Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Identity Crisis

Identity Crisis


How often do we hear this phrase each week, or more specifically, how many times do we invoke this phrase into our own lives?  When our lives revolve around us alone in the physical or emotional setting only this phrase will become an hourly occurrence for it is at this time we find out that our fight is not what we have believed it was.  God never intended for us to have such a phrase become an option for our living, our identity in Him was our original establishment and it was our choice to follow the world’s deep state.  However, God has provided us another chance of salvation and it is still our choice to either choose Him or not.  God loves this nation, His Church, and you individually.  It is not His choice that we fall for such misinterpretations.  Even if we completely fall for such atrocities, God is still with us and will hear our individual cries for Salvation.

It has been a common tradition of humanity to find out about their inner integrity and identity through trials and tribulations.  Some of these identification events are short in nature while others tend to be long, drawn-out, and cumbersome adventures.  And when these settings occur, our hearts and minds are wrenched with question after question of why things occurred the way they did and then the fear of trying to recover from such tragedies begins to flood what remains of our emptiness and brokenness.  I remember a few times in my life when my world or the world that I believed was “my world” came crashing down around me, and for a while, I did not feel like doing much of anything.  Some of these disappointments that I was experiencing I could have avoided if I had listened to real and sound counsel but I chose not to and to follow what could be considered to be fun and popular.  I became so caught up in such activities and experiences that I did not see what was coming and when those consequences came down the pike, my world was turned upside down.

I could have dealt with such issues one of two ways, just as all of us have to do when such trials come our way and our eyes search around for someone or something familiar to refer to and then start toward.  Of course, I was upset that the events had turned and taken such a direction yet at the same time I had no one else to blame, but you know I wanted to and did for a short period of time.  I did not like the direction I was choosing even though it felt good at that moment; I knew that holding grudges and not allowing any further dealings with the parties involved would not be the wisest of choices, oh but that root of unforgiveness had to be destroyed but once again, I did not want to do this.  At this time, I had no idea that what I was experiencing was a part of my identity and how there was a battle for control of how I was going to handle things.  All of us have to face this situation and decision-making time at some point in our lives and the way we handle things is the marking of our restoration and eternal placement.

Psalms 137:1-3

“By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.”

This passage gives us a picture of a people that have been defeated and have been taken captive by a force that is far greater than they.  From the undertones of this passage, we can hear the unhappiness surface from the voices that are wondering what occurred in their placements to cause such devastation.  We also see that even though their lives are present they are in captivity and are slaves down to the very music that they must play and perform.  The human mind can wander and wonder about being in such a position of change but when we remember who these people are and who Created them allowed such destruction to occur, we cannot ignore the fact that if God does something once He has the authority to perform such acts again.  This portion of the Psalms is not a praise or happy time, but it is a time of reflection and of the true identity crisis that was present in their lives.  When your identity becomes invoked on physical or world standards you give Satan license to destroy it.  When Israel decided to leave God’s Ways for a secular life, they divorced themselves from the Truth and left their Family that God established; we give license to Satan to do the exact same thing, this Kingdom Law has not changed one bit, and when this occurs there can be no doubt that confusion and identity problems shall soon follow.

Here again, we see that the people from Israel have two choices to choose from, just as all of us do.  They could open their hearts and figure out that they had gone far astray from the Ways of God and then repent and start over by trusting God and allowing Him to restore their hearts or they could sulk by the riverside and become defiantly angry enough to rebuild their inner worlds (hearts) stronger and higher than before.  When we read further, in the Old Testament, we find the choice that Israel and Judah accepted as their own and it does not provide a pretty picture or story to tell.  Yes, their nations were still recognizable but they were so in captive forms.  Nothing good has come out of decisions where people sit beside a lake, river, stream, or ocean and contemplate their settings in captivity.  This short passage should remind us how easy it is to become turned against God and the One who established our name in the beginning.  This process of recognition and restoration did not occur overnight nor did it take just 100 years or so, but thousands.  Israel did not have to become such a grave and vile nation but it was her choice to do so and since they did not heed God’s voice they found themselves on foreign riverbanks weeping and being forced to sing songs for their captors.

This passage of Scripture should also remind us of who we are and why our own nation was established.  Then, we should immediately begin to look at what we are producing and it should become clear exactly where our hearts are at and who they are focused upon.  Our growth of spiritual decline has exponentially included spiritual infections that have now ravaged our spiritual bodies and are being physically portrayed openly without hesitation.  This nation is in one huge identity crisis and it stems from the spiritual demise that we allowed to infest us long ago.  This issue has NOT stemmed from the current President or his administration, it has been here for a very long while and the Church has even helped in this demise by believing in the same falsities that the world wallows in, nor did the issue of self and worldly guidance stem from the ongoing problems within Israel, it all stemmed from the decision to challenge the authority of God and place Him behind instead of Him leading not just physically but spiritually as well.  This is where our identity crisis begins and it shall continue the path of the weed root in good soil until it is pulled and if you pull it quickly the anguish shall be minimal, but when God does it there will be greater pain for time has gone by.

By the looks of things today, many have already made their choices concerning their directional status.  It is sad to watch such beautiful people rip apart the conductivity that has been put in place inside the heart of this nation.  It is painful to watch these folks destroy the exact positional requirements it took for this nation to establish herself as the one source of help and refuge for anyone who orderly wished to change their living space and begin again; the ultimate picture of how God changed the world by providing the security needed from the wiles of the devil.  Then understand by this confession of ours, our captors shall make us sing their tunes of captivity and force us to raze our own cellared hearts.  Once this process begins, it shall continue until God believes that He has taken away enough for us to begin again.  There is so much anger in this nation’s heart when talk of stepping back occurs.  Do you realize that when you believe you are in an identity crisis that you are not moving in a direct forward motion?  If you do not know your identity then there is no way possible that you can set your feet in a single direction, the splits are only in order.

Why haven’t we figured it out yet that when our priorities and hearts are not lined up with God and Him first in our lives that we cannot be truly identified?  A question for you: throughout all your reading and studying of God’s Word, when did you ever see God panic or become confused?  Another question right quick: how many times in your reading and studying of God’s Word have you witnessed humanity panic or becoming confused?  The answer to those two questions should not be difficult by any means, God has never lost His focus or vision for His Creations, it is us who have deliberately gone off course.  Through this admission, no one can complain that God left them or God did not show up when things became hard.  We no longer applaud good things others do, instead, we are jealous of the fact that someone has something better or that can complete a task more efficiently than we.  It does not matter what others can do better as long as they can sense the same spirit within them and find common ground.  This type of living shall only collapse because you have to remember that when a worldly identification system is allowed to participate in your life eventually chaos shall reign, and those inner wizards will begin to fight each other.

God shall not give you an identity crisis, He shall only give you identity.  With all of these examples above, it cannot be denied who and what gives us identity and who and what gives us identity crises.  God has established this pattern from the first day of Creation and He has not changed that pattern at all.  Mankind has done a fabulous job of denying God and the works that He has provided, so if we are going to blame anyone for the mess we are in, let us tell the truth and publicly admit it is us.  We have come so far off course from the mission we were created to do and we are still blinded by the darkness of the world.  Being blind is bad enough but to be blinded while in the darkness is a condition that cannot be overcome.  Identity crisis is not an inclining projection, it can only provide declining conditions because everyone presents in the same crisis which means if one thousand people are in a group there will be one thousand people in crisis.  This puts Christ’s words into placement when He said that He is there when just two are in agreement in His Name.

Say, Church!  Do you know that our actions prove that we have an identity crisis?  We cannot even agree what time church services should begin every week so what makes us believe that we have ANY authority to greet sinners with the message of Jesus Christ?  Look at us!  We are pathetic and because of our inadequate words and doings many people are dying each day and living for eternity without the presence of God.  The saddest part of all of this is, is the fact that we as the Church do not consider us having a problem and that somehow we will be immune to such devastation in the future.  God asks you to read His prophets again and study them like your life depended on it; oh, it does!  It is time we repent Church and come back to God and get our house in order before God delivers His hand.  Repent Church, now and correct this crisis identity of ours and maybe, just maybe we can set another example to the world that needs Christ.


Saturday, July 18, 2020

Upsetting and Overturning the Apple Cart

Upsetting and Overturning The Apple Cart


Have you ever been told something or shown something that goes totally contrary to what the majority of your friends believe is a fact or to be correct?  How do you get treated by them and by those that they tell about your information?  Most of the time relationships and friendships in this situation are tested and tried with many not falling through with what was expected.  The most difficult time that humans have is when they find themselves in disagreement with one another over issues that are personal on all sides.  God understands this and that is why He repeatedly states in His Word that we must keep our eyes and hearts steadfast on Him at ALL times.  If and when we complete this type of living we shall understand times and seasons as the approach, as they are over us, and as they are behind us.  God promises us these facts.  So, this means that there is only one reason why we differ and that is we do not have our eyes and hearts in full focus on God and His Definition.  As of this moment, we can change this but our time is very short indeed.

Most of you that have read the Bible know that in many times within these written instances, people of Israel or the early Church found themselves in dire settings that should have been obvious enough that they needed God instead of the ways they chose.  But as we continue to read these Scripture passages, we find that humans ignored the Truth about their ways and lives and forged their existence as they saw fit, proving that the ways of humanity lead to destruction and death.  The wonderful people of the Bible that are referred to represent the apple cart of society, ways, and means that most “civilized and advanced” places should have the necessary answers when it came to such prolific conditions that such settings demanded.  Have you sit down and studied these passages and placed your life into one of these settings and then asked yourself if you qualify as being a part of the apple cart system or not?  All of us have been in this category and if you say that you haven’t, you have not looked deep enough or allowed God to look according to His authority.

Upsetting the apple cart can be somewhat of a comical setting, for when God speaks to those who need His wisdom and guidance He never sugar coats things, He always shoots straight and tells the truth like our lives depended upon it; uh, His Word to us does and is just that!  If you want to see a jovial mood disappear quickly, then begin talking about the controversial matter with others who may not see eye-to-eye with you or what you are speaking on.  The “funny” thing about this example is that when it occurs, the so-called “enlightened” ones go to work putting their spin on these statements or words, and sometimes these folks have to repeat themselves or add to their “beliefs” about how wrong God is about what He is telling us.  On the other hand of this subject, it is sad to watch unfold because it shows to others that the Church is still divided on not only the Word of God but God Himself also and gives Satan a fertile ground to divide the Church further and to place deeper targets on those who are weak in faith or new to God.

This apple cart scenario can represent any establishment or accepted belief with almost any item not excluded from this prestigious stage.  As we know, the deeper the apple cart the more likely the mess will be when it is overturned.  Also, we know that turning over the so-called apple cart is not just a single episode but a process of repeated lectures, talks, guidance recitals that dig into the established policies and make painful accusations or telling that do not set well as the agitation cycle continues.  We know that when entire societal atmospheres are challenged, tensions rise quite frequently and those whose cackles are being stood up will not continue to stand alone for very long, none as much as what religious settings pose, especially when the cornered market on a certain belief is challenged.  You want to see hideous acts against humans? Challenge someone to talk on a controversial topic and then watch the fireworks start.  If not squelched soon, protests, rebuttals, and reprimands are soon to follow.  Unfortunately, these acts are exactly what occurred throughout the Bible when leaders and representatives disagreed with what God was actually saying and warning His people.

This direction of controversy and the response it brings represents where we will going in this article, for God wants us to understand that His Ways are not our ways and that when we force Him to show us His Ways it SHALL NOT be in a method that we believe will occur.  As we will find out in our entire passage one or two statements from certain people will not carry much weight with the multitudes, but when extraordinary circumstances are on the horizon and the people hear messages from the men of God that go contrary to what they believe is correct.  In this case, we will be in Jeremiah 20 and while not all of this chapter is going to be read, the short portion shall give us a clear understanding of why the clergy of the day was upset at the words of God through Jeremiah, it shall also give us a reminder course on just how true and vivid God’s Word can be and how people who really do not believe in Him shall respond.

Jeremiah 20:1-6

“Now Pashur the son of Immer the priest, who was also chief governor in the house of the LORD, heard that Jeremiah prophesied these things. Then Pashur smote Jeremiah the prophet, and then put him in the stocks that were in the high gate of Benjamin, which was by the house of the LORD. And it came to pass on the morrow, that Pashur brought forth Jeremiah out of the stocks. Then saith Jeremiah unto him, The LORD hath not called thy name Pashur but Magormissabib. For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will make thee a terror to thyself, and to all thy friends: and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies, and thine eyes shall behold it: and I will give all of Judah into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall carry them captive into Babylon, and shall slay them with the sword. Moreover I will deliver all the strength of this city, and all the labours thereof, and all the precious things thereof, and all the treasures of the kings of Judah will I give into the hand of their enemies, which shall spoil them, and take them, and carry them to Babylon. And thou, Pashur, and all that dwell in thine house shall go into captivity: and thou shalt come to Babylon, and there thou shalt die, and shalt be buried there, thou, and all thy friends, to whom thou hast prophesied lies.”

Wow, there is a bunch of information that transpires in these six verses and such information that carries a huge amount of weight according to the battle between God’s Kingdom and Satan’s kingdom.  There will always be confrontation present when people try and limit God and place Him in a box against those who hear what God is saying and obey by telling God’s heart as it is speaking.  This passage of Scripture describes just how far people will go in order to silence those who disagree with the established agenda or in this case, the conditioned and seasoned apple cart.  From the moment Jeremiah started speaking to the leaders of the religious order and to the people of Judah, his words were of one origin, warning.  Because of these words, the leaders did on several occasions threaten him, curse him, beat him, and as we see here in this passage lock him up in the stocks all because of what God had told him to say to them.  These words did not fit into the plans of what the other prophets claimed were true, nor did it paint a pretty picture about what was going to occur to Judah, opposite to what others had taught for so long.

In the middle verses of this passage, we find that God’s warning was now directed at a certain person and everyone on his level of living.  The warning did not change in nature or stature either, it was precise and accurate as all of the previous warnings Jeremiah spoke concerning what God had spoken.  The people and leaders did not like such words being spoken for they believed that they knew how to live and that God was still in good standing with them; this attitude brought on the thought that they could continue to live with the ways of the world in their heart and yet turn back to see if God was really there or not.  While it may not be the exact setting or condition as Lot’s wife, the same spiritual principle is in play here with their actions.  The manner in which God instructed Jeremiah to speak and the words that he spoke were one of completion and ones that were to follow without exception.  They were marked in stone if you wish to place it in that arena.  Again, the words of prophecy that Jeremiah had spoken previously did not change and came to pass, and so did the words of Jeremiah in these middle verses.

Many of us love to ignore what God is trying to say about our hearts and pawn His Words and warnings off as another way that God is going to always protect us no matter what we do because we are His people.  What we fail to realize is that when these religious leaders did not believe Jeremiah, for they knew what Jeremiah stood for and how he did not compromise anything, then watered down his message from God they were enacting their own service of deceit by not believing the Word of God.  God allowed them to believe in this way, but Jeremiah knew the truth about what was coming, yet the other prophets believed their watered-down humanistic lies instead of the eternal most high God.  Anytime we ignore what God says to us as a warning, nothing good can come about from its presence.  When God shows a warning and it lines up with what His definition proclaims, how can we afford not to heed to this advice?  God shows us this type of warning all throughout the Bible and more times than naught, the recipients of these warnings ignored what was being conveyed to them.  Once again, the words of the Bible are present but we choose to not listen and take to heart what they mean.

What the other priests did to Jeremiah was brutal but even though these actions are proof that their love of the world and their status far outweighed their heart for God.  Yes, God was present in their lives and they knew the standards of God but chose to incorporate superficial and popular worldly beliefs instead of holding God and His Ways in their lives.  Do you find it concerning these actions from the people considered to be the apple of God’s eye?  Do you suppose that if these blessed and set apart people could make dire and grave choices about God and His warnings that we could do the exact same?  You bet your last dollar we could and we are currently speeding toward such a climatic setting.  Why do we as the Church believe in the same manner as the leaders and other prophets of Judah and Israel?  Why do we doubt the Word of God and believe that our hearts are good even though we have no true relationship with God?

When we read this passage, it is clear that the people of Israel and Judah did not believe that their actions and lifestyles offended God, and if those actions did they really did not care.  How much different are we today than what these precious people displayed back in Jeremiah’s day?  Not one bit, for we epitomize their behaviors and beliefs even deeper and further than anyone has ever taken.  We have adopted and built upon the exact same apple cart that was presented in this passage and we have done our best to keep it full of our own selfish dreams.  Jeremiah did his job when he spoke against this apple cart and spoke to them that listened of how that apple cart needed to be overturned and that it would far better if we did this procedure ourselves instead of waiting for God to do it.  Jeremiah knew his words of truth was being ignored so God changed His message to a completed and direct one, one that could not be changed.

So, here we are folks, at the place where our apple cart is about to be overturned but not because of our choice.  In fact, our choice is to expand further our apple cart and to pile on more sinful desires and lusts that not only defile the One True God but our own lives as well.  This nation was supernaturally warned back in 2016 when a surprise was given to us in November.  Is this President the answer to all of the issues of this nation or is he even a true political interest?  No way, but he is the one and the only one of the modern presidential age who has had the guts enough to attack the political atrocities from their origins to try and correct them before it was too late.  It was the choice of the people and still is today to publicly and violently reject what he was sent to do.  Our eyes remain shut and as we continue to protest, scream, and demand that our selfish ways be advanced, we build our apple cart longer, higher, bigger, and deeper.  God says, okay.  But now it is His turn to grab our attention.

Church, we have had plenty of time to change the world but instead of fulfilling Jesus’ command, we have filled our own apple carts with superficial knowledge about God and His Son enough to warrant us “ready” to meet Them in the sky but that is all.  Guess what, your feet shall stay on the ground when Jesus does come back for you are the definition and the picture of a lukewarm church.  As we have discussed many times in the past, we have voluntarily given up our “C” and replaced it with the current “c”.  What God wants most is for us to choose Him in all of our ways, and we have failed miserably in this feat, but even though this nation’s time is short we can still turn around and begin to tell people about God before our land sinks.  Jesus still loves us and we can still start this process of witnessing before things run out.  Repent! And get right with God because we may have some idea of what is about to present itself in the world, we have no idea if we will even survive it, but we still need to be right with God.  Yes, there will be Immers that will knock you about but when Truth is shared the world shall always react with force against it.  What they do not understand is that their actions defend their apple carts and it defines their love for the world and not God.  It is this apple cart that Jeremiah preached about for so long, and it is what the Church needs to be preaching about today because one day God shall overturn these apple carts of ours if we do not.


Monday, July 6, 2020

No Christianity

No Christianity


Recently, we have been witness to a few groups that have captured the attention of many outlets of the free world.  While the popularity of these groups seems to be growing, their true aspirations are becoming better understood and to some are very concerning.  There are a couple of aspects of these groups that have been superficially touched upon over the past few decades but seem like they too are coming to a prominent figurehead.  The lineups for these groups take a particular stance, either be on our side or be dismissed with no chance of recovery.  These beliefs and proclamations do severe damage to the foundations of this nation and to those who call God, Lord.  It is not the will of God for this to occur but it is a process that His Word describes in detail and should be known.  No Christianity is now being considered to be thrown out of the nation’s consciousness, another step toward what is already present in the ancient yet present-day History book that we need to return to.  God loves us in-depth that our futile minds and hearts cannot conceive, but that should only propel us to know God more and not less.

I was looking over a Scripture verse in Psalms and was wondering why God gave this verse for me to study and to find out more about.  Now, I know that God drops things into our hearts for a purpose but this verse seemed like it did not fit into any specific category that He has been showing me to write.  I have also figured out that when God does things, His plan for that issue or item will come to fruition in His own time and Way.  This article topic was given to me earlier in the day and the Scripture for this article was given to me months before, it is this unusual process and procedure that God operates in my life that keeps me on guard or on my toes as many people prefer to reference.  As stated above, the Scripture verse had been given to me months ago, but I had nothing further to do with this verse until this evening (7/3/20).  For some reason, I picked this verse out of a stack of paper notes that just had this verse written on them, nothing else.  And when I was going through my usual study methods for this verse, believing that it would just sit on my notes for some future title or reference God decided that it was time for me to write my next article.  Ironically, the original Scripture that I was studying will not be in this topic but one of the verses that it was referring to is the verse for this article.  God does work in mysterious ways and this article is living proof of such Truth, for Truth is alive and builds upon each step taken in order to reveal what is actually going on around you.

He clearly brought to my attention this simple verse, but when He did He also brought to my attention the study notes of a portion of this verse and showed me that this nation is in peril because of its disobedience to the order that this verse represents through a simple phrase of the verse we will be reading shortly.  The message God wants us to understand is that this present darkness we are looking at is not going to go away because we have allowed ourselves (the Church) stray for long enough and deep enough to become blinded by the world and its ruler.  But this article is not all about doom and gloom for there is a purpose for the message God has for us and that is hung on, we are going to find out exactly what Satan has planned for us and what God is going to allow to occur in our lives.  Many people have tried their best to interpret the Book of Revelation, most for their own satisfaction of being right when it comes time for the Church to leave. But in order to reach that event, steps toward that event must be taken beforehand and we are right smack dab in the middle of these steps being taken, and we cannot see it happening; which is exactly why the Church reaches that point in Revelation.

Psalms 73:4

“Thou art more glorious and excellent than the mountains of prey.”

One of the most confusing issues that is circulating these days is what defines a “racist” comment or action.  Especially the ones that have been made years ago and seemingly not even addressed before today’s day and age of hostile attitudes.  I find it intriguing and scary at the same time when one of these types of “findings” becomes worthy enough to be splattered across the news headlines and suddenly demands for apologies appear without notice or wanting explanations.  Before the recording devices came into existence it was difficult to have any real evidence people said or did such activities but since these devices have been made and continually developed over the past few decades or so, people are subject to wit that they probably never would have imagined would be held against them decades later.

I also find it intriguing that when the people who have been “caught” on recording devices in the past have apologized for such behavior and directly stated that they were sorry for their actions years ago, the apology is not good enough.  Yes, the accusers say that the apologies they hear seem to be sincere and worthy of correction, but they want more and if they do not receive what they believe is “more” the accused is not worthy of further life on a normal scale.  These folks are shunned, tormented, and even forced out of their jobs in many cases, it has even come down to the clothes people wear that can land you in the director’s office and losing positional status until further notice.  Is this a safe practice to have or is this new policy now a standard of care that we must be concerned about for the remainder of our lives.  There is a new “position” in the workforce today that seeks out information about people, a gross injustice of truth that is methodically infiltrating every aspect of the workforce, not to mention the public acceptance policy.  In publication of these beliefs, the further we dive into such gotcha processes the further we go against what God wants us to have in our lives, thus eventually progressing to a State that believes that you can only live with one conditional belief and all others must be punished.

This gotcha intimidation will come to its high point at some point in the future, and when it does the results shall be devastating for numerous, billions of lives.  As any other progressive belief and act, this process shall encompass anything that fits within its boundaries and exclude anything and anyone who does not.  This is where Christianity comes into the picture because the ones who represent true Christianity shall not stand up against such tyrannical concepts which in turn must be included into the folks and concepts that must be protested against because even now, God is not welcome in these places and beliefs.  Also, as my eyes witness what is occurring on the streets of the major cities around the world, I hear nothing but anger and hostility to the ordered States around them.  No hindered or lost civilization is present in these demonstrations but those who have modern technology at their disposal and flowing sources of food and utilities, these services too shall be incorporated in such buying and selling capacities at this time; again, if it fits the narrative it is welcome, but if not it is banned and not even recognized.

After so-called religious institutions and their followers are sucked into this unorganized mess, what is there left to incorporate into the battle lines?  The mountains of prey have identified themselves and it will be time to ensure that everyone follows said battle lines without any exceptions.  No, this shall not be an overnight process but we cannot ignore that the steps that we had already taken made it easier to install such controlling policies, and one cannot help but think, what will these new “leaders” do when all of their plans and reasons are enacted?  Do we believe that they shall not begin to form their own judgment and punishment process?  Think about this folks, if these folks do not want to hear any challenges to their opinions or accepted side, then what makes you believe that they will be any less strict when it comes to your disobedience?  Do we really know what this type of activity represents?  It represents the incorrect order that humans fall for when it comes to true leadership values and beliefs.  If one is in the world and sees nothing but the world and its values there is nothing wrong with drawing solid lines and standing behind those lines without any movement or gestures of movement to cross them.

The only political part that will be mentioned here is not about the current president but the one before him.  President Obama threatened many leaders and nations with his “line in the sand” philosophy, and while he believed that this tactic would work, not many other nations’ leaders took it seriously.  While it seemed embarrassing at the time, and it was there was a precedence set that would come back to haunt us at a later date.  Our only problem was that most people had no idea that the problem that would soon arise would actually be on our home soil, but when you stop and think about it, why would the tricks of our enemy be cut and dry when he is described as a cunning and subtle snake.  And since the first target recorded in the Bible was a man and woman living separated from the rest of Creation, should it be really that tough to believe such a notion again?  This is the chaotic order that Satan wants us to live within, for he knows that when the true Order of Creation is in line, things shall proceed as they were Created to be so it is his job to disrupt and to destroy this eternal order as much as possible.

Everything that has been written here so far is representation of an order that is not in alignment with God.  God says it is okay that you do not believe in His existence, God says it is okay that you do things your way, for it is this free will that He gave us at our Creation that deems God as God.  Of course, there is an alignment here, do not get me wrong but it is of one that serves the world and is eternally flawed with death being its final result.  It is such a sad sight to watch people believe they are doing the right thing only to have their true nature come out and defile themselves at some point along the way.  This type of living goes totally opposite to what our Scripture verse tells us, for in the ways of the world the mountains of prey shall always be greater than what you obtain to conquer, but the verse here promises that God is far greater than any mountain of prey that anyone can ever face.  If we turn this passage around and read it according to how God spoke it, there can be no issues that will defeat us for it is in the correct alignment that God has for our lives.  You do not have to worry about any gotcha moments when God is first in your life for He has taken care of those issues with the blood of His Son.  Yes, the world may try its best to catch you in some sort of lie or cover-up, but in the eyes of God you are clean.

When we keep God first in our lives it shall automatically show to the dying world around us.  The reason that the nature of the world is to silence Christianity is that while it is the goal of Satan to do so, he cannot do as such unless we give him the authority to do such events.  This is why it is so important that we maintain the eternal Order that God has put into place because it shall protect us from the things of the world.  As long as the Church continues to flounder with whether or not it shall trust God or not, Satan gains steam and territory that he will use against us down the road.  Look at what has transpired over the last few months in this nation alone, and have you looked at what our actions have produced in other countries on this issue?  So when someone asked you why all of these things are flourishing around us, what will be your response?  Will it be the truth or some made-up excuse to pander the truth into a hidden box in some abandoned warehouse in another city.

So we also understand that a single ordered government cannot successfully rule over all the earth with the USA standing in between?  Do you realize that this nation and the status it has and demonstrates to the world cannot be present in order for this type of person or government to exist?  Many people have believed that this nation shall never fall that no outside force could ever come against it enough to render it non-influential in its role as leader of the world, are the events taking place today deem worthy enough to make such a result?  Maybe through manmade hands and ideas this process would never occur, but with God all things are possible and believe me if He allowed Israel and Judah to be destroyed because of their unrepentant and blackened hearts, He most assuredly would allow it to occur in this nation as well.  Remember, Judah’s and Israel’s God-ordained demise changed the setting of the world for their time and when God allows this to occur upon this nation, it shall change the entire world and its living and ruling conditions.  A condition ripe for one person to usher in a system with absolute power some might say.

We all know that this process and procedure shall not occur as long as this nation is upright, but Church, we are not helping out at all.  Over the past decade or so, there have been some brutal prophecies that have been spoken over this nation about the coming events about this nation.  Some people have attended to these words while others have mocked them or diminished them through religious secularism, both are okay for even the Bible talks about such doubts within Judah and Israel so this type of activity should be expected.  But please understand that at some point there will not be any organized religious congregations for they will not be allowed to exist.  It is our time now to ensure that this step of No Christianity that we have the opportunity to delay, but it is strictly up to us Church to complete this slowing down combat strategy.  This is strictly a spiritual battle one that should be not only fought on our knees (not take a knee) and through witnessing as Jesus commanded us to do.  The world shall not do this on their own, nor will they understand what is going on when things of this magnitude begin to unfold; they do not know now, they definitely will not know then.  Let us turn our hearts back to God and once again begin what His Son commanded us to complete.


Friday, July 3, 2020

Jehu Need Not Apply

Jehu Need Not Apply


Many times we are amazed at some of the people who hold certain positions who may have at first looked like they held no truth in their application much less their gaining anointed condition.  For those people who we feel do not deserve to be in such a revered position, how do we treat them and their ideas?  Can you imagine being treated in such a manner that every day you rise, your counsel grows dimmer and dimmer?  How do you combat this feeling and how do you know you are even doing the correct thing?  Yet, you continue your pursuit of displaying the truth to those who do not wish to listen, even though they have no idea that greatness is present right in front of them.  Many people throughout history have had such experiences with such actions, not just today either for the greatest rejection that has ever been alive is Jesus.  His persecution still continues to this day and until we figure out exactly what His Life means to our lives, this quagmire of defeats shall continue until there is no “us” that remains.

I am currently fifty-two years old and was born in the late 1960s, so I do not remember much about the slogan I am going to be using here for this article but from what I can gather from newspapers, films, and songs it was a pretty big deal.  To be more specific, one of the phrases that described how not to look when applying for a job was inscribed similar to this “long-haired freaky people need not apply” was a catchy phrase that I have witnessed in my short search for such slogans from that era.  I understand the fact that businesses should resort to a certain decorum and presentation for all areas of their product presentation but sometimes it seems like we forget that there are many other types of people in this world that do not think exactly as you and I do and in order to ensure all is reached, it might just be a good policy to have “differences” amongst our ranks.  I am not saying that we should totally conform to the modern or wanted look of the day, but I know that all ages and groups of people fall into the hospital setting at some point and many of these are nervous enough without having to deal with white coats coming at them with other foreign objects.

The younger crowd of the 1970s might have been looked upon with growls and frowns from the older generations, but these young kids gave us a small glimpse into how people would react to adversity in the future and to be honest, the older generations’ reactions could be foretold today as well.  Did we fool ourselves into believing that every child of the older generation back when would grow up and adhere to the “standard” of the times?  Did we really not see how our hindered alliances would come back to haunt us some point down the road of life?  Did we fail to understand that the mind and heart is created to add to what it already has been shown and it is our responsibility to guide our children into good directions and not force them into anything they might not like to do or to be a part of at that time?  Scripture states that we should train up a child in the way he should go, not force them to be in a specific mold as someone before.  Whether or not we accept this topic or not, we must contend that the subject of it is playing out right in front of our hearts and we cannot ignore it any longer.  It is a subject that needs to be dealt with quickly and thoroughly yet biblically and not secularly; however, just as in times before we are failing to see this foundational origin of ours and how it needs to be rebuilt upon God and not our selfish whims.

1 Kings 16: 29-30

“And in the thirty and eighth year of Asa King of Judah began Ahab the son of Omri to reign over Israel: and Ahab the son of Omri reigned over Israel in Samaria twenty and two years. And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all that were before him.”

2 Kings 9:1-3

“And Elisha the prophet called one of the children of the prophets, and said unto him, Gird up thy loins, and take this box of oil in thine hand, and go to Ramothgilead: and when thou comest thither, look out there Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshi, and go in, and make him arise up from his brethren, and carry him to an inner chamber; Then take the box of oil, and pour it on his head, and say, Thus saith the LORD, I have anointed thee king over Israel. Then open the door, and flee, and tarry not.”

We will start with this second passage and it is one of the interesting scenarios in that it presents a picture that has not been conducted in Israel or in Judah and that was God actually anointing a king to lead the people of Israel.  Back in 1 Samuel 8, we remember that the people of Israel wanted an earthly king and did not want God to be over them as their sole Leader any longer.  After warnings from God, God allowed this to occur and the saga for earthly kings began.  However, the processes of God showing who to anoint did not cease, and God showed the prophets who to anoint for Israel’s earthly king.  Over time, this practice was discontinued for the people who had ingrained themselves in the worldly art of electing their own kings for purposeful reckonings.  Israel eventually split into two kingdoms with two rulers, both having good kings but the majority of the rulers did not sit well in the eyes of God.  The manner in which Jehu is chosen to be king goes totally against the way that Israel had ordained for herself, ever since she had chosen to walk away from God and it is through this anointing process that throws Israel and eventually Judah into a heaped time of inner turmoil.

In the first passage, we find that Ahab is crowned king due to the death of his father, Omri King of Israel.  There is no question about who was to be king over Israel at this point even though the two divisions of Israel and Judah were about to become further divided due to inner fighting amongst members of the ruling parties.  This passage also displays the process in which Israel deemed it to be necessary to follow, that they would elect kings over them and not God.  Nowhere does this passage state that God was to anoint Ahab as king over Israel, it was an automatic procession just as other nations around them had in place.  There is one specific statement in this passage that says it all when it comes to what humans believe is justified as a leader over them.  That statement is as follows: “And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all that were before him.”  More specifically, the last portion of this statement is the key to the lineage that not only did Ahab inherit but grew as well during his tenure as king.

Ahab did everything in his power and will to displease God and to the foundation of Israel herself, all in the name of selfishness ruling and the drunkenness of power.  Further down in description it says some of the deeds of Ahab and how he did as much as possible to build idols and idol worshiping temples to Israel, all to please his wife Jezebel.  When God makes a statement that someone or some group has done something against Him more than anyone ever has before, it cannot be a light setting or something quite small, but a continual process of worldly acts that even God cannot look upon; kind of like it was a day of Noah comparison.  Yet, from all indications from this passage, the people of Israel accepted these acts as natural and normal and had no problems with the acts that Ahab and Jezebel created and carried out.  This process of worldly or systematic elective gestures had become a normal queue in the status of Israel’s leadership procedures. 

So, when one thinks about it, how long would God allow mankind to set up inferior and sinful leaders in the Kingdom He established for His Leadership and separation from all other groups and nations of the world?  The chapters from 1 Samuel 8 until this passage of ours in 2 Kings and far beyond show even the most doubtful person about the compassion and patience of God that He gives every opportunity for us to change before He must reign in His people.  God shows us this type of reigning in His people in many unique ways and manners and in this article He is saying to us He starts with a supernatural event concerning leadership and how He still has the ultimate authority to place who He desires into offices of royalty and leadership.

Enter Jehu, the person on the center stage for the passage in 2 Kings and when reading this passage one cannot help but notice a change in a systemic and routine pattern that Israel had become accustomed to for quite some time.  The man that God said to anoint, came in with “guns a blazing” and did not take any prisoners when it came down to what his mission was.  Jehu was totally opposite to the established political process and did not fit in with anyone on that level, he was a gruff person that even acted and talked differently from those in political leadership, and this act by God over the people of Israel made them angry and did not care for Jehu at all.  This is evident because when a leader begins to clean house with the enemies of God, who just so happens to be the family of a beloved dead king and the husband of the most powerful woman in the nation.  So, yes, one should expect some uneasy and tense moments each time something that Jehu does to set off the anger vibes of his constituents.  In other words, Jehu upset the political apple cart of Israel and since they did not get their way in the manner to which they believed, they allowed Jezebel to roam and control the actions of others as much as possible.

God allowed this man to be a part of Israel’s leadership for a reason, and it was a reason of the utmost importance.  The people of Israel had grown so cold and selfish that they had lost all of their direction as a nation; you do not believe me?  Then read all of the passages in these three books of the Bible, take meticulous notes and then draw your conclusions, they lived to please their wants and sinful lusts even began to kill their own children as selfish sacrifices to the fire god.  Everything that Israel’s daily society stood for rang out that they did not want a Jehu over them, for he was against everything they wanted in place.  In other words, we can see that those in the majority did not want anyone like Jehu in any type of leadership position, so “Jehu need not apply” was a cry that could have been loudly heard spoken or sang during this period of time.  We can never underestimate the human mind and the human heart, for when societal beliefs have strayed far away enough for working together only far sided beliefs and spiritual legislative measures can be thought about, accepted, passed and implemented onto others around.

The Early Church was fractured in this type of movement and belief, especially when the Gnostics and their cultish beliefs of superior knowledge and “training” came around.  This practice continued in the Medieval Church as popes, archbishops, deacons, parishes, vassals, and other controlling entities believed that their word was the supreme example of God, even when they were physically slaughtering millions of people a century, all in the name of God.  This is not a stable practice by any means, just take a look at those folks who believe they must sacrifice their own children to a dead god who only demands to take away instead of only give.  Every time we submit our hearts to the world we rise higher in the slogan Jehu need not apply for even though Jehu was gruff and rough on all edges he was the one chosen to wake Israel and Judah up so that they may see their sins that cover their lives instead of the True Sacrifice that God instilled.

It is made clear each day that Jehu is not welcome in this land, and it does not matter if you recognize this spirit or not but she is present and grows every day.  If you remember, Jezebel was still alive when Jehu began his reign as king and he was vowed to destroy all of the house of Ahab, in which he did.  This did not sit well with anyone who supported Ahab and Jezebel’s reign, that entire side fought Jehu and his mission 100%.  Jehu was the warning Israel and Judah needed to wake them up, but they ignored it and continued on in their journeys of destruction.  Church, we are on that same path of devastation and destruction, it has been prophesied many times over the past decade or so concerning this manner of destruction; the time is very short and this fulfillment draws nigh, repent, turn your heart around and prepare yourself for what is ahead.  Look to the Lord for strength and guidance for He alone shall save and show the Way through what is arriving.  God loves each and every one of you, stand firm, and gird yourselves in the Word of God.  For, it has been made clear, that the world and this nation along with a good portion of the Church has spiritually and verbally said – and means it – Jehu, need not apply.