Saturday, October 24, 2015

Trying God

Trying God


This concept comes naturally for many people who walk this planet.  Some of them knowingly perform this task and others have no clue about human history and the deeds that we have done to enact this truth about our lives towards God.  This process comes to life every day through our minds and hearts yet we fail to recognize each step that we take towards our destruction as we take this direction of path.  However, all is not lost for all we have to do is to stop, turn around and turn our hearts back to God and He is faithful and just to forgive and to restore what we have voluntarily given up to the world.  O the other hand, if we do not turn our hearts back to God, we will see His judgment upon our land sometime in the very near future.

When we were kids we used to find it kind of amusing to test our parents’ word and rules.  I can remember many times where my parents would tell me either to do something or not to do something and while most of the time I did what they wished, I was secretly doing the opposite in my head.  This is a common setting amongst kids and if one is honest with ourselves this thought process occurs in our adulthood as well.  The only difference in this process occurring in our adult life is that the consequences can sometimes be devastating or even fatal.

We have all been taught that killing is not a good thing and that it is one of the most notorious methods of selfishness that a person can demonstrate.  Our focus has been presented on the weapon of choice, the physical one that ends the game as the point of reference when it comes to justice and truth.  But in reality, we are missing the real truth because it is not the weapon that is the origin of the problem it is the human and the actions that he / she takes with the weapon that causes the harm.  The weapon itself cannot do any harm unless the human first takes it upon themselves to use that weapon against others.  This is where we fail miserably in the origins of our problems and it also serves as the point of contact if any true changes are going to be made.

When all human agendas are set aside and all facts are laid bare it is easy to see that it is the human who is at fault here, not the objects.  It does not take too much brain power to figure this out if we are willing enough to see the truth behind the scenes and ignore all of the garbage that others try to employ.  Look at human history, specifically history about human activities and how individuals, societies, and regions react to different hostile situations and when you complete this survey a huge fact will emerge, humans are the point of origin to these acts and to the responding escalations that ensue.

The Bible has wonderful examples that prove this example that I just talked about and it begins in the Garden of Eden.  Once again, God directs me to the beginning of mankind in order to project His plans of restoration and truth and even though the Garden will not serve too much in the way of setting it does play the signature point of the example.  Adam and Eve knew no sin or calamity in their world until they chose to sin and bring that lifestyle into our world.  It was no God’s idea for us to live in this sinful manner, nor was it His idea for us to die.  But as the truth unfolded, Adam and Eve became a part of the world and entered into a life of destruction and death.  And, according to the human progressiveness this now inherited fact can be found all throughout out lives, both in our pasts and in our futures.

As the Bible continues its path in the book of Genesis, it does not take too much reading to come across a passage where it states that God sees nothing but wickedness and evil within the hearts of mankind.  There is nothing good about the human race at all and it is so bad that God even contemplates wiping out the entire presence of humanity, but that act alone would prove God as a liar and this shall never occur so God sorts His thoughts and decides to make a perfect path to restoration.  The climatic change of humanity is about to occur and only a few people will be left to start over again; yet, God gives humanity another chance to redeem itself.  While the Bible is not totally specific about the amount of time that has transpired from the Garden of Eden to the flood of Noah, the amount of time can be estimated.  This should serve as a wake-up call to us today, on all levels.

But the Bible does not end there, it continues onward in its message of hope, trust, redemption, salvation and restoration.  A logical question would be this: why would God have to once again provide this type of action when mankind already knows what will occur if their thoughts, actions, and hearts become totally ill-mannered again?  Why would be dumb enough to jeopardize our lives when we have read what will happen if we fall back into this state of affairs again?  Are we that blind to reality and to the things that history should teach us?

God’s Word goes on and gives countless examples of individuals and nations trying God through their ways and actions and then God having to act accordingly, based upon His laws and means.  The Old Testament Scriptures are filled with these types of examples and if we add the secular history to these biblical historical facts, it becomes clear as to what has occurred in those societies to warrant these actions by God.  It does not matter which book of the Bible you wish to study, one can see that humans are progressing and interpreting God’s ways and laws according to their own wishes, and it is this process that gets us into trouble; through trying God and seeing just how much we can get away with things.

Humans like to believe that they have a fail safe plan in response to their actions and deeds while on earth; see all shall stand before God and take account for their lives.  How many times have we gotten away with some of the things we have done because we have blackmail ideologies over our parents?  It is a common theme in our current society for if a child goes to the bar with their parent then why should those parents get upset when the child gets a DUI or any other result from that condition? The patterns are set into stone when this occurs and it would be logical if that belief is somehow placed into our hearts when it comes to God.  Think about it, has the question of God’s love and His acceptance come into play at any time recently, due to a new fancy human sinful act that has become the societal craze?

It is through this human progression and acceptance of worldly themes that produces this lie of invincibility that infiltrates our hearts so much that it takes our physical and spiritual lives and places our wants first instead of our existence.  It is this arrogance that dictates our beliefs and places our humanness first instead of our origins.  When this occurs we can accept nothing but destruction for the world and all of its kingdom issues are tied up into seeing you destroyed. 

All of what God has shared with us in this article comes down to one point, that we are trying God and His ways.  We have specific knowledge of human history that should show us that we should not be embarking down the current path that we have accepted.  We have repeated examples of what will happen to our societies, our nations, and our individual lives if we continue this course.  We refuse to ask ourselves about the truth towards this path and we refuse to accept the small consequences that have occurred so far as warnings.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking question towards our parents when they give us orders to do something or not to do something.  And if the parent is just and true they will accept these questions as legitimate and answer them respectfully to their child.  I know when I asked questions about their rules mine answered me in this manner; even though my heart was not right at that time it did calm me down a bit and gave me an opportunity to do the right thing.  It is also important for us to remember that it is alright to ask God questions about His rules, laws and ways as well.  We may not agree with some of His answers but it is normal for Him to give a response in His own way so that we understand the entire picture not just through our narrow minded eyesight.

It is not ok to take these questions, answer them ourselves and then proceed to make our own path.  This type of action shall only cause harm to lives, both physically and spiritually.  Even if we stop and take the time to listen to God’s answers and then go our own way, this too can prove to be detrimental.  Any deviation from God’s answers for our lives cannot sort out in a good fashion.  If we have the opportunity to turn our lives around at some point down the road, blessings upon you but for many of those who choose this type of path do not have future options of such.  So why take that huge gamble?  This is a game of so-called “Russian Roulette” or as the title of this article reads “Trying God”.

I wish that I could say that only humans were affected by this title, but since humans make up the Church, I have to declare that the Church has fallen into the same category as the individuals she represents as well.  She has stepped into the world big enough that she now sees nothing wrong with a watered down gospel and many paths to God.  Her embassies are filled with poison and deliver such poison to her servants on a continual manner.  If the representatives of God on earth do not abide by the ways and laws of God why wouldn’t non-believers continue in their worldly ways?

Stop for a moment and take a look at the condition of the world back in the time of Noah.  Think about all of the wickedness that was present in those societies, let your mind run free and hold nothing back while you are imagining these events.  The Bible states that humans had no good thoughts and that everything they did was evil.  Do you believe that those people thought that their actions were evil?  Most probably did not but some may have, it is just the way humans believe things.  Now, think about the societies of today and it will not take too much thinking to understand that the basic concepts of Noah’s days are here today.

The people of Genesis tried God’s heart just as we are trying God’s heart today.  God is a just and faithful God and as long as we keep that truth on the positive side of our lives we have no problem with that biblical fact.  But God wants us to know that His justness and faithfulness lives on all sides of that biblical fact, that God is just to forgive and to provide, but He is just and faithful to enact His judgment over sin as well, in like manner.  I have no idea how many people lost their lives when the earth began to receive all of the water from the heavens, but I can take a guess.  It is recorded that not many people survived that rainstorm and flood and it was not too many. 

The Lord allowed humanity to start over, yet mankind still harbored sin within their lives.  God had to show His love again when He sent His son to the earth to serve as the final sacrifice, a process in which humanity missed the first time around; both Jesus and the act of sacrifice.  Humans decided to try God by accepting human ideas and ways instead of studying the true meaning of sacrifice, restoration and salvation through God’s forgiveness.  We continue this lie today by accomplishing selfish feat after feat without God being the center of our existence.  We also fail to understand that as long as we push God out of our lives and focus upon our own wants and rants, our lives are destined to repeat Noah’s days once again.

As of this moment, there is a bit of time for us to change our hearts and to return to God and His ways.  I have no idea of what is coming nor do I know when God will say “enough” but I do know it is coming.  Everything that I have studied in God’s Word tells me this and since God is not a liar and that He has never apologized fro any act that He has performed, I cannot foresee Him changing now.  Church, you are in dire need of your groom, yet you have NO idea of what He looks like!  Turn your eyes back to God and repent, God is calling for you.  Stop trying God and run back to Him for true restoration and guidance.  I pray that we do not have the opportunity to witness another destruction as Noah, but there is a way to miss this process.


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