Sunday, August 28, 2016

Young Christians

Young Christians


A person who has just accepted Christ as their savior is placed into unfamiliar territory, both physically and spiritually.  Many times this changed state has caused hurt, heartache and pain along with some settings of pure and holy joy all wrapped up into the body.  The major role of a young Christian is to gain as much knowledge about Christ and the mission He wishes for us while we are “young” for it is this knowledge that serves as the foundation of our Christianity for the future.  Many responsibilities lie ahead and training and prayer is a must but the leadership of the Church must be present to do her job as well.  Woe to those who know the truth but hide it from the young and influential for it these hearts that represent the future of the Church and the voice of Christ to the nations.  And if the Church does not stand up and do her part, we then allow the enemy to kill these developing cells and they will fade into the night down some drain that the world provides.

This topic was given to me about a week ago and God has been continually adding to its content ever since.  It is a topic that is going to be a representative one in which one certain issue about being young is going to represent two conditions that have similar voices.  It is not going to be an easy topic to write and I do not know how long it will take me to complete but I know that it is a message that God wants to deliver to His people and to His Church.  The title seems a simple one but in truth, it is not because it puts on display the responsibility of the Church in two areas concerning life, not only our physical life but our eternal life as well.  Ask God to clear your heart’s thoughts and have an open spiritual ear as you study this article from God.  It is this topic that requires the mature church to be ready at all times to teach the true and holy Word of God and to have the knowledge of such True Word in order to correctly apply this Word to the young Christian’s life; for it is these young cells that represent the true growth of an individual into a mature and spirit filled Christian or one that shall be tainted enough with the world that the cell dies by the hands of a wicked mankind.

It is stated that all of Heaven rejoices when a person chooses to accept Christ as their Savior, this claim is absolutely 100% correct and accurate because heaven understands that a life has been eternally snatched from hell and of its separation orders from God.  God rejoices for He knows that He has successfully penetrated a life that was searching for the truth about their creation and now has the potential to fulfill the purpose in which God intended, to have eternal life with Him.  It is also understood that when a person chooses God it is at this point in their life when the enemy does much damage to the new convert and it is also at this point that the Church must step up to bat and give adequate support and protection for the new convert.  It is at this new birth that the new Christian is vulnerable for they really do not understand the fullness of what has transpired nor do they know that our eternal enemy is a “tad” upset that his kingdom just got pushed backward.  A third point here is that the new Christian is a new birth which means their life is new as well and it is natural for their new life to grow.  If one wishes to place it into a conception status, they have been conceived through Christ and will grow through the power of God under the blood.  God does not expect His people to ever stay stagnant in any area of their lives including the eternally spiritual aspects.

I wish I could state that every person who decides to accept Christ as their Savior stays the course and continually matures spiritually.  We all know that this is not the case and the reasons for such devastations are many but no matter what the issue might be the Church should NOT play a part in ANY circumstance in which the new Christian’s growth is slowed or even aborted.  Yes, I used this word intentionally because the situations are identical and since God is a complete God in ALL areas of life, this diabolical word encompasses the church level as well.  One might have issues placing this word in the confines of the Church but in order to understand why the Church is in the situation that she is in today, we have no choice but to accept the fact that the word abortion of young Christians is ironically alive and well.

When people who consider themselves to be Christians have the philosophy that a group of young dividing cells do not have any rights to life, it states that the person or groups who have these institutions as their fan base do not understand God and what His life represents to our individual creation; thus their status as Christians as well.  The comparisons are identical and are easily viewed but most refuse to acknowledge the connection, or simply have not reconciled the truth about the two sides, to begin with.  When a baby is conceived in the womb of the woman it is defenseless and needs all of the mother’s abilities for it to survive.  As soon as the point of conception occurs, the cells begin to take shape and begin the process of forming a human being.  It is true that when the conception period is completed and the dividing cells are then present the baby does not look like what it is going to nine months from that moment, but even at that moment of their lives they are alive and the cells are dividing according how they are supposed to; a step on their way to the finalized life.

We cannot expect the newly born again Christian to know everything about the Bible and what God has for their life, it would be absurd for anyone to expect a full knowledge of God right after they accept Christ.  Then if this is the case then they must fall into the category of being a young Christian which means that they have been newly conceived in Christ and are now dividing through His growth process of eternal life.  These people are scared and nervous because they know that they no longer fit into the world but have not been totally accepted by their new church as well; they have no direction per say and need total guidance from the Church, hence they are just like the young group of cells inside the mom’s uterus.  It is the same concept and the identical truth for both of our physical life and for spiritual life.

This is why it is so important that the Church understands what is going on here and how vulnerable new Christians are to the world around them.  Today, the Church is more concerned about her cosmetic appearance instead of the spiritual surgery that is needed in order for our foundations to be biblically restored.  What the Church does not get is the fact that if they do not 100% and accurately teach the new converts the entire Word of God and what it says about their existence they are automatically placing the young group of dividing cells’ existence in jeopardy by crippling them with ½ truths.  It is this ignorance of the truth and the forbearance of worldly lusts that have infiltrated the hearts of God’s people to a subject that should never have been considered in the first place.  The Church does not get the fact that when she commits this type of act of false teaching she is providing doors that will allow the enemy to eventually take enough control over the new convert to make them doubt their decision to choose Christ.

It is the ultimate goal of our enemy to end our life with Christ and God.  He wants nothing more than to terminate any vital signs that a new Christian and mature Christian portrays because as long as there is life beating and growing God has the potential of covering more people for His Kingdom.  So, we can now understand just how the individual cells growth patterns inside the mother directly correspond with the growing and dividing cells of the new Christian.  My Christian friends who have the concept that dividing cells could never have any choice concerning life are directly influencing our enemy to provide his commitment to perform the exact same acts of abortion to the growing and dividing cells of the new Christian as the world allows for the physical choice of abortion.

The next point of truth that needs to be addressed is the extent of the aftermath of such a procedure.  It is here that the physical aspect of abortion is brutal for the choice to terminate the pregnancy has been made and has been completed.  The child is now dead and can no longer live, for its life has been snuffed out by the one person who that new baby depended on for its survival.  The world has no problem with this concept and will do everything it can to empower more people to continue to promote that choice; what else would you expect from a kingdom that can only produce the result of death.  If one studies the New Testament they will begin to understand what the authors of the Epistles were writing about when it comes to this young Christian concept of spiritual termination through the conditions they were addressing.  It does not matter what the situations might be, if someone or some group wishes to take control of young Christians and mold them in THEIR own way, they are committing spiritual abortion and effectively killing that person or group spiritually along with their own selves as well.

If the physical baby is dead and can no longer be a “problem” to the mother, so goes the aborted spiritual growth of the terminated new Christian.  When the spiritual growth is destroyed the enemy has effectively killed the new convert and has returned them to their worldly enslaved conditions.  If the Church acts in ANY way to abort the spiritual growth and development of a young Christian then the Church is an abortionist as well.  Therefore, in truth, those who believe that abortion is ok automatically promotes it and participates in that process when it comes to the Church, and in truth has ended their own lives on the spiritual level as well.  THINK ABOUT THIS FOR A MOMENT!!  God is a complete God in ALL areas and His Word represents truth on all levels of our existence.  Remember, it is not the church building that is most influential to the new Christian, it is the Church herself; sadly, however sometimes the church building itself has more life than the Church herself.

In no way possible can God have any double standard present around Him, in Him, through Him, under Him, above Him, etc.  God represents life itself and nothing less.  His Word addresses nothing but life and therefore His Church cannot promote and live anything else.  It is the Church’s responsibility to protect and to nurture new Christians in their development in Christ.  In NO way should any young Christian be told that their lives would become easier after they accept Christ!  When a person makes the choice to accept Christ it places them into a whole other category, one that our enemy takes heed towards for now these people have been exposed to the truth about their lives and they must eternally pay for their “rebellion” against the home team.  How many times can we say that we have let new Christians down by not encouraging them to study God’s Word and by teaching them what His Word says about their lives?

The previous article that God shared with us talked about an insignificant growth Church and this is the prime example of what occurs when an insignificant growth church is allowed to flourish, IT DOESN’T!!  Young Christians are the most dangerous people to Satan’s kingdom for they will grow to their fullest purpose if the Church extends God’s Word into their lives on a continual basis.  Where is this Church?  When do they meet and how do they teach?  Sadly, that answer has drawn its own conclusion by its non-existent language.  As the focus about the choices of abortion by the mother have come into practice, so has the spiritual abortionists that call themselves Christians have come into church leadership.  When a church leader perverts God’s Word enough to allow sin to proudly and boldly sit in the pews thumbing its eternality in the face of God that is the answer.  Ever wonder why the Bible says that many people on the day of judgment will have to depart God’s presence for eternity because God never knew them?  Well, this is one huge factor Church!!

We can no longer contend that God has a double standard when it comes to life, in God’s eyes and heart He must remain consistent to life both spiritually and physically with no exceptions.  If you believe that the Church is justified in the fact that she can produce such death doctrines then you must be told that you do not believe in Christianity at all and have already aborted yourself from spiritual life.  There are no “grades or levels” of sin, sin is sin plain and simple and if the Church believes that the young group of dividing cells has no options or choices, then why are you considering yourself to be in a position of life when you know the truth?  Church, wake up and get back into the Word of God and study its contents without human bias. 

The Word of God is our eternal protection as we grow in Christ.  It serves as the one true Foundation that we can find every answer to the questions concerning life, including the pains and struggles when we are young Christians.  God shall never abandon you in times of need and heartache, nor shall He abort you at ANY point in your life.  On the other hand, God shall allow you to make the choices you wish but always remember that there is an eternal side to every breath we take which makes our young group of dividing cells more attractive to nurture and to protect into a beautiful mature Christian.  God’s protective force around our lives is fierce and it is this way for a reason and it is called eternity.

It pains God to know that His Church is reluctantly nurturing young Christians through His complete Word and at the same time encouraging these precious spirits to look at the Church through worldly eyes.  The Church needs to refocus her heart on what is truly important and that is the exact Word of God and I can guarantee that when this occurs the Church’s vision for the mission of Christ shall no longer be taken into question.  Seeking out and telling people that Jesus died for their sins, is the key element in understanding the mission of the Church.  We have become ashamed of the Gospel, a Gospel we do not even understand, to begin with. 

So how can we honestly be providing a pure and holy protection and nurturing environment to the young Christians?  Oh, Woe to us Church!!  It is our duty and mission to know the Word of God so well that we can teach anyone who wishes to know what is really going on around them, from God’s eyes and heart and not the human’s.  It is this point that God wants us to understand in this article and that is when people come to Christ they are new creations and are young in the faith and it is the Church’s responsibility to teach them and to give them the knowledge of God’s Word in all areas.  We first must repent for not studying God’s Word well enough and deep enough without any worldly beliefs involved.  We must then live through God’s Word according to each letter of what God has given us and it is through these Words from Him under His Son’s blood that we may nurture and grow the young Christian instead of being stripped away from their new lives in Christ.


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