Monday, July 6, 2020

No Christianity

No Christianity


Recently, we have been witness to a few groups that have captured the attention of many outlets of the free world.  While the popularity of these groups seems to be growing, their true aspirations are becoming better understood and to some are very concerning.  There are a couple of aspects of these groups that have been superficially touched upon over the past few decades but seem like they too are coming to a prominent figurehead.  The lineups for these groups take a particular stance, either be on our side or be dismissed with no chance of recovery.  These beliefs and proclamations do severe damage to the foundations of this nation and to those who call God, Lord.  It is not the will of God for this to occur but it is a process that His Word describes in detail and should be known.  No Christianity is now being considered to be thrown out of the nation’s consciousness, another step toward what is already present in the ancient yet present-day History book that we need to return to.  God loves us in-depth that our futile minds and hearts cannot conceive, but that should only propel us to know God more and not less.

I was looking over a Scripture verse in Psalms and was wondering why God gave this verse for me to study and to find out more about.  Now, I know that God drops things into our hearts for a purpose but this verse seemed like it did not fit into any specific category that He has been showing me to write.  I have also figured out that when God does things, His plan for that issue or item will come to fruition in His own time and Way.  This article topic was given to me earlier in the day and the Scripture for this article was given to me months before, it is this unusual process and procedure that God operates in my life that keeps me on guard or on my toes as many people prefer to reference.  As stated above, the Scripture verse had been given to me months ago, but I had nothing further to do with this verse until this evening (7/3/20).  For some reason, I picked this verse out of a stack of paper notes that just had this verse written on them, nothing else.  And when I was going through my usual study methods for this verse, believing that it would just sit on my notes for some future title or reference God decided that it was time for me to write my next article.  Ironically, the original Scripture that I was studying will not be in this topic but one of the verses that it was referring to is the verse for this article.  God does work in mysterious ways and this article is living proof of such Truth, for Truth is alive and builds upon each step taken in order to reveal what is actually going on around you.

He clearly brought to my attention this simple verse, but when He did He also brought to my attention the study notes of a portion of this verse and showed me that this nation is in peril because of its disobedience to the order that this verse represents through a simple phrase of the verse we will be reading shortly.  The message God wants us to understand is that this present darkness we are looking at is not going to go away because we have allowed ourselves (the Church) stray for long enough and deep enough to become blinded by the world and its ruler.  But this article is not all about doom and gloom for there is a purpose for the message God has for us and that is hung on, we are going to find out exactly what Satan has planned for us and what God is going to allow to occur in our lives.  Many people have tried their best to interpret the Book of Revelation, most for their own satisfaction of being right when it comes time for the Church to leave. But in order to reach that event, steps toward that event must be taken beforehand and we are right smack dab in the middle of these steps being taken, and we cannot see it happening; which is exactly why the Church reaches that point in Revelation.

Psalms 73:4

“Thou art more glorious and excellent than the mountains of prey.”

One of the most confusing issues that is circulating these days is what defines a “racist” comment or action.  Especially the ones that have been made years ago and seemingly not even addressed before today’s day and age of hostile attitudes.  I find it intriguing and scary at the same time when one of these types of “findings” becomes worthy enough to be splattered across the news headlines and suddenly demands for apologies appear without notice or wanting explanations.  Before the recording devices came into existence it was difficult to have any real evidence people said or did such activities but since these devices have been made and continually developed over the past few decades or so, people are subject to wit that they probably never would have imagined would be held against them decades later.

I also find it intriguing that when the people who have been “caught” on recording devices in the past have apologized for such behavior and directly stated that they were sorry for their actions years ago, the apology is not good enough.  Yes, the accusers say that the apologies they hear seem to be sincere and worthy of correction, but they want more and if they do not receive what they believe is “more” the accused is not worthy of further life on a normal scale.  These folks are shunned, tormented, and even forced out of their jobs in many cases, it has even come down to the clothes people wear that can land you in the director’s office and losing positional status until further notice.  Is this a safe practice to have or is this new policy now a standard of care that we must be concerned about for the remainder of our lives.  There is a new “position” in the workforce today that seeks out information about people, a gross injustice of truth that is methodically infiltrating every aspect of the workforce, not to mention the public acceptance policy.  In publication of these beliefs, the further we dive into such gotcha processes the further we go against what God wants us to have in our lives, thus eventually progressing to a State that believes that you can only live with one conditional belief and all others must be punished.

This gotcha intimidation will come to its high point at some point in the future, and when it does the results shall be devastating for numerous, billions of lives.  As any other progressive belief and act, this process shall encompass anything that fits within its boundaries and exclude anything and anyone who does not.  This is where Christianity comes into the picture because the ones who represent true Christianity shall not stand up against such tyrannical concepts which in turn must be included into the folks and concepts that must be protested against because even now, God is not welcome in these places and beliefs.  Also, as my eyes witness what is occurring on the streets of the major cities around the world, I hear nothing but anger and hostility to the ordered States around them.  No hindered or lost civilization is present in these demonstrations but those who have modern technology at their disposal and flowing sources of food and utilities, these services too shall be incorporated in such buying and selling capacities at this time; again, if it fits the narrative it is welcome, but if not it is banned and not even recognized.

After so-called religious institutions and their followers are sucked into this unorganized mess, what is there left to incorporate into the battle lines?  The mountains of prey have identified themselves and it will be time to ensure that everyone follows said battle lines without any exceptions.  No, this shall not be an overnight process but we cannot ignore that the steps that we had already taken made it easier to install such controlling policies, and one cannot help but think, what will these new “leaders” do when all of their plans and reasons are enacted?  Do we believe that they shall not begin to form their own judgment and punishment process?  Think about this folks, if these folks do not want to hear any challenges to their opinions or accepted side, then what makes you believe that they will be any less strict when it comes to your disobedience?  Do we really know what this type of activity represents?  It represents the incorrect order that humans fall for when it comes to true leadership values and beliefs.  If one is in the world and sees nothing but the world and its values there is nothing wrong with drawing solid lines and standing behind those lines without any movement or gestures of movement to cross them.

The only political part that will be mentioned here is not about the current president but the one before him.  President Obama threatened many leaders and nations with his “line in the sand” philosophy, and while he believed that this tactic would work, not many other nations’ leaders took it seriously.  While it seemed embarrassing at the time, and it was there was a precedence set that would come back to haunt us at a later date.  Our only problem was that most people had no idea that the problem that would soon arise would actually be on our home soil, but when you stop and think about it, why would the tricks of our enemy be cut and dry when he is described as a cunning and subtle snake.  And since the first target recorded in the Bible was a man and woman living separated from the rest of Creation, should it be really that tough to believe such a notion again?  This is the chaotic order that Satan wants us to live within, for he knows that when the true Order of Creation is in line, things shall proceed as they were Created to be so it is his job to disrupt and to destroy this eternal order as much as possible.

Everything that has been written here so far is representation of an order that is not in alignment with God.  God says it is okay that you do not believe in His existence, God says it is okay that you do things your way, for it is this free will that He gave us at our Creation that deems God as God.  Of course, there is an alignment here, do not get me wrong but it is of one that serves the world and is eternally flawed with death being its final result.  It is such a sad sight to watch people believe they are doing the right thing only to have their true nature come out and defile themselves at some point along the way.  This type of living goes totally opposite to what our Scripture verse tells us, for in the ways of the world the mountains of prey shall always be greater than what you obtain to conquer, but the verse here promises that God is far greater than any mountain of prey that anyone can ever face.  If we turn this passage around and read it according to how God spoke it, there can be no issues that will defeat us for it is in the correct alignment that God has for our lives.  You do not have to worry about any gotcha moments when God is first in your life for He has taken care of those issues with the blood of His Son.  Yes, the world may try its best to catch you in some sort of lie or cover-up, but in the eyes of God you are clean.

When we keep God first in our lives it shall automatically show to the dying world around us.  The reason that the nature of the world is to silence Christianity is that while it is the goal of Satan to do so, he cannot do as such unless we give him the authority to do such events.  This is why it is so important that we maintain the eternal Order that God has put into place because it shall protect us from the things of the world.  As long as the Church continues to flounder with whether or not it shall trust God or not, Satan gains steam and territory that he will use against us down the road.  Look at what has transpired over the last few months in this nation alone, and have you looked at what our actions have produced in other countries on this issue?  So when someone asked you why all of these things are flourishing around us, what will be your response?  Will it be the truth or some made-up excuse to pander the truth into a hidden box in some abandoned warehouse in another city.

So we also understand that a single ordered government cannot successfully rule over all the earth with the USA standing in between?  Do you realize that this nation and the status it has and demonstrates to the world cannot be present in order for this type of person or government to exist?  Many people have believed that this nation shall never fall that no outside force could ever come against it enough to render it non-influential in its role as leader of the world, are the events taking place today deem worthy enough to make such a result?  Maybe through manmade hands and ideas this process would never occur, but with God all things are possible and believe me if He allowed Israel and Judah to be destroyed because of their unrepentant and blackened hearts, He most assuredly would allow it to occur in this nation as well.  Remember, Judah’s and Israel’s God-ordained demise changed the setting of the world for their time and when God allows this to occur upon this nation, it shall change the entire world and its living and ruling conditions.  A condition ripe for one person to usher in a system with absolute power some might say.

We all know that this process and procedure shall not occur as long as this nation is upright, but Church, we are not helping out at all.  Over the past decade or so, there have been some brutal prophecies that have been spoken over this nation about the coming events about this nation.  Some people have attended to these words while others have mocked them or diminished them through religious secularism, both are okay for even the Bible talks about such doubts within Judah and Israel so this type of activity should be expected.  But please understand that at some point there will not be any organized religious congregations for they will not be allowed to exist.  It is our time now to ensure that this step of No Christianity that we have the opportunity to delay, but it is strictly up to us Church to complete this slowing down combat strategy.  This is strictly a spiritual battle one that should be not only fought on our knees (not take a knee) and through witnessing as Jesus commanded us to do.  The world shall not do this on their own, nor will they understand what is going on when things of this magnitude begin to unfold; they do not know now, they definitely will not know then.  Let us turn our hearts back to God and once again begin what His Son commanded us to complete.


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