Thursday, July 23, 2015

Results of Human Equality

Results of Human Equality


This subject has been touched upon a couple times previous, but it is a topic that still needs to be understood in order for us to be able to turn back to God.  Everyone wishes equality would work but it is through our choices about who we want to be equal with is the point in fact and in most cases we miss this fact.  Humanity loves to try and become equal through any cost, claiming noble efforts while in pursuit of utopia.  Many wonder why this utopian society cannot be reached and it all has to do with the truth of sin, for as long as sin is present in our existence, equality is thrown out the window and until we turn back to God and His ways, our equality will only match the death spiral of the world.

As previous written it is every person’s desire to live on equal terms with others.  It is a noble gesture and one that deserves all the credit that humanity can dole out, but there is a certain barrier that each person that is trying to achieve this goal reaches and it seems that no matter how hard one tries to breach this barrier, they always fail.  Yes, some portions of this barrier are reached but the entire barrier itself looms even higher as we continue to try and overcome it.

I am reminded of the scene that was before our eyes back when the 2nd Gulf War was ongoing.  The allies had entered into the city of Baghdad and were advancing steadily towards the center of the city.  The Iraqi reporters and minders were still reporting that the Allied advance had not made it into the city and that the Iraqi resistance fighters were slaughtering the American soldiers as they were entering into the city; this report was quickly proven false when the first American tanks were viewed entering the city center.

After a few hours of getting the area secured, a large gathering of people appeared at the center of the city around the famous statue of President Saddam Hussein with his arm outreached.  It was this statue that many Iraqi people had come to despise and detest and it was clear that they had wished to take it down.  It did not take too long for the crowd to swell, and their chants against their leader became easily heard and understood.  They were venting their frustrations and looking for a way to all participate in the tearing down of that statue. 

Soon a person with a sledgehammer on his shoulder appeared moving through the crowd towards the statue.  Many of the people began to cheer louder and made a path for this gentleman and to make his approach to the statue easier.  As this scene unfolded it was noticed that the American tanks and military personnel were standing idle around the city center watching as the festivities proceeded.  As the man with the sledgehammer reached the base of the statue he turned and faced the crowd and yelled something in Arabic, then turned around and took the first swing at the base of the statue.  The crowd erupted once again with the fervor as if their national soccer team had just beat Brazil 1-0 in the World Cup final match, it was a glorious setting as the man continued to swing away at the statue.

It soon became painfully clear that this one man and his sledgehammer would not be able to bring this massive monument down, and with others trying their best to do the same thing, hopes began to dash.  One cannot help but to wonder what was going through the minds of these people, they had reached their goal of driving out a mad man for a dictator yet could not bring down his beloved statue that he was so proud of during his reign.  It was not until an outside source helped these people with tearing down this horrid statue.  Their community resources could not stand up against a common enemy and it was not until they received help from a stronger ally that their overall goal was reached.  Their efforts were noble in design but could not be achieved alone.

The same type of setting occurs in the Bible when it was time for the sacrifices.  The first account that we have of this procedure was when Cain and Abel were about to conduct their sacrifices to God.  Both men were direct descendants of Adam and Eve and there can be no dismissal of the fact that they knew what was to be done and not done concerning this process.  It was the acts of their parents that blew the concept of human equality and placed it on a human level instead of a divine level and since humanity made that choice, the events and results cannot be changed no matter how hard we try.  The only way that we can understand this fact is if we grasp the concept of Kingdom and how the holy and divine cannot ever mix with the worldly and divine. 

Cain decided that his way of being equal with God would be to not to obtain a sacrificial animal but to choose to present the efforts of his works instead.  Yes, it was of a personal interest of Cain’s and it was a true blessing from God that the “fruits” of his labor were rewarded.  But these efforts were not sufficient for God, for God is whole, complete and definitive being, one that cannot change His ways for any reason.  The amount of vegetables and other food types must have been numerous and from the look of the size of the sacrifice should have been pleasing to God, or at least according to the eyes of humans that is.  I also have no doubt that the offering that Cain gave was pure and beautiful, but it still did not meet up to God’s standards for sacrifice and did not represent the true meaning of sacrifice.

The equality of Cain’s offering was strictly on the humanistic side of life and did not represent anything personal and total about it.  Here lies the overall problem with Cain’s sacrifice, it was equal and not separate.  The value of life was intact and death was a constant reminder through the acts of his parents.  It was known that life was precious and that every aspect of life was to be nurtured as long as possible, for the changes of sin were already been noticed.  It was Cain’s choice to try and be equal and to spare the life of an animal and thus totally rejecting the entire concept of acceptance and separation from the world that God requires.  His parents were once divinely separated from sin yet they chose to be common with the world and Cain decided to follow suit.

Abel on the other hand was different and chose a different route.  Like his brother, he understood the meaning of sacrifice and knew the reasons why that this process should be completed.  There is no doubt that Abel knew that killing an animal was going to be hard but at the same time he also understood that it was the blood that was shed that was the key element that God wanted to see.  It was the willingness and the understanding that it was the blood that represented life and our existence and that it was that element that needed to be given up in order for our lives to be totally cleansed in God’s eyes.

It was the blood sacrifice that placed Abel’s offering separate from Cain’s.  It was the understanding and the boldness to show both the people of the area and God that the sacrifice was total, complete and that all had been offered to God.  It was also the spirit that Abel harbored that wholly entered into covenant with God at this time and it was the spirit within Cain that recognized this separation and violently reacted in accordance against the separation. 

It is interesting that humans try their best to place themselves on the level as Cain instead of Abel.  Look at what happens to Cain after his sacrifice is rejected.  First of all, all he would have had to do was to quickly repent and turn his heart back to God after learning about his choice.  Secondly, he did not do this and allowed the anger within his spirit to grow until a final act was committed on his brother.  This was a progressive process and one that had to be eating Cain alive from within, it was not healthy for either brother as the story unfolds.  There was no question that Cain’s offering was of a noble nature, but it was inadequate and common instead of being separate and extraordinary, and it was through this belief and object trust that cost havoc upon the lives of both men.

We must remember and to keep in mind that all parties involved in this story were humans.  It is not hard for us to remember that humans follow patterns, both genetically and physically.  We can look throughout history and read where sons and daughters followed in the footsteps of their parents, or did quite the opposite of their parents.  On each occasion and in each setting a choice was made and it was through these choices that advanced humanity or reverted humanity.  In each case, each choice made also had the accountability of God within its decision and whether or not God was fully listened to during the period of choice.  All examples of humanity represent humans and humans have not changed in our mental capacities since our creation; therefore, the efforts of mankind are readily presented as such and cannot be extended into a utopian state.

We are currently witnessing the similar situation unfolding in today’s societies.  It has continually amazed me to watch humans try and equate themselves with others who they have no idea about.  The bandwagons are fully loaded with new ones being established by the hour and yet, with all of these bandwagons that are around, none of them have final directions or answers for those who are participating, only more questions, aches, pains and division.  The people who believe in this condition state that they are becoming “one” with the world, and this is an accurate statement.  And if you are to ask them about God, some will say that they know God and others will say they have no time for God or those who believe in Him either.  This too are accurate statements for the world hates God, everything that He stands for or that He does not even exist, then the choice is made to join the world and the ensuing separation between God and man increases, which eventually grows into an abyss.  If you stop and think about it, this process is the exact same one that Cain followed after his offering was rejected by God.  With all of the opportunities that are around for people to accept God, they ignore them and cast space between the Truth and the world.

The Bible gives us an example of how we can return back to God and to re-establish our status within His heart.  That example is called Covenant and while grace was not in play when Covenant was established, it served as the cornerstone of people’s lives until grace was provided through the sacrificial Lamb of God.  Covenant established the fact that God remembered His people and that even though they could not change their physical death status, there was an option remaining for their eternal status.  It was a separation from the world and a choice of accepting God as the eternal, holy, and divine Creator of everything and at the same time recognizing that our lives are mere mortal and cannot coexist with a holy and pure God. 

God also makes it very clear that He cannot ever break this covenant and since it cannot be broken from the original creator, it cannot be broken by the other partner either.  The covenant can only be violated by the human side of things, for if God violated His own covenant then Satan would immediately have to be restored to his original position and God would have to do a bunch of apologizing to past and present societies.  I have read and am continually studying God’s Word and I have yet to read where God has had to apologize for anything He had said or done; He has regretted a couple of things but never apologized for His actions or words.  Many more articles are forthcoming on this topic, so stay tuned.

The important issue to remember here is that God has established a standard and through that standard He cannot waiver, nor does He wish to waiver either.  God understands the importance of our condition and has provided a way of escape even though we chose to live in this capacity.  It is through this standard that He ordained the blood as the sole entity that deems us live and also represents the only way that we can be cleansed from our sinful choices.  It is the blood that we need to survive, both physically and spiritually and the importance of this element cannot waiver either.  There is no curve to be put into place, only the commitment of the blood and its warrants upon our lives.  It is also the reason why God sent His Son to the earth to provide the grace that the Old Testament blood sacrifice represented.  Thus, the rule of equality was broken through human choice and as long as we take a breath on this earth, it shall never be obtained again.

God gave us equality when He created humans, and it was our choice to abandon this perfect state when we chose to go on our own way and believe the other being around us.  After the relationship had developed and Eve was comfortable enough with the serpent and if you remember, the conversation that convinced Eve to eat from the tree was in part that the serpent said that she would be equal with God; equality goes along way both in the divine and in the physical and should be taken as such.  Take a look at any crowd at a sporting event or a convention.  Ask the people in attendance a certain question and you might get some to agree with your opinion about that question but not everyone will come up with your opinion, this is a given and should be automatically agreed upon.  So if just one question divides humans, how can we honestly believe that each of us can be on equal terms with each other?  It is impossible to have this state.

God and His ways provide us with an opportunity to achieve this state again.  It shall not be in our physical lifetime but after our lives are through and our eternal portion continues to live.  It is our choice to accept God and His ways or not to and separate ourselves from His blessings and Kingdom.  The world cannot be equal with God and He has specifically communicated that to us and has instructed us not to accept the world, for it is a death trap.  If we return to God and obey His laws, submit ourselves to the Covenant that He has provided, Jesus’ blood shall be over us and when the time comes, we shall be able to eternally live in peace, love and equality once again.


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