The Order of Your Creation
The marvel at our lives and how they were organized
within is simply amazing. After so many
millennia we are still studying the human body and learning new things about
its existence each day. What about the
spiritual side of things and how much of the sprit do we understand and its
representation within our lives? We have
found out that some medications can stabilize certain conditions that some of
us suffer from, but what about the spiritual aspect of things; what affects us
and why do certain things occur in the manner that they do? We may never know every detail about our
physical bodies and the same is true about the spiritual side of our lives as
well, but God has dropped us gifts of wisdom that can help us to try and
understand the importance of us continuing to learn about our spiritual side as
well as our physical side of life.
It is a hotly debated setting when humans come to terms
with differences in how the earth was created, how old it is and who actually created
the earth. These arguments will continue
to present themselves for decades to come and will probably provide some very
interesting conclusions. But what about
the spiritual aspect of our lives and the overall order in which God made us. Has anyone ever thought about why our human
bodies were made first and then our spirits placed into our lives next? There is a specific reason that God chose
this order and the implications of this order of creation are actually our
saving grace and the gateway to which our restoration in God is made possible.
Most of us understand that there are laws present in our
world that are in place because people have chosen to try trickery, thievery
and other heinous choices that they have enacted upon some part of society. While some of these laws prove to be
inconclusive and downright ridiculous others stem from real crimes and
eventually provide a foundation for our society to which we can live in
relative peace. We also understand that
these laws are made by humans and if challenged long enough can be overthrown,
amended or even wiped off the record books if pressed long enough. So, why is it so hard for us to believe that
there are certain spiritual laws that are in place that were established by the
one Creator who cannot be wrong, unjust or faulty in His establishment of His
side of the issues? If we place God upon
the same plane that our finite and faulty bodies rely upon then we as the human
race have no hope for our existence after we draw our last breath, and if there
is a higher authority, and there most definitely is, then He must have His ways
that are far superior to ours yet available enough that we can understand them
if we try and figure them out. And this
is one of those instances that play right into this pattern.
We in our human forms may never fully understand the
entire implications of the spirit realm.
I know that even our spiritual forms cannot fully understand God and
everything that He represents to creation itself. Yet at some point in the past there was a
created spiritual being that made the choice to defy this truth and be better
than the one who created Him, or at least an equal. I can understand this process since humans
tend to try and overthrow governments, ships, corporations etc, but it is
difficult for me to understand why the selfish will of an eternal being try and
accomplish the impossible. So this is
the defining point of this article in that a spiritual being tried to become at
least an equal to the almighty and all powerful creator of everything. This means that there was peace throughout
all existence until this specific event and choice took place for there would
not be any reason for anything other than peace to exist.
I have written about many things that occurred in the
Garden of Eden that have to deal with the already established fight between
God’s Kingdom and Satan’s kingdom. This
article is going to be more specific on the order in which God created mankind
and how He created us in a specific way so that His Word stayed true and that
Satan would have no legal claim to a restored life that had already been set in
stone through his own actions. Yet at
the same time provided a way that you and I would have a chance to redeem our
lives through His methods of our creation.
And through this specific order would cause our enemy and God’s enemy to
writhe in anger and prove that God is still far smarter than His enemy could
ever be.
In Genesis 2:7 the order in which God created man is
specifically given. The verse states
that the shape of the human being was formed from the ground and God breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life.
This description goes opposite to how God had previously created living
beings, more specifically the spirit beings called angels. God cannot breathe into something that is not
already present, or that would be the logical way to assume things, correct? This verse states that our physical bodies
were molded from the ground and then God placed His spirit within our lives
which transformed us from an anteaters delight to a living person. This verse does not mention that God breathed
into us His life as He was forming our bodies it says that He formed us which
is a past tense verb usage. Why is this
order so important? It all goes into the
completeness of God and the process of restoration that He knew that we would
need in the future.
God is the creator of every living thing that has been,
is now and that will ever be on this planet.
That means that He is also the creator of those objects and beings that
our physical eyes cannot readily see as well.
There are no recorded earthly beings that God created before Adam which
means that the beings that God created before Adam must have been spiritual
beings and on that plane of creation. We
know that Lucifer existed previously before he was eternally changed to
Satan. This also means that if God
created spiritual beings first than that would be His line of legal succession
if challenges ever arose within the ranks.
For all that was known was the spiritual side of things. Wouldn’t you think that Satan would have
devised some sort of plan to provide himself a scapegoat in which to “redeem”
himself back into the ranks? One has to
believe this as accurate because when we humans mess things up that is exactly
what we try and do.
Let us take a look at an enemy and what type of steps
that an enemy of ours would take to gather all of the information that he / she
would need in order to complete the odyssey against our lives. In every case of war it is imperative that
each side that may participate in such battles be aware of what the other side’s
capabilities are. It would be totally
disastrous for an opponent not to study their potential opposition because if
they do not then it is almost a guarantee that the one who did not study for
the battles would surely be defeated.
We have an excellent example of this during World War II
after the German army was basically in full retreat. It was winter 1944 and Hitler planned a huge
counter offensive that if executed correctly would literally split the Allied
lines in half and he would be able to drive his restored armies back to the
English Channel, fully nullifying the advances of the Allied army up to that
day. Careful planning had to be taken in
order for this plan to work and even though both sides knew that the war was basically
over, this was one last ditch effort to win the war for Germany. The Battle of the Ardennes was lost to the
Axis powers and it was just a few short months later that WWII was over. Yet this battle had to take place in order
for the Axis powers to be honest with everyone that was playing on their side. All efforts had to be calculated and executed
before certain illusions could be wiped away from certain eyes.
It is a guarantee that Satan is a defeated enemy of
God. However, Satan understands that he
has the authority to wreak havoc upon our lives and he will stop at nothing to
ensure victory over your eternal life and in order for that to occur, he has no
option to watch every little step God and His angels take when it comes to
their missions for the humans. This
means that his selfish ways and means had a very keen interest on the creation
of mankind, even though God was proving to him that only He could create a true
living being with purpose and meaning.
What an infuriating and humiliating act that would be.
This feeling would be compounded in the fact that with
this newly created being and the order in which it was formed could not change
your eternal status. In other words, by
your own selfish desires, your selfish wishes were literally created right in
front of your very eyes. Satan did not
have a clue about how to properly create another being yet it must have been
his ultimate desire since that task would have been the one single process that
would have elevated him to equality status with God. Satan figured that if God could create
another living being that He would do so in the spiritual manner first and then
do something else in accordance with His perfection characteristics. Yet God formed the body from the ground first
then placed His spirit within mankind, thus automatically derailing the
spiritual and legal obligations that Satan wanted so desperately to witness
come to life.
It was this process of forming our bodies from the ground
first that is so important because if God would have breathed His spirit into
place first, Satan would have the legal authority to challenge God for his
place back into His perfect ranks. Satan
understood that at that present moment he had no alternative but to accept his
choices as final but if he could have created or has God create something in
the same manner, he options would be open to his previous status. Does this plan seem outrageous to you or does
it seem like something a human might try to do in order to get a position back
or to derail a boss’ decision about something you did previously. If a person understands that what God sets
into motion cannot be changed, it must play out according to His
standards. It is through our choice that
things get messed up, just as it did through Lucifer’s choices so why would
Satan fry and find a way around the decision of God? Satan also knew that since the order of
creation did not go according to his immediate plan he had to come up with
another one so that he could take revenge upon God, and now he had another
method by which to try and accomplish this task, but little did he know that he
was playing right into the perfect will of God once again.
If God had chosen to reverse the process and create our
spirits first then there would be no redemption process possible for our lives,
thus giving Satan his authority back to the previous status in heaven. God would have been proven a liar and a fraud
and Satan could have had legal grounds to usurp God’s divine role as master
creator of everything. But God was by
far more intelligent than His enemies and the plans to which they wished to
unfold. In creating us flesh first, it
provided the perfect gift for all of humanity and that is the choice to accept
God as real and as our one and only savior through His perfect, divine and
eternal plan for our spiritual beings.
It also provides us with the perfect example of just what place our
choices play in our lives. The importance
of each one of our choices has the ability to affect not only our lives but our
future as well and even those who are around us as well.
This specific order also instills into our lives that
each and one of us are here for a specific reason. Our reason for living is to prove to God’s
enemy that we understand what life means and how specific and important we are
to God’s perfect plan for creation itself.
This means that each one of us has a specific area of expertise that we
harbor that advances God’s perfect plan for all of creation. This also means that we have the choice of
accepting this plan for our lives or not to accept it and live our own lives as
we see fit. Yes, God will allow us to
live in this manner but we need to know that our ways are deadly and faulty and
will lead to utter destruction, just as our enemy wishes. This knowledge concerning this setting in
Garden is alone enough to wish every person the choice of death by our enemy after
their creation and it makes perfect sense of why that choice is so highly
contested today.
It is clear that if God would have created us spirit
first it would have been a flawed creation and one that was used in a selfish
manner as well. But God chose to create
us in such a manner that each and every one of us would have the opportunity to
know Him and to choose His ways over the ways of the world. Yes, even the order in which our lives were
created matters to God and in truth it matters to our enemy as well. With the events that shortly transpired next
in the Garden, Satan won his battle over our physical destinies, but it is strictly
due to God’s superior ways of creating us that provide us with the opportunity
to choose God and live for eternity in His presence.
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