Sunday, July 8, 2012

A New Day

A New Day


To each of us who are alive a new day has arrived in which we have woke up from our sleep, got out of our sleeping arrangements and began our routine human patterns to complete another day.  Many of us will face many trials and uncertainty while we are attempting to complete this feat while others will walk through the day without any hang-ups to speak of.  But in order for all of us to get through these days we need to be recharged through a process called rest and what many of us do not realize is that this process needs to be completed both in the physical manner and in the spiritual manner.  And when this process is not completed, on either level the results are disastrous for the human.

The human “day” can come in many forms, shapes and sizes.  The world that we live in does not have set hours that defines a day.  Many business and groups work continually around the clock because of the global environment that each of these organizations revolve within.  Global business has redefined the human life and all that it has to offer.  Some will say that is a bad thing and others will say that these working and living conditions actually make the world a better place and the human stronger.  Whatever the opinion of humans, everyone who works in this environment has to be recharged at some point so that they can face another one of their typical “days”.

Everyone would also have to admit that the current regime of daily activities takes a toll on our physical bodies.  When we begin these tasks that we are asked to complete, they seem minimal and some even trivial and we complete them with relative ease.  But as time rolls along these tasks that are asked of us or the other responsibilities that we have on top of our tasks begin to take shape within our bodies and we find ourselves feeling exhausted at the end of the day.   This is a normal physical process and our bodies really expect to be challenged throughout the day so this is not a bad thing.  However, the re-cooperation process is just as important as the hours of work which some of us forget to complete.

Sleep, how many of us have some sort of sleep deprivation pattern that steals our rest from our bodies.  Most of us do not realize that sleep actually restores our physical bodies so that we can function properly during our “up” hours.  Our sleep patterns define our bodily functions and it always affects our thinking capacity of our minds.  We all know that sleep habits come in various manners and that some of us actually need more sleep than other people.  WE also realize that when these sleep patterns are routinely disturbed that we can become ill or invite other physical ailments to invade our bodies, yet we continue to ignore the call to sleep and to rest that our bodies demand.  Since humans live in a global society our sleep patterns come at all hours of the day and can vary in length on the same level.

Being tired is an enemy that each one of faces each day.  Being tired does mean that we have pushed our bodies to a point where it has reached its limit for that day.  Sadly, many of us continue to push ourselves after we reach this point and then over an extended period of time we end up harming ourselves instead of doing any good for our bodies.  It is at this time that we need to realize that we need a recovery process and how vital this condition is within our lives.  Sadly, once again, we humans ignore this functioning state and continue our trek like nothing ever happened and then one “day” our bodies say to us that they have had enough and cease to function.

How many ways do we allow ourselves to alter this pattern of rest?  The human has found hundreds of ways to effectively sleep without allowing ourselves to actually rest.  We fill our bodies with chemicals that we deem important enough to be accepted into society or to follow the current trend of others.  It is popular to do what others are doing and to be accepted into this ideology of marketing.  However, on an individual level it actually harms our bodies into the mimicked stages of resting and creates added stress within our bodies so that the recovery time, the true recovery time, is extended even further.  I am not saying that there are certain chemicals that we do not need, in my case genetics plays a certain part in what I have to take in order to keep a healthy bodily state.  But what I am saying is that the other excessive habits that we do subject our bodies to do have an unwanted effect and should not be attempted on a regular basis.

Resting in this altered or mimicked state is not rest at all but an ingested or invited lie to your body that actually forms a synthetic truth which your body does not recognize.  The body’s defenses then have to recover in an unnatural manner which proves not to be rest but and aggravated assault on your entire inner body.  These mimicked conditions will eventually catch up with your body’s true demands of rest which can prove to be a detrimental decision.  This altered rest can eventually allow you to make terrible life changing choices which can cloud the mind in crucial times of need.  This altered state also proves to be a reason that some say that time will be no more, in ways that one will be so clouded in their judgment that even the reality of time is falsified.

All of us should recognize that this same concept applies to our inner spiritual begins as well.  Our spirits are continually being bombarded with attacks that eventually take its toll as well.  Spiritual attacks follow the same patterns as our physical encounters of our “day”.  However, with the spiritual attacks these continual assaults do not stop they are in motion with relentless intensity that does not stop.  Remember on a spiritual basis, spirit knows no time so its range of attacks and methods of attacks can be brutal and limitless.

Many of us do not share in our spiritual attacks and keep them within our lives, hidden to others.  Not all of us may understand this process but it is important for all of us to pray for these people because whether you realize it or not your spirit is being attacked at this moment.  Let me pose a question for you in such that do we realize everything that goes on in our world or even everything in our immediate settings?  The obvious answer is of course, no.  So if other people are directing your world or having some part in it without your knowledge, then it is feasible to say the same thing about the spiritual aspects of your life.  We must put this concept in our forebrains that everything around us serves a purpose and that purpose can determine your physical and spiritual needs and effectiveness.  And just a side note here, it does not matter if you believe in a spiritual side of your life or not it is there, and it will be attacked by your enemy.  Another side note here too and that is your enemy does not care if you believe in him or not, he I there and is completing his job unabated if this is your stance.

Spiritual rest is just as important as physical rest and in reality more important since it has a longer and more permanent consequence if not properly rested.  Our enemy attacks our spirits on a constant basis but many time we do not realize this is occurring since we are busy living our physical daily lives.  This is one effective method that our enemy uses to gain access through our doors that we have not closed and it is a process that is already engrained within our lives before we know what has occurred.  I am not saying that we are not prepared but use this example when thinking about this concept.  I have been writing about my heart attack a decade ago and during that process even though I had no real symptoms the process was still building within me before any pain began to appear.  So, the process is ongoing and it is our responsibility to be spiritually fit to hear God’s warnings when He informs us.

It is true that your body cannot find true rest unless your spirit finds the same true rest.  Resting the spirit actually is a divine process of restoration in which the spirit continues its direct communication with God and at the same time receives its abundant supply of life that allows for the continuation of the ongoing fight that it is begin subjected.  If the communication lines are not in tact or they are damaged in any way this supply line is cut and the needed life that God gives is limited or cut off which means sure defeat while the battle rages on.  The world teaches us that our spiritual matters are not important and that only the physical aspects are true and accurate.  This concept has proven time and time again to be false and it leads to only one outcome, death.

Spiritual life and spiritual communication with God is the only way that we humans have a chance in this world.  The battle has been set long before you and I arrived on this planet and it will continue until God ends the fighting.  Resting our spirits actually resets our spiritual security system as physical rest resets our immune system and natural defenses, which explains another reason why God says for us to rest in Him.

The world also teaches us that we need to be constantly on the move and making decisions in a split second.  How can we effectively accomplish this if we do not get our rest?  It is impossible for us to make continual and rational decisions if we are constantly draining our energy sources and there will come a time that things will catch up with us.  We see this every day around our world with people who enter into the emergency rooms sick with some type of ailment.  When you hear what they have been doing and then ask them about their sleep patterns, it is very clear what they were setting up for themselves.  The same principals apply in the spirit realm and it conditions that we place it in. We can have a great communication system with God but if we do not listen to Him saying to rest, then our spirits become subject to deeper attacks.

All of us wake up each morning to a new day and face many challenges.  These challenges are a part of life and it is imperative that we do everything possible to prepare ourselves for this combat.  The physical realm and the spiritual realm fit into this category and neither area should be taken lightly.  Attacks will come at any given moment and by the grace of God and our obedience, we have the authority to overcome these attacks on all levels.  Yes, we will not fend off every attack, but with our Godly rested bodies and spirits our defense system will be in better shape to fight off what has been thrown at us.


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