Saturday, March 28, 2020

Fear Destroys Mental Health

Fear Destroys Mental Health


For many years now, the subject of mental health has been an increasing companion.  One cannot jar loose from this subject being introduced as a part of human concern, rightly so since the world becomes more troubled as each sunrise occurs.  All of us struggle with being challenged but it is how we deal with such challenges that deem us worthy to claim accolades of mental health, or so the world says.  God has a different, accurate and eternal point for mental health, one that goes totally opposite to what the world preaches as gospel.  God made us in such a way that if we keep our eyes and heart on Him our mental health shall always be sound.  The world shall never accept this fact but it is one that we can take into the battle and come out solid minded and intact.  Fear is a loathsome state and it is not a part of God’s plan for our lives and it is His Will that we not live in fear because if we do it shall keep us from fulfilling His plan for our lives.

Most of us know by now that the world is in a state of unsettledness to which we do not have a clear direction and a clear end in sight.  Occasionally in these articles, I mention a few ministers that my parents were familiar with during their ministry years or even a few current ministries that present a word that is important for our ears.  I also have mentioned a few times of simple and unknown people who have listened to the voice of God to pray for my family or myself specifically.  But here I am going to mention another first, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, the past Archbishop of New York.  I know there are a few concerns about him currently but that does not matter right at the moment for there is a message he televised a long time ago talks about exactly where we were versus where we stand today and the difference between those two stances. 

One message of Archbishop Sheen’s, in particular, covered the basic reasons why Americans were different from all other nations and how our light shone into all the dark corners of the globe.  How we took the Constitution of this nation to the world and covered everyone who wanted to be free from tyrannical leaders and governments.  These points of separation and difference that he pointed out were all of the aspects that my parents taught me as a young boy to strive for as a young man, but these attributes concerning the Constitution and way of life of this nation no longer are thought about in such a leadership manner.  The Constitution of this nation and the principles that it was written for have been turned into a selfish legal document of what I can do and what you cannot say about me, a dangerous platform that so many lies by and worship on the most fundamental level.  But while this transformation has taken decades to change it has brought along with it an instability that is unprecedented one that not only creates fear but instills it into others so that it can mutate as it is born into their lives.  This instability can only produce one final outcome and that is fear which only brings destruction to those who look towards its roots for security.

Look at the conditions of the world today and the pressures that are building within our own nation’s heart.  It is disgusting to hear that politicians and leaders of this land demand that their selfish and prideful lusts be paid for in legislation designed to help a struggling national economy.  It does not matter which side holds the keys to the passage or defeat of such words because the underlying throngs follow blindly in one direction without hesitation for what is correct and justified according to their own agendas.  The actions of people are horrendous not only in thought but in attitude as well.  I thought that when the elections of 2016 were over and I watched the reactions to a good portion of people and their actions being replayed over and over would change the way we conducted ourselves, boy was I grossly incorrect.  Those actions and attitudes not only continued but they grew exponentially into an everyday lifestyle.  Once again, current times provide us with another glimpse at a situation that was not expected and we are responding in a similar manner through the selfishness of our wants. 

Can you imagine how our country would have fared if our Colonial respondents acted in such a selfish and hoarding way?  It is this aspect of selfishness that our Founding Fathers were concerned about rising up and taking hold of people enough to destroy the original meaning of this nation.  Fear is a destructor and will spread like a virus achieving its reproductive goals in countless inhabitants unless it is stopped cold in its tracks.  Mankind has had enough time to work out this fact but has failed to recognize the True answer to fear.  That is why our mental health of today is in bad shape and on its last threads of existence.  We have taken God out of our own definition and have put in His place the world, ourselves as the measure of life, which brings us to the passage that God wants to share with us today 2 Timothy 1:7.

2 Timothy 1:7

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”


“For God {has} not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love, and self-control.”

There are a couple of words here that God wants us to focus on in this magnificent verse.  The first word to look at is the word “fear” or as the Greek says “timidity”.  Most of us at one time in our lives have been afraid of doing something which would require us to take a step out and complete an act that we normally would not.  Many who know me say that I am very outgoing and have no fear when it comes to the words and actions that I portray but that has not always been the case.  As a young lad, I was very shy when it came to many aspects of the social demeanor and while I do not harbor many memories of these past moments I have to admit they were there and ruled my life for quite some time.  I cannot tell you what might have occurred if I had seized those moments and acted differently but I do know that in every moment that I remained silent and to myself I did not gain one bit of confidence at all.  It was totally my loss and opportunities that were missed with no results what-so-ever.  This is not how our lives were created to be or to live amongst, we were told to be different which means that fear is not a part of God’s establishment and must come from another source.

The second word that is important here is the word “but” and it is used both in the English translation and the original Greek.  It is a word that introduces contrast to what has already been spoken or demonstrated, to change direction or mention a further detail contrary.  It is this word that brings into light exactly how our lives were originally created and how we were supposed to act every day of our lives.  This word is also indicative of what occurred to change such original condition into a way of life for us today, a deep contrast to how we were first designed.  The simple word gives rise to the fact that we were not created with fear leading our lives and heart but one that held confidence power and integrity as the accomplishments of each breath taken.  Think about all of the authority we had been given and where our place stood in the eyes of God and eternity, all to be given away with another single word, disobedience.  Interestingly, the condition that we lived in first is the same condition all humanity seeks to find and yet at the same time refuses to accept the Way back to this state.

The third word that God wants us to study for a while is “sound mind”, two words in the English form and “self-control” in the Greek.  As mentioned in the previous paragraph it is this condition that is most desired by humanity and one that if ever obtained would fit into place in the original devotion of our existence.  Isn’t it intriguing that these words run close together and are used together in describing how our lives were originally created to live within?  Look at the current condition of our world and more specifically what is ongoing right at this moment.  The entire world is up in arms concerning a small virus that has spread pretty quickly.  Yes, it should be taken seriously and yes, its containment really should be completed as quickly as possible but trying to accomplish this task with panic as our first and foremost tactic shall not get the job done.  A sound mind or a self-controlled heart does not harbor misery, just as the old adage says about misery and company God does not operate in such a mode.

There is another beautiful correlation here with these two words and it demonstrates the setting and condition of the Garden of Eden and how its atmosphere ran and felt.  We all know that once a person is placed in a nice and calm environment on a continual basis their bodies begin to really relax and begin to think clearly making accurate decisions about issues that need to be addressed.  It was this state that Adam and Eve lived in until they allowed chaos and other concepts to flood their minds which eventually led them to choose sin and disobedience instead of truth and dignity.  In contrast, a mind that does not have self-control or is not considered sounds cannot live in such harmony and peace for these attributes come from God alone and through His presence only.  This means that if our minds and hearts are not steadfast on God and His Ways we cannot have a sound mind nor can we have self-control.  Once again, look at the responses that we are producing to the world in this crisis, our decisions cannot be considered to be sound at all and by the looks of the shelves of many grocery stores our self-control does not exist either; boy, selfishness is such a wasteful practice and a prelude to death and for some reason, it is our passion to fulfill these requests instead of pleasing and living for God.

In a day and age where billions of dollars in this nation and trillions of other national currencies are spent trying to settle the mind and heart to return to a sound mind with self-control being the centerpiece, we miss the answer because we refuse to read and live the Word of God.  This verse is not a mistake and it serves as the clincher for all who suffer from unrest, anxiety, and all other conditions and states that produce chaos only.  Many ministers and teachers have stated that the Bible has all the answers that humanity needs, but (here is that word again) we do not embrace the Truth of God and thus as our reward we shall never see one ounce of peace in our lives.  Satisfaction will only be a dream and a method of beyond belief on both personal and spiritual levels.  God is the ONLY One who is faithful enough to provide such a steady and dominate life lavished in peace and serenity; He continues to fervently call for us to hear His voice and to attend our hearts to Him and His Ways.  Waywardness is the product of the first part of this verse and God is the provider of the second half of this verse for it is this second half of the verse that God gave to us in the first place.  Money and physical positioning shall never stand up to the qualities needed in order to defeat fear and return our sound mine and self-control back to order, only God can destroy fear.

Church, why are we not teaching such Truth concerning the place we were once before, the reason why we are in the position we are in today and most importantly, the One who can change our eternal status?  Why have we watered down the Gospel in the name of publicity and numbers?  Why have we attracted and entertain the world and its political spirit instead of the Holy Spirit?  Why have we traded the Word of God for the word of the world?  Why are we more concerned about our physical appearances in the church pews instead of our appearance on the street corner?  Why have we allowed the minister of our congregation to bring in more people for Christ than through our witnessing?  All of these questions and many, many more break God’s heart as it beats for life and eternity.  This verse is one that should bring so much joy and happiness to not only our hearts but to those who are searching for a sound mind and a self-controlled heart.  Our fear of the world and the power it has to control things has been allowed to grow stronger in our hearts than the eternal power of God, and through this belief and intake, it now shows continually to everyone around us.

Our sound mind and self-control example to the world is crumbling right in front of our eyes and we seem not to mind this occurring.  God does not crumble nor does He walk in fear, He cannot yet His children seem to be wandering around in our own present wilderness doing exactly that.  God states that His Ways are not our ways at all and our actions prove God correct once again.  However, even though God is far above our ways it does not mean we cannot learn His Ways and learn how to live in His Ways as much as possible.  We do not have to volunteer sin into our lives we have enough of it already that we cannot shake.  Fear is the enemy of God and there should be NO reason why fear should rule any part of us.  So, why are we teaching that fear is allowed then?  Because we do not know and live by the Word of God, that is why.  Our path of destruction shall continue as long as we live in such spiritual poverty and our lands shall not heal at all.  The only way possible for us to understand this verse as it was meant is for us to go back to Genesis and study how Adam and Eve lived BEFORE sin entered into their existence and then allow God to show us how He expects us to live through obedience from His Word.


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