Friday, January 23, 2015

Spiritual Torture

Spiritual Torture


Well if that title does not grab you not much will I would say.  Humanity has witnessed many different methods of torture and for the most part been pleased with its results.  What one would call useful information is desired in such sessions and with the influence of pain, results are conditionally produced.  But what is spiritual torture and how does it affect our lives?  Does it serve the same purpose as physical torture?  Is it just as effective as physical torture?  These are questions that many Christians have and some may have not even thought about before, yet the results of spiritual torture are far greater than the physical because in the spirit, time is no more.  The battle is for your eternal life and it really does not get much bigger than that.

I recently watched a documentary on some of the torture techniques that mankind used in the Middle Ages and to be quite frank about it, it was fascinating and gruesome all wrapped up into one long and detailed program.  This program focused on the method of burning people alive and I found it very interesting not only the way that people used this method of torture and execution but also how well recorded they kept records of these events.  I also watched a documentary that dealt with different type of instruments used in obtaining information from prisoners during this same period of time.  This documentary too had its fascinating architectural procedures in order to provide specific people unknown knowledge about certain areas of lands.  While I have always known that humans have used these methods in order to obtain “secret” information from enemies, I still find it intriguing of the mannerisms in which the human mind can think up in order to obtain their goals.

In the past few years there have been many news reports and investigative reports that have been released about modern day torture and the methods of which this century’s leaders have obtained unknown or “secret” information from others.  While the majority of the world deplores this type of method gathering there are some people in leadership capacities who see nothing wrong with this setting.  No matter what a person believes about this method the human mind of another shall always have a different opinion concerning the matter and if we are truly understanding and compassionate about free of speech then we must also include freedom of thinking as well, because both senses follow each other.

On the more personal level we have read and witnessed accounts of other types of personal torture as well.  Hardly a week goes by without us reading or hearing about some person that has captured another person and held them without their consent.  This type of torture comes in a variety of situations and conditions with some lasting for years or even decades.  Physical torture is not the only method of choice for some either, mental torture is very cruel to anyone that it is being subjected to and usually proves to be very devastating and debilitating if allowed to continue.

The major question that all of us should keep in mind when we learn of such torture methods being used is why were these people being tortured in the first place?  What did they do or who were they associated with that placed them into this category in the first place?  Over the millennia we have read concerning the security of past and present States and how these States go about creating and maintaining stability and security within each State.  One has to agree that these two factors play an important part in the legitimacy and lasting of a particular state or government.  But to what extent will and should a government go to in order to keep the stability present and to know what their enemies are doing around or in their own protective zones? 

When I was in the military they gave us special classes and physical exercises on some of the methods of “information gathering” techniques and even placed us into these type of conditions in order for us to understand what was kind of involved. It was not a pleasant few days but I did learn a lot about how far the human mind will go in order to complete an order.  As I contemplate some of the methods that were used on my personal body, I can see how effective this type of “information gathering” can be and why it is used, but it still does not deflate the suffering in which it relates to the victim.

How many of us understand that our immortal, spiritual and eternal enemy performs this type of activity within our lives?  First we must understand that we do have a spiritual enemy and that it is his job to find out how he can do the most damage to our lives, no matter what the angles may be in order for his to accomplish this mission of his.  Ever wonder why torture has always been used as a method of finding out information and why it is used at all?  It is because it is a perfect way of getting one to surrender their beliefs for another person’s, or government’s, or group’s current causes.  Our enemy uses the exact same tactics when he is trying to grasp information about us, on a spiritual level.  We must never forget that our enemy cannot obtain information from us unless we voluntarily give it up to him and there are many ways that this can occur.

These are very important questions which some may not find too significant, yet our spiritual enemy operates in the same manner yet turns the tables in the fact that he does not care what you think about his methods or how he completes them; he just does it and then walks away after his goal is accomplished.  What information does he need that is so important that he has to spiritually torture us?  This is a logical question but many people probably do not think about it at all.  In order for us to understand this spiritual torture we must first understand how our enemy gathers the information to use against us, then we can grasp the definition of spiritual torture and it is used against us.

This is why it is very important to understand our history and our lineage for sometimes the information is already there and easily accessed, it is because our enemy operates in basically the same manner as our physical enemies do.  Our lives are a walking encyclopedia of information, about our family, our surroundings, our physical and mental conditions and our spiritual connections with our Creator.  Through the situations that we associate within, through the words that we say about ourselves and towards others, the friends we associate with and through the places we cohabitate in all provides our enemy enough access in order for him to accomplish his mission. 

I know that this fact is hard for some of to contemplate and to accept but I ask those of you who are reading this and do not agree with this statement to stop reading for a spell and think about some of the areas of your life that you have struggled with, and then compare those situations and circumstances with your life according to God’s Creative purposes for your life and then you will understand the difference between the two standards.  THIS is the spiritual torture that our enemy uses against us and it is very effective because for the most part we have no idea of what is going on and we just accept it as life and go on down the road.  There is a connection somewhere within your lineage or your own personal life that our enemy has legal access to because of what has been played out.  And if we take hold of this truth we can do so much more for the Kingdom of God because we then could explain the reasoning behind so many other people’s spiritual torture sessions.

I am going to address a current situation that our society is currently embracing and that is of homosexuality.  I understand that there are many heated debates and discussions ongoing concerning this topic but none that I have read about or heard about have truly defined the foundation of what is going on here and that is spiritual torture leading to spiritual death.  There are many portions to this situation and the portion that I am going to address comes from the person who claims to be a Christian yet submits to homosexuality and how it relates to the spiritual aspect of their lives.  If you want to understand the divine order of relationships go to Genesis Chapter 2 and there you shall fine the definition of mankind and how we are to live and reproduce accordingly.  Also, look at Job and all of the troubles that he endured and after all was said and done, ask yourself who was left in the picture and that setting will show you the same type of bond and relationship.

Recently, there have been a number of Christian performers and church leaders come out as being gay.  Every one of them that I have heard so far has made some kind of statement of how they have struggled with their state of living because of their status of being a Christian.  There are probably some other people out there who have not had this feeling and that places them into another portion of homosexuality and I am not dealing with that issue in this article (I have a feeling that I will at some point in the near future however).  It does not matter who the people are or what positions, if any, they hold within any church denomination, our enemy cares nothing but destroying your life from the eternal outward.  Reality suggests that this area of humanity has been growing for a very long time which means we need teaching and understanding of what is occurring, not condemnation and separation.

First of all I have to ask myself if these people understand that there are two immortal and eternal kingdoms that are vying for our lives and that these two kingdoms can NEVER mix in any way.  The beginning portions of that question and statement are easy to answer because we have all been taught that our enemy wants us to die and go to hell but the last portion of that question is not as well known.  These two kingdoms can never mix is the portion that I am referring to and how we have humanly tried to blend these kingdoms together and in doing so have allowed our spiritual enemy access to our lives. 

Secondly, the phrase used by these hurting people is very important and is the focal point of what God wants us to understand and that is this: their struggles with their sexuality and their feelings is a prime example of spiritual torture and the methods by which our enemy uses in order for us to accept information from or to give away information to him in order for him to accomplish his mission in our lives.  This statement should speak volumes for those who have been raised in church and have these sexual tendencies will be tortured and many will give into this form of spiritual torture simply because they do not know what it is or how to combat it.  What is so sad is that these people who are suffering from this type of torture do not know what they are saying, acknowledging and accepting into their lives and the lives of their families and future familial generations.

The confessions from these people, who are very sincere, places a huge bulls-eye target upon their spiritual heart, and allows our eternal enemy to take pot shots at it whenever he chooses.  To add complications to this setting, many Christians who do not comprehend what is occurring pour fuel onto the situation by their inappropriate words and actions towards them.  It is totally embarrassing when a Christian, group or church take a militaristic attitude towards people who are suffering.  It is important that both sides of this issue understand that spiritual torture is a battle that is being fought and that the outcome of that battle will have some determination of the overall outcome of that person’s spiritual life.

I just read today that one of the founding members of a popular Christian music group has renounced Christianity and has endorsed atheism as his belief.  This is another prime example of people not being taught about what is actually transpiring within their lives.  Our enemy has gained control of enough pulpits around the world that his message of coffee and tea before, during and after the service is far greater of a topic than what the Word of God has stated.  Include the fact that the majority of Bible and Theology centers do not teach anything about spiritual warfare and combine that with practically no teaching or even understanding of Kingdom concepts, and the current condition of the Church is what has been reaped. No wonder there are so many people within the church denominations that are questioning their faith and questioning the existence of God!

It is through these spiritual battles that our eternal existence is completed.  If we continue to spiritually battle long enough without knowing what is going on or what is at stake it is very easy to succumb to the fight and just give up.  The complete picture is not comprehended and that is exactly what our enemy wishes it would stay like.  The Church is not helping in this Kingdom fight either, for she has willingly yet ironically given up on the same fight and joined with the world’s message of peace and love, not knowing what the consequences will be for doing such.  When these people say that they are struggling with such decisions they are telling the truth, for this struggle is for their eternal existence; in other words, it is a fight for your eternal life.

I have not heard too many people come forward, admit that they have struggled with this area, refused to give in, understood the Kingdom principles involved, and overcame this area and proclaimed victory.  I have heard some stories of people that were gay that gave up that lifestyle and became heterosexual, but these are few and far between because of the amount of coverage going in the other direction.  I can guarantee you that this struggle is one of the hardest battles to be fought because the stakes are so high.

A worrisome trend that I have noticed is that when these people do lose the battle within and accept a homosexual lifestyle that they have no regrets about their decision and that all of them so far are happy and relieved about their choice.  Ever wonder why this is the case?  The home team has won the battle and once that decision has been made the other side of the Kingdom battle shall not overrule your choice.  God has never and shall never force His presence upon our lives which means that once a person chooses to life in this manner, the kingdom of the world has advanced and has successfully pushed back the Kingdom of God in your life.  All godly influence and spiritual life is cut off and will not even be recognized as being present as time continues.  It becomes easier for them to accept and to talk about yet have the emotional responses of a church behind them.  God does not do emotions, just ask Jesus about His time in the garden praying.  People who accept this decision do not understand exactly what has occurred, for they believe that they have won over the struggle by accepting a worldly condition for the struggle does diminish.  In truth they have allowed our enemy to strike a mortal wound in their spiritual heart that will slowly bleed out the eternal life that God wants for their lives. 

Let me provide a case in point to expound upon this fact.  What happened to the people during the Middle Ages who were brought in for torture and “questioning?”   Many of those who did give up and confess their “sins” to their tortures usually did so in order to make the pain stop.  What happened to these people?  Many of them were left so disfigured that they could never live a normal life again and everyone who came in contact with them understood what had occurred to them.  This would isolate these people from others and even family members, for fear that they would be associated with a traitor or with a person of accused of treason.  These people were considered to be lucky in that they were allowed to live; some life huh.

Still, others who gave up “information” had their torture sessions halted, but for a short while only.  After their information was deemed complete many were tortured even further and given further horrific treatments before their bodies gave up the fight and ceased as a functioning unit.  Sometimes the “after” torture session was so intense that many people did not make it after this single session.  To the person looking inside or from a distance it would seem that they had been cruelly over punished, yet it still occurred and was swept under the rug.  It is hard to imagine but in some places that type of torture occurred just a few decades ago and if one really had the guts probably could find this type of activity occurring today.  Place this setting within your personal life and you will have the exact same scenario going on within you.  The information that your spirit possesses is a huge destructive pot that will end our enemy’s grasp upon all others, so it is his job to silence you and for you to cross over and support his cause.

This is what spiritual warfare does to our lives if we do not understand what is going on and what the true battleground determines.  It has been stated within the Bible that we are to rid ourselves from the world and to separate ourselves from the world.  However, if we do not know what is from the world and what is from God how can we fight for this separation?  We as a society have come to the conclusion that what humans deem necessary is the rule of thumb or the code of conduct and as long as we contend that this belief is accurate then we have no place for any higher authority to claim otherwise.  Want proof of this? Go sit in any junior high school or high school classroom and watch and listen and you will not have to sit there very long until you realize who actually controls the room. 

Yet we tolerate this torture process of the basic foundation of our lives, both physically and spiritually.  We are headed for a doomed life and true eternal separation from our Creator if we do not wake up and realize what is transpiring around us and within us.  I am speaking on a personal level and on the Church level; both are in dire straits and are in need of rescuing and if both of these entities do not do something to change the state of our nation, our nation shall quickly follow.  The only one that can rescue us from the mess that we have voluntarily placed us in is God.  

If we truly turn our hearts towards Him He will show us the way to effectively combat our enemy and pull us out from our current existence and restore our spiritual hearts back to life again.  If we do not change our ways and continue our current progression, we will leave God no choice but to remind us of whom we are and of whom He is.  God is God and He loves His children and as a holy and just Creator who cannot change His ways shall act as a parent should.  It is strictly our choice to continue to have spiritual torture sessions or not.  Will life always be easy?  No, but at least we will have the combat readiness in order for us to be on the same plane as our enemy is when he attacks. 


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