Thursday, May 7, 2020

Going After Eve

Going After Eve


Many people who know the story about Adam and Eve believe that Eve got a raw deal yet at the same time they do not understand why Eve was chosen by the serpent as the contact individual.  The concept was a first and too many that was a process that occurred only once and has not repeated it since.  But that belief is not true and in fact, that process and the reason why Satan picked Eve is still in practice today.  God wants us to understand His Word in its entirety and as much as our hearts and minds can capture and it is very important that we know why Eve was targeted.  This understanding should open our hearts to how important it is to keep the Word of God in our hearts and that when we do, its words and content shall protect us from such ugliness and needless attacks from our enemy.

For many years I have pondered many reasons why Eve was the target for Satan in the Garden of Eden and why it was not Adam, for it would seem natural that since Adam was the one created first that he would be the target.  I cannot tell you how many times I have heard that Eve drew the short straw or that she was the vulnerable one who was not very smart and could not resist the wiles of the Serpent.  Some people, including myself, have wondered why Adam was not around or why didn’t he fight for her more before she ate the fruit.  While some of those accusations could be true there is a spiritual and eternal explanation that has been right in front of our eyes ever since the Bible was written; we have missed it completely.  When God showed me this explanation, I had to sit back and take in what my heart was just shown, and it brought back one of those times in my life that I had the belief that I understood everything about the beginning chapters of Genesis, proving that I still have just a very limited knowledge of this magnificent portion of the Word of God.

How do you look at the kingdom of this world versus The Kingdom of God?  Most of us know that God represents one kingdom and Satan the other and that these two kingdoms can never mix or work together in ANY way, shape, or fashion.  But how deep do we realize and recognize this claim that we make about these two kingdoms?  It is evident that these two kingdoms were already at war with each other before the Garden of Eden was planted by God, so this means that the beginnings of such a war occurred in Heaven but continued on earth after its creation as well.  It is obvious this confrontation was active for we see its battleground inside the Garden of Eden and it is inside this battleground setting that we have the answer as to why Eve was chosen as the tempted and not Adam.  It is known that this topic will open up many questions to those who do not understand the finer details of these first few chapters of Genesis, but hold on because so much more is coming in the next few weeks concerning this topic and related information about these settings.  The wonderful thing about this detail is that we can apply it to our lives today and to show others the truth about why we are attacked by our enemy.  So, here we go, and yes, we will be in the first three chapters of Genesis for this article, God is good!

Genesis 2:7-8

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.  And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed”

Genesis 2:21-22

“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.”

The detail about what is important for us to understand here comes from these two passages and it is these two passages that give us the reason why the woman was the target of Satan.  For a very long time in my life, I believed that both Adam and Eve were created by God in the Garden of Eden.  That is not what His Word says, however.  In the first passage, we see that God says He made Adam, then planted a garden eastward in Eden and then put the man into the garden.  Now, if God would have created Adam inside the garden why would God contradict Himself (lie) about such a detail?  There would be no cause for such a slip-up and if there was a slip up then that would mean that God is a liar right from the beginning of our history and could be discredited for everything else His Word states.  Adam came from dirt this is a true statement but it was not from the Garden of Eden dirt but dirt from somewhere else, probably from the same area that God mentioned in Genesis 1:27 when He says that He made mankind in their image both male and female; we will be discussing this information later down the road.  Now, keep this in mind as we go into the next passage and deal with the creation of the woman.

In the second passage, we find that Adam is still in the Garden of Eden and God put him into a deep sleep, deep enough to surgically remove a rib without Adam waking up and feeling what is transpiring.  God then closes up the wound after taking a rib from Adam.  At some point in time Adam wakes up and finds himself alone.  This passage then states at a later point in time God brings the woman to Adam.  So, we have God putting Adam asleep, taking a rib, and then bringing the woman to him at a later time and date, how long we have no idea.  Here is the key to the legal targeting procedures that Satan followed, for Adam was not formed in the Garden of Eden but the woman was.  She was the only one of the two that was created under God’s protective covering (Garden of Eden) which was the same type of setting Lucifer lived under before his fall thus granting the spiritual fight between the two kingdoms now fought on a human level.  Satan was thrown to the earth when he fell and since God created a safe place for Adam and the woman it was this place that Satan could legally operate.  Therefore, since this stage was set, the woman would be the logical and legal target in order to bring into play the scenario of sin within our lives.  Adam still had to stand up or fall with the woman and we all know-how that turned out to be.

God renewed His Garden of Eden protection plan when He provided Adam and Eve with the skinned covering immediately before they left the Garden.  This means that while mankind had no longer any access to direct covering from God again they still had a means by which to follow in order to achieve redemptive status in the eyes of God, but this time it would take a toll in blood for this to occur.  This explains why it was so important that humans kept the sacrificial process holy and pure within the heart and obeyed every step necessary in order for the sacrifice to be accepted by God.  Cain was the example of what occurs when humans did it their own way – just as his parents did earlier in the Garden of Eden – and Abel’s way was how God wanted it to be done.  From this point onward humans fell away from the example of Abel’s sacrificial heart process and looked toward Cain for their guidance.  It was this process of Cain’s process that haunted Israel throughout the Old Testament.

How does this affect our lives today, you ask?  No, we do not have to have routine animal sacrifices in order to live under the same protection as Israel did in the Old Testament.  Jesus took care of all our needs when it comes to this process; however, the same heart conditions must be made as Able did back in Genesis 4 in order for us to live under Jesus’ eternal Covenant we cannot just take for granted what He did and live our lives selfishly and worldly while claiming to be Christians.  It is for this reason Jesus said that no man can serve two masters we have to choose one or the other. 

Here is the part where the choice of sin being entered into our lives comes into play today and how we are the targets just as Eve was in the Garden of Eden yet have the admissible command of obedience that Adam had all wrapped into one.  When Jesus came to the earth and lived, and died, and rose again He did so in order for everyone that chose Him and His Father’s Way to have the opportunity to fulfill the sacrificial process every day without having to physically perform such duties.  Jesus’ blood serves as the living sacrificial process that fulfills the Old Testament Law and completed exactly what God wanted for our lives in the first place while Adam and Eve were still strolling in the perfect harmony in the Garden of Eden.  It was never God’s intention that any of His creations have to lose their lives in order for humanity to be redeemed but He planned for such changes because He understood that there was going to be opportunities for us to disobey.

Many times in the Old Testament we find Israel living in sin and frolicking in the lavishness of sin without any hesitation from the leadership downward.  Then, in a few verses later we find them conducting sacrificial services or worship gatherings singing and praising God like nothing ever happened.  It became a routine and it meant nothing to their hearts, it was cold and heartless which led God to have to deal with their disobedience according to the laws He set into motion.  Their acts proved to enhance tragedy after tragedy with the majority of the people not understanding why God did things in their land.  The children of Israel lived separated lives from the world through the act of sacrifice, not just the physical sacrifice but sacrifices of their hearts, yet they chose Cain over Abel thus subjecting them to the jealousy of God.  With the living Sacrifice of Jesus, we live in the same concordance as the people of Israel in the Old Testament.  We are to be separated from the world at all times and have a heart to heart relationship with God at all times.  Jesus gave us this opportunity to be covered by God just as we were in the Garden of Eden, under the sacrificial separation in the Old Testament, through the blood of His Son who came, died, and rose again.

It is for this reason alone, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus that places us in the stage that Adam and Eve had before the fall.  While people outside the nation of Israel had the opportunity to come into agreement with God not many did.  There was a distinct separation between nations and cultures which there needs to be today as well.  Jesus sacrificed Himself for all mankind, not just one or two ethnic or cultural peoples.  Adam and Eve lived different (changed) lives than what the other people outside the Garden of Eden lived.  The children of Israel lived different (changed) lives from all the other nations around them; likewise, Christians are supposed to live different (changed) lives from those who consider the world their god and leader and it is this detailed fact as to why we are targeted by our enemy.  The condition of our potential for God and His Kingdom has not changed from the moment humanity was created and it is the job of our enemy to do his best to lie to us long enough so that we lose sight of this purpose.  It is under the blood sacrifice of Jesus that places us into the targeting category and since Jesus died for all mankind all of humanity automatically falls into the targeted category. 

It is this Truth Church that we need to be teaching those who sit in our pews and to those who do not know Christ as their Savior.  Adam had the responsibility to keep and to dress the Garden of Eden (his dominion) and it is our responsibility to do the same with the world (those who need Jesus).  We have not completed our job as we have been instructed and now we see our offspring (Eve) falling into an eternal abyss because she does not know the way of holiness.  We do not even understand this concept of life and what it means to live dressed and kept spiritually, we are falling apart at the direst time in the world’s history and it breaks God’s heart to see His Ambassadors fail to complete their assignment because we do not know-how.  Our hearts need to change Church and we need to get back to God and His Ways before all things are lost.  Now, we know why Eve was targeted and we now know why Adam fell, let us change this pattern and correct the path of our spirits before God.


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