Saturday, September 5, 2015

Taking God Seriously

Taking God Seriously


We all like to believe that we alone are in control of our lives, and for the most part, this is a correct assumption.  But there are countless examples where this belief has overrun the reality of our creation and consequently pushed out our Creator.  God has given us free will and free choice, but it was never His intent for us to live our lives without His umbrella of protection.  It is obvious today that we have strayed far enough away that we no longer take God and His ways seriously and it looks like through our actions that we have crossed a major line which shall lead to God turning His blessings back into remembrance. God wants to lose no life and we need to realize this full heartedly and repent and turn from our ways.

Over the last few months, the topics for these articles has become a tad bit hard for many people.  Believe me these articles are not easy to share with you but they are strict and precise messages from God that He has revealed to me to give to His people so that they might understand what has occurred, what is ongoing and what is in store for our lives.  There have been some recent choices made in our country that has turned the tide in our relationship with God and He now must reiterate His authority over His people because of our choices.  First and foremost God wants us to understand that He loves us so much more than we can ever comprehend and He wants to shelter us from any harm, but He cannot do this while we love our sin enough to place our fortitudes without Him being first. 

There have been two great warnings that God has given to this country over the past 14 years, but these have not been the only warnings that He has provided, however.  On certain occasions major choices of this country have been made that represent a direct slap in the face to God and yet when something terrible goes wrong we put those choices aside and run back to Him for protection.  Then, after we deem it is “clear” we turn back around, pick up those choices once again and scream for more.  This pattern has rung true ever since our first big warning arrived on 9 September 2001.  I have shared with you the actions of such an event and the actions of our people afterward.  The same pattern held true again in 2008 when the crash occurred that brought many people to their knees; yes, it was hard on the innocent as well.

But as with the first big, warning we eventually crawled out of our problem and set course once again on the same road picking up the same old choices and starting our journey again placing God on the back burner and ignoring His pleas for true repentance and restoration.  From these two examples alone it is easy for one to recognize that our attitudes towards God have drastically changed, so much so that we no longer wish for Him to be a part of our daily lives.  It also explains and gives a prominent reason as to why we do not take Him seriously and have no real desire to change those beliefs either.

Another clear portion of guided evidence that proves we do not take God seriously is that many people in the world, including Christians, love to make their own interpretations of God’s Word.  This process is done by many means so that we can justify the feelings that we believe should be in order, thus trying to change the Bible to fit our whimsical and ever-changing thinking patterns.  This type of watered down gospel is popping up all over the world from the newest convert to the great leaders of the Church and it is getting worse as each day passes.  The enemy is using this pacifistic mentality to subdue the authoritative Word of God and making into a fictional palace of lies and what we do not understand is that we are falling for this evilness by complying with his message and not God’s.

A watered down gospel is a half truth and a half truth is a lie!  I know many people that have had heart attacks; I have to include myself in this group.  I was lucky, very lucky not to have severe damage to my heart for I had plenty of warnings due to the advances in modern medicine.  Yet I continued to ignore those warnings and play the part of the “superman” and had the belief that nothing could touch me for I felt strong and healthy at the time.  If one stops and thinks about the comparisons here, I watered down the truth with my blinded belief because of my current feelings of health, not knowing that I was a ticking time bomb about ready to explode and change my life forever.

Because of my ignorance and blind stupidity, that day of major change came to my life and from that day forward I had no option but to place myself into a different category than other people.  As I stated before I was lucky in the fact that no hard or severe damage was done to my life and I no one to thank or to give credit to other than God because if the truth be known I should have died just as some of my uncles did in the past.  It is evident now as I look back on my life during that time that my blindness to my health served as the foundation of why I refused to accept the truth about what was occurring in my vessels. Even though I was in the medical field and should have recognized the symptoms, I flat ignored them and refused to take into consideration that my body was sending me warning signs for me to change my inner surroundings.

It was the function of my inner (spiritual) heart that convinced me that I was right to ignore the warning signs that my physical heart and physical condition were giving me.  When our inner heart function is in this state of denial it is easy for one to miss the actual warning signs that are around us.  This process falls into the category of choice and it through our choices that we make decisions and it is on these decisions that we govern ourselves through laws, both on the spiritual side and on the physical side of our lives.  These conditions serve as the groundwork that we claim to be the reasoning that we interpret God’s Word according to our feelings instead of ignoring the truth; this state also causes us to miss the events around us and their true meaning for our lives.

The Bible overtly states that God has certain ways that He operates through and that He wishes for every single one of His children to manifest their lives through these means.  When we have the concept that we can change God’s laws to fit our own beliefs it places us into a portion of the atheist category in as much that we no longer believe that God is who He says He is and what He can do.  Any portion of unbelief in God of this nature defines atheism and thus automatically places us into that category; more on that subject at another time.  If this type of belief is allowed to continue within our hearts it will become the progressive institution of total denial where God and His ways are concerned, this too is not difficult to see in this country.

We know that the world has nothing to offer our lives but hate, discontent, and death, so this must mean that every blessing we receive comes from God.  We have numerous examples in the Bible and in our own personal lives that proclaim this truth loud and clear.  But we cannot ignore the opposite of this issue in that if we curse God or push Him aside to pursue our own ways those blessings are at some point taken away.  When we study God’s Word it becomes evident that every time Israel finds herself in a state of turmoil and disarray they have disobeyed God to the point where He must do some correcting, usually with some type of enemy taking charge of their affairs.  The opposite rings loud and clear as well for when it was evident that Israel kept God’s commandments Israel’s life and existence were none greater and all her enemies were kept at bay.

The above example concerning Israel and their living conditions may seem like an extreme environment to exist within, but if we truly understand God’s Word we will know that His laws are for everyone and if they are not obeyed, we automatically take ourselves out of grace’s protection and, therefore, allow our enemy to pursue our destruction unabated.  This is what occurred in the Old Testament and it is occurring today as well, God is not a respecter of persons and that is why the just and the unjust are included in His actions.

I have mentioned this fellow’s name in some of the articles in the past and his name is Job.  Job provides us with an excellent example of the difference between knowing God’s laws and ignoring them.  There can be no mistake that Israel understood God’s laws when they were in existence during Bible times.  Their entire lives depended upon God for it was He who established their nation and defined every single portion of their presence on the earth.  Even today the Jewish people know and understand that this is a true fact and while not every one of them follow God, they cannot deny their existence without putting God into their equation.  So, any argument from those who claim to not know God’s laws fall into the category of “should have known” because of their origins; this includes the modern day Church as well.

Job had a relationship with God that serves as a prime example of how we should be in our lives as well.  Job knew God well enough that when all of his troubles began and his family and land were destroyed he did not waiver in his faith.  When his wife told him to curse God and die he ignored this advice and served God with a greater fervor for Job knew that something was amiss because God would not destroy him for a secret sin.  And here holds the key to the difference between Job and Israel or if you wish to put it in modern times, those who seek to understand God from those who know of God and survive day to day without any true relationship with Him.  Consequently, this describes the modern Church and the West as we know it.

God had provided many warnings to Israel before their way of life was totally destroyed in 722 BC, and we all know how long it took them to restore their nation back into one unified country.  God gave Egypt 9 warnings before the 10th plague took effect, thus devastating Egypt of its future.  God also devised warnings for our country as well and it was through these warnings that we once again exemplified that we know of God but have no desire to have any type of true and holy relationship with Him. 

For a long time, I never had any notion or inkling of an idea of why it was important to have a relationship with God.  I was born and raised in church and have been taught the Bible all of my life, but I had no intentions of expanding my eyes and heart to what exactly God’s Word says and what it means to my life.  I can honestly state, with a sad and mournful heart, that as I hear the responses of the Church about today’s condition of our country that it is obvious the Church is in the same condition as I was some time ago.  This state of affairs concerns me because the Church has no idea of what is coming nor will it have a true sense of why God’s judgment occurred.  Do not get me wrong, there are those out in the world that do understand what is going on and what is about to transpire, but they are few and far between and for the most part ignored.

This type of action not only by myself but to those around the world begs the question as to why over time we begin to doubt God’s existence and then through our own actions force God to demonstrate His supernatural power in an adverse manner instead of the opposite.  What makes things even worse is that even after God has shown this type of power we still refuse to take it to heart and truly change our hearts.  An example is when the Israelites were allowed to leave Egypt, the desert that they were in is not that large and they could have easily made it to the destination that God had for them rather quickly.  But they refused to let Egypt go from their hearts which forced God to demonstrate that He was in control of their spiritual land and not themselves.  What did it cost them?  It cost many of the elderly ones not to physically see the Promised Land, including Moses and many of them never received the fulfillment of their destinies.

Today many of the people who call themselves Christians or people of God fall into the same category as the Israelites did so many millennia ago.  We have been taught the correct ways to follow God but over time we have inserted our own particular selfish wants into the picture and watched as God allowed this choice to occur; God allowed it but that does not mean He accepted it as His will.  The Israelites refused to notice the true meaning behind the blessings of manna from God and complained about it continuously.  This type of activity rings loud and clear from our voices today, we cry and complain about the true freedoms and symbols that have been beacons to countless numbers of people for over 250 years.  And from the sounds coming from our hearts today, we too must endure the adverse power of God’s supernatural state.

All of these examples are ones that protract a certain demeanor which shouts that we do not take God seriously and that we place more faith and trust in ourselves.  Our capacity for blessings has been stripped and shall not return until we have truly with open spiritual eyes turned back to God and stay with His commands.  To be honest, with all of the things that are transpiring in the world today and how they are step by step lining up with God’s biblical timeline I do not believe our nation shall ever return to its previous status.  Our days of being a leader to the world and a shining beacon to all humanity are over and we have no one to blame but ourselves.  It saddens me that we shall face such tragedy but at the same time we will not even know who to truly turn to during this new state that we are about to endure.

There are many who do not doubt God and live in His ways.  God wants you to know that He loves you and understands your faithfulness through these coming times.  He knows where you are and what you are doing.  God also wants our hearts to understand that while He loves us like no other being could. He is a serious God and that His laws must be obeyed so that we may have eternal life.  Yes, God has a sense of humor, yes, God is more than we shall ever be able to understand but one thing is quite clear to us through His Word and that is if we do not obey His laws He must act accordingly.  It is now time we take God seriously on all levels of our existence because it looks like some of us may not be around to have this choice much longer.


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