Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Shemitah Prayer

A Shemitah Prayer


As this year in our lives draws to an end we are facing some vital issues that have not been resolved.  It is amazing to me that the world continues to look at these voids as issues that it can solve alone, without any help from God.  As the past years have came to their ends, they too were left empty without any true direction or comfort simply because we have refused to turn our lives over to God.

This coming year is a very important year in the fact that according to Jewish calendars the year 2015 is a Shemitah year.  I know that this country is not Jewish and up until this very moment of me writing this prayer, we have adamantly denied God into our lives and made it perfectly clear that we have no room for His presence either.  But as for me and my family that is not our request and it is definitely not our will to have that mentality.

In the Jewish traditions, which have been proven correct over and over again I have come to believe that we need to understand exactly what a Shemitah year is and how it will affect our lives even though we are not Jewish.  Over the past few Shemitah years our country have received clear warnings about our lives and how we are living them.  Yet, with these warnings and the consequences that they have brought we have continued to snub our noses to God and have gone our own way.  Once again, my family does not represent this attitude and we welcome God into our lives and into our homes for as long as we draw breath.

I understand that over the past 47 years of my life that I have not always been the best person and that I have done some pretty stupid and hurtful things to myself, to my friends, to my family and to my God.  In this Shemitah year I release this burden and give it all to God and ask that each and every one of you for your forgiveness.  I desire no animosity between any one of you and my family and I ask this all in the name of God the Father and Jesus Christ our eternal Savior.

I want you to know that I am not dying and I have not been diagnosed with any dreaded and deadly disease, for I know that these types of notes usually come in this manner.  But I am concerned that this country is going to change drastically within this next year and I want to make sure that each and every person who reads these articles understands that all of us need to complete this healing and forgiveness process within their hearts.  The Shemitah year is a year of forgiveness and restoration and while it originated in the Jewish calendar it is meant for each one of us, no matter what our faiths may be.

Every seven years we give our garden a rest for planting, it allows for the regeneration of the soil so that it may yield its full potential at all times.  Every seventh year it is a Shemitah year as well and in this last September the Shemitah year began all around the Jewish year.  God is a complete God and He shall always follow through in His promises no matter how we humans deem them important.  God also understands that we have a choice to accept His laws or to deny them.  In my family and in my house w shall accept God’s laws and shall do our best to live through these laws to the best of our abilities.  My family understands that God’s laws are present for our protection from the world, not to hinder our lives in the world.

I ask that God bless each and every one of my family members this year and to keep each of us happy and healthy.  I know that I cannot change every heart within the world but I pray that God opens up my writings to the world so that everyone may have the opportunity to know God and His love for us.  I pray that my country opens her spiritual eyes to God once again and that she return to her spiritual roots and to forsake the world and its wicked ways.  I can only pray that she understands what the Shemitah year means before God has to remind us once again.

Lord God, I ask that You protect each one of Your children during this eventful year and to allow us to be prepared for the entire year and whatever it may present.  I speak blessings on those who understand your ways O Lord and I ask that you instill peace into each one of our lives.  Help us to be still and to listen for your guiding voice each second of every day, so that we may walk in your grace and in your eternal salvation.  Restore our hearts this year God and make our fields fertile with your divine and holy seed again.

Return to our hearts your ever entrusting and divine truth and may we live in this truth through your holiness.  May we never forget the true and great sacrifice that you gave to us through your Son Jesus and may we never diminish His blood and its meaning.  May we continue to live as Your prophets did by keeping our hearts pure before You.  Guide us as we wake each morning and sleep each night.  Return our love to you as you have given your love to us.  I ask that this Shemitah year be one of true blessings to each family that believes in your laws and keeps them.  Help us to endure the judgments that you must bring in order to grab our attention as well.  We love you God and please never forget about those people who love you.

I ask that you receive this prayer from your humble yet wicked servant; one who has wronged you every second of my deathly life.  Continue to show me the words that you desire your people to hear and allow me to place them into the ears and hearts of those who are listening.  Protect us this coming year God as you bring us back to your groves.  Forgive us of our sins against you God and I pray that this will be the last time that You have to remind us in this manner.  I ask Your Shemitah blessings over all of those who know and understand You and who follow Your ways, and I humbly ask for these blessings for my family as well.  I shall always give you the glory and the honor for each day of my life and I pray that I shall be a true and gentle servant for Your Kingdom.


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