Tuesday, December 20, 2016

In Charge

In Charge


We all like to believe that we have elected great leaders and that those leaders can do no wrong while in their position of leadership. We also understand that not everyone will share this belief and have to deal with these voices in some manner. But why do we continually stop with the physical aspect of this truth and ignore and forget the eternal? With this forgetfulness, we invite nothing but tribute to a failed system when the forever truth stands right in front of our hearts. Not much shall change as long as we continue to accept the physical as reality even when we believe things are going in our favor. God is and has always been the Supreme ruler of all creation, for He alone created all things.

As I was walking across the parking lot yesterday morning, my body could not help but feel the wrath of the cold front that has gripped our part of the country. And while I shook a bit from the temperature I cannot complain about this type of weather for I understand that it is a part of nature’s cycle that it follows and it is the end stage of a new beginning portion of that cycle that we shall see in a few months. After a while, at work, the sun began to appear from behind the mountains that surround this valley. The light in the sky was stating that it was going to be basically a cloudless day and that the sun shall do its part in warming the land for a few moments.  It was still considered before dawn so while the sun was approaching, I could not see the beauty of what God had in store for my eyes as of yet but I knew that soon I would.

As I was once again crossing parking lots, I had the opportunity to witness one of the beautiful sites that my eyes can behold and that was the sun's hitting the tops of the mountains and turning those lands purple. I must admit that when my eyes see this majestic view, without fail do I remember the words of that glorious song that contain “purple mountains majesty”. This sight is one that I share with the person who wrote those words that many of us sing on a regular basis and hide those words in our heart. It does not matter which side of this nation one witnesses this sight, it binds us together as God intended our existence to be.  But the question must be asked is this: how many people living in this great nation realizes this beauty and what it means to the spirit of this vast land and the representation through this beauty of the realization of its Creator.

December 19th, 2016 holds an important process in our country’s history, a storied process which has saved this nation from the wiles of evil people and one that is now being bashed because individual wills are not recognizing the real truth of the genius that our founding fathers had. Threat after threat has been heard around the nation concerning this portion of our Constitution saying that it needs to be repealed in order to accurately “hear” the people’s voices. With proven voting processes in place and with the distribution of certain population numbers concentrated in a few areas, it is this purpose alone that the Electoral College is in place so that all citizens of this nation have an equal part in voting. One candidate did win the popular vote but that margin of popular victory was solely driven by one populous state and therefore the Electoral College once again proved to be a fair and balanced check for this nation. As my readings and studies about our founding fathers continues, I stand more in awe with their abilities to prove themselves accurate in governmental affairs centuries down the road. While this process not goes my way 100% of the time, I accept the results and plug forward in trying to make this country what God intended it to be; His! This land is His and you are His land but we cannot argue that we have placed personal feelings first in our hearts and have placed God on the backburner.

A few events of yesterday have also caught my attention and for some others as well. I find it very intriguing that the Russian Ambassador to Turkey was assassinated and that a shooting occurred in Zurich, Switzerland. While the assassination in Turkey should not come as too much of a surprise the violence in Switzerland does because it means that extremism has now infiltrated the neutral settings of this world; which means that all areas of worldly political beliefs have been infiltrated, no one can say they are immune. The Russian Ambassador to Turkey was shot from behind, a cowardly defense for any attempt on a person’s life, but what can one expect when self rules the ways of the heart.  If these incidents were not bad enough, someone decided to drive a truck into a crowd in Berlin, killing approximately a dozen people and wounding many more.

For the past few months I have been struggling to define a phrase that God gave me, the phrase is “the Election of Jezebel”. I am currently writing another article concerning this phrase and as each day passes I read about our activities and how much they align with her life and her spirit that she demonstrated. How quickly her husband forgot who he was and in what position he held, for Ahab clearly allowed Jezebel to command actions from his subjects and then had them destroyed when they did not obey. I am not saying female leaders are bad or wrong, but when any leader is controlled by a worldly spirit their leadership shall become deadly in all directions.  It is the deception of our leadership that is concerning to God and the will of the people to accept it as a norm, which means they are either ignorant of what is really transpiring or they accept it because they see nothing wrong with their actions, or worse yet, deem both as accurate descriptions of our lives.

We as a nation and as the Church fail to recognize this spirit that we have allowed to incorporate itself in our lives. When we protest a process that our state has won there is a serious issue at hand. We must recognize that the old administration of this nation did not bring us back to a unified state and more importantly we must recognize AND acknowledge that the incoming administration cannot and will not be able to unify us either without God being place first in EVERY aspect of our daily lives. The Children of Israel failed to realize this, every democracy formed before us did not realize this, and our eternal enemy has done a superb job in lying to us in order for us to follow this death march.  Yes, the Church was a great symbol in previous nations and empires but just as today its presence was used for personal gain and conquest instead of what Jesus commanded us to do in Hi name AS the Church.

How bad is the spirit that we harbor? Those that are protesting and calling for a Civil War have no remorse or regrets for calling such actions. I am not old enough to remember the assassination of President Kennedy, but a good portion of my family are and when we discuss this specific issue, the fear of a nation can be heard in their voices because they directly understand what it means when a leader or process of a nation dies and what tries to come into the national spirit when a situation like this occurs. We must remember that God is a complete God and He allows both good and bad things to occur in our lives but if we fail to recognize His laws and ways in our lives the bad shall overwhelmingly present itself over the good. As I sit and scan the comments of this important day in our history, I cannot help but feel pain and agony of what is about to come for if something does occur to this incoming administration there will be a great number of people celebrating this event instead of an entire nation be in mourning. How far have we fallen from the moral institutions that were once going forth before us? I have no doubt that our societies have redefined what a moral standard is but in truth we have not found out what that delineated majority will result in.

More importantly we are witnessing the reasons as to why this nation shall not be intact when the last days arrive, for it will be the witness of our national heart that God will have to act, for while He loves us far greater than we can ever imagine, He cannot idly sit bye and watch sin overtake His beloved children. He did not do this in biblical times and therefore cannot allow this to occur in our day as well. What one must realize that is not one side of the aisle that has created this issue within the world’s societies, it is all of us who have failed to recognize the truth about the path that we have chosen and until we recognize this fact and then return to our Creator, our lives shall change every day that we awake.

At first, I believed that this election was going to be different due to the phrase that God laid in my heart. As election night unfolded I realized that something else was in store due to the results of that evening. I was reminded tat Jezebel not only was a physical person but a spirit as well and it was at that point when God showed me that it was the spirit that was well and alive in this country. We have forgotten that God established this nation for a reason and that reason was to be a light to a dying and dark world, a leader for all time and one who would stand proud for the name of God. We have accepted a commoners stance with a reckoning of servitude to an entitlement king and have adopted the condition of driving down the road in our luxurious automobiles in a fast paced urban center with earplugs in both ears and shade over our eyes blocking out the sounds of truth that are screaming at us as we feverously pass by the warning signs. A famous line from a popular movie once said “leadership reflect attitude captain” and we are ignoring these words.

While I was hopeful that the rhetoric, lies, and hatred for those who do not agree with “us” would fade away and for this nation to settle down and return to work; however, I knew in my heart it would not because of what God has shown me. To elect something means one accepts that platform’s ways and believes in it enough to cast their individual vote for its existence then engage in its course of action according to what has been accepted. A politician recently said that it was important to pass a large piece of legislation so that we could know what is in it and we have just done that with Jezebel as well.  It is a dangerous path one takes when groups or nations vote popularity or self rising settings instead of knowing the entire truth about what is on the table. I cannot withhold the truth when it comes to the Church either, for she has done – and continues to do so – in like manner when it comes to God’s Word. She does not understand it and uses it as a pounding rock in order to subject others into believing its words. In fact, the words that are listed in this book of truths is Truth in itself and represents nothing but life.

The sides of this country are so divided that neither of them can recognize exactly what this election is actually electing. The line leading up to the “T” was reached many years ago and we are now beginning to witness the unfolding of that physical choice. We cannot even recognize the fact that we are taking steps that were ordained for our paths millennia ago yet scoff at the One being that can help us with this mess. If for ANY reason one declares themselves to be on one side or the other, division is king in our hearts. Before we take one more step in proving that this Jezebel spirit is alive and well in our hearts, why don’t we stop and take a good look around us and see what we are actually doing. For if we do not our nation shall be charged in such a manner that she shall never recover and instead of being the leader of the world will become the doormat of the world. What really scares me is that this change in status shall not initially come from mankind but from God Himself thus eternally proving to every eye that HE is in control of every aspect and while we may kick, scream, and protest in our own selfish ways to a laughing god and ruler we probably shall miss exactly why these charges and changes must occur.

God wishes to make one final plea with His people and He wants to say it through His Word. Isaiah 55:8-9 states the following: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” God is not saying this passage as a way to promote Himself in any way but He is saying it to His people because He wants us to know that if we choose the ways of our finite minds wish we shall lose everything that He has given us, including eternal life. God understands that we struggle and carry our burdens around every day.

But His ways are higher and better for our existence, both physical and spiritual and unless we stop using God as a crutch in time of need and place Him first in our lives; that need, will arise once again but God shall be silent. Church, get your eyes and heart away from the world and separate yourself from its wicked ways. Fight for the truth of this Scripture and study its meaning and wisdom. It simply states that God is higher and perfect in all ways and we have direct access to Him in order to obtain information from Him so that our lives may shine bright again. It is an easy process but we must turn our selfish ways over to Him and allow His Word to govern our lives, not the world’s ways.

What I find so prophetic is that the people in this nation, no matter how one voted, what side they stand or how they feel about the voting process all agree that something is about to occur that will not be a good thing for this nation. They are absolutely correct, something is about to occur in this nation but they have missed the truth about the origins of this prophetic word. The election of Jezebel has officially occurred and it is NOT for the reason one has been led to believe. It is not solely based upon the fact that Hilary Clinton did not win the presidency, nor is it solely based upon the fact that Donald Trump won the presidency either. It is not representative of one side of the political aisle or the other and it is definitely not due to the outgoing presidency alone either. Terrifying as it is, the knowledge of this prophecy yet scoffing at the source provides a path of utter destruction without a complete understanding as to why it shall occur, which once again groups us in with the Israelites, democracies and republics from our past that failed to recognize that God is God and we are not.

It is clear that the current presidency did not want God being a part of its platform, in words yes in truth no. One also must contend that this nation believes that it no longer needs God as its source of provisions. We also must contend and accept that the new president of this country and his entire platform does not include God as the primary figurehead. In other words, we have not learned from our chances in the past and must now face the worldly consequences of the spirit that we just elected. The popular vote may have been won by a single state’s population but the entire heart of our future is gaining strength and speed in order to preserve her usurpation and proclaiming her spirit officially in charge. Watch and see is a term I am beginning to understand as to why God said it many times in His Word, it is because His children were blinded from the truth by their own personal choices of who is in charge.  So, if you have the opportunity to witness these purple colors on your local hillside or mountain range, take time to once again realize who is really in control and in charge of your existence because as regimes, governments, names, and leaders change God shall never relinquish His throne or authority to anyone.


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