Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day

Independence Day


It is mid-summer and it is time once again to celebrate America’s birthday.  Another year of birth has been successfully completed and millions of people are anticipating another great year living within the greatest country in the world.  Most of us can relate to America comparing our individual story to one that is similar to hers.  Many trials and tribulations have presented themselves in both paths and it is evident who guided us through those times in need.  Let us celebrate our freedom and the way we live by honoring America’s birthday and foundational rock for which it stands.

I consider the 4th of July one of the most significant times of the year and if asked, the majority of Americans would agree concerning this holiday.  It is a regional holiday and not one that would be celebrated in every country around the world.  However, almost every country in the world benefits from our freedom, commerce and lifestyle that provide.  These provisions that we so proudly display to the world were bought and paid for through a long series of events that are still playing out today.  The price of freedom has always been costly and with continual attacks this price for freedom will never be higher.

Over the centuries there have been millions of American men and women who have stood up for their beliefs and have fought and died for those beliefs.  It is no secret that the price of freedom may ask the human for the ultimate sacrifice and throughout our storied history we Americans have always answered that call.  It does not matter if it is on our own shores or located on distant fields, the American soldier whether military or civilian has stood at the ready to defend freedom and those who desire its benefits.

There has been a growing concern in this country and amongst other free western societies that God should not have any part in the freedom stances that are portrayed in the public eye.  There are hundreds or even thousands of excuses that label God as a being that does not care about freedom nor does He wish to have men free to live peaceful lives.  The extreme beliefs even include of those who do not believe in Him at all, yet He accepts each and every one of us to have our own opinions concerning this matter. 

In my opinion, I believe that God does believe that every person should be free, so much that I believe that He is the author of freedom and that He understands completely the value of freedom and the price that sometimes must be paid in order to strengthen the liberties that man tries to take away from others.  God sent His son to earth so that we may be free, God also made it possible for us to restore our liberties through His guidance, not only so that we can be free but also have the opportunity to know complete freedom both spiritually and physically.  It is not God who wishes to limit or to take away a person’s freedoms it is His enemy that is in the business of completing this task.  And whether you realize it or believe it God’s enemy is your enemy as well.

Restoration is so important process that God entrusts His entire belief system into the capable hands of the human being.  We are His prized possessions and it would not make any sense to place His beliefs in anything or anyone else.  God has provided the complete package to every person that has been alive on this earth and it is our responsibility to live within these confines that He has provided.

We currently find ourselves in a warning period in which it seems like freedom is being attacked on all sides.  There is a reason that our constitution mentions our enemies both foreign and domestic and it is because the people who wrote it knew that freedom would be attacked in every manner.  Our warning consists of those who wish to take away certain liberties in the name of freedom which is high treason in itself.  But with our glorious constitution even these groups have the freedom to speak their minds and desires.  Let us heed these warnings and address them now while they are young and not wait until they are at boiling point and grave consequences be witnessed.  Embrace our constitution and the responsibility it demands that we keep.

So as we are grilling, boating, camping, playing or working it is our human responsibility to remember the ones who have sacrificed their lives and worked so hard to provide the liberties that we have today.  Not to abuse those liberties but to embrace them and share them with everyone we come in contact with.  Be of good cheer and remember that the complete freedom package has already been provided and that we should hold all sides of freedom close to our hearts at all times.  Freedom is not a right but it has been obtained by others so that we may have a better life.  This better life includes the physical and spiritual sides and if one of these is taken away for any reason then the person is no longer truly free.

Happy Birthday America!!!!  I love everything about your beliefs and I am proud to defend you against everything and everyone who comes against you.  I also stand for God and the principals that He has given us which align themselves with the physical aspects of freedom on all levels.  Let freedom ring and let God be lifted high above all nations.  I thank each and every person that has done their part to ensure that freedom lives.


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