Monday, May 20, 2019

Who Is Where?

Who Is Where?


Many of us would like to say that it is easy for us to believe in the supernatural or in the spiritual realm of life, but when it comes right down to it most do not have a clue about what goes on around us.  On the same item list, it is easy for us to talk about angels and the roles they play in heaven but rarely do we discuss their presence among ourselves or even understand why they want to be on this earth.  God has specific jobs for every Creation of His since the beginning of angelic and human life and in order for us to know what transpires around us, it is necessary that we study God’s Word for He has provided such information to us.  Our lives are not just stuck on this planet to wander around aimlessly and to sit in fields of green and do nothing with our lives, nor is it this way in Heaven either.  Heavenly jobs are a part of our lives just as much as they are to angels and unless we understand why God gives us the initiatives to complete such jobs here on earth, we shall never understand where our future will be either.

Any of you remember the television series “Touched By An Angel” that was popular back in the mid-1990s and ran until the early 2000s?  It was a program that many good characteristics that told how people were visited by angels and how their presence helped them through certain periods of their lives, usually with some sort of tragedy being the focus.  I had not watched that program for a long time until I was in the hospital recovering from my triple bypass in September 2018.  While I did not agree with everything that program produced, I did learn how many people struggled with God and how deep their struggles were when it came to understand why God allowed such events to occur to people.  The show also demonstrated how people did not know just how important their lives are to God and how much He wants us to seek Him in all our ways no matter what the circumstances present.  While I never saw any angelic beings in my room or in the operating room, I did feel their presence and I knew that they were there for a reason.  God had made some statements to me during the helicopter ride and it was afterward during this stay in the hospital that they oversaw things so that His message would be understood first and then secondly delivered correctly after my stay was completed.  Angelic beings are real, they continually obey the words of God and commands that He gives them so even though television programs project the spiritual concepts of this presence and are deemed to be fictional, we cannot ignore such writings.

Exactly why did these eternal beings arrive and why did they stay until things had settled down and went back to “normal”?  It is a question that many do not understand but no matter what we believe about their presence they have a job that they were created for and they obey their Creator and see that their mission is completed.  God wants us to complete the jobs that He has placed within our lives, for it is an eternal calling that He gives each one of us no matter if we are humans or angels and our completion of such work defines His creativity and eternal liveliness within life itself and if we do not recognize the spiritual aspects of what God has designed for us to complete we cannot understand what our lives were really created to be and to do.  Daniel Chapter 10 will serve as our setting for this article and while this particular story concerning Daniel is well known it begs the question if we believe in its content and mission or not.  For it gives us a picture of exactly what our prayers do, how God listens to them and responds to them, then it tells us about what goes on when that information from God is speaking to our lives not forgetting what goes on behind our answer from God.  Christians cannot afford to dismiss the truth about the spirit realm for it is a vital part of our lives and the sole aspect of our communication with God.

There are many details about the passage at hand that could be described and elaborated upon, and as I have stated many times previously I believe that future timeframe will arrive shortly.  But along the lines of the topic of concern here, God wants us to know that He sees us where we are and that He knows the troubles that we currently, face and also the consequences that we shall face as well unless we turn from our wicked ways, repent and walk with Him with His Ways gladly in our hearts.  The angel who had appeared to Daniel did not have an easy journey from God’s presence to earth it was a struggle and a spiritual fight that was so great that Michael had to help with the setting in order for this angel to accomplish his mission.  God knew exactly where Daniel was located and knew that he had prayed for answers concerning the people of Israel.  Daniel was hoping for some good news may be stating that they would believe their situation was inadequate and turn around but what the angel told Daniel was so grave that he lost all energy and stamina and fell to the earth in utter devastation.

One would think that with this information that Satan would be rejoicing knowing that the beloved prophet and the people of Israel would be destroyed because of the path that they loved and lived on.  But Satan does not operate in this common fashion for he knows that if the truth is taught then there is a possibility that some or all will actually see the Truth and turn back to God.  While there is no comparison that our finite minds can fathom when it comes to the Love of God for His people, we cannot forget that Satan’s hatred while still falls short of God hates us tremendously to see each one of us die in our sins and forever be without God.  It is for this reason that the angel that appeared to Daniel had such a struggle for the information concerning Daniel’s questions from the heart was of an eternal nature and deserved to be answered. 

The angel stated that as soon as Daniel had asked the questions he was tasked with bringing him the answer.  However, it took twenty-one days for him to reach Daniel with this answer and the battle was not over because after he had delivered the message he had to return to God as the finalization of his mission.  Remember God is a complete God on all levels, even in His instructions and answers.  That means that when God tasks one or all of His Creations with a mission He expects the mission to be completed and then return to Him with the message that of deliverance and completion of said task.  This is not an option for us, for it is the act of obedience that our eternal completion of our mission is done properly.  The angel knew that he would have to fight to return to Heaven and that Michael needed his help for all to be completed.  How many times have we set out on the mission that God wants us to complete but fell short on our return for not sharing what God had commissioned us to do?  For that answer, all we have to do is take a glance at the Church today and we can see that it is all about us and our comfortability and not about the spiritual war that is being waged above us and around us.

In verse 4 of this chapter in Daniel, it gives us a physical description of where Daniel was located.  This verse gives a specific location of where he was at which means that God saw where Daniel was and knew where to find him when His messenger finally reached Daniel with the answer to Daniel’s prayer.  This verse also pays tribute to the amount of time Daniel had to wait for an answer from God and since it did not arrive on an immediate basis it said of the importance of the answer and the battle that was still waging over that answer.  Not only does God know where His messengers are at and what they are going through to deliver such answers to His people, but God also knows exactly where His children are as well.  God finds us in our best of times and in our weakest of times and since He is always with us it is easy for Him to accomplish this process of finding us.  Our only issue is that we sit around the river and fail to recognize that the waiting and praying process that we should be completing is being marred by our selfish and impatient ways, a course of pain and trial that should be unnecessary.

See, in the previous verse, it gives a description of what Daniel was doing in preparation for the answer he was about to receive.  Daniel did not give up hope and break his actions of prayer and fasting because God was not answering him or taking His own sweet time.  Daniel understood that God heard his prayer and questions and he also knew that there was a reason why it was taking a certain amount of time for God to provide the answer.  God has always contended throughout His Word that He grants those who completely trust in Him the answers of their heart, but we should not assume that when our prayers and questions are not answered on an immediate tenure that God does not care or that He refuses to answer.  Every action of God no matter, if it is a small detailed issue or
a world calamity, is always challenged by our enemy.  This passage of Scripture reinforces this Truth about what goes on around us and what it means to be in a spiritual battle.  The angels have a specific job and so do we, and God sees to it that His Kingdom of eternity has every opportunity to be fulfilled in our lives.

Sadly, the Church has forgotten her place in this setting.  She has come to the conclusion that her job of salvation rests completely within herself and does not have to complete any further task since she has found the true meaning of eternal life.  Basically, what she is doing would be what many of us would have done if we had been placed into this passage of Scripture instead of Daniel.  We would have lost the contention that God was providing the answer and refused to understand exactly what the “holdup” was.  It breaks my heart, and I know it does God’s as well to watch His Church regulate His authority and give control to Satan’s kingdom.  Satan has done a superb job in our hearts docile and blackened with the world’s philosophies without even knowing what occurs in the spirit realm.  We have broken our fast and have prayer superficially enough to warrant our downfall on all levels.  What is more appalling to me is that we continue to claim to know what God is saying to us and justify worldly confines while believing such lies.

This passage of Scripture mentions two rulers over specific areas, and these rulers are not of the physical or natural kind but of the spiritual aspect of God’s Creation.  The angel states that he has had a difficult time in passing through the spiritual realm down to Daniel with his answer because of the struggle that had taken place as soon as God had given him the mission.  Now, this passage in Daniel is very specific here when it says that the angel states he was fighting against the prince of the kingdom of Persia and the Hebrew word that is used for prince is “wesar” which means prince, chief, or ruler.  It is a status with a recognized title and one that wishes to control what information and all other activities come from and go into that kingdom.  Verse 13 of this passage proclaims that there is a spiritual ruler over land and is watchful over it as well.  This passage also demonstrates a pattern in which we should be noticeable too but in most cases, we are not and thus more lenient with what crosses our eyes and hearts then allowed into our lives.

This begs the question of why we are not as “fierce” as the kingdom of Satan.  This passage clearly states that this one message about the future of Israel was regarded highly enough that the overall spiritual leader of the kingdom of Persia and then it added the prince of Grecia as well to its fight.  How come we do not deem this area of our lives significant enough to fight against?  Why do we take this origin of many of our issues lightly?  How can we ignore such a passage of Scripture that explains why spiritual battles take place?  Limiting ourselves to just the physical realm of existence is only 50% of our existence and no matter what book that score is an F.  It is sad that many people that claim to be Christians carry around only 50% or less of the armor of God too for you CANNOT be fully clothed in the armor of God when you refuse to understand and live under the complete Word of God.  The Word of God and the armor of God is not a pick and choose the way of life and when those around you accuse you of living in such a picky manner they are correct which is why it is so eternally vital that we understand, then put on, then use the entire Word of God.

You notice that Daniel did not question or seem to be confused with the message of God to him but it was the presence of his God and His messenger that presented a presence strong enough to bring Daniel to the ground.  With all of the people being identified, it is clear that God is not holding any information back when it comes to this passage.  It is a common theme from humans to ask where is God and what part do I play in His realm, if He really exists.  God gave us the ability to think and to process information well enough to come up to reasonable conclusions about things we do not understand.  When we study the Word of God with a pure heart, we see that there are countless things about God we do not understand nor can we ever figure out with our finite minds.  The few verses in Daniel chapter 10 that serve as our reference for this article provide details that show us God really knows where you are and that He cares for your life enough to send an angel down to give you the answers that you ask of Him.  Over the past few years now God has provided me with numerous answers about Him and His Word that He has deemed me to share with you but with the amount of knowledge that He has given me to share my life cannot absorb such information all at once, thus it will take time for me to share with you as well.  But it is the fact that God loves us enough to share details about Him to us that should warrant our hearts seeking Him more each day that we draw breath.

I know how difficult it must be to try and figure out exactly what God sees in our lives well enough to grant us specific messages of truth when we ask of it.  But it is this detail of God and His existence that gives us the hope and prosperity of life that He knows exactly where we are at all times and that He cares enough about our lives that He has answers for our deepest questions concerning about any subject.  God also cares enough about our existence that He shares what occurs when we ask such questions and how important it is that He communicates with us on a routine basis.  Why have we become so consumed with petty differences that now allow our enemy to walk between our lives without being detected, do we not realize that through these actions of ours we allow the prince of Persia and the prince of Grecia to win and detract the answers we need to survive this battle we call life?  The spiritual world is alive and VERY active and it is this realm that communion with God, on all levels, is directed and it important we do our part to let people know what is going on.

Where do we stand on such issues Church?  Why haven’t we been more diligent in understanding both the spiritual and physical realms and what both entities mean to our lives?  If we studied the Bible more thoroughly and without prejudice, we would know that every word that is written in this Sacred Book is telling us about God, His realm, our enemy’s realm, and our physical realm and how each one is alive and functioning as it was established.  Yet, we sit in our pews and wait for Jesus to come back, not applying God’s eternal Truth what is around us and as long as we continue to live under this false pretense the Church shall be as ineffective as 1 million grasshoppers would be against the results of a detonated nuclear warhead.  It is vital that we do not ignore every “player” in this setting we call life and we need to ensure that we understand that God knows exactly where each “player” is and while this is a given statement God has His eyes on each “player” for a reason.  Our enemy knows exactly where everyone is located as well this passage in Daniel confirms such knowledge.

It is impossible for us to teach the Gospel to the dying world unless we understand and accept the fact that there is the physical realm of life and a spiritual realm of life and both are alive and well as each passing day.  Church, we cannot be just a physical presence on this earth for when we believe such a concept we place ourselves in a predicament as we are living and representing today; please, know this about our condition.  We cannot survive unless we know that God sees us for where we are and who we are and He wants us to change from our worldly ways through this spiritual realm of battle.  It is our duty to understand what the world is doing to those who do not know God and have not accepted His Son as our Savior.  God wants us to know that He sees us every moment of our lives and He knows where we are in the same detail as well.  With the world and all of its turmoil secluding many of us on a daily basis then leaving us high and dry, what a wonderful message that God knows exactly who is where at all times.  Church, how can we not share with others this important Truth about Christ and His blood?


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