The troublesome portion of this topic is that many people who claim to be Christians are failing to recognize that they have accepted these rejection drugs and that they are now in organ transplant failure and threatening to enter into a total rejection status.  We have simply created this problem because we have listened to the world and have accepted its vulgar watered down stance where we have said that it is ok to change the Word of God to an interpretive status.  Each letter in God’s Word has a purpose and it is placed there for a specific reason, and through this reason is why it is vital that keep each word of the Bible in our hearts.

Unfortunately, it is easily contended that the people of the world do not wish to have anything to do with this transplant that Jesus offers.  Furthermore, the Church herself has begun to gaze upon the world’s offerings and has allowed viruses and bacteria into her system thus creating and establishing a rejection pattern that she believes will be a better treatment.  What she does not realize is that this process is actually forcing our spiritual bodies to reject Jesus’ heart and to return our sickened and diseased one instead.  Jesus shall never stay where He is not wanted, but He shall hang on to your heart for as long as He can before His Father tells Him to leave.  This is a tragic situation and one that is unfolding before our eyes and we sit and do nothing.  And this is the Church’s condition I am speaking about, not to mention the condition of the world!

As a sufferer of diabetes I understand that following a regular medication regimen can be a royal pain and one that I wish does not exist, but if I do not follow this pattern to the “nth” degree at all times, my life could be shortened dramatically.  If I flirt with not taking my medication accurately, the same problems can become uncontrollable which will become an unstable systemic status which will cause my body to freefall into a metabolic panic mode.  I also understand that a transplant patient has more serious conditional statutes that must be maintained and while a physical transplant is quite serious the spiritual heart transplant that Jesus provides is free, it is easy and is guaranteed to render a glorious eternal outcome but we must never shorten ourselves with the ONE drug that can provide us this continued life, God’s Word.

There are no other sources of this eternal life giving medication, it comes only from the Word of God and through its continual ingestion, Jesus can perform His miracles in our lives like we have never witnessed before.  We can be totally separated from this world and live a wonderful life through His transplant process and blood covering.  See, when Jesus is present only life can be represented which means that He can only provide purity and holiness, through His blood covering – Covenant.  God guarantees that He shall never violate His Covenant that He established with us so long ago and as long as we continue to seek Him in all our ways and keep His ways, then He will live in our hearts forever.

Why is it important to hide God’s Word in our hearts?  The above article from God gives us this answer.  God loves us so much and He wants us to return to His ways by allowing Jesus to pump His life through our lives once again.  I urge each one of you to allow Jesus the opportunity to transplant Himself into your heart and change your life forever.  The pattern of acceptance is easy and complete and as long as we fully and completely, not just 50%, He will stay and provide His perfect love.  God gives 100% at all times and it is up to us to also give Christ 100% of our hearts to Him as well.  Thank you, God, for allowing your Son to die for our sins so that we may have the opportunity to have Him live in our hearts forever and never have to face being separated from our eternal Father again.  As the group "Veridia" sings that Jesus realizes that we are not just created as defective machines but we were created for perfection and only through a heart transplant from Jesus Himself can this process occur.  When doubt floods your heart if this transplant is necessary, then refer to what God truly states in His Word about your life and how important it really is to Him; no questions shall remain.