Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Cancer and the Church

Cancer and the Church


Does anyone believe that cancer has entered into the heart of the Church, or does everyone believe that all things are set in place and all is okay?  Do we understand why pain circumvents our every move and that as long as it continues to be misdiagnosed, our pain and agony will become greater and greater?  These questions are legitimate ones that need to be addressed now and the reasons for such pain properly dealt with by the eternal Surgeon, for if we do not allow this to occur, when He operates it shall have uncontrolled consequences afterward.  We are on a path of eternal death due to our own intake of sin within our hearts, and it is necessary that we change our ways before we take our last breath.  God does not desire to see us suffer but if we do not change there is no way that we can complete the command of Jesus and live in the freedom that His Father wishes us to be.  There is a fraction amount of time left, God wants us to hear this message so that we may live again and witness to those who need Him in their lives, cancer-free.

One of the most frustrating characteristics of humans is that of denial and how long we refuse to see the truth about settings or conditions.  I understand that this portion of our emotional standard is a natural process and it must occur at some point and at some level, but to make it a semi-permanent fixture or even a permanent fixture in our lives is devastating and shall only serve as a detriment for our future and one if allowed will dig a divide between the denier and the ones trying to get them to see.  A decades-long adherence to denial can only prove a single outcome, loneliness and once this process begins for a single issue it is not too difficult to add other denial categories to other issues that we encounter.  We become blind to our surroundings and then deaf to those who are trying to get us to move along the path of life, has anyone been in this situation before?

I have had the privilege for the last decade of my life to be able to work with an extraordinary group of people, people who have been dealt an ugly hand in life and for the majority of them a death sentence.  I have stated plenty of times before that I did not understand what the word courage meant until I stepped foot into our cancer clinic and I must admit that my knowledge and understanding of that word continues to shine and grow each day.  Physically and psychologically, the word cancer is probably the most frightening word in any language that human ears can hear.  This word does not have to be directed toward you per se, it still brings fear into other people's hearts and you cannot help but feel their shock and pain.  Denial is one of the huge issues and products we in the Oncology field have to face, for it strikes like no other medical term and will present a battle that many shall not endure.  It is at this point that many of us find ways to support these beautiful people and to guide them as much as we can through the stages of treatment, a process that could be a maintenance job for many years to come.

Once the process of denial is dealt with, the entire treatment policy can begin, for when denial is present there cannot be any complete form of combating the disease because it is allowed to eat away at the host unabated and as long as this is the case, not much can be done to heal what has already been affected.  In a world that promotes giving up or not even standing up to adequately fight for something you need, it does not help to hear that the home life is rough or non-supportive, for abandonment is definitely not the suggestive behavior to go home to after poisons are placed within your veins and arteries.  Denial is a voluntary process that is chosen and accepted by the world and is an eternal detriment to each one of us; so goes many of the churches in our societies as well.  

It is tough for me to write these words but God has specifically instructed me to do so and I cannot hesitate any longer.  So here goes; the process of denial as stated above is a voluntary one and it has been chosen and accepted by the Church.  The Church has adopted this denial process concerning sin (cancer) and it is time that we allow the Eternal Surgeon to cut this cancer out of our lives so that we may thrive and live again as we were designed to do.  The Church has increased its belief that the world is not that bad and has in a corresponding manner allowed the world access into her heart.  Remember, the world cannot represent anything but death, and this death is not an easy process nor is it a nice process either.  We all know that when denial arrives it will not be allowed to be touched for it has a process to complete before it will be recognizable.  The passage for this article is as follows:

Exodus 15:26

"And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee."


""saying, If you will listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God, and do what is right in His eyes, and pay attention to His commands, and keep all His statutes, [then] I will not bring on you any of the diseases I inflicted on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you."

One of the most forgotten truths about the kingdom of the world is that the world shall not defeat itself with admonitions of wrongdoings, everything the world does believe 100% that it is the best for you, and it will tell you such lies when trying to apply itself into your life.  The world shall follow this lie until every living human being leaves this earth for complete eternal separation from God; this is the law of the world.  Cancer cells have the same projection and will not stop growing and accumulating in the surrounding (host) organ until the entire organ is filled with cells that it does not recognize as its own, it then shuts down, and it is this same type of cancer cells that the Church has allowed to adhere to parts of her body.  The Church now promotes the world and its standards, God wants us to know that the Church is no longer in Communion with God but in communion with the world which means that she harbors cancer cells.  In other words, the Church now chooses the world as her first choice, not God.

The passage here tells us that if the Children of Israel would listen to the voice of the Lord that He would guide them in everything they did, but as long as they continued to promote the world (Egypt) that their days would be long and filled with the same diseases and conditions that God placed upon the Egyptians.  We all know that anyone who left Egypt that was of a certain age or older would not see the Promised Land due to this acceptance of the world within their lives.  The world (Egypt) promoted slavery, sickness, captivity, and death, eternal cancer to all who trust in it.  This is exactly what the Church is facing today because her eyes have been blinded to the Truth and her spiritual ears have been deafened with the diseases of the world.

Jesus can no longer be the partner to the Church as long as we continue to revel in such a condition, God is a complete God and shall not allow His Son to be associated with the world in ANY partnership desired, nor would Jesus even want to be associated with such a disgraced bride.  I work with this subject every day, and I see what its presence does in each body that it habitats.  There is nothing good about cancer for it does nothing good to the body, it invades it and then latches on to many organ linings and then goes to work on spreading its seed.  My eyes see tall folks and short ones too, I see both elderly and young people in the clinic, ethnically there is no distinction of which cancer invades, nor is cancer a respecter of gender all human bodies can be affected and these outcomes are not good by any means, for the vast majority of these wonderful people pass away from such insults.

So, why would the Church have any inkling of an idea to support and condone such inclusion of deadly conditions?  It is appalling to think that the only representative of God and His Tabernacle has anything to do with the world; however, I guess it is not too difficult since all throughout the Bible God has to continually remind His remnant that their hearts are to remain circumcised from the world.  It is obvious that we do not believe that the acceptance of the world represents death, or that we have become so self-centered that death does not mean too much any longer.  In truth, the Church is in total denial concerning the condition of the world and her approval of it within herself.  She is blind to the fact that the ways that she now believes in are of the world and not the Ways of God, His Word, and thus God Himself.  Since this is the case, we cannot deny the fact that we now believe in cancer that the world offers more than the Foundation of our lives, this can only promote and favor the spread of cancer to other parts of the body.

It is this very identical behavior of the Children of Israel had concerning Egypt, they were supposedly free from the conditions of slavery but they were never free from their captors at all.  This lack of trust and surrender to God cost many of the people of Israel not to see the Promised Land that God had given to them so long ago.  But at the same time, Israel's blindness was so dark that they could not even see from their eyes to their hearts just how bad their worldly desires were eating at their existence.  May times over, the Children of Israel complained about how good their lives were back in Egypt compared to how they had it after their release, they never understood that Egypt had to be taken out of them and not just on the physical aspect either.

What is so devastating to the Children of Israel is that they actually longed to go back into slavery in order to have a better life, talk about a ridiculous way to build back better, eh.  God specifically states that if they would turn away from the world (Egypt) and listen to Him and His Ways, that He would not inflict the same conditions and diseases on them as He did on Egypt.  Now, this was a guaranteed statement by God, and it does not matter in which direction they chose to follow.  The health of Egypt was not good in any way and yet Israel wanted to go back and chomp on garlic and onions beside the Nile?  Something is just not right here in the thinking and in the hearts of Israel, who would want to go back into captive settings?

Another issue here that Israel seems to forget and that today's Church forgets is that Egypt (the world) wanted to place restrictions and heavy burdens of slavery onto the people of Israel.  The leaders of the Egyptian society demanded harder and tougher living and working conditions upon Israel in order to defeat them both physically and willfully.  The world has not changed one bit through the eons of time, nor will it ever change either because its campaign of captivity and death produces such great success.  When you take a look at the path of cancer it follows the exact same pattern, the people inflicted with this nasty condition may begin with few symptoms or agony but by the time cancer has invaded other parts of the body, they are a shell of what life represents and means and when we allow the world into our lives it shall do the same to us.  We need to wake up Church and see that our spiritual body is in a mess and that there is something seriously wrong here.  We have a few more moments to change our hearts and to reverse this disease pattern.

While every word, verse, passage, chapter, or book represents how to live in a spiritually cancer-free environment, if we live by this verse and what it says we will be able to obtain this type of eternal lifestyle without any problems from the world.  Of course, the world is going to roam and roar around you but because we are listening to God and to His Ways those worldly sounds will be drowned out quite easily.  All of us agree that the word cancer strikes fear into any person's heart when it is mentioned in a personal and private setting.  Church, not only do we have the perfect manner in which to live, but we also have the perfect presentation to give to those who are being eaten up with this junk.  We cannot take their issues away from them, so we need to stop trying to heap their ailments upon our lives, only God can give eternal life and only His Son can cover us with the necessary cleansing blood strong enough to wash away all blemishes forever.  Physical conditions of cancer not many people escape healthy after a diagnosis, spiritual cancer is fully treatable and curable but it can only occur when we place our hearts under the condition of this verse.  God is good and it is His desire for us to live and to thrive and be living witnesses for Him and His Kingdom.


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