Monday, July 1, 2013

The Clock Begins

The Clock Begins


Do we humans actually realize the importance concerning the choices that we make, or do we take this liberty for granted?  I believe that if one takes a serious look at the choices that we make and then compile an honest response, they would see in which direction that we are heading.  Choices are binding and it is evident throughout history that even though humans take making choices lightly, some of these choices can have grave consequences for our lives.  We need to make sure that our choices line up with what we actually believe in; oh wait, I can see that we are already doing this.

As a child I remember watching cartoons on Saturday morning.  There were a couple of educational cartoons that would run on a weekly basis that would explain some grammar, friendship, and even government.  One in particular was about how ideas became laws and the general process in which these ideas proceeded through Congress to become laws.  At the time when I was watching these educational cartoons I had no idea of the magnitude that they would play in my life many years down the road, and I would have never dreamed that they would find their way into an article that I would be writing either.

This cartoon would start out with an idea that some people had formulated in their minds and then went up and down to their colleagues and friends to see if they might be willing to support the idea or even add to the idea.  Eventually with enough support the idea then went into committee and was fine tuned to where it could be presented to the committee for review.  After a designated amount of time through talking and debate the vote in the committee then decided where the idea would die or become a bill to which would then proceed to Congress.

Congress will then decide whether or not the bill should become law.  They may change some things to the bill or even add to the bill in order to provoke others to pass the bill.  Whatever the case Congress has the obligation to do what they believe is correct, which means that whatever they decide to do with the bill means that the people of the nation also agree or disagree with the law and its passage or defeat.  Congress is a choice of the people so their decisions are a choice as well and we need to keep this in mind at all times.

The bill passes and it now becomes law ready for the final approvals and signatures.  Once the appropriate signatures are in place the law becomes effective and is the rule of the land.  It does not matter what bill becomes law or what the bill supports, defends or destroys, it is a law and must be administered by the corresponding authorities.  It is evident that not everyone will like the law or even approve of it, but the law signifies the so called majority and represents the choices of the people.  More importantly it shows the direction in which the majority of the people desire and it also reflects the people’s desires of their hearts as well.

It is a normal human process in which to follow one’s dreams and desires and no one can argue with this.  It is also well known that these dreams and desires can be one of the most fulfilling steps that one can take or on the other hand it can result in the most devastating ruin in a person’s life.  However, it is the choice that we make that counts and it is the ability to make that choice that is one of the greatest gifts that we have. 

These choices have an origin and should always be taken seriously and thought through carefully before the decision is been made to proceed with them.  Personal choices and group choices, even though they are on different social levels, are the same and the results of each will have the same effects on everyone involved.  The concept of choosing does give birth to an idea and it is through these ideas that instill our culture and definition.  It seems like popular culture is dictating the majority of what this country desires and to which direction that they wish to flow.

In each human capacity, they believe that the decisions that they make are best for their immediate circumstances, and on the physical level or the human level probably is the case.  But are those choices actually of the best in nature or are they a result of a current problem that has been posed into our lives?  And who did we listen to or seek counsel from when making these choices, if anyone.  And were these choices actually made from deep within our spirits.

I use the example of the current Congress in this article to provide an example to which we need to heed.  It is known that Congress passes huge bills into law.  Many of these bills are thousands of pages long and in some cases tens of thousands of pages in length.  It is also known that the Congress does not actually read the entire bill before they vote on it.  Is this a good practice to follow?  Aren’t we taught that when we are signing documents to read even the fine print before placing our signature on the document and to ask every question that we can think of as well?  God even allows us to ask Him questions about things that He has ordained.

This example of Congressional behavior is not limited to the present Congress, but it has been an ongoing process for a very long time in this country.  If one deems a bill to be important enough to pass into law don’t you believe that they should fully comprehend the law before they act upon it?  The only way that this can happen is to make sure that everyone involved with the process understands what is in the bill and agrees to it.  This would be an example of a deep search of the bill before making the decision to proceed instead of whimsically advancing it without completely understanding its contents, desired effects, results and consequences.

Our choices should be handled in the same deep searching manner in which all parties involved should be included.  It does not matter on what scale the choices are, the ultimate correct decision needs to be made since at some point in our life it could have ramifications upon our children or even grandchildren.  I understand that some of our choices have to be made in quick fashion but those are usually as a result of some other process that has had the opportunity to develop as well.  This is why it is so important for us to keep in mind and in the forefront of our hearts the values of life and what it takes to protect the sanctity of our life and not just the physical.

It has been said that once a law is passed that it is near impossible to reverse and this is a correct statement.  After the time and effort spent in order to create and run the gamut of channels, it would seem almost irresponsible not to pass such a bill; never mind if the bill is a good one or not.  The same goes for the choices that we make in our lives as well.  The time and effort that we place into these choices should reflect on these decisions as well.  And when we have the opportunity to look back at some of these choices we made in our past, how will hindsight treat us?

The choices that we make in our lives become the inner laws that we wish to follow.  They become what we want our lives to be and how we wish to live them individually.  If they are family laws or even governmental laws that have no direct effect upon us, they still become the law of our land.  Stop and take a look at the past choices that you have made and see what the results are today.  Then after searching their results find out if they were the right thing to do, on the spiritual level as well as the physical.  If there are any discrepancies between the two levels, then one must conclude that the choice was in error.

To be honest, the majority of us looks at the results of our choices and fixes our eyes upon the physical rather than the spiritual.  This is the dangerous game that we play not only with our past but our present and future as well.  All of us have made choices that have proven to be bombs within our lives and the resulting explosions do great amounts of damage to our lives.  But would these choices that we have made in our past, either good ones or bad ones, be different if we had thoroughly searched that choice and came to a different conclusion once the deep searching was completed?  We cannot change our past but we can change the present course that we are currently trying to implement.

When we make choices for our lives we must remember that the process is one of life and death.  If patterns develop because of a choice, then we are on course to repeat them, if we continue to expand ideas with current, superficial and popular motives then we will set up that lineage for our children.  Remember that it is a normal and expected human progress in which the human mind will seek to develop current ideas and to expand upon them.  Here is a little project for you to complete.  Take a specific law of the land and then define its general basic limitations or rules.  Then in your mind think of other additional circumstances that one could fit into this category.  It does not matter which direction the law states or directs either, just take the time to complete the exercise and then you will know what someone else could be thinking.  Because if you can think of something to enhance or to advance the law for your own liking, so could someone else.

I have rambled on long enough.  The topic of this article has been the result of choices and how things are set into motion based upon these decisions that we have made, in other words the clock is now ticking in which we will see the results of our choices.  The results of our choices will come about and we must be prepared to accept them when they do.

Our country has set a course that is not conducive with God’s laws.  This is our choice and it is an option that God has given us.  However, the words what man believes and what God believes come into play here.  It is ok that man deviates away from God, which is mankind’s choice but be warned that when those developmental patterns become the accepted ways of the land, God shall do His best to bring us back into line with Him.  He has no choice in the matter since He made the choice, a long time ago, to be true, just and honest with us.  He cannot change this trait within Him; it is us who have to come back into line with Him by making new choices that benefit our eternal existence.

If any of you are thinking covenant and the written steps of covenant are similar to what I have explained in these four articles, then you are on the same page.  A choice is not a true covenant per say but the processes of both conditions mimic each other almost perfectly.  This could be one explanation of why the choices we make come back in some manner in our lives.  It also explains why God wishes for us to stay within His laws and not to veer out on our own path.  And another explanation of why it is important to instill God’s love, grace and protection concepts when we are young in order that we will remember them when it is time to make choices for our adult lives.

Our personal choices have now been turned into law of the land.  It is time we change our choices and to correct things before God has to remind us of who actually is in charge of this world.  We have voluntarily opened our spiritual doors to our enemy who is salivating at the opportunity to make his mark in our world.  Remember, our personal ideas will turn into lasting results no matter what we believe at the time of our decisions.  There is still time for us to wake up and to refocus our choices in a Godly manner, for if we do not complete this turning around, I am afraid of the consequences that we may face.

God loves each and every one of us with all of His infinite heart.  And it is His desire to see the entire world live in peace, harmony, and prosperity at all times.  Turn back to His ways and we shall see His outpouring of His blessings once again, but deny this warning, one of which has been born of our own ways, and things will drastically change for the worse.  God beckons us to hear His words or restoration, both on a personal level first and then on every other level of our lives as well.  Your ideas are important or our enemy would not have chosen to begin his quest by using this tactic in the garden.  And remember God’s response to our choices rests solely upon the choices that we hand Him to respond to, and the clock is ticking.


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