Friday, January 27, 2012

Calculating God's Timing

Calculating God’s time


The human brain’s capacity is remarkable when you look at everything that it can perform.  In an alive human the brain is actually very soft and one can poke a finger right through the entire brain if it was exposed.  The brain controls the entire nervous system, tells the muscles what to do and even protects us when our physical bodies are in danger.  Yet this permanent record holder only functions at best about 12% and there are some things that the brain cannot comprehend and it is even limited in other processes.  So, what makes our limited functions believe that it can reason out another time frame that has no boundaries.

The functioning brain is fascinating in that with all of the complex activity that occurs in milliseconds in which the responses that the brain produces need to be at my fingertips as I am typing this paragraph.  Each neuronal function completes its job in an almost immeasurable amount of time yet it allows our bodies to operate in what seems like a constant fluid motion.  The scientists of today still admit that we hardly know anything about the brain and everything that it can do or possibly perform.  It will be interesting to see how much more knowledge we gain about our brains over the next few decades.

We all have watched science fiction movies or TV programs that deal with the “mad scientist” in which he or she has a brain in a jar sitting on the laboratory counter.  The “brains” that we see in the movies basically look like the ones that housed in our cranial cavities.  But this picture that is painted is misleading in the fact that while we are alive the brain material is almost a liquid.  The brain is moist and very, very soft in nature; so soft that an untrained individual could actually sink their finger into the inner portions of the brain with just the slightest of motions.  Then you look at this watery convoluted mass and you realize that it is fully functioning while you stare at another brain of like kind.

I remember seeing my first open brain during an autopsy.  The person had deceased a few days before and so the physical conditions of the brain were a bit distorted.  When the pathologist took the brain out he handed it to me and I stood there with this thing in my hands and I then turned to put it on the scale.  I cannot remember the exact weight of the organ but as he looked at the weight he mentioned that if this person was alive it would actually weigh a lot less.  It was then I began to think about how the brain works and how many different paths information could take to complete a command that some part of my body wished.  Such a delicate organ yet is functioned in a way that controlled everything that my larger and more complex body needed.

A person that is knowledgeable in the sciences could fairly accurately state that the human brain is an advanced organ and will produce actions that suggest the same.  The same scientific person would also have to say that our brains are limited in the fact that even though it can calculate certain formulas, the ability to truly understand the results is limited.  We can calculate through formulas of a distance of 1,000 light years away but our minds cannot fully understand that time and distance.  We know how many calories one strawberry has but we cannot understand what a calorie is how big it is or what it even looks like.  These are the limitations that our minds express, which there is nothing wrong with these constraints, it is just a fact of life that we have no option but to accept.  This barring phenomenon is called finite within the scientific and mathematical fields; and since we still do not fully understand the brain’s complete function in theory that means that we do not understand completely a limited organ.

Now let us take God’s mind and run a comparison with His mind and our brain.  First of all we must acknowledge that He created our brains and every bit of wiring that it needs to function.  Next we have to accept that he placed the firing mechanisms in place so that all of the functions of the brain can operate accordingly.  Thirdly we have to understand that after a while our brain capacity begins to diminish in some way.  There are many more examples that I can use here but I am going to end and begin with God’s brain.

God’s brain is eternal and infinite and has always been in existence.  His brain knows and processes every movement that ever has been thought about and completed by every living thing, and yes dad, even cats. J  God’s mind created everything that we know of on this earth and placed it its environments.  God’s mind created the laws of thermodynamics, the laws of gravity, and many other forces of nature that keep us and our planet stable.  On this subject I could go on with many other examples as well but I am going to end with these.

Can anyone say for sure what God’s brain actually looks like?  We were created in His image, so one could say that we do.  But to what limitation are we placing on God when we try to figure out His timing and His thoughts.  To be honest I really have to ask for forgiveness from God while I am writing this message, why?  Because I have actually placed a limitation on God’s mind because my finite mind is making an assumption about something that is infinite.  So what makes humans believe that they can know when God is going to complete a task?  How do we know how God will respond to our questions and needs the minute before He fulfills them?  Actually, most of us, including myself, have received many answers from God about certain situations that we totally missed because we were looking and expecting a totally different answer.

There is a story that I heard a while back and it goes something like this:  A man had a dream one night and he was taken directly to God’s throne.  God began the conversation by asking the man a few questions and the man politely responded.  The man, while answering the questions, looked around the area and then realized he was in heaven and then asked God if he was dead.  God said no that he was only dreaming but what he saw and heard was real.  The man asked if it was true that one second in God’s mind was the same as 1000 years in a man’s mind; God answered yes that is true.  After a few more interactions God then said that the man’s time in heaven was over and that he needed to continue with his sleep.  As the man was “returning” to earth he stopped and turned around to ask God for a favor.  He asked God, if He could give him a 1 million dollar gift and God immediately spoke to the man in His own gentle way and said, sure…in a minute.

The story is a good example of a finite mind versus an infinite mind and the way both think.  God’s mind operates in ways that we as humans cannot explain, or can we honestly understand and it really does not say how His mind operates on a functioning level.  There is nothing wrong with us trying to figure out God and the plan He has for the world, in fact it is part of our nature to be inquisitive about the things we do not know.  There I go again, placing God in a box with my mind.

It is well known that there have been many religious people and church organizations that have tried to guess when Jesus is going to return to earth.  The Bible clearly states that only God knows when the end will come and when Jesus returns to earth; how vain it is for a human to lift himself above this statement and believe that God would tell anyone else before He tells His son to go get His bride.  We have been given a very minute peek at what is going to happen in he world and it is really exciting to watch unfold as humans try to do their best to correct problems and situations on their own, only to have them inch closer to the small peek.

Let us imagine for a second that God did show us a detail on an infinite level.  How would our minds possibly process that type of information?  Yes, God shows us things that we have to sometimes think about or write down or repeat over and over in our heads, but all of these concepts are given to us on our level.  Each tidbit of information is specifically made finite so that we can comprehend its meaning.  In no way am I demeaning our existence as humans, we are the elite creation of God and His pride and joy; but because of our nature and the pattern of sin that we have inherited we are limited to what we can accomplish and comprehend.

It is God’s desire to show us the plan that He has for our lives.  It is also His desire to communicate with us on a daily basis.  It is our lives that He truly loves enough that He sent His son to die for us so that we may have a direct link to Him.  The only way that this link is possible is for us to recognize that God is our creator, leader and savior.  We need to restore our relationship with Him and let Him guide us and show us the things that He wants us to understand.  Not all of us will be shown the same information that is a part of our individuality that God has placed into our lives.  So when others say to us that God has shown them this be excited and realize that God has placed another piece of grand puzzle together through our communication lines. 

Also know that He will not show us specific things that deal with His Kingdom and the future actions of His Kingdom.  Even the prophets in the Bible who told of things going to come had the authority to say such things because of the acts of the people at that moment or actions that they have accepted into their lives.  Yes minor details have been given to us of our future but you can rest assured that more details will be known when that time occurs.  I cannot tell a person what to do but in my opinion, I say let us all stop trying to focus on what the future holds, keep it in mind however, and try and do what Jesus commanded us to do which is to go unto all the world preaching His Kingdom to those who do not know.


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