Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Beautifully Created

Beautifully Created


Ever wonder why God designed our bodies in the manner in which He did?  In our own human conditions, I do not believe that we can ever fully understand all of the functions and abilities that our bodies harbor and serve, for as we learn more about our humanness the more we must concede that we are perfectly imperfect.  Even our creational origins continue to fight our outcomes because it goes contrary to what we must face each day.  In all, God created the perfect house that can adapt too many circumstances that it endures, even when we no longer function within the perfect and eternal original state.

In the past, God has shared with us topics about His creation called humans and has provided us with some specific details about our physical existence that just simply amazes us.  The topic of beautifully created will be another detail that will shed more light not only on our lives but the ingenious thought process and heart of God at the same time.  For when a person looks at the way our bodies were formed it is amazing of how we were made to survive the falling out with eternity and away from God.

For the last few weeks, I have been battling a small issue with my back.  While it is nothing serious it occasionally reminds me that I have done something to my body that it does not like and it is now letting me know that something is wrong.  My back is not getting worse but is taking its own sweet time in getting better which concerns me in other ways; mainly about my age.  This is the first time that I have had any long term problems with my back so I am learning some things all over again when it comes to the physical activities that I readily accomplished before.  I am slowing down more and taking things easier while I am completing them, something that goes totally against my type “A” personality.

While getting older bothers me a little, I take a quick survey of the remaining portions of my life and I find that they are performing quite well and as of now show no signs of deteriorating; however, I know that at any moment those symptoms could arise as well.  As I continue to muddle my way through this process of my life I cannot help but wonder how long it shall last and just how much more will my body endure before my time on earth ends.  I also have to stop and contemplate about how it might feel if my body was in total systemic rest and functioning at the intended performance rates that it was designed to perform. 

There have only been two people that have had that feeling and while the Bible does not state exactly how long they lived in that perfect condition, their knowledge of such living is now extinct.  It is this aspect of our creation that God wants to share with us about in this article, for even though our bodies were created in a perfect accord with our Creator, He gave our bodies the capacity to adapt to our existence according to our choices and this is proving to be both challenging and exciting at the same time.

As we have read in the Bible, the book of Genesis states that we were created in a perfect condition without any type of blemish or sin within our bodies.  Our minds and hearts were created to know no abnormalities or dysfunction and our extremities were not to have any breaks or tearing of any kind.  Our blood and vessels were to have perfect and stable oxygen and nutrient levels at all times, that provided complete content to every cell constantly, without fail.  No pain, no agony or suffering, a complete and uniform body that knew nothing but complete success in everything it did.

But as we know it was through our choice of accepting sin into our lives that changed all of this for not only our physical bodies but for our spiritual connection with God as well.  When God came to the Garden that day and found Adam and Eve hiding because they were naked God had already taken into account for this change in our bodies and had established a baseline of survival that could only adapt to such change instead of totally collapsing immediately around itself.

God never intended for our physical bodies be subject to such direct insults that target death.  God cannot create anything that automatically is subject to death or destruction for if He did then He would not be the all mighty and all powerful God that His Word says He is; and who I say He is too.  Everything that God creates is perfect for He is perfect in every way and since this is a truth about God and that He cannot change, then His ways and order cannot change either.  Therefore, when He created our bodies He did so in such a way that when we messed up and allowed our separation to occur through sin, our bodies had the capability to adjust to our new and unfamiliar ways.

When you look at what God did in order to set the record straight after we sinned, it is an amazing change and difference that our bodies had to endure.  From no pain to complete pain, from an eternal and everlasting physical life to one that begins to die even before we leave the womb of our mother, all of these issues we did not have to deal with before we fell.  We did not have to toil in the dirt for our food or to be subject to the changing weather patterns, all were covered under our perfect bodily conditions.  Even with all of our complications that we present every day our bodies still fascinate scientists, not because of the direct imperfections that protract from our lives but instead how our bodies do their best to restore themselves when these insults occur.

The mechanisms that swirl around our insides represent a multitude of intertwined systems that somehow depend on each other for complete survival, yet when one falls below standard the others pick up the pace and do their best to ensure complete core stability, all operated by a single conductor which pumps the life needed blood through our veins and arteries to each single cell of our body.  Now this detail has a significant value within our existence, for it was not for the blood and the single conductor within our bodies, we would simply not live and would cease to exist immediately after conception, a process that just simply cannot poof into being, it must be created by some being of far greater wisdom than ours.  As God will share with us in the coming days, each cell has its purpose in our lives and it is our duty to make each cell smart according to God’s Word.

When we buy a new car we expect its performance to last us until we decide to buy another one.  But all of know that this is not always the case for sometimes cars break down before we are ready to trade them in, and for the most part, we have no control over what occurs to these vehicles even if we take great care in their maintenance.  The same occurs when we go through our life as well, all seems ok but all of a sudden wham, we begin to break down.

Can you imagine what would have occurred to humanity and human existence if God had not thought through the facts of variances appearing into our physical bodies?  First of all, it would prove that He was not an all knowing God for He would have missed this foreseeable state.  Secondly, He would have had to begin all over with His creation and thus proven Satan correct in that God is a lair and not perfect as He states in His Word.  Such an embarrassment it would be if His prize creation, in His own image, was not prepared to adapt to the future and for a situation that was certain to arrive at some point in time.  Yet, God did prepare our lives for this type of living and His creative bliss is still evident in our bodies today.

It is no secret that scientists are amazed at the construction of our bodies.  They cannot deny the fact that our functioning systems are confusing, individual yet consistently coinciding with each other to maintain a constant and continual stasis.  In all studies that have been conducted, it would seem that our bodies are built to maintain its functionality indefinitely without fail, but for some reason they cannot seem to understand why at some point it does.  Stop and think for a moment how our bodies would react if we did not have the creative existence within us to adapt to such shock.  Our bodies would react accordingly and would immediately shut down and cease to exist.  We would not survive the time frame to give birth or to even create another human being, our existence would be immediately over and death as we know it would rule and life cease.

I do not like to use the phrase "contingency plan" but for all intense purposes that is exactly what God had in mind for our bodies. It was ingenious that He placed this ability in our lives because He knew that we would need it at some point in time.  It also places in perspective the fluidity of humanity and what it means to be human.  The responsibility and law of reproduction have its correct and Divine course and this is demonstrated through the gift of restoration through what God has placed within our bodies.

This adaptation that lies within our lives is constant in every single human being no matter if they are deemed “perfect” by society or “cursed” with a physical or genetic deformity.  Even those people who are born with gross deformities bless our lives with their presence for a limited amount of time.  Sometimes life and the physical shortness of our lives does not seem fair and frustrate us greatly, but even in this short state of life we have a Divine purpose and it is imperative that we understand this tremendous gift that God has provided us.

This process of change is a natural setting in our bodies today and in fact, we cannot call it a change for we inherit it upon our conception.  However, it still is a beautiful gift that we have and one that establishes our choice to accept God as our eternal savior just as He has provided us with the first gift of restoration.  When God created our bodies it was in a perfect state and when we allowed sin into our lives we forced God’s creative abilities with producing His restoration process.  Satan knew that our lives would change because he had his status changed when he sinned.  God allowed for the first restoration process to be enabled when we sinned, which infuriated Satan even further.  Our enemy knew at that Garden moment that God was not going to end His prized creation’s existence but through His creative process allow our lives to continue and to fulfill the choice of God.

It is through this built-in physical restoration process that we have the opportunity to recognize our faults and at the same time our need for God.  It is through the gift of restoration that we can come back to Him and allow Him to restore our lives in such a holy manner.  Our physical existence shall always be limited and will fall away, but it is through this physical restoration process that allows us the time to correct our spiritual separation through restoration and this is exactly why God created in our bodies the ability to survive a non-perfect state.

It is of the utmost importance that we must understand that the choices we make in our lives do have a direct effect upon our lives.  Even though God has given us a chance to return to Him and His ways and to be restored in His eyes, the sin that we carry still incriminates us if we do not rid ourselves from its presence.  God cannot do one thing about restoration if we are not willing to accept this gift from Him.  But in the end it is always our choice to accept it or to deny it.  So, in other words, our perfectly imperfect existence is a gift from God that was enabled when we made the choice to go our own way a very long time ago.  I wish to thank the musical group Veridia for writing the song “Pretty Lies” because it completely illustrates this article and the measures that our enemy goes to ensure that we do not understand any of this process.

Our bodies may still have its bumps, bruises, aches, and diseases but even with those conditions ravaging our bodies we still have the opportunity to present ourselves as a living sacrifice to God and to come to Him for complete restoration.  Without this initial restoration process within our physical bodies we would never have had the opportunity to make the choice to live.  Nor would we have the opportunity to choose life and to live in complete freedom from the world.  This first example of restoration, though it may not be a physical perfection, truly explains why God can honestly say that He gave His only Son because He first loved us.  For without this first restoration process and example for us to remember, we would not be around to enjoy God’s creation.

So take heart people of God and rejoice in your beautifully created bodies for there is not a single one like yours that has existed before.  Stop enduring the physical differences and so-called imperfections that the world deems necessary to point out, for God created your existence and presence long before you were formed in your mother’s womb.  You life has a purpose and meaning for this dying world and if you allow your heart and your spiritual ears to be open to His calling, that purpose will be found and understood and your body will rejoice in your Creator for finding the true meaning of your existence.  Repent and allow God to restore your inner beauty and your eyes shall see God flowing from your life like a steady stream towards the world.  Do not believe the pretty lies that our enemy and his kingdom provide, for they can only detract from your true potential.  Seek God alone and totally leave the world and its countenances behind.  God loves you so much and He beautifully created you for a specific reason.


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