Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A Mattock in a Spear Fight

A Mattock in a Spear Fight


Arriving at a battle with the most advanced weaponry is of the most importance if one wishes to survive the conflict facing them.  This type of preparedness also includes knowing how to fight the enemy and to understand how they will act before, during, and after the battle.  Yet, so many of us continue to fight the world and its ruler with weapons that are just not able enough to withstand his attacks and with such known outcomes and when the next round is about to begin, we show up with the same weapons that were used previously we cannot ignore these indignations when we walk away defeated once again.  At no time shall God prepare His warriors for a defeated battle and if our hearts are in line with His Ways, the weapons of our warfare will surely be stronger than what our enemy combats with; this is a guarantee from God.

Now, when I was a younger man in school and living under my parent’s house there were a few rules that were never really discussed but once mentioned expected to be followed at all times.  One of these rules included the act of fighting and how I should never find myself in a position that would promote such an activity.  Most of my growing up years did not include such settings and I really did not have to worry about such altercations but there were a few times that my physical abilities were challenged by another.  In both cases, I talked my way out of these circumstances and I was so glad that I found the words to say because if I had not my physicality and agility would have seriously hindered those two days.  Plus, the words of my father came back to me as I was standing there dancing my way out of things and those words were this: you better not ever get into a fight with another person but if you do, you better win.  In those few potentially horrific aftermaths of mine I realized just how smart I was to use the weapon of words to lure me out of danger, I did not threaten whatsoever nor did I attack any other friend or family member of the person I was confronting at the time and it was this opportunity that comes back to me today that I chose the wiser of the weapons to fight my enemy that day and that weapon that was used came from God and ended any further hostilities down the road.

I was not a skilled fighter by any means and even the thought of me harming another person just turned my stomach enough not render myself totally vulnerable in said circumstance, I just never had the heart to do battle someone on the physical level for a “dominant” position.  I guess the healing mentality and heart that God gave me when was a baby set the stage for such occupational desires both when I was young and today as my age begins to creep up in time.  As my parents as ministers I have witnessed countless numbers of people talk with them who have been both physically and emotionally devastated by other humans and as I take a look back at some of those instances, I can honestly say that I understand that while the physical hurts well the inner pain inflicted on a person is far greater and shall last for an unspecified amount of time long after the bruises go away.

Sadly, I wish I could say that the majority of people today end problems and issues between each other through gentle and kind words without the use of force against one another.  But when modern-day filmmakers and every other itemized entertainment corporations encourage the violent and entangled methods of solving problems this wish of mine does not even get to be placed on the table as an option let alone as a first resort for conflict.  There is nothing wonderful or gracious about someone using violence or great physical intimidation against another human being in order to make a point or to gain an advantage over another.  This last week our nation was enthralled and entangled in a Supreme Court nomination and when one listened to the protestors and demonstrators complete sadness could not be helped but be felt.  One lady wanted to grab the attention of those around her so they all could pray for what was about to occur.  The protestors did allow her to begin to pray but as soon as she did they began banging their drums louder close to her and screamed louder their own rants.  There cannot be anything good come from this type of activity towards others but we seem to enjoy displaying our stupidity and ignorance because we are not getting our way.  So, who came to the battle prepared here and which side of the truth was eventually demonstrated?

The passage that God wants us to understand today comes from 1 Samuel 13:16-22 and it deals with being prepared and understanding how to be prepared when a battle is about to be conducted in your presence.  I have probably read this passage a couple of times in my life but never really understood what was going on here and how the enemy of Israel gained so much control over their mechanized weaponry that their attentiveness in battle here proves that their hearts were not right with God.  We must also remember that the same enemies of Israel during biblical times are still the enemies of her today and should be recognized and stand out as sole participants against the Kingdom of God.  Another small itemized detail about this period of time is that Israel has already made its claim to a worldly status and thus proving its earthly worth in the devastating decay of Israel.

1 Samuel 13:16 begins our passage by giving us the location of Saul and Jonathan and the positions of the Philistines and the camps and companies that they represented.  It is clear that Israel and her enemy are about to do battle against each other and strategic positioning is ongoing in preparation for such battle.  We must remember that this is not a modern-day military battle but one that occurred many times over back then so the legitimate weaponry will be different but in no case, all sides had the responsibility to be prepared at all times for such encounters.  As the positioning continued it became clear that one item of weaponry had been taken out of the hands of the Israelites over an amount of time and that was the spears and swords, a major component of fighting and there was no one to blame but Israel’s leaders for this issue.  1 Samuel 13:19 states this fact for the Philistines themselves did not allow Israel to be prepared for such a day and thus proves that the enemy of Israel had already won a major victory in the upcoming battle before it had begun.  Verses 20-21 state as follows: “But all the Israelites went down to the Philistines, to sharpen every man his share, and his coulter, and his ax, and his mattock.  Yet they had a file for the mattocks, and for the coulters, and for the forks, and for the axes, and to sharpen the goads.”  These two verses really stand out to me and should do the same for us when it comes to our enemies and how military tactics play a superior role on each side of the battle line. 

Now, most of us know what an ax is, how long it is and what it can be used for as a weapon if need be.  It is always a hand-held tool that is not very long and will not extend too much further from a person’s hand due to its size and weight.  If the ax is thrown from the hand the weapon no longer is considered to be effective and unless picked up cannot be used again for any purpose either.  A coulter is a thin work of metal that usually is used for seeding and thus not too long for it too must be guided by a hand or another lot of controlled energy.  It can be used as a weapon but in its original capacity cannot be too heavy for when using it for seeding a tight row is needed not an open and wide one for planting.  We all know what the duty of a fork is so I shall not warrant too much time stating that this type of weapon falls into the same category as ones already described.  A mattock is a simple pickaxe and once again falls into the useless category of a combat item when superior weapons are already possessed.

At the beginning of World War II, the Polish army had one of the most decorated and finest cavalry regiments ever marshaled.  These units were top of the line and had a long and proud heritage to back up their presence on a potential battlefield.  Yet, while these men and horses served their duty well in previous wars and skirmishes.  On the eve of WWII, Germany posed many such cavalry units as well and in fact, placed many of them on the frontier lines between Germany and Poland providing a false sense of security in Poland.  While Germany showed their military equipment upfront they hid their prowess in that they had developed the modern tank which was made of steel and not horseflesh.  As soon as the Germans crossed the border it was clear, those horse cavalry units with their decorations waving in the wind were no match for even the lightest armored tank and machine guns.  The enemy had allowed them to believe that their weapons and how they were going to use them would be sufficient in a future battle.  Germany lied and the belief in this lie cost thousands of men and horses their lives within a few hours of WWII.

Now, when one stops and thinks about this type of weaponry and the allowance that the other side takes no fear in, would that or shouldn’t that strike some kind of flag or warning in a person’s head?  In 1 Samuel 13:19 it states that Philistine would not allow any smiths to be present in Israel, which means any type of heavy metal workings could not be done unless the enemy said so in the beginning.  HELLO!!!  This should be a huge signal for those who were in Israel for they were not allowed to see or to make anything heavy enough to use against the enemy if needed.  How can anyone with any type of defensive or militaristic mind allow this to occur over any period of time?  This verse alone shows us of what happens when we fall into the hands of our enemies and how effective their combat initiatives are when we do not understand what is being fought for and over.  While this picture may be setting the stage on the physical aspects of humans it also declares the same type of status in the spiritual aspects of our lives as well.  The weapons that the Philistines allowed the Israelites to sharpen and to mold could pose a slight risk to their army but nowhere near what a sword could have done.  We must also contend that if Israel had not chosen the ways of the world back a few chapters previous, God would have never allowed such incompetence to be categorized in the Israelite camp for God is a protector on all aspects of life and thus shall never sell short those who live under His covenant.

Verse 22 of our passage sums up the reality of the weaponry status of Israel: “So it came to pass in the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people who were with Saul and Jonathan: but with Saul and Jonathan his son was there found.”  Who really cares if the leaders of the army are decorated with the finest articles of warfare if no one else has such equipment?  This demonstrates a political game and flash and dance scheme that the enemy laughs at when confronted with because they already know what type of weapons the fighters have for it is they whom they will be fighting.  Plus, two swords versus an entire army of swords, no match at all but it is this symbol of action with the world that God really does not wish to condone for it is devised from a human perspective and not one that comes from the heart of God.  God and those who listen to His Words at all times never come in 2nd in a battle, for we all know what occurs to those who come in 2nd place after a battle. 

When we allow ourselves to be aligned with our eternal enemy we automatically allow 1 Samuel 13:19-20 rule our lives and proves that our decision to allow such alliance to live within our lives is a horrific idea and should be avoided.  Our enemy shall always concur with this type of decision and will provide you with what may seem to be an adequate defensive system as a “reward” for making such decision but when it comes time for battle it will be known that the standards provided are not the same as what the enemy has in his possession.  If our enemy “gives” you or “offers” you ANYTHING, know that this “gift” shall be used against you in some form or fashion down the road.  Our enemy cannot ever give you something that shall promote the Kingdom of God and if it looks like it is doing so you need to turn it over to God and allow Him to examine it and to show the truth.  The enemy knows this and evidence surrounds this knowledge in verse 19 when the Philistines admit what swords and spears could do in the future.

This passage teaches us that there is nothing good that comes out when we decide to make friends with and the subsequently rely on our enemies for support.  It is also through this type of contempt that gives us an excellent look at where our hearts are focused and centered for any time we turn our ambitions towards the world, nothing good can come as a result.  The same occurs in the spirit realm as well when it is time for us to do battle against our enemy.  We can never forget that Satan knows the Word of God backward and forwards and he will “give” the ability to sharpen our warrior skills only to a certain level if we do not seek God for our answers and battle plan at all times.  We have become the Israelites in 1 Samuel 13 for we look to replenish our fighting skills through their tactical methods and instruments and to ignore the one and only source of our physical and spiritual survival, the Word of God.

It has become evident that we have fallen into this false sense of security when it comes to the advancement of the Kingdom of God so much so that we no longer understand or desire to advance the mission that Jesus gave us to do while He was on earth.  How evident?  The Church would rather go argue at a protest or even join them instead of teaching that God loves them and wants peace in their lives and most importantly to look towards Him for Truth and not the world.  The Church also supports such alternative protests which provide an opportunity to be witnesses for God and to bring people to God yet while these “other” protests occur we never hear how many people were saved or were witnessed to during these movements.  God could care less if we had a weekly protest or movement parade every day, He could care less if our intentions were of a noble standard, ALL HE CARES ABOUT is that His beloved Creations turn their hearts back towards Him and live for His Covenant.  So, that is the evidence of where our heart is and where it is not.

Our hearts have become so jaded and then covered with self-righteousness that we fail to recognize that the stench that we smell is coming from our rotting hearts inside our lives and it is time we recognize this smell and change the condition of our hearts before God has to intervene.  It is imperative that we recognize that we have gained much of our status today from worldly offerings and that what we have received is of no use to us when it comes time to spiritually combat the same enemy that handed out these “gifts” and “supplies” to us.  Can we not see how dangerously defeating this policy is in our lives?  We choose to accept the ways of the world but reject the Truth from the One who provides birds with their food and shelter?  We have become so blind and pathetic against the wiles of the enemy that we cannot recognize that the information we are absorbing into our lives represents a death warrant even before the battle begins our lives and fate are sealed.

This is not an example of Christ’s Church that He established and ordained when He walked the earth, nor is it any type of true example of life for those who are in need and are looking for the truth.  Scandal after scandal appears in the news about how another priest, layman, or other leader has succumbed to temptation around them.  My father ran into this type of filth way back in the early 1980s in the church that he went to and this type of spiritual demise ran without check-in that congregation and was utterly in control when his tenure began.  No huge headlines occurred when these secrets began to be uncovered but the overwhelming demonic presence and activity were flying around unabated yet none of the people were concerned, with the exception of a few and an angel that God placed in our midst.

Where is the Word of God in our lives and how is it begin used as a sense of weaponry against our spiritual enemy?  Clearly, we have used its content for our own advancement and not God’s Kingdom.  We are demonstrating the exact same tactic that the Israelites did in this passage that God has given us today when we do not seek His Word first and to listen to His commands of protection and advancement.  God has never been defeated and shall never be defeated so why would we accept such destroyed and defeated weapons as our battlefront?  It is time we repent Church and allow God to dig deep down into our lives and to change our hearts.  He has one of two ways to accomplish this feat, one is on the voluntary level and even though painful is the best and easiest manner known.  The other manner is by grabbing our heart’s attention through His supernatural hand and taking care of spreading the truth in such a way, while this way is more devastating God understands that He would rather prepare and change our hearts on an individual level than in this way.  Bringing a mattock to a spiritual battle is a grave error that we must realize before the first strike occurs.  If we continue to allow our enemy to fool us into believing that simple weapons will do the trick against his own fight, we are sunk.

This passage and examples should shed light on a more specific topic and one that we need to review further, and that is of the status of our heart.  At no time during this passage did the children of Israel ever consult God and what He wanted from them during their preparations.  All attention was given trying to get the Philistines to cooperate with them to perfect in their fighting weapons.  Do you realize exactly what this process of asking the enemy for help means?  It does not matter if one person does this or as in this case an entire nation consulting the enemy to help them to protect them (Israel) against them (Philistines) in the near future.  This gives us a pretty clear picture that Israel’s heart was not on God and had fulfilled their wish to be like other nations around them, a clear and eternal mistake that we make today when we seek opportunities with the world instead of God.  No blame can be administered to anyone else but ourselves, for even the heart of the Church is promoting such selfish and worldly weaponry.  We need to change our hearts, Church before God has to take His turn; for, what we are doing today can be no higher example of one bringing a mattock to a spear fight.


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