Sunday, June 23, 2019

Fulfilling The Old Tetament

Fulfilling The Old Testament


How many of us like to finish a book?  The ending of such a story usually has a definitive conclusion where all answers have been completed with all characters finalized.  Many of us have the tendency to believe that the Old Testament has such a conclusion and another chapter of God opens up with the New Testament, but that belief is a lie and needs to be squelched within our hearts for if we let it grow it shall become a foundation that will destroy our hearts instead of building the Kingdom of God.  Jesus came to fulfill the Old Testament and to end all doubts about what the plan of God has for your life, including the absolute and complete restoration of our hearts and lives back into His Holiness.  It is this reason alone that we cannot say that the Old Testament is obsolete or not relevant for today’s lives and hearts.  The opposite is true because when we understand that Jesus is the completion of the Old Testament His Life will become more alive than ever, adding fuel to our mission that He commanded us to complete.

For a while to come, God has given me some titles and subjects that will not settle well with some people due to the beliefs of the divisional denominational commodities that mankind has developed in order to justify their own personal accusations.  God wants nothing more than to see His people worship and live under His eternal Authority in One name only, Jesus.  It is for this purpose alone that God has chosen us to live out His Word by going and teaching to those who need His Salvation, but in order for us to complete this mission, we must be in one accord and know how to defend His Word when attacked by the world.  One of our most desperate issues today and ever since Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden are that we struggle how to defend the definition of God and His presence all around us.  Until we dig deep enough into His Word and understand exactly what it means to be separate from the world so that we can show the relationship we have with God, our mission is not being fulfilled adequately enough to even witness to an ant.  God loves everyone and it is our responsibility to stand up and defend the Word of God by proclaiming it loud and clear to anyone who shall listen.  The Truth needs to be shared with all and it is time we step up and do what Jesus commanded us to do.

Today’s definition of the word fulfill is as follows: “bring to completion or reality, achieve or realize (something desired, promised, or predicted).”  Not too bad of a definition when it comes to what Jesus’ life meant to the world and why God allowed Him to be present in such a manner.  Often we simply misrepresent this definition to the point that we forget to use its meaning in the full capacity that it is defined.  To complete something through this term means that what is defined cannot be altered, added to, or subtracted from and through such definition it means that whatever has been said is alive and well no matter what or who tries to condemn its words.  The Greek word that is used in one of our passages is the word “plerosai” which means to furnish, satisfy, execute, finish, verify or level up.  The second passage comes from Romans 10:4 and the Greek word for fulfill used here is “telos” which means: the principal end, aim, purpose, an end.  So, it really does not matter which word you wish to use in this article for the word “fulfill” they all have the identical meaning, one that represents completion thus giving us another eternal confirmation that God is a complete God on all levels that our hearts and minds can fathom.

One of the easiest things to forget about the Bible is that when Jesus was alive the New Testament was not written, it was not part of the “law” that is mentioned so many times in the Gospels and later works that we know to be included with the New Testament.  When we recognize this fact about the Bible it places us into a setting in which refers us back to the lives of Israel and how important it is that Christians stand by Israel and support her.  Some of us know that the Jews do not need us for anything concerning their origins or identity but it is necessary for us to understand and know about Israel (the Jews) where it comes to our identity as Christians.  We cannot be called Christians without first understanding Israel and what she means to our lives. 

Therefore, the same goes with the fact concerning the Old Testament and the New Testament because if we do not understand, obey, and follow the Old Testament there is NO WAY possible for us to understand, obey, and follow what the New Testament has to say.  When you study the New Testament you get the Old Testament in a condensed version for the New Testament says exactly what the Old Testament says even what occurs when God is not obeyed.  “Living in the post-New Testament world” per se cannot be understood unless we first understand what the Old Testament authorizes and un-authorized, simply stating that if you do not know the origins and the reasons why in the beginning, not much else will be on any directed and secure path.  It is this reason that Jesus came into the picture, the ONLY reason that can be claimed as a fulfillment of the Old Testament, and provide an eternal covering as the single living price for which our existence presents.  Through these two passages of Scripture, Matthew 5:17-18 and Romans 10:4 it is repeatedly proclaimed and defined as Truth that Jesus fulfilled what the Old Testament proclaimed and therefore nothing can be detracted from what the Definition of God states concerning Jesus and what He came to do – or anything else for that matter.

In a day and age where truth and relativity are condemned as variables at best, this article seems like a farce and a bold-faced opposition.  The previous statement is a truth in that the world shall never see God as a complete, holy, truthful, or guiding figure for our lives on any level.  The same come forth through the conception, birth, life, death and most importantly the resurrection of Jesus.  Because of this completed cycle of Jesus’ life, it is for this Truth that Jesus was, is, and is to come to the fulfillment of the Old Testament.  It is imperative that we have this truth within our hearts at all times and not waiver from such Divine understanding for it is the job of the world to destroy this Truth so that we cannot effectively witness and share to those who need Life in their hearts.  The intentions of this proclamation concur that there is no other Way to the Father except through the Son.  The importance of life is being diminished daily in our world and with this lie comes the reaping of death for death is the anomaly of life, especially when it comes to the eternal aspect of our existence.

I heard all my life that Jesus fulfills at least 53 prophecies in the Old Testament through His life here on earth.  This type f fulfillment does not mean that Jesus just represents the end of a great work or setting and it also means that when we see the Bible as an entire Word, we cannot technically (in our hearts) separate the Bible into two Testaments either but one complete setting in which our entire existence is defined, lived out, and our future processed included in One complete book.  So, how can it be that some of us refuse to believe that the Old Testament is now irrelevant or from an ancient time that has no meaning in or for our lives today?  By believing such a lie, one cannot truly and righteously proclaim that Jesus is the Savior and Lord because when one believes such a thing concerning the Old Testament their origin is automatically cut away from them.  Jesus’ life does not close the Old Testament either but opens it up so that we may understand the reasons why God tells us to obey Him and not the ways of the world.  God could not have opened with a “completed” message in Genesis and not have the same message in Revelation for if He did write an incomplete content He would not and could not be considered God.  Every aspect of Jesus’ life completes the fulfillment of God, His Word, and His Definition and through this completed aspect we have the eternal assurance that God does what He says and completes His word just the same.

It is this Truth that God adamantly states many times that we do not add or subtract to His Definition for when we do we become subject to the lies of the world and its ruler.  Deuteronomy 4:2 reinforces this fact and deems it an important law that God wants our hearts to keep true and deep.  To those who wish to read over or skip portions of the Bible for whatever selfish reason you have, beware that you are placing your life in eternal danger and it proves that no matter what you say about God or Jesus you have no intention of following His Truth or Law thus exposing your heart as one that knows not God.  Malachi 4:6 may be the last verse in the “Old Testament” but it is not the end of what God has in store for our lives and what we need to know in order for us to live in this world.  This verse is, however, the point where Jesus enters into the world and seals the Old Testament as Truth.  All of the Old Testament contains volumes of information about the one way of separation and salvation, it contains ways to obey God and live a holy and abundant life before Him no matter what our physical presence brings to the table.  The Old Testament provides ways for us to guide our immediate and business families and to bring them together under one blood-covered house.  Instead, God initiates the eternal Salvation plan and gives us the ultimate sacrifice so that all may enter into His presence with thanksgiving and praise.

Yes, there are so many more portions of these Scriptures that we can talk about and probably will at some later time but it is the word “fulfillment” that God wants us to think about, ponder on, and desire to have in our hearts.  See, since Jesus told us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone we become the focal point of the Truth about the fulfillment of Jesus and the Old Testament.  The people that lived in Old Testament times did the exact same things that we do today and in order for us to say that we believe Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament, we must obey His command to witness to those who need Him and are willing to give up the world.  God is alive, Jesus is alive, Holy Spirit is alive, and so should we which means we need to be dead to ourselves and the world in order for ourselves to fulfill what we say we believe.  Church, how do we stand on this issue?  Are we living out the fulfillment of Jesus or are we pretending to do such in superficial meaning only?

So, where do this article’s topic and truth leave us Church?  Even though God has never let anyone off the hook we somehow believe that He will change course and allow us to believe whatever we wish because He has called us out to be the leaders of the world.  I am not talking about this nation here, I am talking about you, the Church for when you stop and think about it we are leaders for it is our responsibility to lead the world back to God.  It has become quite obvious that our attention and devotion to the Word of God has waned which in turn has allowed our enemy’s kingdom to flourish throughout the land, with devastating effects on endless amounts of lives.  We have lost our way so much from the Truth that we no longer look to God as the only source of light and salvation but first consider the options of the world instead.  Our hearts have turned away from the complete Testament of the Bible thus elevating ourselves as saviors and leaving Jesus’ body hanging on the cross.

God has once again given us a piece of information about His Definition that we need to study further and dedicate our time and hearts to understanding.  God has never controlled our decisions before and He shall not start now either, but I can guarantee if you and I do not start to seek Him for answers we shall never know the fullness of His Son’s place in our lives and coverer over our hearts.  There is no way that we can ever say that we are followers of Christ unless we first surrender our hearts to the ONE who completed the eternal definition of God the Father.  There is no question that God gives His children a multitude of chances to come back to Him before He must grab our attention.  This important detail about Jesus is huge when it comes to the authority that God gives us as we witness to those who are lost.  In fact, to proclaim that Jesus is the completion and fulfillment of the Old Testament is a testament of obedience to God’s Law and a public message sent to Satan and his cronies about that we know who we are in Christ and what our authority and mission is.  We no longer can ignore God and place our whimsical feelings ahead of the mission that Jesus gave His Church to complete.  It is not our place to sit idly by and do nothing for God and His message of Salvation to others. 

Jesus is not the end of God but the beginning of eternity and the plan of Salvation that God wants for everyone but we have turned this eternal Truth into a mockery because we want to divide up the message of Salvation according to how we feel.  How do we do this, you ask?  By bypassing the subject of Christ is the completion and fulfillment of the Old Testament, by ignoring the only source of our definition in God under Christ’s blood, and by picking and choosing certain passages of Scripture to either promote or to ignore because of how we feel at that particular moment.  God is a stable God on all levels and He has given us the perfect guideline to bring stability into our lives.  The world cannot provide such stability no matter what it tries to tell you, the roses are fake and cannot turn into live ones.  Our only Truth and source of stability and fulfillment is the entire Word of God and every single word that it contains should be harbored within our hearts and lived out accordingly.  We cannot even pray for fulfillment in our own lives much less the lives of others, but there is a Way that we can turn to so that we can once again Light up the sky in the midst of the darkness.

Because certain and specific issues were not addressed in the physical times of Jesus does not mean that He ignored them or did not deem them important.  Jesus stated and other New Testament authors stated that Jesus came to fulfill the Law which means that He came to fulfill what the Old Testament said.  Not just parts of it but ALL of its content.  It is this manner in which we need to study God’s Word and it is also in like manner that we need to live as well.  It is not our place to yell and scream at those who do not share the entire Bible’s Ways and Truths, but it is our responsibility to show these beautiful people that God loves them and that the only way possible for them to know and live for eternity is by obeying the entire Word of God at all times.  This is what Jesus taught and it is what He lived, died, and rose again for and if we say we follow Jesus we must acknowledge that He completed the entire Old Testament as a living testimony to all who will listen.  This is what we need to be teaching and preaching Church, the complete unabridged, holy and pure Word of God for if we do not we are not teaching Jesus thus cannot understand through the completion of God and that the end shall continue eternally.


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