Monday, July 27, 2015




It seems like each week our society is bombarded with a topic that concerns all of us and the last few weeks of international news about debt has not been left out.  Debt is an issue that either represents a good quality in our lives or if reflects an ugly setting to which dampers our existence.  In western society we have become accustomed to living with this yoke and in some cases, with frequent and increasing numbers, began to ignore this issue.  It is just not corporate or national debt that this attitude is being presented, the spiritual, personal debt that we are ignoring.  It is this debt that will not just cost us in the short time we are on this earth, but it will continue for eternity unless we accept the only way to remove this debt from our existence.

Anyone remember what occurred back in September 2008?  Anyone remember what financial institutions went belly up and how much it damaged our economy and set the world back a few steps?  Does anyone remember what the significance of 2008 was, in the realm of the world and especially Jewish and American history?  Many of us would probably have to look these events up to get a grasp on what transpired during that year and it is sad that the majority of the people, especially the younger generations, are not being properly fed spiritually to understand what is actually going on today.  More specifically, the Church is not being fed according to what is going on today and what is unfolding before our eyes; and we are about to pay for this blindness and arrogance very soon, and it all relates to the debt that we owe and how we are deliberately ignoring it.

On a global scale, we as a society have used our wealth and financial status as a foundation for supremacy across the world. When any country is asked about the USA one of the immediate responses will certainly be about the wealth status and how gross it has become.  During WWII one of the popular qualms that the British had about the Americans was that they were paid too much, so this concept is not something new to the world.  Yet with all of this wealth that courses our country’s veins we have found ourselves to be in tremendous debt.  We continue to lend money to other nations of the world but we cannot pay our own domestic bills, so much so that our global credit rating has been threatened to be cut and then was ignored long enough that it was cut.  We have no excuse concerning this issue because we as a nation have continually ignored the warning signs and have proceeded to do it our way without thinking of changing.

With our global status, we have also used our wealth to dictate what can and cannot be deemed necessary for other countries when it comes to their business.  Yes, our country should provide a standard of freedom that stands above all other nations but we do not have the authority to cut off funds of other countries when our own debt undermines and precedes our own inner lifestyles.  Recently Russia has begun its move to annex parts of Ukraine and to bring back a portion of its old empire.  The West, including the USA, immediately kicked out the Russians from the global financial powers league and then placed sanctions upon them to punish their acts.  Russia cannot but consider this act by the West as a hostile step and only pushes forward what has already been written within the Bible.

Italy and Portugal represent another side of the financial debt issue and now we have Greece who is on the verge of total collapse because of their financial issues.  Europe is not isolated in this respect for it was just announced the other day thatPuerto Rico is in the same boat.  All of these “crises” did not occur overnight, they all grew into the problems that are now public.  What started out as a small issue has become a governing nightmare which threatens the world economy; which, by the way, has been written about in the Bible as well. 

What I find so amazing is that when I read about these situations and study who these countries actually blame for their problems that I realize none of them actually blame themselves as a group, but place blame on others who oppose their specific ideas.  It is so hilariously sad that anyone behaves in such a manner, but even our country, and it’s politically charged supporters, are doing the exact same thing.  Societies around the world have totally abandoned a good faith basis for doing business and have done as much as they could for as cheaply as possible only to want the best in return, then pay for it, maybe, later.  Even the upstart economies around the world are reaping these debt issues from other countries and it is posing a huge collapse that will reach its climax soon.

So besides the point that our nation and other nations around the world how does this type of definition of endless debt play in our lives?  It all begins in the Garden of Eden with how we were created, then through our choices how our lives became instantaneously in debt.  When we were created we were done so in a perfect and pure state, it is hard to imagine this type of living but at one time two people were perfect in all ways.  After sin entered into our lives we needed rescuing and so the process of debt began to increase; almost immediately it was endless and there was no way that we could adequately pay this debt, in other words, we needed a divine way out.

As with the global debt issues, our lives have steadily increased in stature and we became comfortable with the settings around us.  Our physical creditors were freely handing out money and we greedily accepted it without having any intention to properly pay it back.  While this type of personal debt issues has been relatively hidden from public view it is still there and it has grown exponentially over the last few years towards a decade now.  Yet, we continue to play and spend blindly racking up debt and relying on other humans to ensure that our economy stays stable enough to provide us with suitable means to pay our debt; once again an example of blaming someone else for our problems but this time on a personal level instead of a global one; another example of a truth that has been written about in the Bible.

The physical debt that we inherit is of course death which no one escapes this result.  But if that is the only death and process that our enemy needs, why are our inner lives threatened so much by the same enemy?  It is because we have an inner being that is a part of us that knows no time yet is alive and well that completes our creative definition.  It is this portion that we rely upon to keep us in close contact with our Creator and the vital link to our eternal status.  It is through this physical debt that we have a tendency to allow our communication link to our Creator lapse and create a spiritual debt that eventually separates us from God.

How can we tell that our spiritual debt is being ignored?  There is an old truth that has been made popular that defines this setting and gives us proof of such separation can exist.  The saying is as follows: if your horizontal relationships are not lined up, your vertical relationship will automatically not be lined up.  This is a simple yet powerful truth and it has become obvious that we are ignoring this truth on both levels.  It also puts the two kingdoms into perspective and how they are separate and cannot mix, because if one is placed first then the other has to be second, on every level.  What makes this comparison valid is that it is our choice as to which kingdom we put first in our lives, and whichever kingdom is first will be advanced and the other pushed backwards.

It does not take too much searching to find that our societies are doing their best to align themselves with the horizontal kingdom instead of the vertical Kingdom.  It also explains why the world is in the shape that it is in and will continue to grow worse as the minutes pass bye.  If the world’s societies are in this condition it is safe to say that the people who make up these societies are living in the same manner, which if they do not understand the concepts of these two kingdoms then they shall see no problem with the direction that we are headed and living.  In doing such, we are increasing our spiritual debt and ignoring the fact that we need forgiveness of that debt.  We are also, and more importantly, forgetting that we even have a spiritual debt which further speeds up our separation from our Creator and thus places us into an eternal voided state from Him which is EXACTLY what our enemy wants.

Until we recognize that our spiritual debt is exponentially increasing each day, our lives will continue to reap the earthly benefits that are coming upon us.  Each blessing that we have been associated with comes from God, NOT the earth.  It is plain to see that we care nothing about God any longer so why would we expect His blessings to be continually poured out on our lives?  We as a collective nation have turned our backs on God and His ways are no longer important in our lives, this is our choice.  On an individual level, the same rules apply and if our nations and societies have turned away then we as individuals have turned away as well.  This means that we are currently on track to forget and to ignore our spiritual debt and to totally go it on our own; just as we have with our societal debt.

What great conflict this situation brings to our lives.  There is no question that humans like to do things right the first time and to have the issues in their lives taken care of before the day ends.  However, we are witnessing a change in this behavior with our increased debt levels, on both the national and individual levels.  Throw this into line with the spiritual debt and we are sunk unless we turn back to God.  It is vital that we once again recognize our spiritual debt that we owe and how important it is to be eternally covered in this area.  There is no way possible that our lives can cover this debt, nor is there any action that we can do to cover this debt, only God and His Son Jesus can guarantee us this eternal covering.  We need to fear the truth about our lives and what it means to be eternally separated from God.

The way I see things is that God has never had to apologize for any of His actions or Words, so that means it is strictly up to us to make this choice to decrease this spiritual debt or to increase it.  It is easy to recognize that the modern day Church has fallen into the same selfish patterns that the Middle Ages Church fell into and it does not look like she has any plans to change course either.  There should be no surprises as to why this spiritual debt is increasing nor should any question arise as to why our societies are falling apart.  It is easy to understand why the Satanic Church is able to create and to place a demonic figure wherever they wish while the engraved monuments of the 10 Commandments are being torn down.  If the societies of the world are performing these acts then the individuals of these societies are doing the exact same acts on their level as well.

All my life I have been taught the Word of God and how important it must be in our lives.  I have to admit that not all of my life I tended to God’s Word as a light to path and there were other times that I only chose to have God’s Word in my heart for troubled times.  I have come to realize that His Word is absolute truth and when I place His Word first in my life, my entire life changes.  I also can tell when I have allowed His Word not to be fed into my world, for I miss that connection and I long for that comfort and peace.  The world shall not give you anything like what God can give you, nor can it take away your physical and spiritual debt, it is all your choice.

Church, shame on you for allowing your spiritual debt to be increased through your love for the world and the standards of acceptance instead of separation.  You are not acting like a true bride, but a harlot looking for simple gratitude or small payment instead of eternal covenant.  God cannot allow this to continue for very much longer for there will come a time that we reach the point where He must say “enough”.  God is asking all of us to stop increasing our spiritual death, on the individual level and on the societal level.  It is amazing how much our debt is covered when we turn to Him and it is just as amazing of how rapidly our debt increases when we turn away from Him as well.

It is important that we get out of debt and to stay out of debt from the world’s standards.  Our physical debt is being increased at a pace that our human minds cannot conceive the same goes for our spiritual debt as well.  Both debts are endless and unless we stop our current living patterns we shall not see the end of our troubles, only harder and deeper troubles that will collapse both our physical and spiritual lives.  We are very close to this becoming reality people, and the time for change, godly change is now!

God loves us so very much and it is His desire to see us live debt free!!  Our physical debt shall never be taken from us but our spiritual debt can be covered eternally.  It is a simple process of repentance and then allowing God to restore us through His covering.  The only way that we can have this debt protection is if we accept God’s ways back into our lives and live them each and every day to the best of our abilities.  We are not perfect by any means nor shall we ever be perfect, until God calls us to His residence, but that calling shall never occur if our debt is not covered.


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