Monday, August 31, 2015

In My Father's Eyes

In My Father’s Eyes


Do we actually look at ourselves and ask the question concerning how we appear before our fathers?  Style and circumstance dictate our children’s wear now-a-days and with this truth usually comes a certain attitude as well.  It seems like we have lost the willingness to please our fathers, if we have them around.  This concept is another one that follows the vertical / horizontal relationship factors and through this measurement it is quite clear that we have no concept of our appearance to our Heavenly Father as well along with our earthly fathers.  Also, it is noticeable that since society does not recognize any formal relationship status now, the severance from our Creator shall increase as well; we have only a few short hours left before God has to remind us of this truth, true change is still calling.

Anyone remember the early to mid-80s?  I certainly do since it was the time of my youth and I was healthy and vibrant on many levels.  The energy I had stored up and was able to use on a daily basis was fantastic and I could not imagine any other state. Contemporary Christian music was coming of age and there were many different styles of songs that were being written and produced on a monthly calendar.  The time for prosperity and being a Christian was at its peak during this time and even though not everyone agreed with God and the stance that Christians were taking, respect was due process and life went on as is.

One of the more popular Christian songs of the early 80s was entitled “My Father’s Eyes” and it was sung by Amy Grant.  This song was a huge hit throughout the Christian domain and it even was a great song to sing in special music portions of church services.  The song had a wonderful message and if one stopped and thought about the song and took its words to heart, it could help understand the relationship between a father and his child.  The lyric chorus states it the best with:   

“She’s got her Father’s eyes, her Father’s eyes
Eyes that find the good in things
When good is not around
Eyes that find the source of help
When help just can’t be found
Eyes full of compassion, seeing every pain
Knowin’ what you’re going through, and feeling it the same
Just like my Father’s eyes”

These words describe the very true nature of our Heavenly Father and Creator, but ironically yet truthfully we have lost sight of this truth about God.  In short, we have lost all reality about God, period and our world is suffering greatly because of this choice.  The world has long promoted free love and sex without consequences with options to take care of business if things go wrong.  Free love has ignorantly diminished relationships and has established worn out human beings before they leave their high school years.  Focus has been turned towards pleasure instead of responsibility and for those who do not accept this fact, should be placed on a deserted island and thrown back into the Dark Ages.

We have created a failing system which promotes brokenness and our expectations and attitudes reflect these mannerisms.  No longer is having a good stable family accepted and to be honest we could not fully coordinate with such institutions in this society.  Recently, an adult website was hacked and all of the names of the people who had paid for access to this site were exposed.  While it was not shocking to me, I did find it interesting that only 3 zip codes within the 50 USA states did not have a registered user.  Within these three zip codes only a total of approximately 400 people were present, while that does not include specifics about who had registered, it does send a proclamation out since the websites motto is “Life is short, have an affair”.

If this type of respect for family and moral order is in this state it should clear up any misguiding about how this country feels about other types of sexual references people may have towards this subject.  I would not expect anything less from humans either, since one of the first things that God did after He created us was to enable the sexual concept within mankind; our enemy has been on a mission to pervert this Holy Order ever since and through our choices has succeeded quite nicely.

I wish I could write and proclaim that every father throughout history has followed the fantastic and true moral pattern that such a leader of the family should portray, but I would be lying if I only said these types of things.  There are many examples of where the fathers are not in the picture or do not wish to participate in any portion in their families’ lives.  This lack of authority and respect for the family and its structure has been redefined through the ways and means of the world and not from God and its toll is evident and running rampant in our lives today.  Promotions of such beliefs are on the faces and hearts of most people in western societies, do not believe this, then go to another country and observe and it will become immediately clear.

I too have to place myself into the failing category as a father even though I was trying to do the correct thing at the time.  As many of you know, divorce rocked my world in the early 90s and it took me a while to recover from that devastation.  During my first marriage, my then wife and I created a beautiful daughter together.  While we were hundreds of miles apart we were even further apart in relationship distance and there was a reason for this dereliction of duty.  It was a stupid concept on my part but one that played its part in our lives and for a long time took a huge toll in our entire family.  From the situation that I had been in I had made up my mind that if I ever found another lady to be a part of my life that I would do my best to keep order in the family, no matter what.

I did this to the best of my ability and while I was completing this task actually trying to burn a bridge that needed to be built up instead; all the while forgetting a huge basic principle about family at the same time.  Many of you know that my oldest daughter is not my biological daughter, she was part of Bonnie’s life before I came into the picture.  I did my best to keep everyone’s relationship stable while Tatem was growing up and facing all of the fallacies of having a stepfather. 

For the most part we got along fine but with all of the bad attention her friends were giving her eventually separated her from her mother for a short time.  Plus, I had no idea that I was trying to play the friend to Tatem as well and only complicating the situation when things became testy.  This situation became the priority and thus my relationship with my other girls faltered at the same time; it was this part of the equation that I was failing to see and take care of that almost cost me again.  As I look back on this part of my history I can honestly say that keeping the entire family in tact is the best option for all humanity and if God becomes the center of all activities it will definitely show in all circumstances.

Every parent wants to be a friend to their children while they are growing up, and we sometimes live through this want by treating our children’s friends accordingly.  We need to keep in mind that it is the parent’s responsibility to keep the child in order, both at home and in public and while we cannot control what other parents and children do or say, it will become obvious that there is a difference when presented.  Through this type of action the family is broken apart on the foundational level since the parent does not have the slightest awareness of how their child will act, which reflects the type of relationship or in this case lack of relationship they have with their family.  Look at what they are doing, many of them are not even paying attention to their immediate surroundings, their child senses this and runs with the opportunity; the epitome of the relationship status of our world today.

How can anyone have this type of relationship, with anyone and on any level and expect society to survive?  It is obvious that the created ones wish to have no intimate relationship with the ones that created them and it is VERY obvious that the ones who create here on earth wish to have no intimate relationship with those who are created by them; many do not even get out of the womb if truth be known and this way serves as the foundation of all human / human relationships and provides an excellent base of determination in our father’s eyes.

These types of bad relationship status’ can be witnessed almost everywhere we present ourselves.  It has become common thread to see such activities as we encounter the public.  I hear many people talking about this type of activity but I do not hear about or see any major changes in those that are being talked about.  This means that our selfish desires are more important than the intimate relationships we have with our family and it is a true reflective of how we look at our fathers.  This is where the horizontal / vertical ties come into play and it is not hard to figure this pattern out.

When we look at our directional flow on relationship grounds we can easily see that our vertical relationship with our Creator is in the same category as our horizontal creator, broken and essentially non-existent.  We be-bop through our daily lives trying to make ends meet and wonder why things are continually heading south, both in the world and in our private lives.  We scream and yell about service conditions, living lifestyles, who matters and for improved wealth but at the same time cannot figure out how to repair he intimate relationships with our fathers.  We would rather complain about the air we breathe instead of figuring out the real foundational onslaught of truth behind our struggles.  There is absolutely no way that we shall ever figure things out in our personal lives until we first figure things out about God and His position in our existence.

Until we restore our foundational status back to God, which means us having our entire structural placement completely unwoven from its encasement if necessary, we shall never regain the harmony between our families.  And do not even think that society will ever come around to please your whims either, society has its own agenda and it does not include you.  Only God cares for you and can provide the perfect setting or peace and harmony within our lives, even if our portion of the world is being washed away.  It has been asked if we can truly know who God is and what He represents to our lives while living in this state of affairs and the answer is quite clear.  The answer is “NO” simply because when we are wrapped up in our own lives we have no option but to see things accordingly; therefore, God can only be an interpretation and not the truth.

Through our selfish reasoning and worldly beliefs our eternal enemy has us in the exact position that he wishes us to be in and it is evident that he does not have to work very hard to keep us in this state.  As long as we have interpretations where God is concerned, our status is set and shall not render any eternal fruit for others.  At the same time we have the notion that our lives are “right” in God’s eyes and that our progression through life favors this truth, but when it comes to exactness, we are only living a lie and falling further away from our Father’s eyes each passing second of the day.  If known, we do not even have the concept of where God lives and therefore have no idea where to look when it comes to finding His eternal eyes.

I urge you to find the previously mentioned song and listen to it, if nothing else Google the lyrics and study them carefully.  The words to he song really put our positions in God into perspective and if allowed those words will become a beacon in our lives so that we may restore the relationship with God once again.  The only way that we can find God’s eyes is to know where He is located.  Our connection and ties to God have been totally severed by our own accord and we are just about ready to find out what it means to be separated from God in this manner.  The initiatives of a family begin with the father and in our eternal family, this truth continues to shine as the true example.

There are times that father’s have to set the records strait trough tough times, God is not exempt from this truth either.  Our actions as children are evident against His creative status and it is time that He reels us in.  If we look throughout history we will find that there were many empires that seemed to have it all together, but when one takes a harder study at these lifestyles they will find ones similar to the ones we live in today.  Then, if we look into our Father’s eyes we shall see we are not obeying His laws by any means which can only bring pain into His heart.  As any good, responsible and loving parent would do, a time of discipline should follow, and in God’s eyes our lives flat stink.

Repent and allow God to shine forth from our lives again.  This nation was created for such a task and we have faltered in this responsibility miserably for way too long.  Our lives in our Father’s Eyes can only present one picture to Him, sin and it is through this sin that He must act accordingly.  Repent, nation!  Repent, Church! And allow God to restore our lives back into the right Holy Order in His eyes.


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