Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Being Whole

Being Whole


Humans love to be complete and have enough security about themselves to function in confidence each and every day.  But as each day arrives, we find ourselves fighting the status of the world that claims piece after piece of our peace and security.  Soon we find ourselves hunkered down and not moving, waiting for the next attack, whether it be physically or spiritually, not to mention on the mental aspects of our lives.  God never intended for us to live in such a manner of defeat or in sickness but because of our choices He sent His Son into the world to show us the true way of survival.  However, the world does not like to give up its home-field advantage easily so it fights back just as hard.  This is why it is so hard for us to understand that God shows us how to heal and how to live abundantly in all ways, most importantly eternally.  Church, it is our responsibility to be different and to provide the light of wholeness to those who are seeking to live in such a manner.

Each one of us has had some time in our lives of sickness and most of us have huge attitude changes when these illnesses are upon us.  It is not fun being sick and our reputations go down the tubes quickly when we do not feel good.  Some want to be pampered and babied all the time, others moan and whine constantly and then there are those of us who just want to be left alone so we can "die" in peace.  Whatever the case may be, we usually become basketcases that are wretchedly pathetic and this state does not change until we are completely healed of what ailed us.  This begs the question: how many of us seek a doctor during this time?  The percentages will vary of course but a good majority ride out these conditions on our own, tempting fate at times.  No matter what, doctors should be contacted so that true remedies can be given or at least to tell us that we are doing what we are supposed to be for this process.

I have always stated that why should people go to the doctor if everything is functioning right and flowing correctly?  Some might agree with this but many will not, for even though your eyes may not see changes in your overall appearance the physician will and hopefully will avert any type of future condition that could sideline you for weeks or even months.  With a good report in hand, doctors will always give you further guidance in order for you to maintain your health standing which gives you the confidence that what you are doing or the way you are living is good for your life and systematically provides a healthy outlook for your existence.  This is why I go to the doctor, kind of like bringing a report card home from school to your parents, others like to hear of your good status, it eases their minds as well.

Jesus did the exact same type of examination of those around Him, but He did so in such a manner of the eternal and spiritual manner combining the physical to the spiritual through various ways and sayings so that everyone could understand what His purpose was to them.  He looked into each one of their spirits and He knew what to say about their condition and how to allow them to figure out that they needed healing.  So ask yourself this question: how do I appear to others?  It does not matter who the "others" may be either because you should look different from those who live according to worldly (sickly) ways and means, for this is how Jesus looked at those who He walked with and how He continues to look at us today, which brings us to the passage of Scripture for this article and it is very fitting for today and how our society looks:

Matthew 9: 12-13

"But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.  But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

Here we have the Pharisees being Pharisees again, in that they were complaining about the company Jesus kept even down to whom He ate with on a regular basis.  We all know that the Pharisees would never have been caught eating or even socializing with those who they deemed as unclean or dirty in life, for their presence with them would be a disgrace to their own personal appearance instead of a lifting up of those who differ.  Jesus knew this about the Pharisees and spoke directly to them in this passage in the manner in which they should have been mentioning and acting.  In other words, Jesus was informing the Pharisees that through their immediate behavior at that moment, that they were just as sick and dirty with sin as the ones that He sat and ate with that day.

We cannot help but get a glimpse of how the words and actions of the Pharisees had on the people of their day; yes, they were different and separate from the common people but at the same time the Pharisees had no respect for those that needed God which gave the common people every reason not to have anything to do with God.  This is the way people of all levels of societies looked and acted toward each other it did not matter if they represented God or not.  This is not the way to win the world for God nor is it a way to live in harmony and peace with your neighbor either.  Jesus always had an appearance of forgiveness and healing wherever He went and this is the way we should look to others at all times.  We should always have a look of health with true energy to spare for those who need it  THe Pharisees may have been the religious sect of the Jewish community but they were far from being healthy and whole.

However, Jesus takes a turn for the deeper here with what He says to the Pharisees as well.  Not only did Jesus recognize that these people needed God but He also made it very clear that He intended to ensure His message was perceived correctly to them as well.  You can be the "holiest" person on the earth but have no clue how to articulate God to those who are in your contact which makes you ineffective and actually sick.  Not only do people that are sick look at your appearance, but they seek your advice and words as well; you can be the greatest physician in the world but if your bedside manner lacks on all levels, your reputation will diminish quickly and so will the trust your patients have in you.  It is this terrible "bedside" manner of the Pharisees that conflicted with Jesus on a regular basis, one would expect this type of clash to occur but this behavior clashed with those in need too which cause irreparable wounds in the hearts of many.

This manner of appearances from the leaders of the Jewish community did not develop overnight, it took a long time for this to grow enough to become the standard and not just a spot occurrence.  This treatment of the sick was totally missed by these leaders and was the main reason Jesus' presence and His miracles of healing offended the Pharisees greatly.  Our responsibility has not changed from the time Jesus walked the earth either, it is our job to heal these folks who need help but just as our appearance is similar to the Pharisees, we cannot complete this measure in our current standard.  We too are sick and need the help of the Great Physician again to make us whole.  Of course, we are going to fall at times but all humans do but we need to minimize these trippings as much as possible; that is why we go for a check-up to God on a regular (daily) basis.  Not for sanctimonious reasons but so that He may show us issues in our lives that need to be gone and for us to hear His instructions on how to steer clear of these issues.

Church, we have done the eternally sick a vast disservice of the truth and it is time we turn our heart around and seek God once again.  Jesus walked on this earth during a tumultuous period in human history and for over two thousand years we have done our best to continue its demise; not only the demise of the nations and Church but humans as well.  Clumping the Church into this demise is exactly how the Pharisees saw those around them who did not live and believe as they did and we have continued their work in this area.  We have not been the Church that Jesus came to establish, for Jesus fought for every individual that needed help both night and day. Jesus was in constant communication with His Father, we might have a true prayer once a week but most likely only once a month.

The Pharisees were not complete or whole in the eyes and heart of God and neither are we Church.  These verses are examples or supposed to be examples of being whole in Christ to the world, by witnessing to the ones who need God and need help on all levels.  Food banks and homeless shelters and their funding and support are great ideas but go eat with them and share Jesus with them.  It is through this type of witnessing that we should exhibit every day of our lives, it should not be a burden to show but a gift to others.  One cannot be whole until Jesus is shared with others and one cannot be whole unless Jesus is present in your life every day, not just at certain times.  I believe it is correct to assume what our standard of Christ is today.  

The only way that any one of us can share this attribute of Christ with others is to dive into the Word of God and to put on the entire Word of God around us.  Jesus makes it clear that one can have an entire lifetime of studying God but unless you have a relationship with Him you are as sick as one who has never stepped foot in a church building or has ever heard the mention of Jesus.  When a person moves or has their physician retire or just changes doctors for any reason there is a period of time that getting acquainted with the new influence is required.  God is calling for us to get re-acquainted with Him today so that we can be whole in Him and then go honestly and fully into the world and to show them the Healer of eternal sickness.


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