of understand that our country was founded on our Constitution and that this
document serves as the foundation of what our country was created
upon. Do any of us recognize that God has a Constitution and that it
is one that He divinely wrote based upon His perfect status? For
those of us who understand this concept the question reverts to how much do we
know about His Constitution and the importance of it in our lives. A
Constitution is a process in which a country or in this case a divine spiritual
being is defined and how the object of the Constitution operates, now let us
take a look at the two and grasp the concept of what it means to live by a
admit something right up front that the majority of us within this country do
not know many details about our Constitution. We might be familiar
with some of the words or phrases and might even know some of the amendments
that have been passed after the Constitution’s signing, but for the most part
we have no clue about what our Constitution states. We would like to
believe that the people who roll off the words and amendment numbers on
television, social networks, police stations and work places know exactly what
they are talking about but even in those situations we cannot definitely trust
what has been spoken. I have to admit that I am one of the majority
of the people who do not know many specific details of our
Constitution. However, over the last few years I have been doing my
best to familiarize myself with this important document and all of the
authority it has within its words.
highly suggest that you pick up a copy of the U S Constitution and study it in
great length and detail. If a person reads it in the manner that it
was written they will understand more about their country and about the men and
women who influenced its contents. It is of dire importance that we
understand our constitution in this manner and to leave out the biased and
selfish mannerisms that seem to define a great deal of us. The U S
Constitution is one of the more brilliant works of history that has been
produced for societies and it can serve as a superb guideline for a country,
corporation or even an individual if it is understood by the heart and not the
emotions of the entity reading it.
Constitution was written by some brilliant people. The men that were
chosen for this task were not simply and randomly selected, the President of
the Congress labored for a long period of time before he chose the ones to author
this document. Everyone understood their differences concerning the
state of the union at that time, but as they wrestled with their own
constituents about local activities their attention remained focused upon
completing the goals that had been set before them in Congress. The
implications of the task at hand for the most part sentenced these men to death
which of course weighed quite heavily on their minds. Yet each one
forged ahead in their tasks, ideas and arguments under armed security to complete
the project set before them.
we take a closer look at the five people who were assigned to write this
document we will notice something about each one of them that actually brought
unity within themselves in order to complete the document. None of
these five men are household names or ones that many of us would recognize
today. Even though those men are not well known now, what they stood
for and what they transcribed onto paper was an extraordinary work that has not
been equaled since. After these men completed the first drafts of
the proceedings, they then turned the document over to others for their advice
and arguments. Slowly this document passed through each channel of
Congress and whether scrutinized or praised, individual complaints were placed
under the table and the future of our country was forged in blood.
is well known that not all of the men who voted to adopt the Constitution were
in total agreement with some of its contents. While most of us can
gather that these men would be readily recognized on their streets at that time
what is not known about some of these men is that the majority of them were
constantly watching and listening to what was transpiring around
them. Most of them understood the living conditions and how they had
come to achieve everything that they had at that point in time. Many
of them were familiar with other cultures and how those countries were faring
with their lifestyles. All of these living conditions were being
placed into their heads and hearts as they fought for the right to believe that
their lives were better off because of the ways that they chose to live.
is assured that many long hours of heated debate must have ensued in order for
everyone to plead their case. Each state of the Colonies had
representatives there which did not see eye-to-eye on all issues with some even
dissenting totally against the idea of separating from Britain. But
in the end even with all of the arguments against this concept of independence,
those men had the courage to place aside their selfish desires and wants and to
fulfill the needs of the country in the most distinguishable
manner. It was a tough process of love for a country without a
selfish desire that created our country which left out all of the personal
garbage and selfish egos that we see today. I thank God every day
that those men who wrote this document understood the minds and hearts of
humans and tried their best to avoid individual tyrants and useless groups to
invoke their laziness upon the country just to satisfy their personal gains.
can we honestly debate someone concerning the rules, codes and regulations
about the Constitution when we do not personally understand what is in the
document in the first place? Yes we can quote some of the amendments
and throw those up into someone else’s face as a defense mechanism but what
does that accomplish? That type of argument is simply impure and
illogical thinking and that style of game plan will only produce more division
between the parties involved. When a person reads and begins to
understand the Constitution in its fullness that person will know that even
though the founding fathers had their differences, they were not the types of
people who blindly quoted their personal beliefs when it came time to scribble
down the framework of the country. They knew their surroundings both
foreign and domestic and they took that knowledge with them into the chambers
and drafted a complex and yet original course of life for a new country.
properly written constitution cannot be placed into practice if it serves only
one side of an argument or one specific group. As demonstrated by
our founding fathers the Constitution of the United States was written for an
entire population that reflected upon the ways humans lived in the past, were
living at the time of its inception and how humans could be living in the
future. Our Constitution is a living record of congruency of our
past, our present and our future all perfectly designed that defines our living
people do not understand this information about the U S Constitution, yet we
love to quote its contents that pertain to us, or those that we believe pertain
to us. This type of personal action is not what our Constitution was
designed for and in truth it takes apart the effectiveness of that document
when used in this way. The U S Constitution was thought out properly
and ideally with sound advice for everyone who’s under its provisions and it is
through this manner of understanding that we need to live by and use this
document on a daily basis. Even though the Constitution was written
for each and every person, it is important for us to know that its sole purpose
is to defend the life of the country and we should view its contents in this manner. If
we truly view our Constitution in this manner we would not have picky arguments
over one or two phrases within its contents but would argue nationwide points
that are relevant to our past, present and future through overall human actions.
It is
very clear that the people who were responsible for our Constitution had close
relationships with not only their local constituents but with other countries
and cultures around the world as well. It is impossible to write a
huge and defining document and not include everyone that might be affected by
such a document. It is further proof of this overall knowledge of
the founding fathers due to the reactions that other countries gave it was
further evidence that these men knew exactly what type of reaction was going to
be issued in their direction, both good and bad.
Constitution was not written and based upon local or partisan
politics. Yes politics was involved and the fathers understood that
politics would play a role in its serving or burning but the words included
everyone and it served as a guideline for others to follow if they so
chose. It infuriates me when a person from a political party tries
to use the constitution for their own agenda instead of arguing its contents
for the overall country. Instead of trying to push a specific agenda
why not gather all of the information to date, use history of the country,
current thinking and our future according to the realistic thought patterns of
our surroundings and then present the arguments so they can be worked out
together. Syndicated television programs and daily talk shows are
NOT the place for these types of discussions, yet we consider this type of
setting ideal to the human palate. This type of setting only provides
one result which is as follows: it demonstrates that our faults are
enormous and our true decisions are extremely limited.
single individual who knows and understands a good portion of the U S
Constitution can effectively stand on their own and defend their positions
concerning any issue that may or may not affect their lives. In
order for this person to complete this task they must know their own country’s
history, the conditions that their country were forged from, the individuals
and the population status of those past inhabitants, their current country’s
conditions and status including moral and spiritual, they must have a concept
of how the government thinks and operates, what type of leadership was and is
present, and if at all possible predict what kind of environment and human
lifestyle will be in the future. It might seem like all of these
conditions would be a daunting task to comprehend, but if a person cares for
their country and the course that their country is taking these items would be
thought about as an act of love not as an obstruction or waste of
time. Even a one sided minder cannot effectively proclaim her / his
message if they do not fully understand the other side’s issues and
people who wrote our Constitution did so with complete humility and fear for
the future. Arrogance was checked at the door due to the importance
of this definition. These true men of courage set forth a document
so powerful that it can only be destroyed by those from within. Even
if the document itself was physically destroyed the will of those who wrote it,
fought for its existence and defended it for the world’s freedom would burn
brightly from those who understood its contents and meanings.
have spent the last few moments writing about the Constitution of the United
States and how some of its authors lived, thought and acted. This
document is the definition of our country and it continually serves our lives
with a living record of our existence. Some people within our
borders do not care for this work, nor do they care about what it stands
for. Some even wish to use the Constitution for their own personal
gain and others embrace its capacity within the world. Whatever the
cause the Constitution is our defining point and the beginning point that we
all must refer to when our country is in need. However, we cannot
rely upon this document alone we must seek other sources of guidance to help us
along the way and to teach us more about ourselves. I understand
that there are many options out in the world and that is exactly what they
represent, the world.
is one option that will provide all of our answers and if properly understood
can even enhance our own country’s Constitution, if we allow Him to do
so. Why is this person important enough to fulfill this role and how
can I be so certain about His qualifications? This person actually
has His own divine constitution that is perfect and can never be changed for
any reason. While our country’s defining document is as good as one
can have in the human sense, it still has flaws and holes in it that can pose
problems. God’s Constitution cannot fail for it has no loopholes or
errors in it, for it is pure and unadulterated truth. Did you even
know that God has His own Constitution? Yes, God has His own Constitution and He has made it public for
everyone. The Constitution of God is His divine Word and it is
called the Bible. I do not believe that I have ever heard this word
used to describe God or His Word, but if we stop and think about this for a
moment it is the truth.
How many times have we
allowed ourselves to get caught up in a moment and blurt out some popular
scripture when we are backed into a corner or just trying to prove a
point? Does this scene sound familiar to anyone? I know
that I am guilty of doing this. We have to understand that when we
perform this type of gesture it is the exact same as people who throw around
the words of our Constitution in that they use parts of the that document to
prove their point but do it in such a manner that they actually contradict the
real meaning for the document. We stand
on baseless ground when we complete this type of defense for if anyone defends
a cause in which they do not fully understand, their foundation for true
defense is automatically defeated as long as the knowledge of the issue that
they are defending is not properly and thoroughly understood.
There is no question that
the people of the Church and the Church itself have used this type of mechanism
to manipulate others into believing in their mode of salvation. The
Early Church fell into this trap by allowing themselves to integrate with the
world’s standards and it was through this assimilation process in which defined
the current attitude of the Church. The Early Church was broken up
into house settings yet proved to be more effective in this state even after
its acceptance into the world. The Early Church was not considered
to be a part of the world setting until they began to take on the appearance of
the world. That is when the Church was accepted as normal and
eventually became the standard religion of the Roman Empire. I have
so much trouble with this since the Church has continued her idolatry with the
world and its place within the world. We have totally forgotten what
Jesus meant by saying that we should be separate from the world.
The Medieval Church
followed in the Early Church’s footsteps but took it a few more steps
further. The Medieval Church had become a very powerful organization
up unto the point of infiltrating entire governments and land
ownership. This type of church mentality eventually produced
numerous wars against those who did not believe as the Church did and the end
result was once again many people dying for believing
differently. While the Church took a stand against certain issues
she also allowed certain individuals to commit heinous crimes against humanity
and their fellow parishioners. The Medieval Church’s influence was
far greater upon the people of this time frame since there were many more
people walking the earth and that the Church had taken advantage of God’s
Constitution and had the audacity to moralize it for their own liking and
The Church’s pattern of
worldly acceptance into its confines had grown exponentially up until this
point and with the added power that the world gave her, exponentially grew this
acceptance even further. Trouble and animosity began to infiltrate
the Church and cracks in the overall union began to appear. This
came as a shock to the Church leaders but if they would have opened their
spiritual eyes wide enough to understand what exactly was being played out;
they would have not been so surprised at the unfolding events.
Next in line comes the
Modern Church and all of her splendor. AS in the Early Church and in
the Medieval Church there was a time when being a Christian and regularly
attending church was the best thing a person could do. In many ways
the Modern Church followed in the footsteps of the Medieval Church in that
while fiery sermons concerning sin were delivered, it was more common to cast
people out of the church and to isolate those who disagreed with that stance
than to accept them into the fold and then to teach them of their sinful
ways. I am reminded of a certain example of this while I was in the
There was a couple that
had been dating for some time, one was in the USAF and the other was a
civilian. Both people were great human beings and loved each other
very much yet they came from different denominational
backgrounds. It is commonly known that these two denominations
historically have not gotten along with each other and it became apparent when
these two people became engaged. One of the denominations threatened
the girl’s life and after repeated attacks against her character, publicly humiliated
her and cast her out of the denomination. When another girl became
pregnant before she was married another denomination cast her out of the church
family. AS we can see, even though the Church did not stone these
people they did so spiritually in like manner as the Medieval
Church. All of these issues are examples of gross indignations
against God’s people coming from Church leaders and using the name of God to
incorporate them on others.
The Modern Church also
added to their worldly collections by adopting flash with a little pomp and
circumstance thrown in for good advertisement purposes. This type of
belief infuriates me for there is no record what-so-ever that Jesus was flashy
or required any pomp and circumstance when His presence was around
others. If that was the case then why did He choose to ride into
Jerusalem on a donkey? This type of appearance has been perfected by
the Modern Church and is prevalent in each denomination. The Church
fails to see that this worldly standard has opened so many spiritual doors to the
Church that they no longer can be numbered. All of these examples
are ones that have been accepted by the Church, in the name of God and placed
into action due to the fact that the Bible states similar
conditions. Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with dressing
nice and having a comfortable lifestyle but if our foundations of this
philosophy come from a worldly concept or a lack of understanding about God’s
Constitution, it is pure sin and God will destroy it in His time and by His
God wrote His Constitution
in the most sensible way possible, by using a chosen few to transcribe His love
for creation. Some may scoff at the usage of humans for this
Constitution but if one understands that God is the author and creator of
everything and that humans are His most accomplished creation, it then makes
perfect sense of why He chose us to fulfill this document. Just as
the founding fathers of this country wrote our Constitution in a all
encompassing knowledge of the surrounding conditions, God wrote His Constitution
in the same manner. God knows that there is no way that humans can
fully understand Him or His ways but He did right out His definition for us to
learn from and to follow once we understand His character.
Taking certain scriptures
and using them for personal proving grounds is the exact same method and
mechanism that we use certain amendment statements to prove our point to
others. There is no difference between the two portions of the
previous sentence. Both Constitutions are real, alive and valid for
everyone who wishes to live under those standards. The only
difference is that a person who lives in Hungary is not subject to the
Constitution of the United States but every created person who walks this
planet is subject to God’s Constitution because all of us are His
creations. While both of thee settings are commonly heard throughout
our world today they are both commonly wrong when used in such a derogatory
manner. If one chooses to use the scriptures as a defense then let those
people do it with complete authority, but they need to make sure that they
understand the relationship between God and man and the reasons and content to
which they are defending. It is not right to quote scriptures for
personal beliefs without historical content to explain the arguments, if past,
current and future knowledge is not present then that person has fallen into
the trap of using God’s Constitution incorrectly just as the Medieval Church
For the last few decades
there has been a call for the Church to adopt certain worldly standards, or at
least accept these standards within their walls. This is a prime
example of using a portion of scripture in order to obtain earthly status and
if we understand history this is exactly what set in motion the Early Church’s
perversion course. It did not take the Early Church long to figure
out how to be accepted by the world. Was Jesus accepted by the world
and is God accepted by the world? Then why should the Church believe
that it is better than God and Jesus? God understands this concept
because He represents everything about creation. Jesus understood
this because He was God’s Son who lived on earth and taught God’s redemptive
love and restoration plan to a dying world, no matter who they were. Where
the Church ahs lost their way is that they only accept part of Jesus’ command
in that where Jesus went to the sinners and accepted them for who they are at
that moment.
The Church leaves this
part of Jesus’ command intact and invite sinners into the church
DO!!! However, they play the amendment clause to God’s Constitution,
the one that humans have made, and stop at this point. Here lies the
amendment (sinful) problem where the people are not being taught that their beliefs
are wrong and that through giving up control of their worldly desires is the
only way that God can begin to heal them. This entire process stems
from the amendment failings of the Early Church. The Constitution of God is very clear about
how to effectively complete this simple command, yet we humans try to skirt
around this deed by creating amendments to justify our worldly actions towards
the watering down of this task.
Stopping at the first
portion of this command is like trying to change God’s
Constitution. And to be honest it is a practice that humans have
been trying to do for a very long time. Recently this concept has
gained speed and if one wants to be really honest these actions and the speed
to which they are coming to pass means that our compromise with the world is
further down the road that we had originally thought. This is ok for
God’s plan is in place and everything has to work according to His divine ways,
but it also tells us that we need to stop trying to change His Constitution and
laws and get back to fulfilling His entire command. Stopping at the
first portion of this command also demonstrates the lack of a relationship with
God. Another huge point and reason why God wrote His Constitution
was for us to understand that He is all about relationship and that through a
true relationship with Him, we will better understand His Constitution through
our lives.
I know that one cannot
fully understand everything about God but we can understand what He has given
us through His Constitution. Yes some of us have studied the Bible
our entire lives and we believe that we know almost everything there is to know
about God and His ways through our “continual” studies. But I am
telling you that there is way more to God than what we have read so
far. I place myself into this category due to the fact that I was
raised in church all my life and I have read the Bible my entire life as
well. But it was not until a couple of years ago that God began to
show me things that I had read over and over before. I have even
stated in some of my pervious articles that I thought I had read everything and
knew everything about Genesis, WRONG!!!
As I stated in the U S
Constitution portion of this article, it comes down to the fact whether or not
we fully understand this document or not. We can use it however we
wish but if used in certain selfish or personal reasons the overall purpose and
truth about the Constitution is destroyed. The principle is applied
to God’s Constitution as well. I have witnessed over my four decades
of the abuse of power and authority of both the U S Constitution and of God’s
Constitution. I may not know much about either one yet and I may not
ever understand our Constitution to its full potential but I am committed to
listening to God’s voice while He shows me and teaches me about His
I shall never throw God’s
Constitution into a person’s face or condemn a person for their lifestyles or
beliefs, but I shall explain God’s things to you in such a manner to which your
life can be touched by this document. God wants us to study His
Constitution and to grasp its concepts within our hearts. Just as
our Constitution was written out of love and the true commitment to freedom,
God’s Constitution was divinely written for our lives. Human history
pointed to the reasons why our country’s founding fathers wrote the
constitution and it was through God’s definition, love and restoration that He
wrote His Constitution. Every word revealed in His Constitution was
specifically written for you to embrace, understand and share with everyone
around the world. God’s Constitution is
was not written to restrict humans from living a happy, fun, exciting and
fulfilling life, it was written that we may have to opportunity to understand
the true meanings of our life so that we may life our true life through the
abundance of our Creator.
It is time for the
Church, yes the entire Church to understand the true meaning of God’s Word and
to once again study His words in order for us to not only understand God in a
personalized manner but to understand why God allows certain things to
happen. If a person understands that God’s Constitution was written
for man and by men then maybe we will grasp that God’s Constitution was written
as a guide book for men no matter which era of the world’s timeline they may
live. God is all about history, God is all about the current times
and He is for sure all about the future and His Constitution has every bit of
needed information present within it that we ever hoped to have as a reference.
The only way that we
shall ever turn this world around and begin to win people back to God is if we
come to understand this Constitutional standard. Not to use it as a
weapon to kill or to divide but to destroy the works of our spiritual
enemy. And when this process begins, truly begins, through the
knowledge of God’s Constitution darkness shall be pushed back and true light be
shed upon every living creature. God wrote His constitution for everyone
to hear and to understand Him. He also understands that not everyone
will heed His Constitution nor will some of the people that call Him savior
will either. But everyone should know that God wants His
Constitution to be hears by all, with not one person left out.
Americans are defined by
our Constitution, or at least they should be. Christians should be
defined by God’s Constitution, or they should be. In both cases
there will be those who do not and will not fully understand these documents,
and in both cases this is ok and to be expected. But for those of
you who wish to understand God and His ways I ask you to further study God’s
Word and to hide it within your heart for its contents will bring you peace and
understanding, especially if you know that His Word is His Constitution. God’s Constitution is the most important
document that we have to understand our past, our present and our future. This includes all side of our lives and it
includes all directions and conclusions incorporated in our choices. And if a person begins to grasp this knowledge
it shall change your perception of “We the people” really quick. God’s Constitution is an exciting document
that will bring forth life when you grasp the concepts of how and why He
created each one of us. There is a
specific reason that you are created and this document gives us proof of the
reasons why we walk this planet. Explore
these concepts and gain knowledge about your history and along with the history
of others we can all live in the manner to which we were deemed.
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