Friday, April 22, 2022

Present Help

Present Help


All of us have fallen into the trap of wanting to help others but for some reason do not stay around long enough to complete such a wish.   We make such a promise almost every day with good intentions yet duty calls us away for the remainder of our shift or time around the ones that we say this to; in any case, we fall short of being able to fulfill our words of a helping manner and our presence to honor such a request.  However, when mankind makes a statement such as this and fails others we cannot ignore the fact there is One who shall never leave us nor forsake us when our needs require someone to help.  God has always been faithful in being around when times are bad yet many times we do not see Him or call upon Him but blame Him grotesquely.  For someone who gets blamed for many things, He sure does stick closer than any other human being I know; therefore, we should honor Him by taking His help at all times.

Do you find things a tad interesting that all of a sudden medicine has been able to rapidly make such a vaccine program basically overnight?  Don't bother to see that some of these processes were created over decades with numerous trials being conducted before a single dose is given to patients for prevention of the intended vaccine renders.  It is hard for some in the medical field to honestly trust such quickened vaccines as safe and effective for general usage.  Do not get me wrong, modern medicine has developed many techniques to find out and then protect humans from such disastrous germs and viruses, but to force people to obtain such unproven vaccines or lose their jobs is more on the lines of control instead of medical advancement.  This act is a desperate attempt to convince mankind's ideas and creations are always the correct choice and that no other option should be considered, another dangerous sanctioned condition from the world and its ruler.

It has become quite easy for us to take this help with a grain of salt and then reject it when things do not turn out as planned.  This type of response can occur in any situation we face it does not have to be in medical terms.  Humans are like that, and then when the setting is done we want our own pound of flesh to consume.  How many times have we found ourselves in this position all alone even when our friends said that they would be there for us no matter what, or if we needed anything just ask?  I find it difficult and somewhat embarrassing when I have these words run through my head and then say them to another because I know if I say them I do not know if I will be available or not to fulfill them.

Unfortunately, human behavior and actions are the ones that determine how much trust we have in God when hard times arrive.  We must incorporate a helping heart toward others when things become bad for if we do not keep our word how will the ones who need Jesus ever know His true presence of help?  We cannot hide the fact that Jesus walked this earth which makes Him part of human society and when people find this part out about Him they categorize Him as a human and will not trust HIm as they need, this is just a human fact of existence.  Therefore, they ignore our Scripture passage or do not believe in any part of it and will subsequently follow the world instead.

Psalm 46:1

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

This type of belief or solution may come at a troubled time but it does not provide the true help that is really needed for the current issues at hand.  It seems like that many other issues have popped up ever since the virus issue appeared a couple of years ago.  God allows such events to occur in order for us to turn our hearts back to Him and to give warnings to us reiterating that we cannot do things on our own and that He is the only one that can cure our needs and heal our troubles, and when this attitude of the world attaches itself to our hearts it becomes a solid system of denial against God and our seeking continues on the world's course and pace.

With the drawdown of the hype of the flu strain that we have endured for over two years now, it has been easy for our eternal enemy to sit back and watch many lives unnecessarily turn inside out and a good part of humanity falls apart, all the while he laughs at our responses against each other about how to handle such settings.  If you have not known that divisional tactics have been in progress for decades now, this setting should clear up any questions that anyone may have.  Satan loves that he can just implement a small difference in opinion in our societies and we will take this division to the extreme.  Think back to the Garden of Eden when he tricked Adam and the woman into eating the fruit, a disobedient act that continues to plague humanity.  This act of his continues today for we do not even care to recognize his antics, we just eat of what he places before our eyes all in the name of "for the good of humanity".

When you stop and look at all the responses the world has to offer when disasters occur, they are all disasters in themselves.  When people are running for office they never predict bad times ahead.  They will not go into depth about the problems that will be faced in the future, how can they?  However, humans can stand on repetitive platforms and take agendas out of proportion and extenuate their own beliefs if followed.  Leaders will promote a controlled anxiety pattern so when bad times do occur, they will have "answers".  However, what we are witnessing today is mass chaos with issues that we did not expect and our handling of them has cost everyone much money and turmoil.  Amazingly, we still turn to these same leaders to provide answers to our shaking knees, an event that confuses people, and then when the truth arrives become angry on all levels of existence.

God is the opposite of such hidden features, He is and always has been open to tell exactly how things are going to be in the present and in the future.  His Word declares what occurred in the past in order to tell us how to properly prepare for our daily bread and for our future presence.  It is well-known that the world shall fail you when tough times arrive, for it is not prepared due to the fact that it is always focused on itself.  Once again, God is the opposite He is focused on you and wishes to help you at all times.  This short and simple verse contains powerful words that only God can back up.  God is not ashamed of us even though we have sinned so many times we could not have kept an accurate count.  It is in this part of our lives that God wishes to reinforce that He is with us at all times and not hit or miss.

We joke around when the phrase "Hi, I am from the government and I am here to help" for we know that when any type of governmental assistance occurs, there will have to be some kind of payback involved.  This phrase says to us that the person or people who show up to work are not always there and only appear when times dictate their presence.  God is not like this He is always around us and waiting to help.  The word "present" here comes from the Hebrew word "nimsa".  We find that the KJV translates this word as a "very present" help while the Hebrew form and definition mean "an ever-present" help.  All of the anxiety and fear that infiltrate our hearts and minds do not have any place there, for where God is no fear or doubt can exist.  This is an important detail that many of us forget and even though God is standing right next to us we fail to see Him or ask Him for assistance.

Satan counts on the fact that human leaders shall fail us; therefore, causing us to lose all confidence in their capabilities which is a very effective weapon in our confidence in security and protection terms.  This physical fear also translates into an unsuccessful belief in God and His presence and willingness to truly help.  Life shall always bring us heartaches and disappointments and when these types of conditions appear we need all the help we can get.  God continually shows Himself to us, that is His job but it is our lack of knowledge and understanding about His presence that defeats His presence and help.  It is not God's Will for us to continuously suffer bad living conditions or have to live with debilitating issues for decades, His help includes both physical and spiritual help.  God's help is just not about physical ailments either, it could be any number of things that trouble our lives so many times we sit and think about things that we need to go through or conquer but do not ask God for wisdom and guidance.  Why?  He is always there we just need to ask Him.

Church, this is where we have the responsibility to tell people about this verse.  We can no longer afford to keep quiet as the world around us fades away.  There are so many problems that every human being faces each day that take a toll on them.  Suicides are rising at an astronomical pace, families are breaking up on a scale that has never been witnessed before and the basic fundamentals of life are continually being challenged.  This is where the Hebrew definition of "very present" comes into play and should resound within our hearts, ever-present means it never leaves and it never has left ever since it was installed.  It means now and is continually ongoing; also, God's Word is the only source that shall prepare us for such "very present help" for it too shall never leave us.  Over our physical American lives, we have lost the concept that God is everywhere and desires to protect and comfort us not only during troubled times but happy and storied times as well.

Church, we have fallen into the trap of self-gratitude which over time has eroded our need and desire for God.  We can no longer preach and teach the Gospel of Christ to those who need to hear His Word of Salvation, and we need to gain access to His presence once again for things are about to change drastically.  So drastically, that the buildings we call churches may not even be open or left in existence because we refuse to repent of our sins so God must take things into His own hands.  This is a sad day but one that is necessary.  This single verse is one of the most needed passages of Scripture that God has given; yes, all Scripture is necessary but this one needs to be present upfront in our hearts because the real (spiritual) fight is about to begin on our eye level.  Our understanding of this verse is evident that it has been only a superficial one and that needs to change quickly.  FOr when we do not understand what this verse means during pleasant times, we definitely shall not understand it during difficult times.


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