Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rosie Tough

Rosie Tough


The first settlers came to this country in the early 1600s the people that ventured to these shores knew that things were not going to be easy.  Even though scouting reports had promised great potential the reports also determined that many obstacles would present themselves during each seasonal cycle.  These people had to be mentally, physically and spiritually sound in order to have any success in this venture.  As time went along we all know the story of the first settlers to this country and the demise that was bestowed upon them.  This could have been the end of our country, even before it truly began but hard work, determination and boldness prevailed.  Our country once again faces an enemy but this time our enemy is from within and the free country that we live in today must brace itself once again for this turmoil, but for us to see victory we must truly change.  Our land has never tolerated stagnant people, it demands hard work to control its harsh responses and we humans must adjust accordingly.

The Jamestown settlement and many other settlements in the beginning of our history have provided a thorough review of how ideas that seemed impossible could be accomplished when man puts his mind and heart into it.  Even though this example proved to be a disaster it formed the basis of a land that still survives today.  This does not mean that these people did not give it their best when times became tough and pure thinking was required.  The settlers did everything in their power to obtain the necessary supplies for their survival which sustained them for as long as possible, but eventually time, health issues, food needs and other severe living conditions prevailed over their consorted efforts.  The colonists found themselves dying at a rapid pace and realized that it was time to return to England; with their heads hung low and many relatives being left behind lying in the ground they went back home to try to start their lives over once again.

The depression was another example of a time when this country was in dire need of daily miracles in order to survive.  Almost every person in this land was affected by this economic fiasco; this included both the people that lived in the cities and the people in rural areas.  People of every cultural heritage pulled together and helped each other out as much as they could; providing means whenever and however they could in order to help out the fellow countryman and his respective family.  Yes, there were some people who did not make it through this time but the vast majority did and after the living conditions began to improve, the entire country emerged as a better place.  But it was during this period that people learned to depend on one another once again to pull themselves through tough times.  The people that are still living today that experienced this disastrous period will tell you that even though they do not wish to relive those days again, it did bring everyone closer together not only in the family setting but also as a cohesive country.

The last example I am going to use in this message concerns the American Civil War.  There is no more horrible excuse for mankind to deliberately destroy itself and to destroy one’s own countryman defiles the word humanity all together.  War itself and the actions of the participants in war defy all human logic towards civility still do not compare to wars that involve one’s own family fighting against each other in the same battles.  When brothers are forced to aim a weapon against his brother or if a son draws a sword against his father, this is the true definition of brutality and crimes against humanity.  Still, this country fought a long war in this manner and eventually settled its differences enough to end the bloodshed. 

These are only a few examples that I have chosen to use but there are thousands more like them.  I have only dealt with a few aspects of each of the above examples but I believe I have made the direction of this message clear.  It takes hard work to develop this land it takes even harder work to establish it as a nation.  This process has been exemplified for almost two hundred and forty years and until this day this nation has stood strong and tall and had one goal in its heart.  Hard work had to be attained to end these wars, areas of desolation and economic woes.  Hard work has been the backbone of this nation ever since its beginnings and hard work needs to return to this nation before its foundations crumble.

Throughout history individuals have proven themselves of having brilliant ideas in solving the problems of the community, state, province, etc and when these ideas are presented to the higher ups they are greeted with exhilarating results because the entire team has contributed to the ideas.  This is the prime example of everyone working together in order to provide for the better of the public.  These people that got the job done per say all functioned in one common goal and ignored their personal interests and did what was right for the area at the time.  They did not place personal greed into the project nor did they place personal gain as the sole motivation for the completion of the project.  They were united in their ideas and their only goal was to make things work.

These examples of courage, humility, determination and just plain hard work kept this country intact and have made our land more productive than any other country in the world.  Many of our history classes from elementary rooms all the way through to the college courses do not place enough emphasis on these times and how we Americans stood tall and strong during these times.  One common cornerstone that this country has relied upon over the centuries is God.  We may not have always expressed God to others in our thoughts but our actions have spoken His word throughout the world on a continual basis.  This common cornerstone has been the one rock that has forged this nation into the nation that she is today, but sadly, this nation has begun to turn from this cornerstone and began another mission towards individuality.

In watching the news each day one can gather that this country is not the only one that is having trouble on a national scale.  Many countries are facing similar situations and it does not seem like much effort is being placed into the recovery mode.  Instead, governmental agencies are butting heads over who is right and who made bad decisions which are further dividing each land.  This is not progress by any means and it sure does not help the togetherness policies that everyone is wishing for.  Within these divisions has risen the anti God views and how we are better off without God directing our lives.

Many of the people who do not believe in God mock God along with those who do believe in Him.  They tear down His name at every turn and thumb their noses at Him, all in the name of freedom.  Even the people that do go to church cannot agree on the fundamental principles that God provides for us in the Bible.  The theologians and all of their legalistic whims make a mockery of the Bible and all of the laws that God wrote.  This mockery has filtered down to the pulpit level and is displayed on a daily basis when these ministers accept the rule of law in the land and refuse to teach the laws of God.  We as a society continue to push God and His principles out of our lives all the while embracing a secular individuality that allows us to proceed with our own agendas.  This current policy will not give us any answers that will help with our situations in fact it will only cause more problems down the road, some of which will be presented to us in a very short time.

If we allow ourselves to be governed by God, He will see to it that all of our needs are provided for on a continual basis.  We do not have to be fanatics about this process but I believe that the lifestyles that we will portray to the world will be on a fanatical level that cannot be compared to in any other event in history.  We as humans do need strict rules for the careless options that we have chosen in our past, but these new guidelines will seem less strict on our personal lives if we just live within the standards that are given to us by God which in turn will drive away any concern about becoming financial life beggars to society whilst we bask in every luxury known to man.

As one politician has campaigned, it is time for a change.  And once again we have witnessed man’s changes on what he believes and not what God believes.  We also have witnessed the failure of man’s change and how it is actually harming society instead of providing answers.  The answers that man’s beliefs will provide will always fall short of what everyone is expecting and needing.  The only time man will receive the answers that he needs is when he turns to God, the one TRUE God, and shapes his mind and heart in God’s terms.

Let us hope that we once again find way quickly and turn our hearts back to God and restore His light within our lives so that we may know true light on the path this country is leading.  And in this likeness it is our responsibility to turn back towards the one person who can guide us through these times, that One person is none other than God.

What better way to learn this concept than through restoration.  Restoration means that someone, some group, some country, or continent has fallen short in some manner but has made the hard decision to return to their roots and begin again.  This is not due to failure or to a defeat but a realization that things have been done wrong and it is time for a real change of heart, a change so dramatic that it completely rearranges your thinking process.  A change that recharges your heart with the Godly energy that perfects personal decision making, all areas of growth patterns, and life development plans, all with the aspects of a covenant relationship with God.

I chose the title of this message as Rosie Tough and you probably have guessed it by now of whom I am referring to.  Yes it is Rosie the Riveter and the symbol that she stood for during World War II.  Rosie was a symbol to everyone in this country that together we could complete anything for the American cause and that united we could defeat any enemy.  There is no way that this country can survive disaster after disaster if God is not our eternal symbol of freedom.  We may believe that our freedom of speech, choice, understanding, kindness, rudeness, insubordination, etc, etc is a right and that our rights are the most important manner of life, but if this is the case then we have forgotten who gave us those rights and who gave us the desire to be free.  Who better to guide us in this process than the person who made it and understands it more than we can ever imagine. 


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