Tuesday, December 30, 2014

John the Baptist

John the Baptist


Many people have problems with this man John and how he approached the ministry of Christ.  There are many examples of John’s extravagant behavior and living conditions which puzzle many people as to why he operated in this manner.  One has to understand some things about the Church, the leadership of the Church and some of the beliefs that the Church held during that time in order to “figure” this setting out.  John represented everything that God desires for His Church in the content of being separate from the world and it was those who accepted the worldly practices into their lives that John directly shouted and startled.  There will be more people like John, for it is necessary that we realize that once again the Church has fallen into this trap of worldly acceptance.

When many people are asked about the life of John the Baptist one or two common responses are heard.  The first one being and probably the most common one was that he was beheaded by the ruler of the local government.  The second most common thing that people respond about John would be that he dressed funny, did not bathe much and ate weird foods all in which commuted a very scary appearance to those that he jumped out and ticked off.  Both of these answers are correct and it is easy for one to draw a simple conclusion concerning John and what his type of life might have been like, but if one digs a little one will find a simple reason as to why John lived the way he did and as to the reason why he died in the manner as he did as well.  There are many similarities between John the Baptist and Jesus, with their messages basically the same.

John the Baptist had many followers no doubt because of his willingness to address the abuses that the Jewish leaders had towards other people within their land.  It was not unknown that some of the Jewish leaders, especially the Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees, who would generally be offensive and flat out cruel to those who crossed their decisions and words from the pulpit.  Many witnessed that their actions in the Temple and out on the streets were different and how they had effectively become total hypocrites in daily life.  How could one call themselves a High Priest or a holy man if they could not keep true to the laws that they demand from others, themselves?  How devastating this must have been to those who had previously received punishment according to the same laws to which they were breaking; all seemed to be injustices in the name of God because that was what they were advocating.

We all know that the times of John the Baptist and Jesus corresponded and that both knew each other, even when both were still inside of their respective mother’s bellies.  This means that the same living conditions of both men were known and they understood what it meant for the High Priest and his entourage to appear in public with a certain provocative dressing.  It has never been assumed that John had fancy dress clothes or ever made a “flashy” appearance when he was ministering to those that were listening to his teachings about the coming of the Messiah.  John has always been acclaimed with a dirty and separatist appearance that one would imagine him to look like; and that is exactly what he was supposed to be, separated from the world far enough to be able to understand how much the Jewish leaders had muddled themselves into the world.

John did not limit his scoffings to the Jewish leaders; it was for everyone who would listen to the words of repentance.  Walking was the major means of transportation in those days so roads were well travelled.  Many of the different tribes, people and cultures would distinctly draw themselves by their appearance so it would be easy for one to identify where someone generally was from just by the what he / she was wearing.  Now, picture if you will a person who fits this description walking along and talking with the person or group that is with them, and all of a sudden the bushes begin to ruffle and out jumps a dude who is wearing basically branches, has locust wings in between his teeth and who points his finger at them and says to them, “repent!!”  How are they going to feel about this approach? 

How different would John be from the way that church services would be conducted during those times?  How differently would John’s dress and appearance be than those who attended service regularly?  Is it safe to say that many of those same people had no clue that God had directed John to dress and to eat like he did and that there was a reason for this behavior?  It is safe to assume that they did not but there was a reason and it was for a specific purpose so that God could grab the attention of the “church” person and to show them that no matter who you might be a person who believes in God should be separated from the world at all costs.  John did not care who he frightened nor did he care who might take offense to his mannerisms.  John understood that he had a message from God and that he had specific reasons as to the tactics that God showed him to take.  John was set apart to instruct the congregations of that land that there is someone coming that was going to change the way people looked towards God and the that God reminded them that they had to completely separate themselves from this world, including their general appearance.

John’s appearance and message was presented to the same people that Jesus was about to embark upon, so why would God send a servant of His that would routinely mimic what was already in place and had been established for millennia?  God had planned for our restoration of the relationship between God and man for a very long time but mankind had issues that they had accepted, especially with the concepts and laws that God had set before them.  John was another powerful reminder to the common people and to the leaders of the Jewish communities that God wanted a separation of His people from the world and that they had become so like the world that they were now blinded from God Himself. 

When Jesus was asking His disciples who they considered Him to be their answers were varied in the simplicity of the people when they responded that some said you were this and some said you were that.  But Jesus wanted to know who they said He was; and there was a reason for this and it all stems with the same ideologies that we church people are waving today.  The fact that the disciples’ answers varied about who others said Jesus was confirms the fact that many ideas about the Jewish leaders and who they said they were, who they represented and how much earthly power they had among their constituents verified that a religious status and political ladder was in play, just as it is today.

It was John’s calling and his message to inform the people of this fact, including the religious leaders of the time.  It is our position today to do the exact same thing to those who believe that the Church mixing with the world is a possibility.  The church can mix with the world all it wants to, it is free will to do so.  However, the Church cannot mix with the world for her representative is God and there is a groom that is coming for His perfect Church.  It is evident that the Church has failed once again to realize exactly what is going on and how costly our actions shall be one day.  We have a great example of this that we can refer to and one that has dire consequences still being felt as of this moment.

In the year 300 AD, the early church was very young and it was very fragile.  They had persevered many hard and torturous times and had come out smelling like the beauty of the finest rose.  There had been many people killed because of their faith and many had lost everything they had and some even everyone in their family, yet they continued to serve God with all of their hearts and did not waiver.  But not everyone could say this nor could they admit to this standard, which would not be too uncommon since after all we are dealing with humans here.  With the knowledge of what their forefathers and foremothers had to endure, some of the people within the Early Church began to accept certain practices of the world within their lives.  It was not long afterwards that some of the people within the Church accepted positions within the empire known as Flamens.

I remind you that in only a short period of time, approximately 250 years or so, the enemy of our lives had convinced to shake off the heritage of the founding fathers of the Early Church and to try and establish a “peace” between the world and God.  If John understood that this process was ongoing and occurring within the Jewish leaders then it would have made sense to him that it would also occur in those who are not directly within that leadership role, thus having the commission to preach this separation from the world message to everyone.

Within a few generations in tow, the Church had some of its people, no doubt some of its ranking leaders as well, totally engrained into the cults of the Roman Empire.  This was exactly what John’s message was warning us about.  There is no doubt that many had no real reason or “evidence” that what they were accepting within their lives as wrong or harmful with their relationship with God.  The Christians had been fighting with the Jews and with Rome long enough to believe that they had due cause and belief that they were different from the world, including the religious aspects of it.  The position of a Flamen was a very highly respected position and a Flamen was considered to be a priest to one of the cults of the Roman Empire.

It is this position that had to create so many problems within the Church and in its structural beliefs.  Sadly, we have not learned from this process and have once again turned our eyes upon the world in order to find our completeness.  If it took just a short amount of time for the pagan cults to enter into the Church what kind of belief system do we have in place almost 2000 years down the road?  As I continue my pursuance through Church History my heart cannot be but hurt with example after example of God’s Church proclaiming to be a part of the world and of God at the same time.  We have failed to understand the laws of God and what they mean for our lives.  We have physically and spiritually told God to get out of our decisions and have made the choice to try and have the best of both worlds.

We have taken off the coat of John the Baptist and placed upon our backs the shirt of Judas, and it shall be the destiny of such a Church as it was for Judas.  We cannot afford to have any type of Flamens within our congregations for if we continue to allow such activity, our foundation shall crumble from underneath of us and the era of the Church that we know now, shall not be around.  As 300 AD rolled around the Flamen status within the Spanish Church grew in influence and it was not too much longer until Spain, through this compromised state, began to commit horrendous crimes against God chosen people.  Yes, our actions have consequences and it should be kept close in our hearts of this fact.  Spain itself has never been great as she was before that fateful year of 1492.  She has been constantly indebted to other nations, lost many wars and has been invaded and defeated in countless ways ever since that year.  More importantly she has been in a constant state of internal war against separatists who wish to break up her historical structure.  Yes, these are the consequences of her actions against God and it is the results of her carrying on with the world that has led to this constant torment and struggle for survival.

What the most frightening aspect of this example is is that Spain considers itself a Christian nation with a high Catholic representation each day of its physical state.  The majority of the country considers itself as “Christian” and yet continues to harbor this mentality that it can hold on to Christ while keeping its eyes fixed upon the world.  The frightening part is that the remainder of the Western societies, including the USA, falls within this category as well.  God does not miss a beat, nor is He blind to the real intentions of our hearts.  He did not miss a thing when it came to the Jews that were alive in Abraham’s day, and He did not miss a moment of the people’s hearts when His Son walked this earth, so why would we have the audacity to believe He would change for our thinking?

Yes, John the Baptist was beheaded by a local governor who was calling him out.  Yes, Jesus was killed for calling out the Jewish leadership.  In both instances, the evidence that these entities had with the world was overwhelming and in both cases both entities had no desire to rid themselves of this tie.  Look at the actions that both entities turned to as a final answer to their problem.  The Roman Empire fell a few short years after 300 AD and was never reunited again.  The Jewish community that was so large and strong lost its Temple not once but twice and were totally defeated and scattered throughout the world as a result.  What will be our result?  The West and its societies far outnumber and outreach what the Jewish world and the Roman Empire even imagined; it begs us to ask how far we shall fall.  There is still time to change our choice, but I suggest we get into motion and get it done NOW!  Our hearts need to be as John the Baptist was, totally separate from this world at all times.


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