Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Hidden Sins

Hidden Sins


None of us like to be humiliated with things that we have done, we would rather keep our dirty laundry hidden this is a common issue for most.  However, it seems like something occurs that brings up these certain issues that we have done, the squirming begins, and the coverup process starts with a fury.  Sometimes this process goes away without any revelation to others but some have to go through terrible times and face horrendous consequences for these actions.  But there shall come a day that all hidden sins will be uncovered, no one will be able to hide or to hide them any longer, we have heard this taught to us for a long time.  Consequently, that dreadful day for many is not what this article will be about, but more current and specific exposures that God will uncover so that His Glory will shine bright as it was supposed to do when this nation was established.  Yes, we shall still have to participate in the Great judgment Day, but our nation shall see a glimpse of what hiding sin means and exactly what God thinks about and how He exposes things.

Being humans, we have a tendency to do things that seem like a good idea at the time but end up making us look like complete fools.  There have been a bunch of times in my life where I have ended up asking myself the most famous question "why did I do that?"  It is a phrase that I wish I would not have to ask myself ever again but I know that it shall occur and will not be around just once or twice.  I know in my case, I had hoped that what I did stayed hidden and quiet never to be resurrected but this thought too failed miserably.  When I was young it used to drive me nuts when my parents would somehow find out some of the dumb things I did, not days, weeks, or months later, but within a few short hours or minutes sometimes.  I am glad these things came to the surface back then, it taught me a few things for my later years.  It did not mean that all my antics ceased, but it slowed the number of those instances way down.

Over the past decade or so, our water levels in the West have been on a steady decline.  We have had some good snowfall years but for the most part, the precipitation amounts have drastically been cut.  As, as stated above, humans like to deny the fact that issues are present and ignore the warnings and continue doing silly things that cost in the future.  All the while, increasing the risk of some pretty bad situations occurring down the road.  One of the largest reservoirs in this nation is located next to Las Vegas and has served as an enormous sporting and entertainment area ever since it was deemed useable.  We all know that Vegas has produced some of the more feared and wreckless gangs and mobs that are known to the modern world.  No one would have believed that the water levels of this reservoir would reach low enough to expose such dastardly deeds of some people, but that is exactly what has begun to occur and it is raising many eyebrows and initiating numerous questions.

One of the discoveries was an old oil drum (barrel) that had a body inside of it.  It took a while for the police to unbury the drum for it had a large amount of sand around it but they managed to clear the drum and take it into custody.  When they opened it, they discovered a human skeleton that they estimate had been in there since the late 1970s or early 1980s.  Some details emerged and then the subsequent news updates would only state that an investigation is ongoing; no new information has been released since.  A couple of days later police sources said that another sighting of human remains was discovered but no official word has been given about that situation at all.  Some old boats and a large yacht has been found as well and the police state that more things probably will be found in the coming summer season as the water levels continue their decline.

Whatever the case and cause might be, we tend to believe that after we have completed acts we will be able to cover them up with a story that everyone will believe, then they will stop asking questions and it all just goes away.  I can only guess what the people were thinking when they went out on the reservoir and dumped this man overboard, but I can only imagine that they had believed it was done and over and he would never be found.  Oh, it took a few decades and conditions that those folks could not control but the truth came out and now justice can be pursued.  I am reminded of a pretty serious set in the Old Testament concerning a devious plan of one who committed an ugly sin and tried to cover it up but got caught.  This story involves a famous Bible character and our passage is as follows:

2 Samuel 11:12-15

"And David said to Uriah, Tarry here to day also, and to morrow I will let thee depart. So Uriah abode in Jerusalem that day, and the morrow.  And when David had called him, he did eat and drink before him; and he made him drunk: and at even he went out to lie on his bed with the servants of his lord, but went not down to his home.  And it came to pass in the morning, that David wrote a letter to Joab, and sent it by the hand of Uriah.  And he wrote in the letter, saying, Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retire ye from him, that he might be smitten, and die."

What started out as an act of lust, produced a baby.  Many would not see much of a problem with this type of activity for it occurred all the time but this was the king of Israel, David the one who God personally chose to lead the nation.  The entire act of David was completed with him having the husband, who was doing what he was told to do in battle in the first place, killed so that the fornicated act could be covered up.  No sinful act stays quiet nor does it stay small, it will grow until some type of gross atrocity occurs, that is the nature of sin and how it becomes engrained in our lives.  It is never a good cause to justify a sin for when we do, and do not remove it or even do it in the first place, it shall affect not only you but many people around.  Even if that sin will not create or entertain a death of a person, it shall grow until your life is stagnating, quiet, and ineffective for the Kingdom of God.  Sin is sin and it does not matter if you think it is a small sin or a big one.

The complications that this story creates are vast and it shows just how progressive and continual sin can become if allowed to be dealt with incorrectly.  Yes, all of us do some pretty stupid things that warrant our lives to be in turmoil sometime down the line, but if things are allowed to continue they shall be a major problem later.  See, God is independent of human existence, He knows exactly what we do at all times, whether or not it stays within our hearts or it gets acted out but whatever the scene unfolds, He has to stay Holy and pure at all times and if we continue to allow sin to procreate within our hearts He must expose it one way or another.  David finds this out directly, for his plan is completely destroyed when Uriah does not cooperate with what David believes should occur.

When we lie, we have the belief that we can cover up this lie with other lies.  David is a prime example of this for when his idea does not work he begets another lie by including collusion to have another coverup but this time one that involves the husband a "natural one" if you wish to place it in those terms.  When this does not work, another lie must be born in order to ensure that the first lie and the second lie are withheld from the public.  But this time a killing must occur and we have grown from lust to murder.  See, a lie does not stay simple or small, it has its own life and it shall grow for while it is not of God it is of the father of this world, and when a father is involved life is present.

David at any time could have stopped this process and asked God for forgiveness and advice on what to do next, but he did not.  This situation would come to hurt David and Bathsheba in the very near future which included grief, sorrow, and death.  Yes, another death, one that hit home with David and grieved him greatly.  This example should warn us that even though we have a close relationship with God we are all still vulnerable to the temptations of the world and we need to be ready to defend ourselves properly at all times.  It is easy for us to dismiss this story as something that we have not done personally, such as in commit adultery or murdering someone, but it is not the real issue here, it is the fact that when we do things wrong we try to cover it up and pretend no one knows.  A crime of the heart which God still sees when no one else does, at that moment.

I was reading a message from one of my Prophetess friends the other day and she dealt with this exact same concept, not about murder or lust but a small thing that no one would miss if not returned.  This person has an outstanding relationship, a unique one with God one that is unquestionably knitted.  She was at the grocery store a while back and finished her shopping checked out and went to her car.  She unloaded her items into the car and noticed that a small item was present in one of her bags that she had not paid for.  She immediately thought that she had scored a freebie and would not do anything about it since it was only about £2 and nobody would notice it and certainly the grocery store would not miss it.  But as soon as this idea shot through her head, God spoke to her and said that no one physically would know but He would know.

These words from God struck her heart and she was immediately convicted of not only the act of trying to keep the freebie but having the thought about doing it too.  She immediately went back in and paid for the item that seemed so insignificant just a few minutes earlier.  She could have ignored God and kept it without paying for it, but what other lie would be initiated if she had not listened to God at that moment?  How many times have we ignored what God was telling us to do or not to do, thus birthing deeper and more significant lies in our paths?  All of us have done this in some form or another and we should all be repentant of such behavior.  No, we may not even be able to correct these lies since they occurred years or even decades before but we can right our wrongs in the eyes of God.

Church, we are guilty of this type of lying each and every day.  For when we teach that the ways of the world are not really that bad and that we can accept the world as our friend and still live a Christian life, we are lying.  If you are honest, with this simple concept in place and the law of sowing and reaping intact, how many more lies which are more harmful have we allowed to grow in not only our lives but in others who we have taught as such.  I can guarantee that there are numerous or even countless lives affected by these lies of ours.  Church, we stink!  And it is time we come clean to God for these lies that we have taught over the years.  We need to be grounded in His Word and not the word of the world and in order for this to occur, we need to repent.

I cannot say whether we can personally find the individuals that we have hurt or harmed over the years but if there is a way to do such a move we need to do it.  It does not matter how insignificant you think your lie was it must be dealt with God first and then the individual or individuals if possible.  This is not an option for if we do not correct the wrong there shall be no way that we can be restored by God, restoration cannot come when deliberate sin is present and alive.  See, what many of us do not know is that when sin is present within our lives our relationship with God is diminished and that relationship value cannot grow but only shrink.  When our relationship with God shrinks it shall eventually become nonexistent and therefore a breeding ground for lie after lie on every level imaginable.  

Whether or not you want to believe this or not but that level described in the last sentence of the previous paragraph is exactly where we are today, Church.  It has come time for God to withdraw His blessings over our lives and nation because of such arrogant and defiling lifestyles and beliefs.  We have become so selfish that we cannot see beyond our physical noses much less our spiritual ones.  God still loves us and He is still in the restoration business, I just hope we figure this potential out before our world around us completely crumbles and we have to write songs, poems, choruses, letters, and books by the River Euphrates.  Hidden sins are not hidden at all, do not fool yourselves God sees them and has been calling for us to correct these divisive measures.  Let us do this and make ourselves right before God, it is in our best eternal interest that we do; it all starts with you and me.


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