Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Satanic Virus

Satanic Virus


All of us know that sin has infected our lives from the day we were conceived, but while this is a truth there are those who do not know exactly what this means for our existence.  Some may not have ever believed in such an infection could be all-consuming yet if allowed to replicate uncontrolled it is a process that will run its course until every fiber of our being can no longer be viable.  God did not intend for His prized Creations to live in such a manner but because of the freedom of choice He gave us, this previously unknown presence now ravages our bodies, the only question we need to answer is if this infection has penetrated our spirit or not.  Even though we may not be spiritually healthy, God is still in the restoration business and it is His utmost desire to wipe away such sin from our lives thus covering it with His Son’s blood.

It is obvious that all of us are going through this viral episode of a new virus and it has caught many off guard.  Some folks say that this is a new phase in our country and that we should get used to the changes that are in place because they will probably not go away.  I never would have believed that a single organism would have the authority to change the way the most gifted and powerful nation ever created operated and functioned.  Yet, at the same time, this viral setting has exposed many weaknesses that we have known were there but ignored stating that we would address them at a later date.  September 11, 2001, was a day that many of us remember vividly while the younger generations have only heard about the changes that were made, are we comparing this previously un-encountered issue on the same man-made scale?  I find it sad that we come to this kind of living and I am embarrassed to watch such human behavior unfold.  However, it is our own fault due to the fact that we have become physically soft and spiritually dead.  In no way is God declaring this virus as a satanic virus, but it is one that should bring us to the attention of what lies with our hearts and that our focus on who we depend our survival on.

When all of the isolation procedures and shutdown conditions were beginning to roll out, I made a statement on one of the social media platforms and after that statement asked the question if we would be examining our hearts while this time passed.  I received a few likes over the next few days but no real commitments or interest to what God told me to share.  As this period of isolation has continued, I have consistently tuned into people and read how they are dealing with this fact and what they are doing to improve their spiritual lives.  It has not surprised me too much to notice that not many have actually tried to spend quality time with their families and more importantly with God; yes, there have been some great comic ideas floating around that that is perfectly fine and dandy but we have not much to say when it comes around about allowing God to search our hearts and to weed out some issues.  Why does this bother me?  Because what we are experiencing now is a situation that should be near and dear to our heart, it is a serious position we have found ourselves in, but it is for a reason, a warning if you wish to put it in that manner.  God has His own unique Ways of grabbing our attention; sadly, most of us miss such repentance and restorative opportunities, I included. 

Almost every day I see people posting online or commenting in other settings just how inconvenient this current situation is and how it is driving them “mad”.  To this date, I have not heard one person say that they have drawn closer to God or how He has shown them areas of their lives that needed fixing.  Storm systems and other natural occurrences are continuing and with all of the weather patterns upcoming it does not look like “Mother Nature” cares that we are in a locked-down environment.  Also, I have not heard any thoughts or statements that this virus is the beginning of something else to arrive or the beginning of a string of events that will prevent such further disastrous conditions.  Why?  Why isn’t the Church advocating prayer services within families to seek God for some answers as to why such things are occurring?  The answer is clear, our hearts are turned away from God and we no longer have any reason for Him or His protection, or so we believe.  There is a picture drawn here that our eyes see but our spirits do not and it is this message that God wants us to see before the next issue arrives, for the next one shall be larger and longer than this one.

God is going to refer us to two Scripture passages for this article, both are popular and well known with one of them being one that God has used these articles often.  God also wants us to think about what He is saying to us concerning the virus that is currently wreaking havoc over our lives for it brings into the light exactly what occurred a long time ago in the Garden of Eden.  Back in 1972, my father made a statement as an introduction to a sermon and it goes like this: “Satan is a spirit, and cannot operate in the affairs of the world except through the minds, passions, and activities of men.”  This is a huge statement yet one that scientifically was ahead of its time but one that had already occurred in humanity millennia before.  During the 1970s, virology was in its infancy, with a few accomplishments present but exactly how viruses worked and how they reproduced was still enormously limited.  This statement of my father described exactly how Satan enters into our lives in order to make waves in our lives and for the Kingdom of God.  What dad described is also how a virus enters and replicates inside cells.  So, in essence, you can say this is a satanic virus because it truly describes Satan himself and how he operates in our lives.

John 10:10

“The thief cometh not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

Genesis 3:1-7

“Now the serpent was more subtle than any other beast of the field which the Lord God had made.  And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?  And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.  And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.  And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.  And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.”

At first glance, these two passages do not fit the mold with how viruses enter into our system and thus be compared to Satan and his tactics of entering into our lives.  But let us take a quick scientific journey to understand how viruses replicate themselves and what they do to the cells that are at their mercy.  This will not be in-depth at all but when you see how things are almost identical to how Satan entered his sinful DNA into our lives, the statement from my father almost 50 years ago along with these two glorious Scripture passages one will have a new picture of what is going on in our lives.  I hesitate to use the term DNA when I referred to Satan a second ago, and even though he is a spirit it is a term that will highlight what sin does and how it replicates itself inside our lives.  I recall when the first time one of my biology professors talked about viruses and how they replicated themselves, he used the phrase like these are nasty creatures that are not alive yet kill everything they come into contact with and all of us should be very afraid of them.

First of all, viruses cannot multiply alone they must have a healthy host in order to complete this task.  When the virus finds its healthy target it goes through a process of locating a position to attach itself to on the surface of the cell.  It does so and at some point, in its near future, the virus injects its RNA or DNA into the healthy cell.  Now, we have to keep in mind that cells are very receptive to things outside their membranes because that is the job of the membranes, to allow molecules in and out of the cell in order to provide the body nutrients.  However, if cells were smart and recognized good things from bad things the virus would just sit on the cell membrane and nothing would occur and the virus would eventually die; kind of that is, for in technical terms a virus is not alive, hence the reason it needs a host for its replication.  It is at this point of injection that the viral molecular genetic codes search out and find the organism of replication inside the cell.  Also, at this point whether or not the cell realizes this, the cell is now destined for death and there is nothing that the cell can do to protect itself from this course.

Next, the viral DNA or RNA locates a certain few organelles within the cell cytoplasm and attach themselves to their corresponding genetic markers.  At this point they begin to replicate their RNA or DNA with the help of the recording mechanisms within the cell, thus creating more viral components.  The viral replication process continues this pattern until there is no more room for new viral particles which now crowd the cell cytoplasm and destroy the cell’s ability to replicate itself.  With all of the added contents within the cell, it is stretched beyond capacity and the cell explodes releasing each viral particle into the bloodstream of tissues which they immediately find other cells to repeat this process.  The cell is no longer with us, for its life has been stolen from it by its own process of division, from a foreign force of course.  The newly created viruses are now free to do what they know how to do invade other cells.  When this occurs and the new viruses are released into the blood their numbers continue to grow and eventually their presence and be measured scientifically, known as a viral load.  This process does not stop for it takes a while for our bodies’ immune system to react to the number of virus particles now present within the body but many times by the time the immune recognizes what is going on we have a full-blown viral infection floating in our entire body.

When physicians deal with bacterial infections, antibiotics have been developed to make sure our immune systems have a fighting chance against the reproducing agents.  But when we deal with viral infections the strategy for such combat is more difficult because if you remember from a few paragraphs above it is stated that viruses are really not alive, not like bacteria.  This poses a huge problem when coming to the aid of life because most bacterial infections produce blood cells as a reaction to things not supposed to be present while viral infections invade the healthy cells and destroy them.  It is for this reason as to why the title of this article is called Satanic Virus because of the process of a virus infecting a cell is the exact same process Satan used to inject his death “DNA” into our lives.  Adam and Eve were perfect cells that God had Created for a specific purpose and when a disobedient cell took the fruit and ate it, the process of injecting sinful DNA was completed.  Now, these death “viral” particles run through our bodies from the time we are conceived and should serve as the target for the blood of Christ to cover and destroy.

How does this viral process inside our physical bodies give us a representation of how Satan injects his sinful DNA into our spiritual lives?  I am glad you asked because it is the exact same dangerous process that most of the time do not realize is present until it has already had an effect on us.  As mentioned before the cell cannot determine what is good or bad when it is floating around in the bloodstream or is located in the muscles and tissues.  When it comes into contact with something it believes is not supposed to be there it reacts to stimulate the immune system to get help.  But by the time help arrives the virus has already injected itself into the cell, replicated enough times to explode the cell and thus produced multitudes of replicas of itself ready to repeat the process.  When the virus comes into contact with the cell and is allowed to enter, the cell is destined to die even though it carries on with its normal process of function, producing life.  However, due to what has occurred, the cell is no longer capable of function properly because it now has been taken over by an invader.

What our minds, eyes, ears, and hearts allow into our inner lives shall be reproduced inside our lives and when these settings occur and produces ripe growing ground, the cells of our inside spirit have been infected with the world, and just like the physical cell the spiritual viral elements replicate themselves within our spiritual cells and before you know it our eternal lives are at risk of death because our spiritual viral load is now measurable.  It is this process that Satan does not want you to understand and is also the prime reason why he is referred to as the most subtle beast God created.  Satan continues this subtly when he takes a hold of our lives then injects his wickedness into our spirits.  Adam and Eve’s only defense against the serpent was the Law of God and even though they had been taught to defend against it, they blew it when they could not even speak the Truth in righteousness.  How can we deny such activities in our own lives too?  For a great deal of my medical career, I have had the desire to make a cell smart and for years I struggled against this cellular detriment, but one Summer morning while at work God changed my direction when He asked a simple question about who I was and what my body consisted of.  It was then I understood that I was to make cells smart, but cells of a spiritual matter not just the physical. 

How does this all play together?  It is the job of the Church to make cells (you) spiritually smart enough to fend off the attacks (viral injections) of our enemy.  I do not care what you believe about denominational precedents or conditions, our eternal lives strictly depend on our survival long enough to be true witnesses to one another.  We cannot afford not to understand our enemy and the tactics he presents to us each day, our lives represent a battle and an eternal war and it is our responsibility to ensure we have the proper knowledge in our hearts so that we recognize these tactics before they are injected into our lives.  However, there are billions of people walking around this planet right now that has been completely infected with Satan’s virus of sin and it is our job to tell them that there is a Great Physician who has the antidote for this vile death sentence.  We do not have to live in such a rundown and infested condition, there is an answer to what is going on and also a manual of preventative maintenance to help protect us from further or additional injections.  The spiritual injective process is exactly what my father described Satan needs to be effective and to advance his kingdom in our lives and it is a process that we all now have the opportunity to study and begin the cure by sharing its knowledge with others.

Church, it is time we return to God’s Word, to live responsibly and to show others exactly how their eternity can be cured.  We do not have to succumb to this heinous death sentence, all we must do is to resist our enemy and he must flee from us.  Yes, it is that simple but in order to do this, we must ensure that we understand and recognize our enemy for who he is, our enemy.  Satan is no friend of God which means he is no friend of peace, joy, happiness, and love.  Study the Word of God folks and listen to that small still voice of wisdom and knowledge for it shall be the key to our understanding about how to combat all spiritual diseases that Satan wants to infect our hearts with.  God loves us and wants us to know how to defend ourselves against our enemy.  His Word shall always ring true and pure and it is our responsibility to live accordingly so we may all defeat this satanic virus.


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