Saturday, May 13, 2017

Our Definition

Our Definition


In a world where everyone tries their best to become equal, it is easy to become weary and leery about our foundings.  Some of us come from unknown bloodlines while others are the opposite have “royal” lines that stretch for millennia.  But if we limit ourselves to the physical we cannot understand exactly how we were created for our origins were not of this world but from a Being that is all powerful and all knowing, with perfection and eternity as His origin.  We do have a definitive origin and it is vital that we understand exactly who made us and for what reason He did so.  It is also part of our origin to ensure that His Will be done on the earth and that means to push back His enemy, and ours, as much as possible.

A little under eighteen years ago, my wife and I welcomed our youngest child Rebekkah into the world.  Rebekkah was the last of our children and while we would have loved to have had more certain physical conditions warranted otherwise.  When I was a young person I would sometimes catch my parents just staring at me and through my selfish windows I failed to recognize or even understand why they would just take the time to watch me a bit.  Today, I understand that feeling they had so many years ago because Bonnie and I are facing the same scenario, watching our children grow up and go about on their way making their own life without always being around the house.  It has especially hit both of us pretty hard since Rebekkah represents the last one of our kids to leave high school.

Do not get me wrong, some of these feelings of loss and ending were felt when our other daughters reached this point in their lives as well, but for those of us who have faced or are facing the last child leaving, it puts a different perspective on things. Honestly, I cannot believe that Rebekkah is graduating and even old enough to graduate because I can still see her as a little girl with curly hair running in and out of the back door with not a care in the world.  Rebekkah, your mother and I love you very much and are so proud of you and the accomplishments that you have achieved so far and will achieve in the coming years.

When I look over my four daughters’ lives I am taken back of just how time flies and in a blink of an eye they are off with their own families.  My remembrances of them being young do not fade and the pains they encountered that we all experienced way back when are laughable now, but one of the most joyous of times was when and still do have the opportunity to lay my eyes on their presence.  I know that there is no question that they are mine and that I created them, but I cannot help but to thank God every day for their presence in my house and to hear their footsteps pounding up and down the staircases.  While this physical creative status of theirs I am proud of, I am more proud that I know they have the opportunity to choose God and to stand on His side of existence as the ultimate and eternal Creator of their lives.  I would love to take total claim of all my daughters and on the physical aspects of their lives I can but their eternal existence which is far more important than our physical, God owns and through this truth Bonnie and I shall do our best to show them God and His Son’s love for them on a daily basis.  It is this point that God wants us to understand that while we are created in the flesh, it is His Spirit that dwells within us that matters to our eternal positioning. 

It is in this reality of parenting we find ourselves in the fight of our lives, for there is nothing that we would not do in order to protect our children from harm.  It is a parental instinct to protect our children as much as possible and even give them credit where credit may not be warranted.  This quality of our inner being can be fierce if triggered, yet remain calm in other circumstances where our children are concerned.  We were created to create others but as being a created being ourselves we must recognize and honor the One who began our existence in the first place.  Without this acknowledgment of our origin and definition we cannot fully comprehend life itself, but only exist as a figment of our true ability.  When a child is ripped from our presence before their true time, one cannot describe the adequate words that parents feel, another testimony to how children represent our lives both physically and spiritually for it was God who allowed Hs Son to leave Him to represent eternal life.

In Genesis 2:7 gives us the detailed information we need to understand the origins and definition of our life.  The word definition is defined as such: “the action or process of defining something”.  Genesis 2:7 states: “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.”  I find it very interesting that no other details about Adam’s formation are given as in physical features; nose length, eye colors, ear size, etc.  This proclaims that to God our formation according to His standards is far more important than what our physical physique represents; a significant issue that one must take into account in order to continue to place God first in our lives according to our way of life.

It does not take us long to find out that many lives are divided, and through this division are physically defined people who have questions about their mode of creation.  It has become a norm of western society to have many parents, come from different backgrounds and be forced to cope with lingering questions concerning other family members myself must be included in this equation.  While my parents knew a story about my beginnings they did not know the entire story and even today after my biological family found me, that story is still filled with gaping holes.  When God created us from dust His intentions was for our lives to be simple without pain or suffering with no complications added.  God also understood that He could not create slaves either thus providing a secondary means of surviving if we chose to differ from His Ways.  God did not create a compromised product it was our choice to introduce sin into our lives that complicated our matters.

We as a society have done a fairly good job at trying to manage our lives alone without the help of God or anyone else who might suggest us trying to acquire God’s help.  Through this fairly good job of going about things on our own we have severely complicated numerous areas of our lives, including the origins, foundations and now we are morphing our definition of life as well.  The answer to the deepest questions that we have about ourselves does not lie in a multitude of answers or directions towards answers.  The world places these various categories of choices in our way so that we can hop through the doors whenever we feel like it and reverse course if we change our minds.  How can one even obtain stability with a pathological misdirection in front of us, much less senility?  We do not need to be redefined in order to make our lives more comfortable and accessible because when we live through this lie all we are doing is giving our enemy pathways of destruction that he shall capitalize on at some point in our lives.

Changing the pathway of our definition cannot allow us to start over and to begin again there is only One Being that can accomplish that feat and He is the original Creator of our lives.  When we understand that God Created us and then breathed His Spirit into our lives that mean we have His presence and everything that it represents in our lives as well.  When we understand that we are His Creations the question of who I become irrelevant and the only thing that becomes our necessity is to know our Creator more for when we do we will automatically understand our lives better as well.  This is the reason why there are so many people hurting these days when it seems like times are good all around, for we are so scattered internally we cannot even understand and comprehend our own names much less our family history or country’s history.  This type of life is NOT what God created us to do or to live by.  God gave us one law to obey in the beginning, plain and simple it was but we chose to complicate and compromise according to our own wills and judgments.  We did not have to do this act against God and we do not have to do it today either.

Most of you know that I love music and have placed music as a centerpiece in my life.  While Classical music holds my heart the dearest, Christian music ranks right up there in a close second.  I always love to hear new songs or even old ones that emphasize what God is saying to us in these articles and I have found a couple of them that specifically relate to our lives according to Genesis 2:7.  I have no idea why these artists wrote these songs but I do know that the words that they use in these songs will touch many lives that are questioning their existence and their definition.  These words also reinforce the truth that God created us in one way and provided a single way for us to be restored following His one plan.

The first song that brings this point of God’s into focus is from Kim Walker and her song “You Define Me”.  You cannot get more pointed and specific than the title of the song alone because it is God who defines us not the world, not our makeup, not our hair or accent but God and God alone.  It was Him who gave us life from nothing but a bunch of dirt particles and formed us into the second chances that we are today.  God is the perfect Creator for everything He creates is perfect in every way it is our choice to compromise our positions, not His.  One of the more exciting portions of this song states “The words You speak over me” mean so much to our lives for it declares that God is still alive by the usage of the verb “speak” through our creation by Him, He “You tell me who I am”.  There is our definition and it coincides with Genesis 2:7.  Since God is still alive this means that every time we fulfill God's command to replenish the earth and create a baby, His Word continues to be alive for this process of life-giving contains Him and Him alone.  There is so much more about this song that thrills me to hear and I urge you to listen to the song and allow God to warm your heart through the truth of this song.

The second song that speaks volumes to me about my definition is from Colton Dixon and his song “In My Veins”.  Most of you know that I work in a clinical laboratory and have done such for over thirty years now.  I fell in love with the lab field when I was in high school and have never left it ever since.  So when a song proclaims that God is in my definition as He courses through my veins I cannot ignore this truth.  One line particularly stands out here and it goes like this “When you wrote your name, in my veins”.  This means that God has an ever present presence in my life which includes every part of my life IF I choose to allow Him access.  His Spirit and creativity were present first before the world gained access, He has legal rights to His Creation and desires with every breath and heartbeat of His to return.

I cannot tell you exactly what is about to occur in this nation but what I do understand is that at some point God is going to allow a divine act to touch the shores of this nation.  As of this moment, our lives are wandering in so many directions that unless we stop and return to God now our lives shall be in complete shambles after the natural disaster has been completed.  It is vital that we understand that God cannot give any more than one direction, it is the work of our enemy that places confusing directions and choices in our paths.  We have done a superb job in trying our best to dethrone God from our hearts and to replace Him with the world.  Look around us and it is not hard to see that the path that we are taking will only lead us over a cliff.  God is not political by any means however, He is 100% eternal and it is the eternal portions of our lives that He wishes for us to straighten out.

God is not in the habit or position to scare anyone into accepting His Ways He did, however, provide us with the ability to make the true and pure choice of Him based on the Word that He has provided us.  It is through His Word that not only defines God, but it also defines us as well which means there is only One God and there is only one human and we are created in His image which means that each of the songs above proclaims the truth about our lives and definition.  The job of the ruler of the world is to confuse and to confound your heart which produces doubt, God is not about doubt but truth and purity.  It is this holiness, purity, and truth that is our definition and God has graciously provided the means in which to obtain this purity again.  Church turn your hearts back to God and once again be the witness that God desires from each one of us.  There is not much time, repent and allow God to restore what our enemy has stolen from us.


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