Tiger Church
title of this article would project one of aggression, protection and authority
but in truth the article shall present a life form that has no teeth, stability
or power within its walls. Once again God has laid it upon my heart
to share another portion of His Church that is struggling with truth versus
worldly trickery. This article will also give examples of what
happens when a protected authority figure succumbs to the physical venues that
are presented to it and what happens when the truth finally comes out. The
aftermath of these failings are horrendous and embarrassing, so much so that
one may never rise again to the status once honestly recognized by the entire
few decades ago the golfing world was suffering greatly. Television
viewing, ratings and popularity of the sport were grinding to a slow
halt. The golfing world was looking towards someone who could set
the stage on fire again and to bring back the traditional flare of the game
once more. They received this gift in the form of an American person
named Tiger Woods. His popularity immediately restored the old
game’s life back into the world setting and even those who did not watch golf
before were panting over this new figure.
took the golfing world by storm and was soon signing autographs by the
thousands each week. Talk shows, radio shows and many other sporting
companies all vied for his attention and offered him astronomical amounts of
money to endorse these companies. On the golf course tiger began to
perform excellent, making the cuts in every tournament and doing quite well
when Sunday evening rolled around. He started winning tournaments
and his popularity grew accordingly. Tiger won his first major
tournament and then another and another, it seemed like no one would stop his
successful rise to the top of the golfing world. And according to his
colleagues in this world he was a phenomenon and one who had all the answers to
the golfing struggles around the globe.
domination of the golfing world eventually spilled over into the general talk
of the world and his popularity had now been visible into the non golfing
world. It seemed like nothing would ever touch the empire that he
had built for him and his family and it was quickly becoming known that he was
basically untouchable. Until, a certain evening when a breaking news
report appeared across the screens around the world that he had a minor fender
bender after an argument with a family member. At first many blew off this
scene but as the hours and days passed by it became clear that something else
was brewing with the setting.
the main story broke of what exactly happened that evening, the world suddenly
became numb and could not believe what it was hearing over the news and
airwaves. The tabloids went crazy, the jokes began to appear and the
internet was filled with the pros and cons of the decisions that he made in his
life. A public apology statement was released with a short yet
highly publicized statement then graced our eyes for the next few weeks. Tiger’s
personal life was now public and the damage control specialists were very busy
for the next few months.
consequences of these activities hurt Tiger and his family and struck a fatal
blow into his immediate life. He took some time off to be with his
family and to deal with the impending issues that almost everyone around the
world knew about. Many opinions of Tiger had now changed and even
today some of those opinions have not reversed. When Tiger returned
to the golf links everyone was anxious to see what was going to happen with his
playing, and up until this day his play has not been like it was previous to
the personal tragedy within his life. Some of his sponsors left him
and have not returned. Tiger has won a few more tournaments since
the blow up but has not even come close to the construction of his trophy
palace he once glittered. He has tried to rebuild his family and
even began a new relationship yet the status he now holds is nothing compared
to what he once was. The fall was great and it was hard and not many
people missed it.
are currently in the midst of another icon being accused of horrendous acts
towards other human beings. This person served as a typical father
figure when I was young and has had countless affects upon billions of people
around the world for many decades. Yet Mr. Cosby is now under
scrutiny for some of his actions in the distant past. When I was
growing up I remember watching “Fat Albert” on Television as much as I could
and learned many things concerning friendship and accepting people from that
I reached my high school and college years I avidly watched the “Cosby Show”
which was another popular weekly program that I learned many other skills that
I try to employ with my own children. I loved this program and I
related to some of the issues that were addressed in this program. I
can probably speak for many other kids and parents that would concur with my
conclusions about this program. Mr. Cosby was very influential in
many lives around the world and was in high demand for speaking engagements,
all of whom wanted to learn from the wisdom that he projected towards the
the entertainment business along with the millions of other people who have
looked upon Mr. Cosby as an excellent role model for life are scratching their
heads and searching for answers as to why this person would be accused of such
heinous acts against women. The accusations against him have totally
tarnished his career and also caused many of the companies that have endorsed
him to leave. Demonstrators have launched protest marches against
his appearances and even some of his shows have been cancelled due to the
accusations. To cast such doubt on someone who has been a part of
your life for a very long time hurts and it is easy for one to feel betrayed
coming from such an important figure.
majority of these accusations that have been announced occurred many decades
ago and are now not subject to any type of prosecution according to our
laws. Yet, the pain and suffering from these women still smolder within
their lives and with the public revelations their families share in these
sufferings. Since these accusations cannot be prosecuted the entire
truth of these events cannot be fully known and unless some major details
occur, the public shall never know either. Whether or not these
horrific circumstances occurred or not the pain of believing that the
possibility of them even occurring shall never leave the people whose lives
this man affected, directly or indirectly. These newly enlightened
details will shape the ideas of other past, current and future stars’ lives and
hopefully will learn how not to act towards others.
both of these examples it is easy to get caught up in the specifics and leave
out the overall picture. Humans are famous for accomplishing this
feat and love to tell about it when discussions arise. We must
remember that the entire picture must be taken into consideration when events
are brought to our attention. Teenagers are famous for believing
their friends before the entire truth comes out about a specific event; it
would be a gross negligence on my account if I left out adults from the
equations as well. We as humans need to be a part of each other’s
lives and to have a complete relationship with them at the same
time. However, if our actions violate this relationship with others in any
way, those violations will stay in the forefront of their minds a lot longer
and mingle into conversations more readily than sharing the truths that they
take the Church as an example of both of the above examples as a case
study. Can anyone identify with recent activities of the Church that
would incriminate them? It does not take too much effort not to find
something that fits within this category and for some personal accounts could
flow readily. The goal of the Church is to witness to the world and
to show and tell them that Jesus loves them and that God has provided a way for
us to have eternal life through Him. We do not hear much of that
message coming from the press, the news sources or even the people who attend
church services. If Mr. Woods had been focused upon his family and
on his career the amount of distractions would have been miniscule instead of a
priority and the chances of his blessings being cut down to size, they might
have been greater than anyone could have imagined.
the second example those allegations came at a time long after the events had
occurred. Under threats and violent intimidation were these people
subjected to, not including the acts of these events in the first place. But
now that time has passed and any thought of prosecution did the people finally
come forward and make their complaints known. And while not much
besides public ridicule can be accomplished the memories and hurt will still
reside within those people and for those who looked up to this man as a role
model for decades to follow. One also has to wonder about what
future effect this has on people as well, in that if a person finds someone who
is truly a good person and wants to help others, the first person may not open
up fully to them because of the doubt that has been cast previously by this
example. Do we see this today? Oh, yes on a second by
second basis.
Church falls into this example because of its dark and secretive past that she
has committed. If you read church history it does not take one long
to realize that the Church has done some pretty graphic acts in order to
proclaim its existence. As I stated above, the purpose of the Church
is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the dying world, period. No
where does it say for the Church to abandon the people or to hurt them in any
way. No where in God’s Word does it say to rape children or to allow
the Church to force people to perform heinous acts with the leaders of the
Church. And nowhere does any law of God demand that these acts be
committed so that the people can be sanctified in the eyes of God through these
acts. These types of activities were popular in the early stages of
Church development and through the Middle Ages and Reformation eras and it
would not take too much research to find these acts in the modern Church as
well. No matter when these acts occurred, it brings anger, hate and
total separation from God and to be honest, who could blame these people for
doing such.
of the actions that the Church has committed over the centuries I cannot ask
for forgiveness to these people that were subjected to these acts. And
even if I could it is not my place to do so. I can stand up and
apologize to the world for these horrendous acts that have been laid upon the
people, but it does not matter one ounce if the Church does not recognize them
and asks for forgiveness, first to God and to those groups who she has dealt a
heavy hand towards. So far, the Church has not done this and from
the looks of things has no desire to do so either. So, Christians
run along trying to figure out why the Church is no longer relevant in the
world, scorned, mocked and ridiculed at every turn, and for the most part
muzzled when it comes to revising, updating and creating new legislature in the
world’s nations.
acts of the two people above were strictly choices and it has effects on many
others afterwards. The acts of the Church was also voluntary choices
and look at the endless accounts of responses to these events afterwards. The
legacy that the spiritual Church has built has far outweighed the physical
legacy. It is known that all people physically die but it is the
spiritual death that matters so much more. The spiritual death is
eternal and can never be reversed and if the Church has painted a destructive
picture onto the hearts of people, then that separation from God shall continue
in the spiritual realm as well. It seems like we cannot get away
from these horrific events that the Church has committed and is committing
today. And the question remains if we are witnessing any changes
from within the Church because of these past actions, and it is easy to answer
this question.
when you were a kid, or even an adult, when you got caught doing something that
you were told not to do and your parents grounded you or spanked you? None
of us liked to be disciplined when we were young and none of like to be written
up for something we have done incorrectly in the adult world. All of
us knew that our actions would face consequences and depending upon the
severity of our actions it could have meant a long term corrective measure that
was laid down. It is this aspect that we must be concerned with, the
long term consequences of the actions of the Church.
have stated this many times that the Church is represented by you and by you alone. It
is not the denomination that you associate with nor is it the building that you
sit in every week. The Church is you and your life, period. If
you represent Christ in a vile manner guess what, the world may like you but
the definition of Christ shall not. The Church is not to take away
from the human but to give from Christ. It is through this gift that
the Church lives and breathes; the only question is what are you breathing into
the dying person, life or death?
all of the examples that has been shared with you in this article, they share
one thing in common. Each example provides us with a human event
that a person or group has done to another. It is these acts that
give the person or groups of people reason to doubt. It is bad enough
that people place their entire trusts upon humans and then get their hearts
crushed by unfortunate circumstances. All of us have had
disappointments with humanity and that trend shall continue and that is why it
is so important that we place our trust in God alone. Yet, we cannot
do that because the very thing that God established on this earth to protect us
from the world is committing the exact same crimes. It is these
crimes that commonly bind us to the world and when this occurs, all hope is
lost eternally.
wants everyone to understand that He loves us and that He has placed laws in
place to protect us from all worldly harm. He also has placed people
in the world who love Him and want nothing more to share the truth with those
that are hurting and need Him. But there is no way that this is
going to be possible if we continue to accept our own sinful ways. The
Church is doomed if we do not repent for our past, our present and for the
future ridiculous things that we may do. Then and only then will we
be able to turn the Church around and allow God’s message to flow from our
hearts again. Restoration is needed within the Church and the time
is now to allow God to perform this process.
cannot afford to wait any longer for if we do then God will have to show His
Church exactly how bad we have become in His eyes, the hard way. God
shall not stop at His Church either, the nations will fall into this category
as well, for it is the people that God sees, not just the physical
nation. I urge each and every person to search their heart and to
allow God to show you exactly what He wants to remove. It is
unspeakably important that we allow God to do this now and not later. Restoration
on a voluntary basis goes a lot smoother than the alternative involuntary
route, trust me I have been there, more than once. We no longer have
time to be “The Tiger Church” but God’s Church. God love us and He
wants to bless His children, but if we do not change quickly, our world that we
have acquired shall fall, and fall hard indeed.
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