Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Forgiving Hobbs

Forgiving Hobbs


Ok, this message is going to be a little tough for me to write and to follow.  Whew, got that out of the way.  The subject of Hobbs, New Mexico is a sore spot within in me and continues to divide my feelings on forgiveness and at the same time defines my need to act on God’s forgiveness and to set things right with a city.  Even though only a short time was spent there, many things occurred in my life that need to be spoken about, many people set free of the bonds that my unforgiveness has kept them in, and restoration to a city that even God said to shake the dust from our feet when we left that town.

I have always loved to take trips and especially loved the trips where airplanes were going to be involved.  As a typical boy my fascination with airplanes always accumulated with the mechanics and dynamics of taking off and landing of said airplane.  Even to this day, I am still amazed to see a plane complete these two events and I continue to love airplanes.

In the year 1984 my parents and I took a quick trip to Hobbs, New Mexico.  Hobbs is a small town located in the eastern portion of New Mexico, close to the Texas border.  The city did not have an airport large enough to fly in jets so Midland Odessa airport would have to do for our arrival.  We were met by a couple at the airport which at their first appearance, should have set off an alarm clock in my head.  A two hour jaunt from the airport to Hobbs was next in line with a stop at a local steak house in between before reaching our destination.  This is where the good times began to roll.

Being a kid in school I was mainly directed to the small talk of the conversations, which was fine to me since I had no true idea of the details of trying out for a church that were unfolding.  Yes I knew the motions that were to be played out and the conditions that were to be completed but in my mind I never got past the idea of meeting new girls at the place where I might be living for a period of my life.  There are many details of the Hobbs subject that I could write about and God probably will have me write about most of them someday but in this message forgiveness and restoration, my forgiveness and a city’s restoration, are going to be the topics at hand. 

I have commonly and proudly haled my time in Hobbs as “To Hell and Back”.  My parents have not corrected me on this title for you see they too had their time in hell while in Hobbs.  Never was a time in my parents ministry where repentance was preached almost every Sunday, neither was there a time where the people of the church did not like the leadership of my parents.  Include the fact that the church secretary would actually leave the building when dad would begin to pray each day.  Scandal after scandal rocked the church on a weekly basis; more and more information would come to light about these issues and it seemed that the people really did not care about what was happening.

Nor did I realize the seriousness that involved my life.  I was targeted right from the beginning and it was made very clear to my parents that I was a literal target and that I should not be left alone at anytime of the day or night.  Now, how does a boy who is a Sophomore in high school not have a life with his peers?  What is wrong with telling my parents that I am going to go down with my friends on a Friday evening and just hang out, I did not understand why they would tense up and get almost upset when I asked to do this simple activity.

One event that that occurred in my life while I was there still serves as a reminder of this time.  It was soccer season when I arrived in Hobbs, and just coming from a place where I had played soccer I saw this opportunity to shine.  I was considered a very good soccer player and had even led my school team to a district championship and a tournament final appearance.  I was confident of my position on the field and it was time for me to impress the girls…so I thought.

I totally ignored the spiritual battles that were constantly around me and continued my quest on the soccer field.  One afternoon during practice I was attempting a pass from the touchline to the center penalty area, a move that I had done many times before, and when I had turned to complete this pass I landed on my ankle in an awkward way, landed on the outside part of my foot with all of my weight coming down at the same time.  The results were shredded and torn ligaments in my left foot, my soccer days at Hobbs, High School were over.  To this day that ankle hurts when I try to overdo things or try to be young again.

Did God allow this to occur for a reason?  I truly believe so since it was a very short time afterwards that my parents realized that a gang had actually taken a contract out for my life.  Yes, there was a reward out for my head, someone actually wanted me dead.  That is when all of the “fun” in my life began.

I now could not go anywhere in the city without mom and / or dad following me.  There was only one time that I actually saw them following me, and they even got my brother involved.  Mom had asked me to go get some milk from the grocery store.  My brother and sister-in-law had come into town for a few days and were staying with us.  I drove to the store and being a typical boy, drove as slow as I could and tried to see who was around town.  After a short while, I made it to the store.  Pulled up to a parking spot and got out of the truck.  Began walking to the store and a car passed, it was dad and Bud.  I was not a very happy camper when I noticed them but they were there for a purpose.  As I made my way into the store I watched them circle the parking lot and then drive away.  When I got home, I was angry that I had to be followed and I quickly let them know about it.

At the time I believed that all of this activity around me was solely to keep me from having a normal life, and looking back on a spiritual level it was.  My parents knew exactly what they were doing when they went to my church softball games and “support” the church teams as they played; they were actually incognito watching a spiritual battle unfold.

I have never forgiven a city or place before but on the same hand I have never held a city or place so accountable for its actions while I was located in that place.  I know that many things can happen in a city that have no direct bearing on one person’s personal life but those events that do matter to that single person can be of great importance when the time arises.  Now I understand that a Kingdom battle was really being fought while we were in that city, not just on my behalf but my parents lives as well.  Satan was out to protect what was his and he was not about to give it up easily.  I also understand now, with my finite mind I might add, the importance of our lives while we were in that city and that God even placed an angel there to watch over the situation.  One of these days I would like to meet Kevin again and to thank him for obeying God.  To this day, every time I see a sign repairman, I wonder if it is Kevin or another angel protecting someone.

So to Hobbs, New Mexico I say to you with a humble heart, please forgive me for the anger that I have held in my heart against you.  I know that my time in your city was not a very pleasant experience for me and my family, but your experience changed my life while I was living within your confines and even though you did not accept me I still must ask for your forgiveness.  I trust that you will forgive me so that you too may heal the wounds that I have inflicted upon you as well. 

There was a reason that God told us to shake the dust from our feet when we left your walls and I shall never forget that reason, but I cannot continue to hide that experience of anger within my walls and to bind you with my unforgiveness.  It is not my place to hinder your existence in any way, shape or form.  So Hobbs, I release you and your spirit to God and I trust that you will continue your journey seeking peace and the love of God that you deserve.  I do not know if I will see your walls again, but I now know that in my heart I have forgiven you.  I hope that you understand your place in this world and the love the God has for your inhabitants.  Restore yourself in the name of God and I know that you will be blessed in all of the things that you will endure in the future.

P. S.  And Hobbs, please know that if your local Junior College baseball team ever reaches the JUCO Finals again, I will even root for them J

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