Friday, July 12, 2013

Serving a Changing God

Serving a Changing God


Change is a common item that humans have to face every day.  None of really like to go through a changing process but it is a process that is necessary sometimes and one that can reshape our directional flow if allowed.  Being in a daily or common routine gives us a certain security about our surroundings and for the most part this is a good thing but as with any other situation this process can become so engrained within our minds that we lose our spiritual focus upon the one true constant that is provided.

No matter where we live at in the world all of us will experience the change of seasons.  Many of us have a favorite season or time of the year in which we absolutely love everything about that period of the year.  One aspect of the seasons is that the world is divided into two halves so when summer is present in one area the other part of the globe is in winter.  For all of us in the northern part of the world it is difficult for us to imagine a very hot Christmas, hot enough to be lying out on the beach and having to place suntan oil on our skin to keep from burning, yet this is what occurs every year in Australia.

I am one of the more unusual ones in that winter is the time of year that I love the most.  Not many people like the continual cold conditions but for some odd reason my body feels the best when the weather is chilly.  I often tell people that in my opinion the perfect day weather wise is about 35 degrees, cloudy with a slight breeze and drizzle.  Weird, eh J  Anyway, each of us have their own time of the year that we consider the best but even then we as humans cannot always predict what the atmospheric conditions will be.  I live in Colorado and if one knows this bit about my whereabouts then one would assume that my winters are cold and snowy.  Well, for the most part this is true but I have witnessed a dry Christmas with temperatures hovering around 60 degrees as well.

Mother Nature throws in a curve ball every once-in-a-while just to remind us that we should not always follow the patterns that we have set before us.  This year is a prime example of this sine our spring was late and we ended up having a very late freeze which destroyed the majority of the fruit crops in our valley.  While we will still enjoy some of the fruit in the valley, and that the fruit that will be available will be bigger, the abundance of fruit will be greatly diminished.  These unexpected turns in weather do have a disruptive effect on our lives and even though we may at the time reap the benefits of the unusual weather pattern.  We have to adjust our activities and our expectations when these turns occur, which can cause humans to react in a number of ways.

Most of us within the west understand that there is a tremendous shortage of water due to the drought that we are currently going through.  The fire season have already proven to be deadly and with some relief noticed, the weather conditions still favor for a very long, dangerous and potentially devastating time.  However, even though our land is thirsting for water, the farmers in southern Texas have enjoyed a bumper crop of cotton while this current drying of the moisture has occurred.  So, everyone may not always agree with the surrounding conditions in every instance.

It is these surprises that keep us on our toes when it comes to change and all of its possibilities.  The potential for human adjustment and adaptation is great for some yet others tend to be more cautious about the changes and may take their time in accepting the ideas and conditions that have been placed before them.  There is nothing wrong with people taking their time to weigh these different conditions but as humans we have a tendency to push people by using these changes in persuading them to accept the concepts that have been put into place.

Laws function in this same changing fashion.  New laws that are written and passed by Congress are set in stone and have an effective date in which the content of these laws become enforceable.  I remember when I was just learning to drive and Texas passed a law stating that everyone must wear a seatbelt when operating a car.  The law also stated that everyone inside the vehicle must be in a seatbelt as well.  Many of us new drivers went nuts over this condition and many dreamt up ways in which to fight the law.  The older drivers were just as angry because they had been driving for decades without wearing a seatbelt.  After a short period of time the conditions of the new law were accepted and for the most part the whining and complaining ceased, but there are still holdouts where this law is concerned even though the seatbelt law is enforceable in all 50 states now.

As we have watched over the past few months, a series of laws are being handed down that not everyone agrees with.  In fact, many people do not believe that these laws are not constitutional and should not have even been considered in the first place.  Why do these laws get passed and then implemented if the majority of the people do not agree with them?  It is all part of the human ideology of change and how things need to be “stirred” up every now and again.  All of us would agree that there are some laws that need to be changed, yet the people who have the ability to change these laws do nothing about them.  No matter which side you are on or how you wish to see these laws come into the public eye, all of these actions would require an action of change from the people if put into place.

This variance and status change is easy to adapt to most of the time, sine it is within our scope of human understanding to complete this task.  How difficult is it when a major change in our lives comes along that force us to comply with a standard that we do not agree with?  Anger is a word that pops into my head when addressing this type of situation.  Humans sometimes take extreme measures and resort to violence when the change is fully maintained.  All of these mentioned responses and thousands more like them all represent a characteristic within us that will fight our obligations that others impose upon us, while others will revel in the newly established guidelines for our lives.  So the question now begs of why do the laws need to be changed or the conditions of living need to be changed in the first place?  And is there a standard that can be put into place that permanently serves as a foundation to which a person can fall back upon when times differ from the established policies?  A standard in which does not include bias of any race, sex or living condition and one that cannot be broken only ignored.

Well, contrary to popular belief and what the majority of people will tell you, there is such a foundation and it has been established in order to provide our lives as the answer for every possible situation and condition that we may face.  This foundation actually knows no change; on every level that we can comprehend.  Yet as humans we seem to find a thrill in doing our best to reject and ignore this foundation and in turn place our faith and hopes on mankind alone.  This ideology of human first seems ridiculous in my opinion but it is widely accepted and considered to be the norm now-a-days.

Having a foundation that never has the opportunity to change may seem a bit egotistical, boring or might even display lack of progression if one does not look at what the foundation actually represents.  This foundation has been established for as long as our finite minds can comprehend and then that is a conditional time since we cannot further grasp beyond a certain point.  More good news is that this foundation can never be shaken or broken which means that the reference material for our finite minds has a database background that is never ending with truth.  Further good news is that the reference material that is available is adaptable to humans since when it was written it was done so according to human activities and how to truly prevent things from occurring or to find out what will happen to humanity when things are done correctly.

The best news of all is this; the primary source of this reference material is still alive and well today.  He is available for all occasions and has no bias towards any person.  He has supplied every answer to every problem or concern that we may encounter and it is accessible 24/7.  There is only one condition that the author requires from us and that is we accept His ways in order to understand what He is saying to us.  For if we do not accept His ways into our life we shall never understand the reference material and it will become a useless source of information that we place on the shelves of our lives and allow it to collect dust.

The author of this valuable resource is God and He has a plan for each one of us no matter what our present or current circumstances are in life.  He is no respecter of persons and His foundation has no flaws in its molding.  There are no hidden fees or special conditions that need to be met before one can use this resource for personal reference, only the one condition of accepting Him.

In some ways changes are of a good nature and serve humanity well.  However, when it comes to their personal lives and everyday eternal well being changes are not good and it only produces devastation when they occur.  In these matters of great importance why do we continually seek the ways of those whose ideas and philosophies deal in the flawed and limited?  Is it that difficult for us to follow something that is of a solid and unblemished nature or have our prides overtaken our senses enough that we intentionally ignore the option that is not considered to be within the top of the so called bell curve?

The plan is laid out for us in black, white and red.  The foundation has not been changed, for it has always been there and we humans have chosen not to allow the author to explain its full meaning into our lives.  The reference represents an accurate account of humanity and everything that it includes, so why wouldn’t use this resource in our lives?  Yet, we love to throw it around and literally throw its principles, guidelines and consequences out of our societal thinking.  It amazes me of how much faith we place in humans while ignoring the one true God that has provided the way that would bring us and instill in us the true meaning of life itself.  I am sorry, but this way of thinking, relying on humans, is based upon a flawed and limited spectrum of ideas that only produce a flawed response and answer.

We shall never get out of our humanitarian slump until we recognize that humanly based ideas are wrong and again return back to the one resource that can guide us in every way imaginable.  We shall never completely understand God’s ways but He has provided us a means in order for us to try and do our best to adhere to His ways as much as possible.  There is nothing wrong with living a Godly lifestyle, but as the world sees things, this type of lifestyle would take away from the daily muck and mire that actually spins the world.  God does not spin; He is constant and cannot change.  So, if you are serving a lifestyle that constantly changes, comes and goes, spins, or changes directions you are serving a changing god and not the one true God.


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